Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 503: God's Will

"You are going to repair and communicate with God?"

Xiaodi also appeared beside Jiang Li, all standing at the deepest part of the world of cultivation, at the foot of a high mountain. This peak is almost the highest one in the world of cultivation, and it is more than ten thousand times Everest on the earth. People basically look up I can't see any top, even the masters who have the state of birth rate can't climb to the top.

This mountain peak has a name in the world of cultivation, called "Tiantian Peak".

This means that, climbing up this mountain to the top, you can reach an inexplicable space in the sky.

Indeed, Jiang Li can't see the end of this mountain peak, because it is about a few hundred thousand kilometers above the mountain peak, and there is still a great deal of immersion into a deep space.

That space is the kingdom of God opened up by heaven.

Although the Providence of the world of self-cultivation is inferior to that of God, it is not much different from that of a god. The open space is equal to the kingdom of God.

Of course, ordinary creatures cannot climb this peak to heaven. Because this mountain has volcanoes, magma, snow, wind, hail, powerful monsters, various ancient formations, and even legend, this mountain is a magic weapon.

Think about it, Everest on Earth is very dangerous, not to mention this mountain?

Jiang Li stood in front of the Tongtian Peak and looked up at the peak deep into the space. It was very small, which was equal to a drop of water in front of the sea.

The same is true of Xiaodi.

In the middle of the mountainside, the roar of various monsters was transmitted, and you can see that powerful monsters like dragons flew around the mountainside surrounded by clouds.

In addition, countless ethnic groups grow on this mountain.

The overall area of ​​this mountain peak is larger than that of the earth. The average person cannot see the whole picture, and only masters like Jiang Li and Xiaodi can spiritually cross the existence of the dimension and see the whole picture of the mountain.

At present, the two of them are standing at the foot of a mountain. It is a huge grassland. Some countries, powerful nations, nomads live on it. They are similar to the Mongolians on the earth and live on grass, but some cities and Court.

However, this grassland is more than the grasslands on the earth, and there are many nomadic peoples living there to fight each other. Of course, the country here also has ancestral gates to manage them. According to rumors, the descendants of Emperor Changsheng live on Tongtian Peak. Apparently the family ancestors control these nomadic peoples and nations.

"Come on, you go up, be careful."

Xiaodi Tao: "Tianyi lives in another space. The entire world of cultivation, only this Tongtian Peak, can reach that space, otherwise no mana can penetrate, except for God. This Tongtian Peak is also Tianzhu, rumored, was transformed by the spine of Emperor Changsheng. Section by section, full of mystery, you can see that there is a huge grassland at the foot of this mountain, and then go up, that is, the snow and ice layer, which is about 30,000 miles high. The gust layer is also tens of thousands of miles high, followed by the fiery layer, the mist layer, the karma layer ...... Layer by layer, reaching the end, even the saint is difficult to enter. "

"I know. If the Providence is so close, it will have been captured or even refined, but I have no malicious intentions this time, my heart will radiate, and it will feel, it should be easier." Jiang Away.

"That's nature. Since ancient times, I don't know how many cultivators will enter the space where the will of God exists, trying to find treasure, and I don't know how many people have died, as well as the demon corpses from the outside world. I have read the top secret news, the holy man of humanity Once you have invaded the Kingdom of Heaven, and you have also killed two saints. Beware. "Xiaodi warned again.

"I'm familiar with the world of cultivation, but I don't know what's happening in heavenly space." Jiang Li shook his head: "I'll be careful. The infinite group and the things on earth will be left to you. Pay attention to what happened on the Doji Everything, I guess these days, the angels will attack humans on a large scale, or drive other races to attack humans. "

"I will pay attention." The young emperor looked at Jiang Li's relic in his hands, a smile appeared on his face: "This great relic manages the earth's human beings, and he also gets luck, which means that the gods have faith. They are nourished. It ’s very good. It seems that as this goes on, as time goes by, human's luck is getting stronger and stronger, and the great relic will eventually recover. "

"Indeed, it seems that it is a good thing for me to combine the great emperor relics into the network. The next step is to develop human beings. In the past two years, the vitality of the entire human race has greatly improved, and the number of human beings has also exploded. Many babies were born at the moment. Let me check. How many humans are there now? "Jiang Li turned the great relic.

In it comes a huge virtual network. The data recorded on the Internet is data for all human beings.

