Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 26: injection

This is Jiang Li's second encounter with hypnosis.

The first time was "Magic Fox" and almost killed him.

If it weren't for the "Ivory Stone", then he would definitely end in tragedy. Fortunately, he was blessed by misfortune, but was opened up by the spiritual power of "Magic Fox" and learned a trick called "The Great Seal of the Soul".

This time, he encountered hypnosis again.

He is not a gimmick of the day. When encountering hypnosis, his instinct was stunned, his mind flickered, his brain cells grew, his whole body blew, his head buzzed, and his eyes brushed with a blast .

"Hypnosis me?"

Jiang Li wakes up awake, eyes bright.

"Good spiritual practice."

The middle-aged senior executive did not succeed in hypnosis, and his eyes flashed a slight difference: "It seems that the brothers have also practiced hypnosis? Very few people can resist my hypnosis."

This person is definitely a junior hypnotist, and his vitality may be 0.9.

"It turned out to be a temptation." Although Jiang Li was upset, this was the other party's territory, and there was absolutely no benefit to flying.

He knew that if he couldn't resist the other person's hypnosis, any secret would be revealed.

"I don't know what the purpose of this gentleman is to test me?" Jiang Li said indifferently.

"Don't get me wrong." Middle-aged executives quickly laughed: "Brothers have such a strong spiritual practice, I wonder if there is any interest in making money? Our security group recruits hypnotists."

"Recruit the hypnotist?"

Jiang Li came to this black market. The first is to buy super protein to enhance his strength. The second is to see if there is any opportunity to make money.

"How much is a month? How does it work?" He asked about treatment first.

"The treatment depends on your own strength." Middle-aged and high-ranking channels: "I have a high surname and a forbearable name. What is your name, sir?"

"Jiang Huo." Jiang Li naturally did not use his own name.

However, Li means fire.

He coined the name.

"If you don't mind, how can Mr. Jiang show his strength?" Gao Ren snapped his fingers, Jiang Li's attention was suddenly attracted by the fingers, and the other party was performing hypnotism.

One action, one word at random, one voice, are all hypnotizing. If Jiang Li is not proficient in hypnosis, he will also be confused.

"I don't have much strength, so I don't need to show it." Jiang Li waved his hand, and refused.

However, when he waved his hand, his hand was shaking gently, like a small sky hanging out, bringing out the afterimage, and attracting people's attention.


The pretty waitress fell down on the spot, soft, and slept on the ground.

Gao Ren also felt confused, his face suddenly changed, and he suddenly yelled, "Stop!"

This roar shook some crystal glass cabinets.

Jiang Li stop!

He is also very cunning. He just said that he would not show hypnotic skills. In fact, he was deceiving people. When he was talking, he concentrated all his energy, brain spirit and fingerprints, which caused a strong infection.

The hypnotist must seize every opportunity to make the person being hypnotized beyond defense.

Otherwise, if you tell the other party to hypnotize now, then the other party will have a resistance in the heart and it will be difficult to succeed.

Jiang Li was studying hypnosis on the Internet, and he saw countless video teachings at a glance and ten lines. The most classic video screen is that a hypnotist can hypnotize a person who has psychological conflicts.

The last hypnotist said I was tired and had a glass of water.

The man believed it and watched the hypnotist pouring water.

As a result, this is the action of pouring water. The water flow is thin and long, and a line and a cup are drawn to impact. The person looks dull and is hypnotized.

Deceiving first, making the other party invincible and disarming the defense, is the most important means for the hypnotist.


Gao Ren looked at the waitress lying on the ground, but she was still asleep, but did not wake up under his roar. In fact, he used the sound of a lion's roar, which can awaken people's consciousness, and when the head was drinking, the other party was immediately awake.

"Rewarded." Jiang Li smiled on his face. "I don't know how I use this hypnotism?"

"Your state is already the level of a junior hypnotist." Gao Ren seems to have discovered the new continent. "Brother, I think you can sign a contract with our security group and become a signed hypnotist."

"I'm interested to contact you." Jiang Li doesn't want to entangle with Gao Ren now. He wants to go back and inject super protein as soon as possible to strengthen his strength.

"Okay, brother, this is my card. Contact me directly for anything in the future." Gao Ren handed in a card.

Jiang Li took it, closed it, and turned to leave.

After he left, Gao Niu took out a silver needle and pierced the waitress's brain deeply. He stimulated with acupuncture for a while before the waitress woke up.

"Mr. Gao, this person's hypnotism is very good." After the waitress came to awake, she was still worried.

"It's really good, I almost missed his way. Our group is in need of such talents, I hope this person can contact me in the future." Gao Ren said.

"Would you like to investigate this person?" The waitress said quickly.

