Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 54: Sword Father

"The brain of the universe!"

At this time, any resistance is futile. He meditates on the brain of the universe. The brain cells are ten times more active, struggling to support, and not to be hypnotized.

"What is your name?"

The old man spoke.

Bang! When Jiang Li heard the ears, it seemed as though the gods were asking questions, shaking his heart and almost losing his spirit.

"Jiang ... fire!"

Jiang Li refused to say anything, and didn't say his real name.

"What's his name?"

The old man asked again.

"Jiang ..." Jiang was intermittent, but still resisted hypnosis and kept his spirit from breaking down.

"Jian what! Say!" The old man's voice grew louder, and every sound, note, and shock hit his ears, as if he had stopped the brain cells. He could not even meditate on the brain of the universe. Questioning.

"I'm still Jiang Huo!" Jiang Yi bit his tongue, Jiang Li almost exerted his spirit to the limit, the brain meditation of the universe increased, and the nosebleed flowed again.

Suddenly, the pressure eased.

The old man sat down again, as if nothing had been done.

The people around him seemed surprised.

"High tolerance, you all go out." The old man Chu Shan waved.


Gao Ren, everyone, even the female secretary went out.

When Chu Shan lost it, a white towel flew over: "Young man, wipe the nosebleeds. I can't think of a student who has such a powerful hypnosis? I can resist my hypnosis. It can be said that in Xinghua City, no one can. Can withstand my hypnosis. "

Jiang Li took the towel to wipe off his nosebleed, and suddenly his motion stopped: "How do you know I am a student." He is now a middle-aged man, Jiang Huo.

"I know not only that you are a student, but also that your name is Jiang Li." Chu Shan smiled. "Your face with makeup is the lowest-level thing, how can you avoid my camera."

He pressed a button, and it turned out that Jiang Li's video appeared on it, and he could see it clearly, his face fully revealed, and even identity information.


Jiang Li was taken aback.

"You don't need to be nervous, young man." Chu Shan waved his hand to signal his quietness, and surely Jiang Li felt a peaceful and peaceful breath coming towards him, which was another kind of calming hypnosis.

"It's no wonder that a hypnotic genius came out of her students, let me take a look. I can't think of meeting you here." The old man in Chushan smiled.

"You ..." Jiang Li heard these words: "Who are you, Sword Sword?" He was quick-thinking, and immediately thought of someone, that was, the teacher Sister Sword who instructed him to hypnotize.

"Sister Dao? Xiqi how to get such a nickname?" Chu Shan frowned: "It seems her temperament is still a bit stronger, without reaching the state of harmony, hypnosis is difficult to take it to the next level."

Jiang Li couldn't speak, knowing that the old man was definitely the elder of Sword Sword.

"I'm Xi Xi's father." Sure enough Chu Shan spoke.

"It turned out to be an old man." Jiang Li quickly bowed, saluting, "I never thought I could meet you here."

"What old man? This is how it was called hundreds of years ago." Chu Shan didn't like the title, but looked at Jiang Li up and down: "You, a student, actually ran to the black market in Xuhuacheng. You are brave enough not to be afraid of being a gangster. Kill you? It's dangerous here, not a student. "

"Yes." Jiang Li was a lot humble, and the other side was the father of "Sword Sword", and the atmosphere became harmonious and relaxed: "But I have to be admitted to Xingkong University. Ordinary cultivation is not possible. I must rely on the power of forbidden drugs, and here A lot of practical experience can be gained, so that the spiritual cultivation can be brought up between life and death. "

"That's the truth." Chu Shanzhang marveled: "Your hypnosis can resist my hypnosis and has a future. In time, you can definitely become an intermediate hypnotherapist."

"Grandpa Chu is an intermediate hypnotist?" Jiang Li asked boldly.

"Yes, but I don't live in Xinghua City, but in Garman City. Recently, I came over because of the Sun and Moon Group to see how to negotiate." Chu Shan did not hide Jiang Li: "I heard that you are forcibly improving your strength , Taking a banned drug causes cell damage, doesn't it? "

"Yes." Jiang Li answered honestly, he is usually a good baby to his elders: "I have been checked by a doctor and now I can only live to thirty."

"So you need the fruit of life?" Chu Shan asked.

"I want to replenish the damaged cells." There is hope in Jiang Centrifugal.

"The fruit of life can indeed make up for the injured cells, but if you can only live thirty years old, I am afraid that one will not come back. Even if I sell it to you at the purchase price, you will need 5 million." Chu Shan said: "Although I am He is one of the major directors of the security group, but he cannot obviously violate the rules of the legal group. "

"I know this rule, but if I become a hypnotherapist inside the security group, I can definitely have the benefits of an internal purchase agreement." Jiang Li is bargaining.

