Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 32: Martial arts master system

One morning exams passed one after another, some people were happy and some were worried.

Everyone even eats in the school cafeteria, it seems very heavy, because there are more important exams waiting in the afternoon, and the fitness test is the top priority.

In the examination two hundred years ago, students only looked at the test scores, but now they are completely reversed. Because of his strong physique, he can do all kinds of things. People with poor physiques can not even perform interstellar navigation.

"Jiang Li, how are you doing this exam?"

In the cafeteria, the dead party Guo Meng came up to ask while eating. At this time, Jiang Li was drinking the nutrient solution, and the dead party enviously said, "You are extravagant enough to drink the green **** nutrient solution! One thousand stars and one tube, are you rich?"

"Come on, you can come here, add some energy, take a good test in the afternoon." Jiang Li gave the dead party a tube.

Guo Meng firmly grasped, can not believe: "Really give me?"

"I still lie to you?" Jiang Li shook his head: "Hurry up and drink."

"Don't be fake?" Guo Meng opened it quickly, and couldn't wait to drink it in one breath, and suddenly glowed: "It really is a luxury product, and my physical sensations have improved a lot."

"This is an illusion. It takes a long time to take this kind of bio-nutrition medicine, and you can't wash out impurities in the body by insisting on exercise." Jiang Li smiled: "Yes, are you ready for the physical examination in the afternoon?"

"Let the fate go, there should be no hope for Xingkong University anyway?" Guo Meng pursed his mouth: "I'm the kind of backed-up goods, for the purpose of supporting people. Now you look fierce, you must fight this time Good results! Don't forget your brother after you are developed. "

"No problem, who is my Jiang Li, you don't know?" Jiang Li patted the dead party's shoulder.

"Good luck, brother." After a few words, the dead party Guo Meng left in a hurry, hurry up, adjust his mood and prepare for the exam.

Jiang Li is calm because he knows his strength.

The two-hour break quickly passed.

At the time of the test, Jiang Li followed the classmates who took the test into a large stadium with a total area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters. One of them was a machine that could test various physical data, including running, boxing, and kicking. hit………


A candidate in front of Jiang Li arrived on the machine, and after an order, he began to sprint violently, one second, two seconds ......... The distance of 100 meters took 8 seconds to run.

He rested for a while, started punching, hitting a hundred punches in a row, sweating like rain, and finally showing an average figure on the machine, 0.36 tons.

He then performed tests for kicks, squats, and weights.

After a series of tests, a series of numbers appeared on the machine, and a voice sounded: "comprehensive test, vitality 0.85, please enter the fighting room for the final actual test."

"Ah! I still haven't reached 0.9! I hope I can add the points back in the final actual battle. Otherwise, it is impossible to get the school's key training." The student was downcast.

Finally, there is a fighting test.

That item is the reaction ability and practical experience of the tester. If the test is good, you can also add points. If the test is not good, you may lose points.

"Next, Jiang Li, student number ..."

Jiang Li stepped onto the machine. This machine is very large, which is equivalent to a 30-square-meter room.

The machine platform has tracks on it, which are treadmill-style. It tests speeds of 100 meters and targets for boxing tests.

"Look at how strong my physical strength is!" Taking a deep breath, Jiang Li made a few moves, which is the posture in the "Soul of the Emperor of the Mind". Immediately his body condition was adjusted to the best, and his cells seemed to be in a big mouth Breathe.

"Examinees, please ..."

The machine's voice became sharp, Jiang Li stood on the track, and suddenly a sharp voice came out, and he began to sprint violently. The footsteps seemed to kick out a rubber burning smell on the tracks.

1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds, 4 seconds, 5 seconds ...

Didi Di ......... 100-meter impact results appeared, it was 4.8 seconds!

"What? 4.8 seconds?"

Many teachers also saw this scene, ran forward and watched outside the machine, thinking that the machine was malfunctioning.

However, Jiang Li, regardless of the situation outside, took a short break and began to perform a boxing test.

He was in the machine, and no one else could come in. He could only see him running and exerting force outside.

Bang bang bang ...

His body bowed to shoot tigers, his whole body exploded violently, his strength concentrated to the extreme, and he exhibited the strongest attack in the C-level body operation, "Bone Broken Stone"!

