Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 605: Under the corpse of god

"Sure enough, the body of God is really terrifying, and it has actually given off its vitality. It can be turned into a planet of spirit stones. If it is placed in the world of cultivation, it will really make up for the world." Jiang Li looked at each one. The spirit stone planet is full of excitement. With these resources, humans and the world of ascension will be promoted ten times faster.

"Be careful, these spirit stone planets have a lot of power, and even there is the grievances when God died. Once the grievances are generated, I will be beheaded." Although the spirit stone planet in front of you is very attractive, even the dragon Can't help moving, but she didn't move, but carefully watched the changes of this star field.

The span of this star field is about 10,000 light-years, which is much larger than the true world, but it does not form a half-dimensional, it is just a star field.

In the center of this star field, there is a faint strong light, and a hazy fog, covering everything, it is impossible to see what is inside.

Jiang Li's thoughts permeated, and when he was outside the star field, he felt a huge gravitational force. To pull himself in was tantamount to a super cosmic black hole.

Zizi ...

His divine thoughts were collected, but it was very difficult. I only felt that the star domain exclusively absorbed spiritual souls, and the masters at the avenue level died as soon as they entered.

"God's grievances are all over this star field. In the center of this star field, about a thousand light-years away, the body of God has not been melted. I do n’t know how many of that body, but there must be two. Above, one of them is the elder of our dragon clan. "Long Yan said.

"Then what do we do now? If you do n’t enter it, how can it be possible to collect the corpse of God? And, with my mana, this star field cannot be collected. It is good to be able to collect these spirit stone planets, but It now appears that these spirit stone planets are connected together, and the planet and the planet are naturally condensed into a large array. If they are to be forcibly collected, the balance between this galaxy will be destroyed at once, and the entire galaxy will probably explode. It will also burn directly and become huge energy, let alone me, even ten will be reduced to ashes. "Jiang Li's eyes shone brightly, it seemed to find some mysteries from it, and saw the danger in this star field. .

"I can't think of you seeing it." Long Yan said for a moment: "In the past few months, wandering in the starry sky, your cultivation seems to have improved another level, can't see it."

"Small, small." Jiang Zhiming knew that, in the past few months, he has not been idle, he has been enlightening and practicing, and even the practice along the way is much better than his retreat because of his spirit. I fully felt the passage of time beyond the tens of billion light-years of the entire universe. The universe changed, the expansion of space-time, the collapse of the void, and the strange scenery along the way was felt by him. The fire of his soul absorbed the knowledge of the tens of billion-years of light. Stopping changing various colors. Originally, the fire of his soul was golden, but now it has become pure. Those golden flames have a soft, no longer sharp.

This is a return to return.

Sure enough, it is better to read thousands of books than to travel thousands of miles.

"Nothing wrong, this star field is very dangerous, even I ca n’t take away the body of God." Long Yue said: "After the tiger died, Yu Wei was still there, and the beasts did not dare to approach its fur, let alone God. God itself is an intolerable existence, even if it is dead, and there is an instinct to protect its body. Only this three-dimensional universe, slowly melting it, as if the animal carcass is melting in the dirt, but I naturally Is there a way to see this huge wealth, how can it be returned empty-handed, isn't it meaningless? This dragon sign is one of our keys, enter the center of this star field, and find the artifact of the dragon family, When I found that artifact, I started to refine it. After the refinement, I could get the inheritance of the seniors of the dragon tribe, so that it could make its remaining divine thoughts, stimulate its own body, sacrifice Nirvana, and return to the dragon world. Corpse, after that, we can also take advantage of the sacrifice of the predecessors of Dragon Realm to make this star field out of balance, and finally expand your great relic, and absorb the entire star field into it. "

"What?" Jiang Li heard the plan, it was inconceivable: "How can it be, my great relic has such a mighty power? You can inhale this star field, you are not kidding."

