Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 329: Caru City 2nd

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"Well, little prince, are you conducting a nuclear explosion experiment, or are you doing any other activity? Or go to 36th Huacheng to investigate the situation?" Qing Lian asked.

"Go to Thirty-six Huacheng to investigate the situation first." Jiang Li thought for a while, and he had to learn more about the emperor's dream seal. It was not appropriate to conduct a nuclear explosion experiment temporarily.

Using this "Ma Yuan" identity, entered 36th Hwaseong Fortress, secretly investigating which Western forces are around his parents. After knowing the situation, he will eliminate them in one fell swoop.

"One more thing, I have received the above order, knowing that you have a special lethality to the angels. You can even kill the angels and devour their energy. The above will help you conduct nuclear explosion experiments. I also hope that you can establish with us Good relationship. Investigate the hidden angels of human society one by one, and then kill them. However, this is assassination. It cannot be a social impact. This is also our task. I wonder if you can help me? "

Qing Lian stared at Jiang Li, seeming to see through his heart.

"Responsibility is boundless." Jiang Li naturally agreed: "In human society, it is my responsibility to eradicate angels and eliminate aliens. It is also the responsibility of every human being. Even if there is no task, I am willing to complete it. And I do have a special kind of angel It ’s easy to find them out of the crowd. "

"It ’s your sensitivity, but here is human society. Those angels have social status. They can only assassinate. They cannot understand the killing. Otherwise, it will cause a sensation. We will be punished by law. Panic in human society. "Qinglian warned.

"No problem, did 36th Huacheng invade the angels?" Jiang Lidao said: "Clear the angels, start with 36th Huacheng."

"Okay, but let ’s meet the people of the Hidden Dragon Association first. The Hidden Dragon Association is our Huaxia Group ’s underground organization. It is responsible for eradicating the alien civilization that lurks in human society. We are in the action group and the intelligence group. Only those who contact the intelligence team will know where the angels are hidden, and when you see them, you are not Jiang Li, but Ma Yuan, code-named Little Prince. Knowing that you are a secret person from Jiang Li, only I am , And the above, which will not pass, it is high-level confidential information. "

"People talk a lot, this secret has been known a lot, and it will definitely be leaked." When Jiang Li moved all over his body, the cells on his face suddenly changed automatically, arranged, combined, and suddenly turned into another person, than Cosmetic surgery is amazing.

This is how Ma Yuan was recorded on the chip.

At the same time, Jiang Li ’s vitality is also rising, rising from 1.3 to 18, which only stays. Ma Yuan's life is 18. Jiang Li can now suppress his vitality at will, release it, and concentrate it back. Even the most sophisticated instruments cannot detect it.

Qing Lian watched Jiang Li secretly. She knew from the top that Jiang Li was a brave character. The above also gave her data to observe Jiang Li, so she secretly recorded every move.

Jiang Li already knew Qing Lian's mind, but it didn't matter.

"Little prince, I'll lead the way." Qing Lian stepped out of the base and got into a flying car. The flying car was flat, but the space was large and comfortable, and it seemed like an eel from the outside. It is a precious car, worth seven to eight million yuan, plus the preparation inside, at least ten million yuan.

But now ten million Xingyuan is nothing to Jiang Li, in fact, in his current position, there is more than ten million words.

"How? Little prince, is my flying car too low-grade? You don't get used to sitting up?" Qinglian drove at the same time and said: "You are a wealthy man, and you have billions of stars on your fingers Put it in your pocket, and when I can have you so rich, just fine. "

"I don't have a flying car. This car is too slow. I usually fly by myself." Jiang Li honestly said, "I don't have much money myself. Money is useless to me."

Jiang Li's speed is now almost 150 times the speed of sound.

Because he cultivated the Great Seal of the Emperor, finally swallowed the twelve winged angels, and realized some of the mysteries of the Great Seal of the Great Emperor.

What flying car is capable of 150 times the speed of sound? Even some warships cannot achieve this speed.

So he didn't need any flying cars at all. And now money is really useless to him. He eats aura of heaven and earth. It is best to devour angels. Even on earth, he can survive by sunlight, just like the photosynthesis of plants. All energy can be inhaled. In the body, as the root of survival.

The problem of eating was solved and everything was easy to say.

Jiang Li doesn't need money at all.

"Money can buy a lot of good things. I like money. Give me whatever you don't want." Qinglian half-joked: "The more the better."

"Is there a price to pay for money?" Jiang Li squinted his eyes. "Especially for girls asking for money, it is expensive."

"Really?" Qinglian said generously, "then I'll make a good deal with myself."

Jiang Li laughed abruptly: "You are really open, that's good. I welcome anytime."