One hundred punches in a row, the storms hit the huge rubber targets.

The entire rubber target seemed to be hit by a typhoon and kept shaking, and a series of numbers appeared on it. Each candidate must make a full 100 punches within the prescribed time. This not only tests the boxing power, but also tests the endurance and full strength Taking a hundred punches is a big drain on physical energy.

Some people can't even keep up.

After Jiang Li's hundred punches stormed like a storm, although he was tired, he wasn't panting.

"In this test, the average punch strength of one hundred punches is 1 ton. Please test side kicks, squats, weight-bearing ..." Guangnao faithfully reflects the data.

This is not to test the power of one punch, but the average power of one hundred punches. If Jiang Li is only one punch, the data is even stronger!

The average power of a hundred punches is much smaller than the highest explosive power, and the average master is panting after dozens of punches.

"What? The average punch is 1 ton? This student actually broke 1 ton! How strong is it? The running speed is 4.8 seconds per 100 meters."

"Look at his combined numbers?"

"Great, this is the biggest miracle of this exam."

"Dark horse, definitely a dark horse."

"Notify the principal." ...

The teachers around were shaken because a good seed appeared, a candidate for Star University.

Sword Sister and Lazy Dragon also appeared. They looked at each other and nodded, it seemed that the test results were expected.

After a while, Jiang Li's performances of kicking, squatting, and weight-bearing were all displayed, and then Guangnao gave a score: "This assessment result, preliminary estimation, vitality 1, below, please enter the fighting room for actual combat Assessment. "

"Vitality really reached 1." Jiang Li looked at the score, and a smile appeared on his face. He did not use all his strength in the exam because there was a combat test below. If the combat test was not working, the score would be reduced. It is possible to regress to 0.99.

The "combat assessment" is conducted in a special virtual fighting room.

This virtual fighting room is the place where Zheng Wenbing and Luo Han trained last time. After entering, a simulated scene will appear, and then a virtual human figure will appear. It is a simulated martial art master, and you will learn martial arts. Evaluation of your actual combat ability.

This is the martial arts master system.

The simulated master of martial arts is extremely powerful. It is a human figure condensed with energy, just like a real person, and within a short time, has all the capabilities of a real person, even breathing, heartbeat, pulse, and so on.

This was originally developed in the military and was a very advanced technology, but it consumes a lot of energy. Only institutions such as schools can afford it, and even schools cannot use it for training, but only for exams.

It is still unrealistic to use it for teaching.

It is said that the whole school opened this "Master of Martial Arts" system to let the whole school students take exams, which would consume hundreds of thousands of stars worth of energy blocks every hour.

"Examinee Jiang Li, student number ..."

Jiang Li entered the fighting room. It was dark, and he could not see his five fingers, and only one voice sounded. "Now the exam is started, the martial art master system is activated, and the energy is gathered."


A laser condenses, the scene changes, a field appears, the ground is covered with green grass, surrounded by various trees, and the trees are colorful. There is an old man standing in the center. This man is wearing an ancient style robe with a white beard and a head on With long braids, the figure is not tall, on the contrary there are some smart and thin.

However, the old man with braids and robes stood in the field, a quiet, distant, unfathomable breath, sprang up spontaneously.


The old man in braided robes beckoned to Jiang Li, vividly, as if the ancient martial art master reappeared on earth.

The exam officially begins.

Jiang Li was cautious and did not dare to make a rash move around this "master of martial arts", turning around behind him, suddenly his hands were like a snake, hissing, grabbing at the other's braid.

The braid is a weakness.

However, just as he could catch the braid on his arm, a hand appeared on his wrist and he flicked it lightly.

The movement is gentle.

Bang! Jiang Li felt that he had stepped into the center of the tornado vortex, and all his strength was deflected. His body actually had a tendency like a spiral twist, and more seriously, his whole body was like a string, and he was violently waved, such as Lightning strike.

The big tendons in his whole body are like lute strings. When he waved his hand, he was injured and almost lost his fighting power.

This is the true practice of martial arts masters.

Tai Chi! Waving Pipa!