"No, our rules are that no matter who the customer is, we can't ask questions." Gao Ren shook his head: "If you break this rule, you will lose a lot of big customers. When we investigate the above, we will not be able to walk around. "

"Yes!" The waitress was startled.

"I think this person will come to me ..." Gao Ren said, "He seems to be short of money."

Out of the "security building" Jiang Li felt that many eyes seemed to stare at himself, like sheep surrounded by wolves. He knew that some members of the gang were squatting at the entrance of the "security building" to see who came out, and they were ready to rob.

There have been such posts online.

Some members of the company went to the black market to purchase banned drugs. After the purchase, they were robbed.

However, Jiang Li was ready, and suddenly his body flashed. He broke into an alley a few times, and saw a big man around him. He knocked down these gangsters with three punches and two feet, and ran, throwing away the chasing people, and quickly shuttle After arriving in an abandoned building, it was quiet.

He researched the escape route online.

Many of the abandoned buildings in Xuhua City are unpopulated and left over a century ago. They are suitable for hiding.

He is going to get an injection here.

Because super protein is a drug ban, bringing it back is a crime. Once found, it will be imprisoned. Of course, some people who sell banned drugs have channels to take to other cities, but Jiangli does not have this channel, even trains. Can't get on.

The inspection on the train from Xuhuacheng to Xinghuacheng is very strict.

The train is another world.

Therefore, his only solution was to give injections in the market town.

"Check if this drug is real? Don't buy fake drugs, you will lose money. I think that the security group is very large on the Internet, so you won't use fake drugs to deceive others, and the black market has a good reputation." Take the sapphire potion and watch carefully.

He carefully squeezed out a little bit, then took a photo with a computer and used a network microscope to give a preliminary investigation.

With the development of science and technology, as long as you have a light brain chip, you can replace many things. The photos taken by the light brain can even be uploaded to the Internet for scientific analysis. There is a special kind of website that only charges a small fee. Of course, it cannot be used for scientific research, but it is still possible to distinguish between true and false.

After a while, the molecular structure appeared on the Internet, as well as true and false recognition. The super protein was real.

"I hope it can be absorbed perfectly this time." After thinking for a while, thoroughly understanding the function of the super protein medicine, he started to inject when he was completely calmed down.


Stuck it down!

Watching that tube of fluid slowly pushed into the vein, Jiang Li almost immediately felt that he had jumped into the crater and his heart beat ten times faster! Alas, the drums are general, the blood veins are stretched, the body is almost thick, and the blur is realized. It seems that there is a hotness in the body to burst out.

He wanted to shred anything in front of him.

"Calm down, calm down ..." Immediately, he knew how violent the medicine was. No wonder ordinary people couldn't use it. He tried his best to calm himself, keep his heart calm, his blood was soothing, and his body was out of control move.

The power of super protein is too violent!

How can you not calm down and be dozens of times stronger than any stimulant!

After the injection, the blood veins exploded. Jiang Li felt that his heart was about to explode and his blood vessels were about to explode. There seemed to be something in his head that exploded and buzzed.

He immediately went into deep sleep.

Sure enough, every cell was cheering like life, finally eating a full meal.

The injection of a tube of super protein caused Jiangli to have a reborn change.

First of all, his body shape gradually began to be perfected, and the whole person seemed to be a skin. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu. com breathed. With each breath, there is a large amount of air jets, and the whole person feels like a super jet sports car.

No matter who he is, he feels like Superman.

It is rumored that in the national era two hundred years ago, there were super martial arts masters who practiced breathing at the seaside and could blow all the waves back. Jiang Li always thought it was a rumor, but judging by his current physical condition, I think it is really possible.

In this way, the powerful drug power of the super protein agent is completely dissolved in the cell, and at the same time, his life potential is optimized and transformed.

The peristalsis of cells began to change the function of Jiang Li's whole body.

The cells in his whole body seemed to be stingy, eating the super protein, each cell cheering and becoming strong, especially the brain cells, between the frantic movement, making his eyebrows seem to condense.

In the past few hours, he woke up, exhaled a little, only felt full of energy, and all the injuries caused by the previous birth rate were made up.

This is an intuition, because Jiang Li "internally inspects" his entire body and finds that various organs do not have a strong taste of external strength and medium dryness.

In the past, although he knew that he was strong, the deep-seated and dry-smelling taste deep in his heart was lingering. This obviously means that the potential of life is impaired and it will not last long.

Now it finally starts to recover.

However, Jiang Li does not dare to try to give birth now. The realm of this thing is definitely not what he can afford now. The King has spoilers? Official frequency is waiting for you! The preview of the chapter of "Holy King" is refreshed at any time, and more gods come in person. More exciting content, enter QT voice in QT Dream into the official channel of God Machine