Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 201: Chaos world

"Look, this part of the cause and effect must be repaid. Even if Jiang Nalan has already manifested the sacredness, but the curse is shadowless and invisible, and it has concentrated the power of countless people in a world, this one cannot resolve. He has lost money, but he also has incomprehensible grudges with you. In the future, you need to be careful. This person will probably kill you to break the edge of iniquity. "

Xiaodi narrated in an entangled tone, saying Jiang Li was creepy.

There is a lot of pressure in Jiang centrifugation. He is very clear about the reality. Although he is mixed with wind and water, all things must be reduced to ashes for Chen Tianshu, let alone Jiang Nalan? A character like Jiang Nalan is thousands of times stronger than Chen Tianshu. Every thought spans time and space, and he is like a **** and Buddha who knows Qiuhao and stares at himself. What should he do?

"I know what you think. Enemies like Jiang Nalan are terrible, but since they are revenge, there is no way to do it. Moreover, if you lean on the tree now, Wang Chaoxian Sheng also explained that day. Jiang Nalan Vaguely jealous, and he is even more jealous of the majesty of the emperor. Of course, he may now have more important things to do and cannot deal with you, but you must cultivate yourself deeply and make rapid progress. ”Xiaodi analysis There are all kinds of situations that can happen: "The urgent thing is that you immediately promote Changding, and then impact the fetal breath. Once you have become the emperor's fetus, you will have magical powers, breathe and swallow, and perceive the chaos realm. You will be stronger than anyone! "

"Chaos elemental energy?"

Jiang Li heard this term for the first time.

"Approximately, you know the entire universe, divided into many dimensions." Xiaodi looked serious, "In these dimensions, all kinds of energy are hidden, such as heaven and earth aura, such as the sun and moon essence, and of course the sun and moon essence It is a special case. They only exist in a dimensional fragment near the earth's sun and moon. It is like the oil before your world, although it is buried in the ground, but not in any ground. The same is true for the heaven and earth aura. The aura is deeper in the depths. The aura in the dimension near Emperor Star is richer, and the aura in the dimension of the world of the true world is one hundred times that of Emperor Star. These are the energy of the second dimension. We are in the three-dimensional world. This is Based on your scientific explanation, you should understand. "

"I understand." Jiang Li nodded. Although the science of the dimension is esoteric, it has been thoroughly studied by scientists for a long time, and the theoretical knowledge is already very rich.

"I do n’t know how many dimensions there are in the entire universe, but most of the dimensions are very dull. There is basically no energy, just a void and no materials, but some dimensions are rich in energy and can be used as human food. The level of civilization in the entire universe depends mainly on what kind of energy you use. In the second dimension, there is rich aura, but the aura is not a high-level energy. In deeper dimensions and chaotic dimensions, there is a higher level of energy. Energy is called 'xianqi' in the world of cultivating. "Xiaodi said that there is a sense of wisdom, not like a joke.

"Immortal?" Jiang Lixuan laughed. "Is there still the immortality of the gods? How can you hear it like a fairy-tale novel? Ordinary people practice it, and then become immortals after they become immortals."

"This is just a high-level division of energy." Xiaodi disapproved. "It's like in ancient society, at first people used wood burning as energy, then they used coal, oil, and then they started to use nuclear energy. This energy started to be advanced step by step. , Civilization has also been promoted. Of course, you can call the heaven and earth aura as the first martial energy, the fairy as the middle martial energy, and so on. "

"That's fine, I think the weather aura and fairy are a bit better." Jiang Li smiled and said, "Is the chaos world you said a higher dimension of energy storage?"

"Yes, the chaos world is a mysterious and great dimension. It is more advanced, more elusive, more ethereal, and more difficult to penetrate than the one in which Xianqi is located." Xiaodi is remembering the past, like a huge light brain search The stored information: "Actually, the black cat said it well. The seal of the emperor of the soul is not important. What is important is that this martial art is the key and the key of the world behind the communication. If you have nine seals and the mind is united, then You can sense deeper clues, but you still can't get the world password. To open the portal of the chaos world, there is still no key. "

"This key is the Great Emperor's Relic?" Jiang Li immediately knew from the chest: "That is, I have fully trained Jiuyin. With the Great Emperor's Relic, I can sense the realm of chaos and absorb energy from it that is infinitely higher than the heaven and earth aura. As food, is it countless times more powerful than ordinary monks? "

"This is the theory, but the actual operation is very difficult. If you do this, the gap with ordinary monks will widen." Xiaodi tried to explain with the scientific knowledge of the earth, "It is like an ordinary person You are still using slash-and-burn, to burn wood for heating. You have used nuclear energy. No, it is more advanced than nuclear energy. It is the energy for wormholes to jump. How big is the difference? "

"This is simply invincible."

Jiang Li thinks about it, as if he drove back to ancient times with a starry sky ship, wasn't that sweeping any dynasty?

"Originally, it was impossible for you to comprehend the passwords of the heavens and the earth and to communicate with the chaos world. But now it is different. You get adventures, and your spiritual strength has skyrocketed. Especially in your spiritual strength, there is the power of the Emperor's might and Jiang Nalan's manifestation. Among them, both are invincible beings that can break through many dimensions. Together with the great relic, there is a 1 in 10,000 possibility to open the chaos world and draw that kind of high-level energy. As long as it absorbs a little, even a little, your vitality, body Can destroy any mech and warship! "

Little Emperor fluttered with excitement.

