Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 351: bad idea

"Your Hua family can also cooperate with the Jiang family, but I don't share the same relationship with the Jiang family." Jiang Li chuckled abruptly: "Splitting the Jiang family, I can't do this big thing, and I'm too lazy to deal with the Jiang family. Their I don't want anyone to give me. "

"Don't say this first." Hualenga waved his hand: "I'm talking about the reality now, the first is that Xinyue hates you so much, must kill you?"

"Good." Jiang Li nodded.

"Then this is always a hidden danger. In the face of enemies, the first is to cut the grass and root out. I now ask you, if you capture Jiang Xinyue, can you kill her?" Hualenga asked again.

"Even if she kills her, it is enough to abolish her martial arts skills so that she has no ability to retaliate against me." Jiang Li thought about it, and really did not want to kill the woman.

"That's useless, Jiang Nalan will restore her strength for you, and you can't kill her. The Jiang family is behind her. Things are getting bigger and worse, it's not easy to clean up. Since you can't bear to kill her, she keeps talking with you. For the enemy, there is only one way left, that is, turning her enemy into a friend, letting her have love through hate. "Hualenga kept persuading.

"I think you're a little strange." Jiang Li looked at Hualenga strangely.

"Where am I strange?" Hualenga didn't understand.

"Jiang Xinyue is your former girlfriend. You actually pimp me now? I'm afraid it's not appropriate." Jiang Li still doesn't understand.

"Xinyue is not my former girlfriend, I just saved her." Hualenga clarified again: "My relationship with her is just a fruitless one. But you and her are the best match As it is said in the allusion, I was the one who covered her in my last life, and you are the one who buried her. "

"I don't believe it." Jiang Li still felt ridiculous.

"Actually, Jiang Xinyue is the best to follow you, because I can see that she can cultivate to this extent because the energy in her body and your energy are combined with each other. If you can be together, her Xiu Wei will make rapid progress, and your Xiu Wei will be more mixed. Seeing the heaven, the so-called yin and yang are invincible, and the world is invincible. Her Supreme Master Sutra and your Gongfa are naturally a pair, and this is the greatest fate. "Hualenga A brief explanation was indeed reasonable.

Of course, Jiang Centrifugal is very clear. He has achieved what he has achieved now, and most of it depends on Jiang Xinyue's double repair.

In fact, killing Jiang Xinyue and plundering her energy is far worse than cultivating her with her. This is equivalent to the long flow of fish farming and the exhaustion of fishing.

In the same way, Jiang Xinyue's cultivation must definitely advance by leaps and bounds.

"I have to think about this. Besides, I can't help her now. She wants to kill me too. It's too lazy to tangle with her." Jiang Li frowned, still didn't want to cause this trouble.

"Anyway, in fact she is entangled in you, you are also entangled in her." Hualenga laughed: "I teach you a method, I can definitely surrender her, how?"

"What method?" Jiang Li quickly asked.

"It's simple, one word, chase!" Hua Lengjia said mysteriously: "You can bring yourself into the identity of the suitor. Jiang Xinyue always wants to kill you, and will naturally find opportunities After meeting you, after meeting, you said you were willing to pursue her. If she wanted to kill you, you would fight hard. Instead, she could n’t kill you. If you entangled in this way several times, she would be afraid to see you. Even if you ca n’t catch up with her, , She dare not come to you. "

"This idea is good, and retreat as a step forward. Since her assassination is too troublesome, it is better to count it." Jiang Li's eyes brightened.

"Yes." Hualenga smiled. "Next, we need to talk about something new."

"Does Huaxia Group want Zerg's high-tech? No problem, I will give you. How?" Jiang Li agreed without hesitation: "I will give you the technology researched by Lingmi, and I will give you the crystal cells, and work together. In half, you have 49% of your equity, and I'm 51%. In addition, I will also provide one by one after the Zerg technology. Taiji rice I gave to Starry University, it was The situation forced it, and as a result, Star University was used to increase the strength of Westerners. We did not gain any benefit from the Chinese bloodline, and I became a sinner. "

"Calm!" Hua Lengjia thought that it would take more time to talk, and prepared all kinds of promises, but he did not expect Jiang Li to agree so easily: "Our Chinese family will never lose you. You can rest assured that you will never go with Goliath. Marshal is the same. After all, he is not our race, and his blood is different. The so-called right and wrong races have different hearts, and they are also talking about this kind of person. "

"I don't care. Actually, it doesn't make much sense for me to have money or not." Jiang Li thought for a while, and he really didn't want anything. Once the emperor's womb is trained, any energy can be absorbed. Transformed into Reiki, even more advanced energy than Reiki. He can cultivate by absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon on the earth. He really does not need resources. He can even fly to the sky, head towards the sun, and absorb energy near the sun.

With his current supernatural power and speed, he has already surpassed the third cosmic speed early, and flying away from the earth and approaching the sun to absorb energy is nothing.

This was something that could not be done with the birth rate, but he could do it completely and easily.

