Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 209: 1 definitely got

"The contention for the veins is a trivial matter. It is the key to killing people and killing your mouth." Jiang Li was relieved, Hong Heihe came, and the master and apprentice were united. And human law, I do n’t care about you, and I leave immediately. This vein was discovered by me first. "

"You! Damn it!"

Ou Lang could not wait to kill Jiang Li immediately.

Jiang Li was very weak just now, but after shaking up with his mentor, he immediately trembled, which made Oulang regret why he didn't destroy the person just now.

"These people surround you here, all wanting to compete for the Lingxuan?" Hong Heilin's mind wavering passed over.

"They found spirit caves and veins, but I first mined. Two hundred kilograms of spirit stones and some attribute stones have been excavated. These people were discovered before they had time to take them. This time I made a lot, but this vein He Lingxue must not give up. If the instructor obtains it, there will be a lot of wealth to upgrade the battleship and prepare for the coming calamity. "Jiang Lidao:" I explored a bit, and at least there are thousands of pounds, even thousands of The spirit stone of catties, of course, maybe there are some good things that I haven't found. "

"This vein is indeed very large, and it is likely to be more than thousands of kilograms of spirits. I also took a look at the archipelago here. The geological age is extremely long. If this archipelago is transformed, it can be transformed into an excellent one. The base is a natural feng shui treasure land. I can also use technology to make this place a land of joy, especially this storm canyon. The storm is violent. It is a natural kinetic furnace. If the wind energy here is used, how much can it produce? effect?"

What Hong Heiyuan sees is the overall environment.

Jiang Li was also stunned. He didn't expect so much, he only cared about the spirit stone. Now after a reminder from Hongheil, I found that the storm canyon here is wealth.

This gorge is tens of kilometers long. The wind is rolling through the hall, and the airflow can even tear the Sonic Mech. What a huge energy? If you build an energy furnace here, how much energy is it?

Wind is a kind of energy. As early as two hundred years ago in the national era, wind could be used to generate electricity, and electrical energy can be converted into various kinds of energy.

Until now, it was basically nuclear energy, and even higher-level space wormholes distorted energy, and humans could already compress the energy into energy blocks. Wind energy has been eliminated because it is unstable, weak, and difficult to manipulate. But the energy of this storm canyon is quite different. Even the tornado ’s torn wind energy is stable at all times. It is indeed a good place to build stable energy. This huge energy has surpassed nuclear energy. A gift of nature.

At least, even small nuclear bullets can only tear low-armed mechs, and they can't do anything about Zhongwu Sonic mechs.

"Teacher, no matter what, we have eaten this place. Others don't expect it." Jiang Li had this thought long ago.

"Let's go, I don't want to leave a reputation for bullying." Hong Heil waved.

"Hong Heil, you're too domineering." Suddenly, the sound of the roaring battleship was transmitted again in the deep sky, and four more battleships appeared before him.

All four battleships have surpassed the Star Dragon and are of the "Star King" class.

Battleship levels are divided into "star fish", "star dragon", "star king", "star emperor" and "star god".

At the "Star King" level, you can jump in the void and fold the wormhole. However, to wormhole jump, you need to establish a base, establish coordinate points in both places, and then use the energy of the base to expand the wormhole on a large scale. So far, these are government actions, and it is impossible for individuals to achieve this goal.

As for the "star emperor" and "star god", they are wormhole bases that can carry themselves in the vast universe, and can even stay in the universe for decades. Support is a system, which is the defense of human beings against irresistible enemies , "Noah's Ark" created by the great human migration in the universe.

Hong Heilin actually wanted to upgrade his battleship to Star Emperor. His battleship was also Star King, but it was not an ordinary Star King, but a Star King that had gone through several upgrades and almost reached the apex.

"A master in the realm of birth rate, the mentor of the four teams?"

Hong Hei prison looked at the four Starships appearing in the sky, and immediately knew that they were the mentors of the four squads. Breath is heavy, and mind is breath, and he is God's breath. No amount of people could stop him from gaining the determination of this archipelago.

The four Star King battleships are lined up together, the energy is connected to each other, and a substantial wave of fluctuations radiates, accompanied by the slowly falling four figures.

Four figures, four mentors.

The four strongest in the state of breath, they are all high figures, but there is a temptation of a vein, no one can bear it.

Glory Squad, Hengshan Squad, Longhua Squad, and Bright Squad. They are all in the top one-thousand squads, all of which are powerful. The captains are similar to Wang Rulai. Even if they exceed, only the realm of breath can teach them.