"I still need 1 in 10,000 conditions like this?" Jiang Li was taken aback: "Isn't anyone else more hopeless?"

"Save it." Xiaodi said: "Others are more helpless. You can absorb the heaven and earth aura now. It is a big step ahead of ordinary people, but all this has to wait for you to understand the fetus. Let ’s talk about condensing the fetus. It ’s too early to open the chaos world. Therefore, it is fundamental to honestly absorb the heaven and earth aura. Remember, the great relic is only an auxiliary thing for communication. Enemy, deal with the enemy. It all depends on your own means. "

"I know this." Jiang Li knew in this battle with Jiangxian that the emperor's relic was not a combat item. He cast stones to kill the enemy himself, and was actually blocked by the God King's curse.

"By the way, you can now learn all the extinctions of the Great Seal, except the Dream Seal, the four seals of heaven, earth, people, and heart. You can learn all. How, do you want to learn now?" Xiaodi suddenly remembered one thing.

"No, my body is extremely weak now, and the four seals of water, fire, wind and thunder are not complete. I may not be able to bear it if I study the other ones." Jiang Li knows his state, "I ’ll go back and practice a lot, take my time, and improve my vitality. . "

"I agree with you that your vitality is really weak now."

Xiaodi observed for a moment: "Anyway, you can learn at any time. I think your current state, it is best to be at a vitality of 7, and the body can learn when the Sonic Mecha can compete."

After a while of discussion, the battleship suddenly shook.

Go to Emperor Star again.

Everyone came down from the emperor star one after another, Wang Rulai looked at the light brain chip: "Jiang Li, leave now, I will upgrade the battleship, and when the battleship is upgraded, I will inform you by email, we will gather at Heilongtan. And Ah, your vitality is too weak now. You will definitely die if you go to Heilongtan, and you should quickly improve your vitality. "

"Well, let's go our separate ways and wait for you to upgrade the battleship before you contact." Jiang Li also got off the battleship and felt that the Emperor Star was not working as well as he did before. He turned around, "Luo Han, Xueling, you also Go to practice? "

"We have plundered a lot of the wealth of the Jiang family this time. If we want to turn it into strength, we will also go back to buy training items to enhance our strength and upgrade our warships." Luo Han smiled lightly. "You cultivate with peace of mind and restore vitality as soon as possible, we will Pay attention to the situation over the Chidi Group. "

They and Lei Zhengji Qingwu danced in pairs of two teams, and they had a lot of things to do after returning.

"Well, see you later." Jiang Li nodded.

Luo Han smiled and nodded, and didn't talk anymore, turned around and Xueling and others headed for the Starry Sky University Base.

"Jiang Li, I will miss your uncle." Xue Ling turned her head back suddenly, raised her hand to her lips, and gave Jiang Li an air kiss, smiling brightly.

Jiang Li laughed and officially broke up with several people.

He did not return to the Star University base, but put the cats such as Dahei outside: "Dahei, your current cultivation is very simple. It is to keep killing, killing, and transforming the potential of life. With your strength, It is also a generation of great monsters on Emperor Star. Flight changes and omnipotence. I believe that a good force can be established. "

"Hahaha, Emperor Star, it really is a good place, the world is big, let me run gallop ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Dahei slowly stretched out his body, and suddenly the surrounding air flow was violent, like the tiger was born, the killing air shook the world : "There are too few resources on the planet. A random herb on Emperor Star can nourish us. By the way, you pass some information from Emperor Star to my light brain, so I can look for medicinal herbs. , Refining elixir and other things, to improve the face of the Overlord Dameng. "

"No problem, by the way, you can't go to the area where the Thunder beast is now." Jiang Li warned: "The strength of the Thunder beast is far beyond you, and you will be in danger if you go."

"I know the size, Jiang Li, you will quickly improve your vitality. We will contact you after a while, and then you will see a brand new me." After getting all the information, Dahei suddenly flew up, an energy sword light took the flower Face tyrants wrapped them up and disappeared without a trace when the air shook. The speed was even faster than that of the great relic.

You know, its vitality is 20, and it starts to unite the sword body and surrender to the evil spirits, even the masters in the state of breath can't help it.

"A dragon entered the sea." Jiang Li watched Dahei disappear, and sighed secretly: "I don't know what Dahei will grow to? Really looking forward to it, there are so many precious treasures on Emperor Star, it is it It ’s a great land. And with black pointers, Flower King will grow quickly. "

Jiang Li took a deep breath, gathered his mind, turned around, and walked into the university base.

At the same time, he sent an e-mail to Hong Hei prison explaining in detail the revenge against the Jiang family.


As soon as he returned to his room, Hongheil appeared. At first sight, he looked furious and growled, "Jiang Li, what's the matter with you? It doesn't matter if the vitality does not increase at all, it actually decreases. The Feijian, which was obtained after a lot of hard work, was also given to others, and you are simply mad at me! "