There are actually more than 900 billion. It will soon be close to breaking through the trillion mark, and this data is constantly jumping, and some people will die and some will be born. With the current level of technological advancement of the entire human race on the planet, once a child is born, it has a record and goes directly to the chip. Even pregnant women are recorded.

And now the chip has been brought to life. It is the technology of the Infinite Group. Biochips can be implanted in the body and fused with flesh and blood. In this way, when a person dies, they will immediately appear on the total optical brain data. .

However, overall, at the current rate of development of human society, the mortality rate has decreased substantially, and the birth rate is increasing.

And now human beings do not have a type of "family planning" policy. You can have as many as you want, as long as you have the conditions and willingness, and there are basic benefits.

When Jiang Li was studying, the welfare of mankind was still average. However, as Mengjiangnan came to power, the infinite group developed rapidly and competed with each other, and the main **** group collapsed. This series of changes occurred. Human beings now have a lot of resources and their welfare has soared.

"It seems that if this continues, the total number of human beings will exceed one trillion in a month." Jiang Li murmured: "Over the next few years, the rapid population growth is simply shocking. The larger the more difficult it is to manage, I hope more Come out with some saints and share our responsibilities. "

"As long as you can cooperate with God's will, it is trivial to increase the number of human beings even a thousand times." Xiaodi waved.

Jiang Li rose rapidly, climbing up Tongtong Peak.

His body is very fast. After a while, he passed the ice and snow layer, then the wind layer, the fire layer, and entered the fog layer before stopping.

Along the way, he felt that the more he went up, the higher the pressure, even if the ice and snow layer was very cold, not the ordinary cold, nor the temperature problem, but the cold wave contained the cold tide, which could dissolve the reinforced iron bones, especially It is very harmful to the monks.

However, during this mountaineering, Jiang Li encountered many practitioners, some of them in the state of birth and even forgetfulness, all practiced on the mountain, and some were looking for geniuses and treasures. Because in the ice and snow layer of 30,000 kilometers, there are countless elixir, ore, snow soul spirit, and even cold spirit stone, even fairy stone. In addition to this, practice sword here You can get great benefits from meditation. It's just that the environment is harsh and it is difficult for ordinary people to survive.

In particular, every time you go up a layer, the environment is bad, and there is a lot of oppression transmitted in the depths of the void, and the space is very tight, just like a plateau lacking oxygen, which makes people breathless.

That ice and snow layer can be entered by ordinary masters of the fetal breath, while the wind layer must be able to move freely in the realm of triple breaths.

As for the higher layer of fire, there are high temperatures everywhere, and the flames are emitted from the depths of the mountain peaks. It is so hot that it can melt any material. Only sitting and forgetting can find cultivation here.

Jiang Li's spirit swept away, and found that many practitioners fought with each other, slaughtered, and searched for treasures. There was chaos between the martial arts and the martial arts, but he didn't bother to care about these, soared directly, and finally stopped in the misty layer.

The fog layer is really powerful.

Only after being promoted to the small world ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ can you enter the triple master, because there is a fog here, the fog is composed of space crystal particles, it is a space haze. If people who have not practiced the small world inhale a little , Immediately exploded into powder, even if not breathing, it is useless, because the space haze here is perforated, and can only be resolved after training into a small world.

Therefore, this is the place for real masters.

For online games, it is advanced maps.

Jiang Li stepped into the mist and walked upwards. When ordinary people enter this place, he will surely lose his head, and he ca n’t distinguish between the northeast and the southeast, but his spirit is stronger than the saint, so where does he care about this little mist.

You know, he can fight against a powerful sage like Meng Jiangnan when he sits heavily, and now he is triple, and he has increased the number of times by one hundred days. Cultivation reached 99.81 million pieces, which was even more overwhelming.

Even now, by virtue of his true cultivation, he can contend with the sages of the avenue level.

Click, click.

Every time Jiang Li took a step, there was a space haze entangled around him, making a sound like broken glass. He opened his mouth, and suddenly all the haze was inhaled, and then spit it out slowly.

When spit out, these haze condensed into a crystal sphere, dreamy luster, which contains many small worlds, layer by layer, like a honeycomb.

"Well, this is also a sacred place for cultivation." Jiang Li nodded: "It is mainly used for people who cultivate the world to condense runes here, and it is fast. Because it is easy to absorb the power of space here."

It's very difficult to develop into a small world. It takes at least a year or a few years to go outside. If you are here, you can do it in a day.

Of course, Jiang Li is different. Between breathing here, you can practice many small worlds.