Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 549: Intro

In the Yasha tribe, there are three strong men with two avenues, which are more fierce than the ancient angels. In addition, there are some saints as auxiliary, strong and unparalleled. In the face of such a lineup, even the dragons must weigh. Weighing, once a sudden attack, it is possible to kill the Yasha clan, but in case another clan comes again, taking advantage of the fishermen, it will not steal the chicken.


When the Yasha tribe descended, from the depths of the black hole in the Bermuda triangle on the sea, a burst of shivering breath appeared, and the giant emerged from it.

It's the Saiyan Giant.

A long time ago, Saiyan's ruling was seized by Jiang Li, and billions of giants and temples have become the energy to create the mother's nest. The hidden dangers of the giants have been resolved, but this channel exists after all, and there will be more The giant looked for this passage and came to earth.

Jiang Li saw a avenue-level strongman, Saiyan killing. It was a very familiar person that day. The prince ran away that day, and he practiced the Killing Avenue.

Now here again.

However, he is not the protagonist. Behind him, a larger giant appears. This giant is 300,000 meters high. He is also a strong man who has cultivated three avenues!

When he entered the passage, he quickly shrank, and finally turned into a three-meter-tall little giant with a well-balanced figure and a golden ratio.

Behind him appeared a series of 10,000-meter giants, tens of thousands of meters-tall giants, all the saints among the giants, and the same avenue-level strongmen, but fortunately, no emperor of the giant family appeared.

The emperor of the giant family is a million-meter giant. At least it contains ten avenues. Usually it will not be easily dispatched. It will only wake up when it encounters the strongest destructive blow.

"The repair of that giant leader is similar to that of Dragon in Heaven." Jiang Li calculated: "The avenues in his body are devour, power, and destruction. Good horrors are born to destroy the universe and destroy everything. It's a road of chaos and evil. "

There are positive and evil avenues, and some evil avenues, and that is the magic way.

However, magic is also Tao.

Jiang Li gradually learned about the thousands of avenues in the Great Emperor's relics. Although he was unable to cultivate, his ability to discern the avenues was very perfect. Which masters cultivated which avenues can be directly inferred from the breath. The point is that he can even explore the flaws in the avenue. Any avenue has flaws, and some avenues restrain each other.

It can be said that no one is worse than him on the cultivation method of the avenue.

His profound knowledge is rare in all realms.

"Puzzle, blurry ..." Jiang Li shook his head. "Now the masters of the Dragon Realm, the Yasha tribe, and the Giant tribe all appear. None of the masters can be defeated by me. Although I am a saint, But compared with the masters of Wanjie, it is still small shrimp. The end of humanity is really tragic? Is it really going to be a disaster? "

Humans now live on many planets, but it is not distance at all for these avenue-level powerhouses.

It is imperative that all the planets undergo large immigration, and trillions of humans all gather on infinite stars, and then escape from here far away, lurking into the world of cultivation, and accumulating strength.

In the current state of human beings, it is very likely that they will be crushed by human eggs in an instant and die completely.

One race is extinct.

In the universe, there is genocide every day, and it is not impossible for a stronger race than humans to be annihilated by a stronger existence within a second.

Kaka Kaka ...

Just when Jiang Li was observing the giants' clan, suddenly another dense army appeared from another fissure in time and space.

These armies are actually skeletons.

Skeletons have hard bones that can withstand the storms of time and space. Some skulls are not off-white, but silver, brilliant silver, and others are golden yellow. In addition, the strongest skeletons It's purple, the same color as fairy.

The fire of soul flashed in the eyes of each skeleton.

These soul fires are strange, far from the strength of the saints, but they actually constitute the soul fire. Of course, there are thousands of wonders in the world, and the rules of the bone world are like this.

"The bone world actually invaded." Jiang Li shuddered, and he was very familiar with the situation in the bone world. On the same day, the daughter of the heavenly world of the bone world attacked the world of cultivation and actually suppressed the children of the heavenly world.

Bone Realm is completely an evil world.

However, this time it was not the girl who came, but the generals of several purple skulls.

The purple skull is the saint.

However, this time the army from the Bone Realm did not have a strong man at the avenue level, but Jiang Li was relieved. However, as soon as the Bone Realm came, neither the Yasha clan, the Dragon, or the Giant dared to act rashly, or even dare to explore the mysteries of the Bone Realm with the thoughts and will.

Obviously, they are all very familiar with the bone world army, the bone world is not easy to mess with.

