Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 359: Swarm


A huge explosion surged from below the sea.

The sealed passage was exploded again and was broken by a nearly invincible force, and then Jiang Li saw that the original passage expanded again.

The original passage was just enough for a giant to squeeze out, but now it has expanded tenfold.

This means that ten giants come out at a glance. This giant is very strong, and its fighting power basically surpasses the Yuanyuan breath. Although it is not as good as sitting and forgetting, it has strong survivability and is not easy to die.

If there are ten heads at a time, Jiang Li cannot kill all of them, then it is troublesome, because these giants escaping one will have a great impact on the earth. More serious, next, there will be a continuous stream of giants. Two fists make it difficult for four hands.

What's more, these giants are not simple beasts. They have deep wisdom and can join forces and martial arts. Even martial arts are deeper than human beings and they have better combat experience. They use all methods to operate the heavens and the power is infinite. When there are hundreds, Jiang Li is about to flee.

Moreover, in the memory of the giant just now, Jiang Li can find that the Saiyan giant was originally a well-known race. They can even unite to form a large array and kill the enemy.

"Attention." At the time of the explosion, the seal exploded, and Jiang Li immediately felt a strong breath, more fierce than the giant's breath.

Uh ...

The air shook, the sea was turbulent, and ten huge shadows emerged from it.

Jiang Xinyue's face was pale, because as soon as the ten shadows appeared, the powerful momentum enveloped the whole sea. Can't kill at all for a while.

Especially, in the black hole, there are many shadow giants to come out.

"Kill, kill all."

Jiang Li sent a thought to Jiang Xinyue: "At this time, don't fight with me. If these giants escape, we humans will be finished. And this channel must be closed! Seal again."

"It goes without saying that I also know." Jiang Xinyue rushed out, and the nine shadows behind him, the nine holy fetuses, killed the shadows of the nine giants. And her own body was one of the strongest giants with a single palm: "These ten giants, I will kill them. You are responsible for blocking the passage and preventing extra giants from coming out."

Jiang Xinyue was ten by one enemy, and his domineering was revealed.

Jiang Li, regardless of him, flew directly under the black hole, and saw the strong breath in the distance, one after another, and a few shadows would jump out again.


Below the black hole, three giants appeared.

All three giants are 100 meters tall. Like a building, Jiang Li was like a fly in front of them. However, the three giants were not unnoticed because Jiang Li's body was small, but when he appeared, his strong spiritual power locked his soul.

"It's strong." Jiang Li's soul also felt the spirit of the three giants, colliding with each other, and immediately felt a kind of shudder dancing on the blade.


"Such a small human being has such a powerful power? Incredible."

"This is the planet. It is the node of the universe. Once here, you can pass this planet to reach any place."

"This is a miniature human being. Weak and pitiful. But it will cultivate and become strong."

"Food, this is the best food."

"Pure soul can also be used to sacrifice to God."

"A lot of such humans are captured and dedicated to God."

"God will give us the best things." ...

The mental fluctuations shot down, and Jiang Li seemed to feel that he was a prey.

However, he smiled.

Immediately, with myself as the center, a dreamy spiritual world emerged. In the eyes of the giant, the entire ocean disappeared, replaced by a world of numerous flowers in full bloom, and a **** of heaven appeared in the middle of each flower, and the **** of **** sang out. Many mantras were woven into dense verses in the air.

This is the "dream print", a dream world.

Immediately, the three hundred-meter-tall giants were intoxicated, turned upside down, drunk and crooked, and fell into an endless dream.


Jiang Li suddenly roared, and the dream world collapsed.

The souls of the three hundred-meter-tall giants also roared and were absorbed out of the body. At the same time, even a drop of blood that took their souls flew into Jiang Li's body.

The blood was golden and brilliant in color, only the size of a soybean, completely unsuitable for the giant's physique.

Because of the giant's size, a drop of blood must also be about the size of a watermelon, and it can never be as small as a soybean, but the blood is so big in front of you, and the soul is contained in this golden blood. Cheering, I just felt a breath of virtual godhead.

There is nothing wrong, it is a virtual godhead.

"This is ..." Jiang Li overjoyed: "This is the blood of the sub-god, the Saiyan giant does not practice the holy fetus, but keeps practicing, purifying the blood in the body, and finally purifying a trace of sub-god blood. High energy concentration, containing the essence of the giant's life, even the breath of a virtual godhead. "

This blood is the blood that the Saiyan giant developed to God. A drop of blood represents the essence of the whole body and soul, as well as the will of martial art practice.

