Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 358: Giant Memory

"Remember, you must guard the passage here. The seal I set is unstable and will break at any time. Never let the giant out."

This is the last admonition left by Situ Bolong.

Jiang Li looked at the calm sea, and his heart was already turbulent.

He studied the memory of a giant in his mind. This giant has a large amount of memory, but generally how he lives, hunts, cultivates, and kills, but Jiang Li screens them one by one and finally refines valuable things.

In the boundless sky, a group of giant troops appeared.

There are at least billions of giants. The smallest giants are fifty or sixty meters tall. And a hundred meters tall, thousands of giants are uncountable.

The strongest who leads this group of billions of giants is a giant with a height difference of less than 100,000 meters.

The giant eyes radiated much light like stars.

The height of 100,000 meters is equivalent to more than ten times the height of Mount Everest. Standing on the earth, the body can already enter the middle of the atmosphere. Ordinary aircraft cannot fly so high.

How much energy can this behemoth have? How much vitality is there?

Even if it is a saint, the vitality is only three digits, hundreds. In the rumor, Wang Chao's vitality exceeds four digits, but it is also a rumor.

But in the memory of Jiang Li from the giant, the giant with a height of more than 100,000 meters deep in the starry sky must have more than four digits, even five digits, or more.

Although in the end, the battle of vitality is no longer important. The most important thing is spiritual power. Because the universe is too big, vitality is the capacity of the flesh. The capacity of the flesh cannot cross the universe. Only the spirit can cross it.

The Holy One travels to the void of the universe, leaving the physical body in one place and leaving the spirit.

The power of spirit can transcend the speed of light. The physical body cannot transcend the speed of light.

In fact, in the realm of manifestation, the physical body is not important. As long as the spirit is present, the physical body can be condensed at any time, and even some saints give up the physical body.

But it does not mean that the 100,000-meter giant is not horrible.

As soon as he came to the earth, the earth collapsed.

This giant commanded billions of giants in the stars, and seemed to be praying. These billions of giants formed an altar, and their spiritual forces were connected together to form an endless spirit in the depths of the universe. storm.

Jiang Li even saw that the mental storm composed of billions of giant troops swept across one planet after another. When the planet encountered this mental storm, it was instantly torn apart.

What is the concept of tearing the planet purely with spirit?

"Horror, it's terrible."

The giant on the front deck is 60 meters tall and has a mental strength of about 20 dimensions, which is equivalent to a strong man with a mixed interest. This is still the lowest level of giants.

Billions of giants stronger than him, under the leadership of the 100,000-meter-tall giant, are united in one's heart, praying, and spiritually connected, that is naturally indescribable terror. Spirit attacks can be superimposed, which is not like vitality.

In the memory, the 100,000-meter giant took billions of prayers to open many dimension channels, and many black holes were created around them.

Then, the giants howled and rushed into the black holes one after another, invading many dimensions and deep into the universe.

Obviously, the passage from the earth was opened by this giant.

But fortunately, the atmosphere of the earth is not strong, it is not a vigorous dimension, and it cannot attract the attention of these giants.

In those opened black holes, there are countless vital and powerful dimensions, and that is the focus of the giant's invasion.

These giants are a race of plunder and aggression, powerful and almost invincible. If in the age of nations, as long as a giant entered the earth, he could enslave the entire human race.

The 60-meter-tall giant in front of him, although he could not compete with the nuclear explosion, but he had mobility, and the nuclear explosion was difficult to aim at him.

"In the universe, there are really powerful races." Jiang Li was frightened. "If this giant attacks us humans, I am afraid that the race will be destroyed immediately. No one can survive except the saints can escape."

The human beings of the earth have spread all over the universe, invading here, invading there, seemingly arrogant, but they also watch the sky from the sky. When they encounter a powerful race, they immediately become a fan.

There are so many memories of the giant invasion. In addition, Jiang Li also searched for some martial arts practices. Giants generally practice prayer, not like human beings on the earth, taking the essence of heaven and earth, strengthening themselves, and improving themselves one by one.

But prayer is also authentic.

The difference between prayer and penance is a hard work to accumulate money and become a rich man. The other one is directly appreciated by the emperor, Jinkou Yuyan, and random candidacy is a high weight, golden cars, silver horses, rich and powerful.

Prayer techniques take shortcuts, but they are also upright.

"Jiang Li, you're lucky, I won't kill you for the time being, but you don't think you can escape to death." Jiang Xinyue's tone was still cold, murderous, and he would always shoot.