"Every person who is extremely strong will also have the idea that he can separate from human society and live alone, so he avoids the world. In fact, I also had this idea after I was promoted to sit and forget." Hualenga said: "Actually not, people Popularity, among the crowd, you can feel the heritage and broadness of the ethnic group. Even if it is God, you will not easily abandon your own ethnic group. The ethnic group is his precious wealth. Every soul in the ethnic group is the essence of the universe. The souls of each person are independent and communicate with each other, and they become meaningful to each other, forming a real material realm. If there is no ethnic group, there is no meaning at all, there is no difference between the physical realm and the void realm. "

"Lenga Brother Gao Lun. This matter is so settled." Jiang Lidao said: "About the signing of the contract with Huaxia Group, you can let people sign with Luo Han, Xueling, these two are my left and right arms, you can Cultivate them a lot. "

"These two girls are your girlfriends, aren't they?" Hualenga said, "Yes, I asked a female master in the family to come and take them as a disciple. That female master is called Hua Yan, and the cultivation is not under me. . "

"Your name is Hualenga, which is in the Lenga Sutra. Her name is Huayan, which is derived from the Huayan Sutra." Jiang Lidao.

"Every classic can be passed down through the ages, and everyone can read it. There will be incredible power in the void. Under this name, you can get blessings in the meditation. This is luck, you cannot find it, but it does exist." Hua Lenga said: "We have reached an agreement. Go back and talk with Marshal Hei prison again. This time, the Chidi Group will cooperate with the Huaxia Group."

At the moment, the two returned to the lobby.

Hong Heiyu opened his eyes: "Come back, it seems that the cooperation between Huaxia Group and Chidi Group has come to an end?"

"What does the mentor mean?" Jiang Li asked tentatively. Although his current strength was on an equal footing with Hong Heiyu, he still respected the teacher.

"I don't have much meaning, and cooperation with the Huaxia Group is also very good, they still have some word of mouth." Hong Heiyu said: "Mr. Lenga, I have heard of your prestige. This time I was able to meet, it really looks like King Lenga , The ability to rule countless King Kong. "

"Dare not dare." Hualenga politely sat down on the sofa: "Marshal Heil, the presidential election soon, if the people of the Jiang family come to power, I am afraid that humanity's current policy will become fierce, and we must start Large-scale immigration to the world of cultivation, do you see where we should go next? "

"Watch the changes." Hong Heiyuan didn't have any opinions.

"It can only be so. It is a decision between the saints." Hualenga sighed. "We can do nothing."

"The second brother went to the cultivation world, and I will also go to the cultivation world to promote the birth rate." Jiang Xuan said suddenly, "I can't always drag my brother back, I also want to be the backbone of the family."

"Your sister's talent is also really good. I have a small gift here, and I will give it to you." Hualenga snapped her finger, hum ......... A ring ejected from her finger, the color of the jade was simple, elegant, and it was engraved on it Different spells.

"This is a strange treasure I got in the world of cultivation, called the Purple Emperor's Ring. Someone cast a spell on it with a large mana. The ring is a small space. There are about three football fields. The area has a height of 3,000. Meters. And it can even absorb the aura and turn it into biological energy, which is equivalent to the second holy fetus of human beings. If your physical strength and energy are used up, the ring will be automatically replenished. In addition, the ring also There is the Purple Emperor's body protection curse, the demon is difficult to invade, and it can even resist the master's hypnosis. "He explained the function of the ring.

"Purple Emperor." When Jiang Centrifuge moved, in the world of cultivation, he really encountered the ruins of Purple Emperor.

"No, it's too expensive, I can't ask for it." Jiang Xuan firmly refused ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ and didn't take any interest in this ring.

"You just accept it." Jiang Li couldn't evade: "Maybe it will be useful in the future. People like Brother Lenga will definitely give away something meaningful."

Jiang Xuan heard his elder brother's speech, so he only accepted it and put it on his hand.

As soon as she put it on, she felt as if she had an extra body, a steady stream of physical energy, and a high concentration of energy. A purple air flow from the ring circulated in the meridians.

"This ring was practiced by one of the earth-shaking characters in the world of emperor Zihuang, and it is also orthodox. It is not a demon." Hua Lengjia said: "Well, this matter is settled, I want to leave to report to the headquarters , Cooperation will send someone in a few days. "

"no problem."

When he saw the flash of Hualenga, the person disappeared, the speed was not lower than him, and his body was complete, without the slightest smoke and fire. It seemed to shuttle in the dimension, Jiang Li knew that this person's true strength was above himself.

But this is not unusual.

The realm of the opponent is much better than him. If he reaches the realm of Hualenga, it will be a hundred times more powerful than Hualenga.

"Jiang Li, what is the situation of Xiaodi now?" As soon as he saw Hualenga leaving, Hong Heilin passed on the obscure mental fluctuations.

"I don't know this, but I communicated with him for a moment, it seems that everything is in his grasp." Jiang Li thought.

"The situation is dangerous. Now the story of the Holy One behind you has spread to the entire high level of humanity. Many Holy Ones have decided to look into the mysteries. Jiang Nalan doesn't say, and the Holy One has also left. In addition, , Hua Liudao also went. So many saints are not good. Who does n’t care about seeing the mother emperor egg? All your foundations are built on the little emperor. If the little emperor is unpredictable, it ’s not just you but me All fly ash to die. "Hong Hei prison was very worried.