Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 553: Brave star

Brave Star.

It is a planet outside the solar system, about 600 light-years away from Earth. Although it takes 600 years to fly at the speed of light, the technology using wormhole jumping can be reached in a short while.

As long as the saint spends some energy and thoughts, he can come to this place completely.

Based on the distance of the third universe, the saint can walk in peace in any place within one light year. If he breaks through the distance of one light year at a time, some divine thoughts will be lost, and the divine thoughts are too far away from the body. Will gradually wear out.

The Holy One is not eternal.

At most, they can only live for 10,000 years, even thousands of years, and they will fly away. This is the case of Xiaodi. Together with Shou Yuan, he has to fly to the immortal world in order to extend his life.

But the road-level powerhouses are completely different. They can span thousands of light years and tens of thousands of light years at a time.

As for the distance of hundreds of millions of light years, in addition to the natural wormholes, even the avenue-level strongmen can't cross, they must slowly jump and spend more long years in the universe.

In the era of the nation, the farthest planet that humans can observe, exists in celestial bodies beyond tens of billions of light years. In modern society, human vision has expanded to trillion light years, or even giga, 10 trillion light years. Outside the celestial body.

The size of the universe is endless.

This is the most mysterious part of the third dimension universe, eternal.

"We don't want to emigrate." Jiang Li is being met by the Governor of Brave Star, the Governor is a blonde with pure Western ancestry, elegant temperament, and himself a master of forgetfulness, called Wenger Tsar, who led his own The team, righteously speaking to Jiang Lidao: "The earth is 600 light years away from us, and the war will not reach us. I think we can watch it change."

"The distance of 600 light-years is basically a matter of thought for the strong." Jiang Lidao said: "Three avenue-level strong people have now appeared on the earth, and they are sparse and ordinary across 6000 light-years. , Even across the entire galaxy is simple. The brave star must emigrate, otherwise it is dangerous. "

"But when we built the Star of the Brave, we didn't know how many people had worked **** it. Now the population has 50 billion people. They are not willing to give up everything they have. There is also social relations." Wengersal The governor is a little stumped.

"I can fully compensate for their property." Jiang Li frowned. In fact, a large part of the people were unwilling to emigrate, not because of wealth, but because of social relations.

Some people are so famous that they have built up a huge network of relationships, which can be a source of wind and rain, but once immigrated, all relationships must be re-established, and their connections are not the original ones. In this way, they naturally Refuse to give up all this.

"By the way, Lord Jiang Li, I heard that you have great powers. You can completely envelop a planet in the palm of your hand and seal it in a deep space. If you want to emigrate, you will take the entire Brave Star and transport it into the infinite depth of the star. How? "Governor Ungersal made a suggestion suddenly.

"If I have such a great magical power, I'm still talking nonsense with you here?" Jiang Li said awkwardly.

"Then you received the cross star, we all humans can see clearly, then the cross star was sealed by you, and it was held in the hands of a projectile, and it was thrown back to the depth of the infinite star." Governor Wengerthar raised it. Factual basis.

"The Doji is different. The point is that all of them are experts and church believers. The planetary vibration cannot kill them. The second point is that the Doji is very stable. It is sculpted by an ancient angel into a mass of energy. You can move at any time. To be precise, Cross Star is already a battleship. Now the brave star is a planet. "Jiang Li analyzed:" The stars in the brave star transport light and heat, and there are self on the ground. The circulatory system, everything is natural. Once I move this planet, the surrounding gravity will change and collapse. If it is not good, the inside of the planet will collapse. You must know that the planet without overall condensing is very fragile , Gravitational changes, internal collapse, countless deaths and injuries, who will bear this responsibility? "

"You don't have the ability to move the planet?" Governor Ungersal repeatedly asked this question.

"Yes, yes, but I can't guarantee the safety of the creatures on the planet." Jiang Lidao said: "Unless my cultivation progresses further and I reach the avenue, then I have such ability."

"Mr. Jiang Nalan is already a two-level powerhouse. Does he have this ability?" Governor Wenger Thall thought of Jiang Nalan.

"He didn't." Jiang Lidao said, "I can't do what he can't do, and he's ambitious. He doesn't want human immigration. He wants humans to be in a dangerous situation all the time. I believe you through several incidents. See it too. "

"You say that, I think immigrants are imminent, but although I am the Governor, I have no real power to kill and kill everything, and everything must be democratic." Governor Ungersal was helpless. "We are now voting in the entire region. And found that fewer people want to immigrate. "

Didi Didi ...

Just then, the whole planet suddenly fluctuated a bit. The planet seemed to be hit by an asteroid. I don't know how many earthquakes, tsunamis, and landslides caused.