Jiang Li didn't even see clearly how the old man did it. There was no flaw in his body, but there was a mysterious and great power in his body, which seemed to be an ancient "qi".

"Gibbon maneuver!"

He didn't know well. His body followed the trend of rotation, playing "boneless Jiu-Jitsu", the whole body turned to the side, his hands were like swords, he severely chopped and chopped his neck against the master of martial arts.

If other people have not practiced boneless jujitsu, they can be defeated by the "hand-waving pipa" trick, and fell a few heavy heels, but Jiang Li's physical fitness is good, and after fighting with "magic fox", in Suddenly, he showed good combat literacy, and actually avoided a blow and began to fight back.

This counterattack, fast hand knife, is really the highest level of fighting in Jiang Li.

Unfortunately, the master of martial arts was faster than him, shaking his hands, as if playing a large gun, drawing an arc in the air, circled above Jiang Li's hand knife, and immediately at the moment of contact, Jiang Li's arms creaked. It sounded like it had entered the meat grinder and was about to break.

Tai Chi! Cloud hands!


He flew up and shoved the ankle of Master Wuxue severely, trying to save himself.

The master of martial arts had eyes like feet, and when he moved his feet, he twisted into a "cross crutch" and kicked Jiangli away.

If he succeeded, Jiang Li was immediately in trouble. If there was no accident, he would fly out the next moment, and he would be beaten with a broken bone.

At this moment, his usual exercise received results, his body twisted, dragons and snakes danced, kept dodging, and pulled back.

"Boneless Dragon Serpent Dance!"

The trick to save his life made him out of trouble and far away from the master of martial arts. This man is like a copper wall and an iron wall. He has superb martial arts. Jiang Li and him are tens of levels away from each other.

Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!

Jiang Li kept back, his body swayed, and he dared not approach the master of martial arts.

Unfortunately, the master of martial arts will not let him go. His footsteps are like stepping on the duckweed on the water, and he is extremely light, chasing up like a gangrene of sacral bones. After Jiang Li has just pulled away from a distance of tens of meters, he catches up instantly. Come.

This punch was very stiff, completely subverting the image of the old man, as if it were an adult man, a tower giant, and he was fierce.

Tai Chi, bow and shoot tiger!

Jiang Li didn't even look at it, knowing that the blow was completely unstoppable, so he evaded outwards.


The old master of martial arts exhaled and made another punch, which was even more fierce than the previous punch, and blocked all the way of the river away, such as the iron lock across the river, and the ship was difficult to move.

Hong Quan ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Iron Chain Yokoe!

"I ca n’t do it, what can I do? Boneless Jiu-Jitsu can't resist it. If I do it, I will definitely be shocked and lose my combat power!"

When Jiang Li saw this punch, his mind flashed, and the sixth sense seemed to predict his ending.

It's a blast.

Suddenly his hands were like the wind, and his mind entered a state that fluttered with the wind and the cloud was discouraged. He instinctively activated his instinct and exhibited the gestures in the "sign of the emperor of the soul". .

The old master of martial arts boxed on his arm, and his handprints were indented, wandering outward, and resolved a lot of power.

Oh oh oh ...

The old master of the master of martial arts has made another progress, with no expression, and Dan Tian actually sends out a long bang and punches again!

This punch is completely different. One of the fierce front styles has changed, such as the ghost charm, if it is away, it seems very slow. In fact, it broke the speed limit, severely punched, tore the Jiang Li defense line, and bombarded him Above the chest.

B-level physical skills, ghost punch.

Ghosts appear!

Three consecutive punches, one punch bowing the tiger, two punches and chain locks across the river, and three punches appeared.

This is already in the category of tricks.

In the end, Jiang Li's defenses were completely useless. He was blown out and stared at Venus! I can't move my fingers all over.

"Dididi ..." Guangnao made a stop sound at this time: "The fighting assessment is over, the actual combat experience is qualified, and the overall score is 1!"

The old master of martial arts disappeared.

It is a mass of energy, which consumes a lot every minute, and the school refuses to waste more time.

"Shh ..."

Hearing this voice, Jiang Li was completely relieved. Although he failed to play against the master of martial arts and was blown away by one punch, the score was finally positive and not deducted from negative.

Vitality reaches "1".