The first 60-meter-tall giant didn't evolve this kind of blood, and his strength was too small, but the 100-meter-tall giant could cultivate the blood of the sub-god, which shows that he has almost the strength of sitting and forgetting.

This blood is extraordinary. Not only does it carry the soul of the Saiyan giant, there is also a space of energy in the blood. Although it is not formed, it can develop into a virtual space in the later cultivation process.

Ordinary people are not able to take this blood, even after the masters of the realm of sitting and forgetting have obtained it, they must be careful, otherwise they will be killed by powerful energy.

Each drop of blood contains no less energy than a nuclear bomb.

The three giants lost all their souls and the blood of the sub-cultivating sub-gods. They immediately lost their breath, dropped on the sea, the huge body floated, and lost their life characteristics. It was a huge corpse, three giants 100 meters high, and so on Instantly killed by Jiang Li.

Jiang Li did not use his own energy, but directly used his spirit to sacrifice the big dream enchantment and then reap the soul. This method of killing people without seeing blood is just right for mass killings.

Bang ... Bang Bang ... At this time, the sky rang out and exploded. Jiang Li saw Jiang Xinyue's nine holy fetuses and he was still fighting, oppressing ten giants sixty meters high.

She didn't kill herself fast, but she also oppressed these giants hardly. It was impossible for the giants to resist, and killing was sooner or later.

Jiang Li did not hesitate. Suddenly, he suddenly became a vortex. Ten giant raindrops fell into the sea, and all souls were sucked away.

Jiang Xinyue was so frightened that she had to put all the holy fetuses into her body. She did not have the strength to absorb human souls, and she hated her teeth.

However, Jiang Li suddenly felt a tingling in his head. It turned out that he had absorbed too much just now, countless memories came, and the blood of Naya was also haunting.

Three drops of soya blood were swallowed, and three nuclear bombs were swallowed to explode in the body. Even the fetus of the emperor was difficult to transform.

And the powerful souls of the three hundred-meter-tall giants, plus the souls of the ten little giants, add up to huge memory and spiritual power. It takes a long time for the soul to accommodate itself.

At this moment, Jiang Li's spirits were chaotic, his eyes were dark, and then strangely, the fish and dragons spread, and the whole person seemed to be intoxicated in his sleep.

He is like a person who overdose, has a mental hallucination, and does not know where he is.

"Oops, I absorb the soul and spirit too much, and people should temporarily indulge in dreams. If there is another giant killing below, I will be in a dangerous situation." Jiang Chuan was very clear, but he couldn't control it. After a long sleep, you can recover and absorb those mental powers.

"Be careful, the giant is out again."

A spirit pierced Jiang Li's mind fiercely.

It's Jiang Xinyue's.

This one made him awake a lot. He quickly grasped it and changed a lot, and he had a nephrite scent in his hand. This was the grasp of all his strengths ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Jiang Xinyue Can't escape.


Jiang Xinyue grabbed his chest with blood, and screamed, "Jiang Li, you die, let me die!" She was about to fight back, and suddenly felt that Jiang Li had a vast spirit in his hands. The force and energy passed over, making her whole body soft, and instantly evoked the eternal vitality of her body.

The energy in her body flows into Jiang Li's body, and Jiang Li ’s Naya blood and soul power are continuously infused into her body. This cycle goes on and on, in a blink of an eye, millions of times.

Jiang Xinyue only felt that his spirit was getting stronger and stronger, and the vitality in his body was constantly flowing. Every cell and every sacrificial fetus burst into a reborn atmosphere.

"Breakthrough, my eternal life supreme scripture, and a breakthrough." Jiang Xinyue was overjoyed, and she felt that the effort at this moment simply saved her hundreds of years of hard work, even hundreds of years of hard work, especially she felt nine Into the Great Holy One, an element of space was injected, which made her Holy One more agile and stored more energy.

She felt like a pond, which could only hold a small amount of water, but was suddenly dug open, cleared out many of the silt, dug deep, and dug widely.

The capacity of the holy tire to store energy has at least doubled.

This is an unimaginable change.

At this moment, Jiang Li was also awake. When he was about to hit, he seized Jiang Xinyue, put excess spiritual energy and sub-blood blood into her body, and then exercised with her supreme vitality to exercise mutual tolerance. Immediately resolved the shortcomings, but made himself improve a lot, and even Jiang Xinyue also received great benefits.



He swallowed his breath, and the whole ocean fluctuated with the rhythm of his breathing, and at this time, a giant got out of the black hole.