Indeed, if the young girl in the bone world appears, all the masters on the scene will perish, but there is a virtual godhead as strong as the God of Youth in the world of cultivation, who is closest to God.

A big force came out again.

Giant, Yasha, Dragon, Bone Realm.

Jiang Li has become numb, and the next step is to accelerate human integration.

He has already controlled 60% of the control power of the Lord God ’s Light Brain. As long as the government cabinet is successfully reorganized, he can squeeze out President Jiangmeng Jiangnan in one fell swoop.

"Paper kite, what's going on with the cabinet? Did they pass?" Jiang Li asked again.

"It's almost a little bit. Some people were bought by Jiang Nalan. They didn't agree with the last one, so we can't legally form a new government, but I will talk to them soon." Human beings still have inferior roots. At the moment of life and death, they still have to pull the skin. "

"There is also no way. To establish order, this is the pain that must be sustained." Jiang Li shook his head: "Order is not omnipotent, but also has disadvantages. It should be more complicated than it should be. If it is a zerg, any bug They do n’t have their own will, but they obey the main brain, even letting them burn themselves. At the same time, the efficiency is improved, but the beauty of life is lost, and it becomes a boring tool. It also loses its creative ability. Only plunder. "

Jiang Li sees it through.

"You see, the bone world, the dragon world, the giants, and the strong members of the Yasha clan seem to be communicating with their minds." Suddenly, Jiang Li found the situation.

I saw the camp of the four major races appearing on the earth, and suddenly a wave of divine thoughts rushed up and communicated with each other in the sky.

"Listen to God!"

Jiang Li immediately urged the great power of the great relic.

He seemed to hear something secret, and his face was getting paler and paler, "Not good, they are discussing how to deal with our human beings on earth."

"Why? Why should we specifically target humans on our planet?" Dream Paper Kite was taken aback: "These four races work together, then we humans on Earth will be really hard. It is very likely that we will encounter the disaster!"

"They seem to be saying that the human soul of the earth has special characteristics. Grasp the sacrifice and obtain great achievements. It is the soul food that any world wills want." Jiang Li's face was gloomy: "Abominable, this is actually the case, In that way, we humans on earth have become a piece of fatty meat for all races? How is this good? "

The earth's soul is truly extraordinary.

Although Jiang Li has never sacrificed the human soul of the earth, he also knows that the indigenous people on the celestial sphere of the world cannot be so simple.

The human blood of the earth is not powerful, but there are flashes of wisdom in thinking.

"I do n’t know how to discuss the four races?" Jiang Lidao said: "Quickly, I quickly go to the main planet, and then you immediately arrange a large immigration, how much can be emigrated? Now how many humans have we in the infinite star? ? "

"There have been more than 300 billion. Since we held a press conference, the superior life on Infinite Star has attracted a large number of humans, but there are still 700 billion humans living on various planets, unwilling to emigrate, and some planets. They are not in the solar system, so they don't matter, they just watch the changes of the earth quietly ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ It seems that the war will not affect them. "

Dream paper kite road.

"Ah!" Jiang Li said with a long sigh: "The distance between the galaxy and the galaxy is not a problem for the saints at all. Besides, the planet where we humans live is not far away. The technology we have now and the technology controlled by other races For example, it does not occupy an advantage. It seems that I must go to the Lord of the Stars immediately! Also, you can use all the power of the infinite group to emigrate as much as you can. "

"In the depths of the world of cultivation, there are tens of billions of human beings living. These days we do not waste time in vain." Dream paper kite said: "Human blood can continue, let alone we have 300 billion in infinite stars now Even if there are only 100 million, we can develop rapidly. "

"No, human blood is very precious, and none of them can be lost. If we lose the earth, it is very likely that the soul born in the future will have no spirituality, no humanity on earth, or humanity?" Jiang Li "We are all lonely ghosts."

"Okay, I'm doing my best to start immigration, but now I can't force immigration. We can only seduce." Dream Paper Kite said.

"I go to the Lord's planet and talk to Jiang Nalan again. For the sake of the overall situation, see if he can understand. If we really drag our hind legs, then I must kill him!" Jiang Lixia must have Determination to kill.

"However, the saint agreement stipulates that human saints cannot kill each other?" Dream Paper Kite was a little worried.

"The core of the saint agreement is that human security must be guaranteed. If a saint violates this agreement, then he must die. Jiang Nalan thinks that things are under his control, but he does not know that he has a mind of extinction. Sooner or later he will be bitten by the fate tablet. "Jiang Li said lightly:" The fate tablet is definitely not as simple as he imagined. "