"Nonsense," Long said, "you don't know how powerful your great emperor relic is. I tell you that once God falls, as soon as he enters the three-dimensional universe, the godhead will immediately collapse and disintegrate. You want to I thought that when I entered this three-dimensional universe, I was oppressed by the universe's instinct, not to mention God? After God ’s divine personality collapsed, the body would slowly melt away. In fact, just like human ordinary death, the soul disappeared first. , Lose the will, and finally the corpse slowly rots. You think about it, the moment an ordinary person dies, the soul disappears quickly, and the corpse will rot within a few years. If kept well, the corpse will not rot for thousands of years. It ’s the same with God. The godhead collapses instantly. Because the godhead is the soul. Your godhead has been under the three-dimensional universe for so long. It has n’t collapsed. It ’s a miracle in miracles. If I did n’t guess wrong, This god, I am afraid, is the most profound ancestor of the universe, which is the most profound and close to chaos. In addition, this godhead should not be an ordinary godhead, very It may be the king of heaven among the legends. "

"The godhead is king?" Jiang Li didn't understand these things. The realm above God, he couldn't touch at all. To those ancient powers, he was just a slightly stronger ant.

"Yes, it is the king of godheads. If this kind of thing really exerts its power, it is more than enough to **** in a galaxy as large as the galaxy." Long Yue said: "Not to mention absorbing this star field? And, if this godhead is If you can **** all of this star field into it, then it will definitely create a channel directly through the world of cultivation. In this way, we do n’t need to take that long to go back, perhaps a distance of 10 billion light years. Can be there in a short time. "

"That's true." Jiang Li knew deeply that he did not even develop 1 / 10,000 of the might of the Emperor.

This should be the legacy of several great emperors in the fairyland.

"No more nonsense, we quickly lurked into it, there is the feeling of looking for the Dragon Seal, this star formation array is not very harmful to us." Long Yan said: "I do not hesitate, I am afraid of big If you can **** it in front of us to collect the body of this god, then all will be used as wedding dresses for others. "

"How could it be that the Third Universe repels masters, can you come here, or is the power of the celestial spheres affecting the galaxy, and also my help, plus the great emperor relic, if you really say that the great emperor relic is the **** Wang, there should n’t be a few in the realm. Which master can appear here? ”Jiang Li smiled slightly. These days, he has a deep understanding of the rules of the universe, so he felt that with his own cultivation, in three times In the universe of the Yuan, it is almost like a fish, because no master can enter it.

"The truth is this, but in this world, there will always be unexpected things. In fact, in the three-dimensional universe, there are two special existences, one is the Brain Star Field of the Universe, and the other is the Immortal Tower Star Field. People in these two star domains can ignore the existence of the three-dimensional universe law and rule the three-dimensional universe with a mighty force. "Long said:" The master of the brain of the universe and the tower of immortality, our dragon world God ’s will be jealous of three points. It should be said that these are the two holy places in all realms. "

"It's the brain of the universe and the immortal tower again. No wonder Wu Zubaliming asked me to go to the immortal tower star field, and he said there is a future for humanity." Jiang Li murmured: "These two star fields, What ’s so great about it, people never seem to show up? "

"Don't say these two star domains ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ we charge quickly."

Long Yan lifted his hand, and the dragon-printing dragon issued a glittering golden mane, which turned into some golden sand. He wrapped the two and broke into this star field.

Sure enough, as soon as the Xunlongyin Festival came out, the pressure of the two was greatly reduced, and they flew into the interior of the God's Star Realm without being pulled by gravity.

However, the more you get to the center of the star field, the light becomes more and more intense. In the end, it is like a mountain and a sea, and the tide is turbulent. The brightness is beyond the brightness of the sun.

In the universe, there are many stars that surpass the brightness of the sun, but the brightness in the center of this star field is too horrible. Jiang Li has never seen such a bright star field, and it is about three light years away from the center. Brightness almost melts itself.

It is impossible for a master of the avenue level to enter it. Without the protection of the great emperor, he would have fallen to ashes himself.

It is true that the power of God is not comparable to what he is now.

"Quickly absorb these forces and grow the Yuanshen. The light here is not ordinary light, but a kind of eternal spirit with eternal attributes erupted from the fall of the god." Long Yue said: "This is rare, in us There is no dragon at all. "While she was struggling to support, she was absorbing the light from the outside, and the light was heavy, slow, and with the weight of a mountain, she was sucked into her body, and suddenly the power in her body began to rotate, Jiang Li felt in front of her. The dragonfly seems to be as great as the solar system, and its power is irresistible.

Divine power is like prison, divine grace is like the sea.

Jiang Li immediately began to absorb.

However, he just absorbed a trace into the body, banged, and the whole body began to burn, as if an ordinary person swallowed gasoline, then ignited, and began to burn from the inside to the outside. The fire of his soul and the matrix began to be burned continuously. Exhausted.

He felt like he was about to perish!