"Hum, beautiful, whimsical." Qing Lian flicked her fingers, alas! A gust of wind such as a sharp sword, spiral, high-speed operation, comparable to a bullet, killing Xiang Li's brows and giving him a lesson.

Jiang Li didn't move, the finger bounced on the eyebrow, and then submerged into it. The mud ox entered the sea and was swallowed up. While devouring, he felt that a sharp Fengfei sword breath would destroy the cells of the whole body, but unfortunately, as soon as he operated the emperor's embryo a little, the flying sword sword gas was melted.

"This is Feijian Jianqi, don't fix it ..." Qinglian was taken aback by seeing Jiang Li's face-to-face connection, but Qinglian was surprised, but then she couldn't seem to feel it at all. : "You, you actually use your physical body to resist sword energy. My finger is called Sen Luo Yan Wang Jian. It has great lethality, and flesh and blood cannot be countered."

Jiang Li just smiled and didn't speak. As a result, he became more mysterious.

Qing Lian now can be regarded as Jiang Li's means, and dare not belittle it anymore.

When the car drove out of the base, it was a prairie with lush vegetation and wild animals everywhere. After flying about several thousand kilometers, we saw the city.

This African city is called "Caru City" and has a population of about one billion people. You can see densely packed high-rise buildings, all of which have three or four hundred floors or even thousands of floors.

Modern technology is very simple to build high-rise buildings. It is not as cumbersome as in the national era. Building a frame can build a building with hundreds of floors in a few days, and the structure is stable and can withstand a magnitude 12 earthquake. Moreover, modern buildings have maximized the utilization of space. The capacity of a city is a hundred times larger than before.

The flying car drove into the "Karu City", and Jiang Li saw the Caru City, known as the "Pearl of Africa". There were actually yellow people everywhere, and occasionally there were black Africans.

This is not uncommon. In the era of the country, China was in good hands with Africa. Later, due to the gradual saturation of Huaxia's population, many Huaxia people emigrated to Africa. Africa was originally barren, but after construction, it is also a modern city, and the wild environment outside the city is very good. The living environment now exceeds 36 cities.

Throughout Africa, there are also billions of people with Huaxia bloodlines, comparable to 36 Chinese cities.

"Little prince, look outside this city of Caru. Blocks of high-tech plantations? All are Tai Chi rice. Unfortunately, after harvesting these Tai Chi rice, all of them are shipped to Western cities, and our Eastern cities have nothing at all. "

Qinglian pointed at the high-tech manor roads outside the city of Kalu.

At a glance of Jiang Li, those high-tech manor houses were planted with huge rice plants. The rice was black and white, absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon, and cast Taiji rice. Jiang Li even launched the idea, and you can see that the essence of the Sun Spirit is continuously absorbed into the body by plants, and then undergoes many biological changes, converting mechanical energy into biological energy, and finally becoming nutrients that can be absorbed by the human body. .

"Which company makes this?" Jiang Li was unfamiliar with everything on the planet.

"St. John's Company." Qinglian said: "One of the most powerful groups in the Western camp and the largest shareholder of Star University, occupying 30% of the shares, and St. John's Group is the third group. . The world's top ten is third. "

The world's number one group is the "Master God Company". UU reading books www. uukanshu.com

This company has mastered the highest technology of human beings. That is to say, it controls part of the authority of the light brain of the Lord God.

The main god, the light brain, is the strongest light brain and the strongest manufacturing machine. It can be described as an invincible existence. Originally, this light brain should be in the hands of the human government, but the founder of the main **** group, in the national era, snatched the resources from the fallen ship, and even took part of the power of the light brain.

Now, the Lord God Group can control 49% of the authority of the Lord God Light Brain.

The human government controls 51% of the power.

Because of this, the Lord God Group is the strongest group in human society in the world, and almost resists the human government chamber.

In fact, as early as the national era, the government was a political game where rich oligarchs gathered, and in fact it is the same now.

Election of the president is also an agent cultivated by many companies.

Even the issue of Xingyuan was not issued by the government, but the cooperation between the main **** group and the government, and the government gave the currency issue right to the main **** group.

In this way, the main **** group naturally took the position of the first group.

Even if Huaxia Group is even more powerful, it is not as good as the main **** group.

The Lord God Group certainly has saints.

Moreover, this group is a western saint, and Huaxia group is an oriental saint. The two groups have been fighting each other for more than 100 years. Originally, Huaxia Group had the upper hand while Wang Chao was still there. However, after Wang Chao disappeared, Huaxia Group gradually fell into a disadvantage.

In fact, most of the shares of Star University belong to the main **** group, and some belong to the human government.

Jiang Li looked coldly at this biological manor base outside the city of Karu. He was already very angry. The patent right of Taiji rice was taken away by Star University, and now it is supplied to Western society. It is simply too bullying.