"Emergency military situation, our brave star is invaded!" The rapid planet defense system sounded, at the same time, everyone living on the planet can see the picture ejected from his own light brain, that is in Countless battleships have appeared in space. These are as many locusts as they have jumped out of the depths of the wormhole in time and space. Each battleship is extremely secretive, dark and dark. It is not a metal or a biological battleship. Ghosts in alien space.

Then, an evil and powerful mental wave radiated, so that everyone's soul felt shudder.

"Human beings on the earth, we are the army of the Yasha clan, and have completely surrounded the planet. Do n’t resist, surrender obediently, we will not kill you. If you resist, then you will all become our food!"

Destructive thoughts came down, and everyone on the Star of the Brave was stupid.

When the danger came, everyone began to regret that they had no immigrants.

Jiang Li didn't look, his hands were crossed.

Suddenly, his body was like a sunrise, illuminating a land of mountains and rivers, wrapping up the star of the brave, together with the atmosphere, is the guardian curse.

His body rushed up, and he fought fiercely with that evil divine thought.

Then, he stood in space, ignoring the dense fleet, and saw three people, three avenue-level powerhouses of the Yasha clan, all of whom were two avenue-level masters.

"All of you, you have invaded the celestial sphere of the heavens. We are far away from the sphere of the celestial circles. Why do you want to invade?" Jiang Li stared at these three strong men without rash action.

He was not afraid of these three strong men, but was afraid of the attack of Tianlong, Bone Realm, and Giants. He already knew that the four major forces were united together. If he attacked him all this time, he could only end with hate.

"You are the strong man among the earth's humans?" One of the two avenue strong men in the Yasha clan came forward, his face was very old, and he seemed to be at the last moment of his life.

Is an old man.

This is also normal, because the general strongman cultivates to two avenues, and his life will dry up. Even the ancient angels Noah and Moses will not live long.

That's why they fancy Jiang Nalan, because Jiang Nalan's spirit is full of vitality, and there is great room for promotion, which can be described as promising.

"That's right, I'm Jiang Li." Jiang Li communicated with the old man with a wave of divine thoughts.

"This night Hughes." The old man said: "Did you kill Ye Mohe? Destroyed his 10 billion pioneers?"

"That's right." Jiang Li knew that he couldn't hide it, and he had the dignity of a strong man. He didn't need to hide it if he killed it himself.

"Then you ask why we are attacking you?" Ye Xiusi was murderous. "You humans will need blood to wash away the losses of the Yasha clan."

"Really?" Jiang Li looked around. "If you are the three of you, I'm afraid I can't do it."

"You are just a saint, have such a big tone?" Another old Yasha tribe stepped out, "I'll see if you have some means."

"I advise you not to do well." Jiang Li secretly warned, but did not want to do it, because he is not afraid to do it here, but he cannot protect the brave star at this level of battle, and the entire planet will certainly be destroyed.

"Are you afraid?" The old man smiled with a yin yin: "Fool, I feel the jealousy and the desire to protect from the depths of your eyes. You are afraid of the destruction of the planet behind you ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ However, we are different. It doesn't matter how much the Yasha people lost. Even if it is 10 billion funeral, it is a small amount of dust. So we can let go and attack. "

"Your life is at the end. I'm fighting today, I'm afraid I won't be able to live long. Why do you give guns to the Dragons, Bone Realms, and Giants?" Jiang Li waved: "Maybe we can join hands and I can You extend your life. "

"Oh?" The three elders were all stunned. "We want to hear, how do you extend my life for me. It seems to have seized you earth humans, sacrificed to a certain world, and given the special souls of earth humans, we will You can get a long life. "

"Yesha people do not have their own dimension. Which dimension do you offer sacrifices to?" Jiang Lidao said, "I know the secret code of the fairyland, and I have established a good relationship with the fairyland. Of course, sacrificing the earth ’s humans is not good, but we can sacrifice the power. Tianlong, giants, and even the chaos of the ancient angels! "

"What? Ancient Chaos?" The three old men were startled. "Do you have ancient Chaos? Where is it?"

"In the hands of the ancient angels." Jiang Lidao: "And I know, how to get the chaos and ancient spirit from the hands of the ancient angels? How about us? Why not cooperate with us? How about signing an agreement with humanity to deal with the ancient angels?"

"Boy, you have a good idea." The three elders grinned at each other: "But we won't believe anything from you. If you want to gain our trust, first tell us the password to the fairyland, and the second will bring ten billion humans. Give us a sacrifice, we will taste the sweetness, and then we will cooperate with you, no, 30 billion! We each have 10 billion. It is said that you have trillions of human beings on earth, and lost 30 billion, in exchange for your tranquility, It seems very worthwhile. I have studied your ancient history. This seems to be called land cut compensation. It is worshipped every year. "