Jiang Li ignored it. He was digesting the soul he had just swallowed.

The giant's soul is extremely powerful, and the spiritual power is vast. After being absorbed into the body, Jiang Li digests with the dream seal, only feeling that the soul in the body is constantly flowing, inextricably bound, and in the depths of each cell, its own imprint exists.

At present, Jiang Li's soul is stored in each of his cells. He is like a zerg. Many zergs can be combined into one big worm. At the same time, the big worms are scattered and turned into hundreds of millions of small worms.

His mental introspection found that deep in each cell and in the nucleus, a shadow that was invisible to the naked eye appeared to be his own soul.

The stronger and clearer the soul is, the more powerful his cultivation is.

In the end, each cell will become itself, and then the true merits and conquests will become billions. Now it is far from enough.

However, now Jiang Li's vitality has reached a very high level, which is also 100. Broken three digits. His mental power is 50 dimensional units.

In general, the master of mixed interest rate is about 20 dimension units, and the state of sitting and forgetting has changed again, almost doubled to 40-50 dimension units.

Jiang Li's mental strength is already a state of forgetfulness.

His vitality is also equivalent to sitting in oblivion, which is worse than realm. Marshal Goliath can extract energy from the "fire dimension", but he cannot.

To emit a flame, you can only use the fetus of the emperor to transform it.

"This giant's soul is really nourishing. If I can absorb a lot of giant souls, spiritual energy can enhance the cell's self-motivation in the body." Jiang Li is still very happy to feel that his spiritual strength is increasing.

"Jiang Li, don't think that nothing will happen if you don't say anything." Jiang Xinyue continued to taunt.

"Jiang Xinyue, we are in a cooperative state now, not a time to ridicule personal grievances." Jiang Li turned around: "This channel is really unstable. If the giant breaks out of the channel, we are all afraid to die."

"Extremely alarming, the Saiyan giant can only come out through this channel, the channel is so large, one by one, you can kill it casually." Jiang Xinyue didn't believe Jiang Li's words at all.

"Believe it or not, I feel something weird, the channel may even expand, and the Saiyan giant is opening up many dimensional channels at the deepest level in the universe. If the earth is really a teleportation array, many space nodes. Then The earth is a battleground for soldiers. "Jiang Li said at this time:" Now I understand that the earth is now a dead magic weapon. If there is a powerful deity that fills the earth with enough energy, then the entire earth Countless space nodes, space-time tunnels will appear. At that time, human beings can go to many dimensions on Earth, even deep in the universe, and no longer need to make complex wormhole jumps. "

The earth is a universal transmission array that can be transmitted to countless dimensions.

In that case, the earth is really a place where countless races will compete. Because having the ability to travel to various dimensions is tantamount to mastering a lot of wealth, endless resources, and the ability to countless escapes.

Even the most powerful character, lightnovelpub.net, even if it is a god, it is difficult to search in many dimensions.

"There are many mysteries of the earth, but as you said, it has long been operated by human beings on a large scale." Jiang Xinyue's face also dignified, no longer fighting with Jiang: "Why do humans gradually give up the earth?"

"Because humans do not have the ability to protect this node. Do you not understand the reason why a man is innocent and guilty of guilt?" Jiang Li smiled: "I estimate that in the near future, human beings will come to a great retreat to inhabit the earth People all retreat to other planets one by one. Because the earth will soon encounter various invasions. In fact, the best place for human beings to live is the true world, what a spacious place, what a vast world, what rich resources ? With the protection of Providence, a strong existence does not dare to invade, but unfortunately, human beings do not have a strong existence, overcome the Providence, and shelter the entire ethnic group. "

"Nalan, our sage of the Jiang family, will do this." Jiang Xinyue sneered again and again: "You wait, I will make you die unsightly, no, I will not let you die, and It is asking you to ask for mercy every day in your painful torture. "

"Resentment is so deep?" Jiang Li was chilled when he heard this, but he didn't care: "If the Buddha is indomitable, no matter how bad your resentment is, I can resolve it."

"Then I'll see how you resolve it. Anyway, if I have a chance, I will kill you." Jiang Xinyue's tone became fierce.


Just when the two were facing each other and their swords were outstretched, a dull sound came from the bottom of the ocean, like a war drum. At the beginning, the sound was not very loud, but after dozens of sounds, it suddenly became huge and deafening. There were huge waves on the entire sea. Bubbles the size of mountains came out, even more terrifying than volcanic eruptions .


Jiang Li could see that the seal set by Situ Bolong had been washed away.