"Yes, but in order to explain to the board of directors, I have to test your hypnosis ability." Chu Shan pressed a button, and a row of soldiers in uniform came in. Every soldier was brawny and tough. Vitality is between 0.8 and 0.9.

"General junior hypnotists, hypnosis will consume too much mental and physical energy when one goes into deep sleep. At most two or three people can go to deep sleep in a day. The success rate is not great. You give me a try now, How much hypnosis can I do? "

Chu Shan opened a video: "To perform well, I have recorded a video. If you perform well, it is more valuable than a general junior hypnotist, and I will be accountable to the board."

"it is good."

Jiang Li walked in front of a soldier. This is the elite of the security group. It can be seen that all of them have a strong sense of fighting, a firm mind, and it is extremely difficult to be hypnotized.

A soldier looked at him, his eyes showed a taste he didn't care about, and he didn't seem to believe that Jiang Li could hypnotize himself.

"Brother, look at my hand." Jiang Li stretched out his hand and shook it before the soldier's eyes. The soldier's breathing rhythm was disrupted immediately, but he was still struggling to support it, but after ten minutes, he could not bear it. , Softly fell down.

"the second."

Jiang Li started the second hypnosis. His fingers bloomed like flowers and kept rising. His mouth heard the sound of Soso, and the second soldier fell down.

"Third!" He walked all the way, and each hypnosis didn't take long at all. Although the soldiers didn't believe and resisted, they couldn't resist being hypnotized.

Bang Bang ...

All 10 fighters were hypnotized, and Jiang Li felt dizzy and contemplating the brain of the universe to the limit.

After each hypnotic warrior, he stroked his opponent's head, as if the tantra guru had been instilled hundreds of years ago, and the hypnotized warrior went into deep sleep.

"Good!" Chu Shan fiercely stood up, "10 hypnosis at one time? Success rate is 100%? Your level is incredible."

Junior hypnotists also have many examples of hypnotic failure. And Jiang Lishou missed, this is a miracle.

"It's a pity that you are indeed a hypnotic genius." Chu Shan repeatedly said: "In this way, even now, even if you are a hypnotist in my security building, you make two demands, don't do illegal things, I I can promise that our security group basically does not rely on beating, killing and killing to make money, and I can also agree on the second free body. As for the signing of the contract, I still have to sign. But in Xinghua City, there is also our security group building. You The contract signed is also a regular contract of the Ministry of Commerce. "

"That's fine." Jiang Li was relieved, since signing a formal contract with the Ministry of Commerce at Xinghua City, it was the nature of finding a job. Now any contract signed by a large company must be filed with the Ministry of Commerce in accordance with the labor law. After review, such a contract has legal effect.

"That being the case, let's go to Xinghua City." Chu Shan can't wait to sign Jiang Li. This kind of potential talents has always been the contempt for big companies.

"Wait, what do I need for the fruits of life?" This is what Jiang Li most likes.

"How much money do you have?" Chu Shan asked.

"You can take out 3.5 million." Jiang Li will certainly not spend his money all at once ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ He hypnotized blood feuds, although he captured 3.58 million, but he lost more than he paid, but destroyed his own life potential again, the only one The benefit is to increase the actual combat experience, and of course to eliminate a gang leader full of evil.

"So much?" Chushan was surprised next time. He knew that even a wealthy family with ten million yuan in production might not get three million in cash.

"Sell me at what price?" Jiang Li was most concerned about this, and he would certainly not explain.

"You become a contracted hypnotist of our group. I sell it to you for 4 million pieces. How about it?" Chu Shan said: "This is no longer a sale, but at the price of training talents."

"Okay, but I don't have enough money now, what can I do with 500,000? Can I apply for a loan from the company? I will pay off the debt slowly in the future?" Jiang Li put forward the conditions.

"This matter will be discussed in detail in Xinghua City." Chu Shan waved his hand.

Three hours later, Chu Shan and Jiang Li both appeared at the headquarters of Xinghua City Security Building.

The security building of Xinghua City, on a large mountain in the suburbs, the entire mountain is decorated with very good materials and is blue. From a distance, it looks like a huge and precious sapphire.

Still a huge office on the top of the mountain, Chu Shan opened the screen and the contract text appeared on it: "You look at the terms first."

Jiang Li looked at it in ten lines and found out that it was indeed a regular labor contract and the number of the Ministry of Commerce. As long as it was signed, it had legal effect.

"No problem, I signed it." Jiang Li waited for the contract to be issued from the chip, and then began to sign the contract, input his own voice, as well as video, fingerprints, and then sent it.

They are all electronic contracts, signed by the two parties, and then sent to the commercial department for review. After passing the review, Jiang Li will become an employee of the security group and find a formal job.