Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 212: Body of the great

"Teacher, your architecture is also very good. How can the Feng Shui pattern work like this?"

Jiang Liduan sat into the depths of the pyramid and felt that a mysterious force seemed to increase his spiritual fluctuations, and his spirit was more likely to penetrate the space and pull the heaven and earth aura.

"The Feng Shui pattern is always in life at all times. What is Feng Shui? It is the natural connection between people and the universe. In fact, when you get up in the morning, you face the east and face the sun. This is also Feng Shui. What is the union of heaven and man? I felt the universe instantly, adjusted my position, and completely fluctuated with the frequency of the universe. "Hong Heiyu continued to build. He transported several robots from the battleship, and built some strange buildings here, like altars, and pyramids. Hanging up: "Energy will change all the time between heaven and earth, and the mood and flesh of people will resonate with the change of energy. Mastering this rhythm will master the mystery of the unity of heaven and man, and the human body. In fact, it is also an architecture. The Feng Shui knowledge of architecture can be applied to the human body, such as this pyramid. Do you think you have learned something from it? "

Hong Heiyu suddenly raised a question. He was testing Jiang Li's perception.

Jiang Li thought for a moment, and suddenly a flash of aura, the whole person made an action, like martial arts and non-martial arts, like India and India.

His body movements are actually similar to pyramids.

Hum ...

When he made this action, the human body was a small pyramid that blended with the surrounding air field, invisible energy waves, and radiated like sound waves, forming a congenital qi-like existence.

At this moment, Jiang Li knew why Wang Rulai's "Kingdom of King Kong" could be used as a Vajra enchantment.

Because he communicates martial arts with feng shui, adjusts his relationship with heaven and earth at all times, and uses martial arts, strong vitality to cooperate with various actions, the surrounding air flow is sometimes manipulated by him as soft as water, and sometimes as a diamond air hood. From time to time, like a sword and a big axe.

This is a great martial art that can compete with supernatural powers.

Jiang Li ’s Great Emperor India certainly has this ability, but he is still unable to exert it. Now he was explained by Hong Heilian about the mystery of “feng shui” and martial arts, and his heart suddenly opened up.

After a while, the robot set up an altar with a height of tens of square meters and a height of seven or eight meters. A pyramid of spiritual stones was stacked on top of the altar.

Jiang Li sat cross-legged in the pyramid, watching how Hongheil sacrificed and evolved.

Hong Heilian also looked excited: "I recently practiced the Four Seals of the Great Emperor, gathered water, fire, and wind and thunder, and learned about the Fengshui Avenue, and the various changes in the unity of heaven and man. The body has become the strongest body ever! Let me see how your body begins to change. This genetic change is very valuable for scientific research. I can learn a lot from it and I will condense myself in the future. Become the body of the emperor. "

"Teacher, you can also become the body of the great emperor?" Jiang Li was shocked and said quickly: "These energies will better condense for you, and my combat power will not improve much after I condense."

"No, no, no, you cultivated as a low grade. This time you gave up the Seven Killing Swords, the vitality dropped, but you were blessed because of disaster. You can cultivate a stronger Emperor's body. It can be said that it is invincible, and the world is invincible." Hong Hei prison quickly shook his head. , I do n’t agree with it: “I ’m stereotyped. The practice of Shifang Hell ’s body is great. It ’s extremely difficult to abandon it. It ’s very dangerous. It ’s not your plasticity. And these energies are not enough to support me to transform the body of the emperor. , The harder it is to transform. But this time with the successful cultivation of your body, I can accumulate a lot of experience and make enough preparations to transform the body of the emperor in the future. "

Hong Heil took a deep breath: "Jiang Li, let's start now, I'm watching you by the side."

"Okay, I'm dreaming."

The emperor's relic had been swallowed by Jiang Li. As soon as he was instructed by Hong Heil, he immediately began to communicate with the emperor.

"Little emperor, I'm about to condense the body of the emperor, do you have any pointers?" In the dream, the emperor in white clothes appeared again. His face was full of surprises, and his eyes were full of eyes, apparently Jiang Li's strength The stronger he is, the more likely he will be liberated in the future.

"I didn't expect you to be so fast, it's really gratifying." The emperor smiled and congratulated, and then rehearsed the four marks of the fire, fire and thunder, explaining: "The nine seals of the emperor, the water and fire and thunder forged the body, and built the body of the emperor. Printing and training the holy fetus to become the fetus of the emperor, once you have become the body of the emperor, then the practice of the fetus of the next emperor will be much simpler, one by one, step by step, you must remember that the body of the emperor is like this Condensed. Control the body with the heart, peek inside everything, between the cell respiration, improve the nature of the gene, oppress the energy with a strong mind, and fuse with the blood to make your own blood energy, cell crystallization, crystal spatialization, space **** kingdom Into. "

A series of scriptures spit out from the mouth of the young emperor. It was his own experience of practicing the body of the emperor.

Outside, Jiang Li's eyes were closed tightly. On the surface, he seemed to have dreamed, but his hands made various fingerprints. At this time, Honghei prison began to use the power of the spirit stone, and at the same time, the sacrificial fetus that was returned to the gentleman, the blazing flames began to burn.