Four birth rate instructors, two white and two yellow.

"Odin's Weidu, Hengshan Nine Cuts, Gu Pengfei, and Kishun Raf." Honghei prison shot at four people: "Are you doing something for your disciples? Do you want to rob this geomantic treasure?"

"No no no ..." A tall white mentor stepped out and was the mentor of the Glory Team, Odinsdo. He did not wear armor, it was a white robe, like a priest, with a cross on his chest, and he believed in ancient Christ. The whole person walked at will, as if there was a halo in the back of the head shaking constantly, illuminating the future.

This light gives people confidence and radiates people's hearts, and makes people believe.

"Light of faith?" Jiang Li saw that it was some Christianity's trick. He poured energy into his energy, and then poured it into a holy light. Everyone who was spilled on would have faith in Christianity.

This is called holy light, but it is actually a means to seduce people.

Therefore, the human government explicitly prohibits preaching by temptation.

However, many people in Christianity are at the top of the human elite and are pushing legislation to allow Christian missionaries to use the Holy Light to preach. If this law is implemented, I am afraid that the entire human race will become a Christian world.

"Hongheil, this mineral vein, the archipelago were discovered by our students first. We have drawn pictures here long ago." Oding Wei secretly surrounded Jiang Li and Honghei prison, and he would always look like it at any time.

"Then why can't you find it on the map of Xingkong University?" Jiang Li unfolded the chip and recorded it all: "Xingkong University stipulated that when new maps and new spiritual caves are discovered, they must be recorded first and transmitted to the official website. I was able to represent you first. Sorry, I just uploaded the map here. "

Xingkong University stipulates that when you discover a place and upload a map to the official website, you are the first to discover that if you start a lawsuit in the future, you can occupy a great deal of money.

The place here may have been discovered by a team of four, but they could not upload this thing to the official website, and even the instructor could not tell, maybe they could not stand it when they saw Hong Heil, so they informed their mentor.

"Good boy, this trick can be said to have broken the boat and won the upper hand." Hong Heiyi Yixi, although he is strong, but Star University is a world of rules, although he is a vice president, he can not kill and kill. Gathering, it is still difficult to **** this treasure of Feng Shui.

Jiang Li now controls the situation first-hand, and later competes for this treasure land to get the first move.

"You are Jiang Li."

A yellow man came out and Gu Pengfei came out. His eyes were like a knife, and he assassinated fiercely: "You have a good hand, Honghei prison has accepted a good student, I know about your student's strength. I was born in the Jiang family The blood, which belongs to the Sun and Moon group, is the same family as the sage Nalan, but has returned from the family, slashing and killing the family members. With a few uncles and uncles, the power of the Jiang family at Xingkong University will never let you go. You dare to make enemies on all sides here? "

Hearing this, Jiang Li knew that some things on the black market had spread. UU Reading Book www.uukanshu.com

After all, the black market is too dynamic, the base of Sun Moon Group changed hands, and the establishment of Chidi Group began to sell a large variety of goods, which has a lot of fluctuations on the global market, which has caused the global stock market to surge.

It has a subtle effect on the entire human economy and will naturally be noticed.

"Teacher Gu Pengfei, I do n’t know and have n’t heard of everything you said. What exactly is the earth's black market?" Jiang Lizhuang was confused. "Now we are discussing the ownership of this archipelago. Since I discovered it first, , Also posted on the official website, has been recognized by the law, I have limited development rights, you can retire. "

"Withdrawing or not retreating is not the turn of your little person." Gu Pengfei didn't look at Jiang Li, but turned to look at Hong Heiyu: "Hong Heiyu, how do you say, such a large vein and geomantic treasure, you You ca n’t eat it alone, there are many spirit caves here, which are most suitable for building bases and practice. Do you want to eat them all? This storm gorge has sufficient wind energy. After setting up the instruments, collecting this wind energy every day can build an energy factory and produce A large number of energy blocks. In addition, the island here has built a large factory that can absorb the energy of the stars every night. This is also a small energy manufacturing factory. Hey, this capacity, even if it is an energy block, is about every year Both are hundreds of billions of capital. This is still a conservative estimate. If you build a lot here and transform the terrain again, the time and the place will be more crowded, and the production capacity will increase a lot. Do you want to monopolize? "

Jiang Li heard it clearly. The base to build a base here has a production capacity of at least 100 billion yuan a year, and it is continuously generated. No cost, after installing an energy furnace, it absorbs wind and star energy, creates energy blocks, and outputs a large amount.

Don't even manage it.

Just buy a lot of robots to operate.