"Shifang Hellfire, energy fusion!"

He urged the supernatural power, the huge flame boiled around, and immediately, the holy fetus began to melt, turning into many blue liquids and merging with those spirit stones.


Spirit stones also began to burn.

The flame is pure and transparent, and can burn everything. This is the "spiritual fire" produced by the fierce burning of spirit stones. According to rumors, this flame can destroy ghosts and gods.

These flames turned into many silk threads and penetrated deep into the pores of Jiang Lixueqiao. At once, Jiang Li's whole body began to burn. The whole person looked like a fireman, but his expression was indifferent and painless, but it showed the meaning of rebirth.

The spirits of fire, thunder, wind, and water turned into energy flames, and began to temper his body and change his physical form.

Jiang Libao was solemn, and he made all kinds of movements. Each movement was natural, combined with feng shui. There was almost a sense of unity between heaven and man. This feeling manipulated his body to move unconsciously, and his whole body seemed to be burned with mud. Ceramics gradually ooze out a crystalline gloss.


Hong Hei prison has been observing changes, and even the instruments on the sky battleship are recording Jiang Li's life characteristics and analyzing his whole body data.

The majestic energy kept flowing into Jiang Li's body, and Hong Hei prison was watching closely all the time. He found that Jiang Li's whole body gradually became transparent, and finally it was like a sculpture carved from crystal, crystal clear. Taking a closer look, many cells in Jiang Li's body have become crystals, seemingly one by one, arranged and combined with each other, tightly compressed to form an elemental pattern and crystal.

It's like carbon is arranged into diamonds.

Jiang Li's original body was graphite and charcoal, but under the compression of powerful energy, he began to transform into diamonds.

"The strong changes are all based on the spiritual will to oppress the energy, inject cells, and produce incredible changes. Of course, if ordinary people are transported this way, the whole body will burn into breath, but Jiang Li's cells have undergone many transformations, and even have The space power is in it, and it has absorbed the Qi of the Seven Killing Swords and got exercise. Each cell is as tough as King Kong. Now injecting energy to transform and arrange each other is equivalent to transforming the whole body once. This is true. Reborn. "Hong Heil sighed in admiration.

Click, click ...

Jiang Li's body is constantly absorbing energy and strengthening cells. His body emits a lot of black smoke. This is some of the impurities in the original body, which were all forced out.

His body began to crystallize a lot, and the cells fused with the cells and squeezed each other. The entire human body began to shrink, from 1.19 inches to 1.5 meters, 1.4 meters, 1.2 meters, and finally almost the same. To be the size of a baby is like a dry corpse that has weathered for thousands of years, condensed into a mass.

This is the fusion of cells and cells, the impurities are refined, and the body shrinks. The next step is to grow, absorb energy, and convert it into pure flesh, which is a hundred times more advanced than basic meat.

Sure enough, at this time, the holy fetus of the gentleman came in handy. The holy fetus itself was a combination of energy and flesh. After thousands of trials and hardships, it was calcined many times, and finally turned into something flesh and energy.

The holy fetus injected into Jiang Li's body can make the body of the emperor get energy to transform.

Of course, although the energy of the gentleman of the gentleman is strong, he still needs to be tempered with water, fire, wind and thunder before he can be converted into the flesh and blood of the emperor.

It was impossible for Jiang Li to become the emperor's body, unless it took decades to hone the emperor's flesh and blood, and finally transform.

But now stealing the results of the gentleman ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ is directly equivalent to practicing less for decades. In the words of martial arts novels, it is a legacy of decades of skill.


Under the injection of this energy, Jiang Li's body began to grow again, changing from an infant to a primary school student, a middle school student, and a high school student. Finally restored to the original appearance.

With the injection of energy, his body also began to sparkle crystals, the light was hidden, and finally brilliant returned to ordinary.

At this time, all the spirit stones have been burned, and all the attribute spirit stones have disappeared. At the same time, the holy fetus of the gentleman has disappeared without a trace.

Everything was quiet, and only the warship in the air flood and black jail made a cold voice: "Scan, scan, vitality 7! Variants, tight cells, and great improvement in physical fitness ..."

"Is my vitality at 7?" Jiang Li jumped and fell gently on a large stone. Two footprints appeared on the solid stone surface, like tofu under his feet.

"It's a pity ..." Hong Heiyu shook his head: "The energy is still not enough. I underestimated the body of the emperor. You have only condensed one third of the body of the emperor. It is not perfect, and it is not a little Chengdu. If you want to condense again, unless you find more water, fire, wind, thunder, and four attribute spirit stones, and then use ordinary spirit stones to build the altar, or you will work hard day and night to absorb elements and spirit stones, transform your body bit by bit. . "

"My realm is still not fixed." Jiang Li carefully observed his heart and knew everything about himself.

"It's normal, because the body of the emperor has not yet been completed, but I think that with your vitality, the constant state should not be far away." Hong Hei prison stood on his hands, looking into the distance, and said, "Maybe tomorrow, maybe The day after tomorrow, you may be promoted at any time. Don't worry, take your time, the longer you accumulate, the stronger the power will eventually burst. "