Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 709: Way to transcend

Transcendence is infinite, and infinity is constant transcendence.

This is unlimited.


Jiang Li quickly calculated, and also practiced the 21st rule into 99999999 runes. This is based on the power of the fate gas after the East Emperor Bell and the fate rune were broken.

For each additional rule, his practice and combat effectiveness will increase.

The 21st and 20th rules are quite different.

However, to deal with the existence of such a level, he is still not enough, and he cannot deal with the imminent calamity in the human world.

"Unfortunately, the power of the rune of fate is too weak. Otherwise, I would be able to refine the curse of sin in my body." Jiang Li is still a pity. Once he has refined the curse, he is truly one step higher than the current one. .

Crackling ...

In the depths of Donghuang Bell, another explosion is taking place.

It is the systematic will of heaven and the heavenly will of heaven that collided and caused a destructive force to each other. This force oscillated endlessly in the body. Instead, Jiang Li sucked into the body, causing the two forces of heaven to explode on his own body. Absorb the remaining air and condense your own magic.

Fight for two days.

"Bloodline communication!"

Jiang Li yelled again, his hands hitting a dreamy seal.

Under his seal, the squall wind reappeared, condensing into the body, stronger than before. A chaotic airflow and purple airflow circulated in the body, like Tai Chi, twisted together. This is the squall wind. Integrating the residual power of the system's providence into a furnace, and training out the strongest physique.

"Creation, Hongmeng, Yuanshi! The three avenues are completely integrated. I want to train the king of the three avenues into one." Feng Feng also has ambitions.

In her body, there are taiji graphics everywhere, and the three avenues cooperate with each other. Actually, there is a tendency to merge together. In fact, her cultivation is very strong, and her qualifications even exceed her ancestor, the great sky emperor. Even the soul emperor's qualifications are inferior to her, because she is the son of the fairyland.

"Attention, I have started to communicate." Jiang Li raised his hands high, a blood splattered and turned into a blood-colored dragon, entangled around the body of Howling Wind, shouted, and then ascended to rise to the sky and break through the **** To communicate a strong presence.

Meng Feng knew the method of sacrifice. When she saw the blood dragon appeared, she directly conveyed the heavenly will of the immortal world, and produced a stronger explosion.

Whoohoo ...

In the depths of the Eastern Emperor Bell, the will of the immortal world suppressed the will of the system, creating a balance. If outside, the two wills explode, I do n’t know how many worlds to destroy, and even the strongest masters, countless gods and The Immortal Tower Master will appear.

But now inside the East Emperor Bell, all explosions were restrained.

The energy of the explosion turned into Jiang Li and Howling Wind.

Without the oppression of systematic will, Jiang Li could carry out many appeals.

"The ancestor of the martial arts, Ba Liming, appeared quickly and communicated with me." Jiang Li was summoning, conducting ancient sacrifices, temporarily suppressing the system's will with the heavenly will of heaven, and restraining each other. He felt that his bloodline had greatly improved. And communication.

Sure enough, in this induction, he vaguely had the breath of the patriarch of the martial arts.


He spit his blood again and turned it into a scarlet rune, urging the bloodline law.

The Scarlet Rune has been transformed into many scarlet worlds. Many descendants have been born in the world. All descendants are praying and communicating with the prince of martial arts.

Jiang Li's move is to combine the dream of the Emperor of the Soul, and instantly transform the blood into many worlds. In the world, descendants are born, such as 蚍蜉, and then disappear with the sound, but at this moment, those descendants are common. The strength of prayer will make him feel the intensity of Palimin reach the highest level.


Right now.

Outside of the distant Milky Way, in the realm of the world, Meng Zhiyu suddenly opened her eyes: "Jiang Li is displaying the Great Seal of the Emperor and communicates with the ancestor of the martial arts, Bali Ming. It seems that I want to help him once, our human world, also began prayer."

She immediately launched an urgent combat mission.

Didi Didi ...

Citizens of all circles have received information on urgent citizen missions, and each citizen's chip appears on the mission, that is, prayer, the ancestor of the martial arts.

This is now the law in the human world. All citizens must contribute to humanity. The government will regularly issue some tasks. After the citizens complete, they will have a contribution degree. If they don't complete it, the contribution degree will be deducted.

It's like a **** in the feudal era.

However, general tasks are not too perverted and can be done. Moreover, the morality of the human world has reached a very high level, and everyone must fight for the hard work of the human world.

Because of the advent of all realms, human beings as a big market, battles often occur, and wars are repeated. Under such wars, human beings will not have a peaceful development period. Everyone knows that they must fight for vitality, otherwise it is very likely that Become a prisoner, or annihilate the whole.


The human population is now in the multi-gigabit range.

On the earth, together with dozens of planets, human beings were just a trillion. Now the population has expanded thousands of times, and the overall quality has been greatly improved.

At the time, when the overall human quality was at its peak, it was only 1.3.

Now, the average human vitality is 13.

Moreover, the spirit of every human being is settled. Even if a baby is born, it can be settled. It is baptized.

In addition, humans are ready to optimize their genes and improve the overall bloodlines through Zerg technology.

After the offspring are born, after birth, all of them are not weak, but they are born with a vitality of more than 10.

Up to now, human beings can communicate with each other by the spirit of a multi-gigabit population, which has basically become a medium ethnic group in the universe. Of course, this scale is still weak compared to some ethnic groups in the multiverse world. .

So it must be expanded.

In the meaning of the dream paper kite, the next goal for human beings is to raise all vitality to more than 20, and then the overall state is the birth rate.

Even the birth of a baby is the realm of birth rate.

However, this must be promoted in the human world, or once again get more adventures, get more resources.

"Communicate the patriarch of the martial arts, pray, pray ..."

The multi-gigabit human beings got the news and immediately began to pray, even those sage masters are no exception, because they all know that as long as the patriarch of the martial arts appears, the human world can truly stand at the top of the world.

In the human world, the power of great prayers radiates through the void.

Dream paper kite looked at this invisible divine power of prayer, but also secretly shocked. This is the power of the ethnic group, accumulating less into more, gathering sand into towers, and dripping water converging into the ocean.

"Jiang Li, it seems that you are doing a big move, very good, very good, and I am about to make a big move. Soon, my cultivation will also reach a realm. At that time, the relic of the soul emperor unlocks, I will get the overall memory inheritance, and I will turn the vacuum avenue into the king of the avenue. "The great emperor relic on the top of the dream paper kite suppressed the Quartet, and it seemed that an emperor was calculating and operating for her at all times.

唰 唰 唰 …… ..

Jiang Li was in the depths of the chaotic prison, and suddenly felt that in his body, a huge force of prayer emerged. At this time, he seemed to see the whole world. Gigabit people were praying, and the prayer was scattered into the void. , And then emerged from his own body.

It's as if the wind is calling the heavenly will of the fairy world.

"I know."

Jiang Lidao: "The wind is the son of the immortal world. I am the son of the human world. The child of the earth is even more pure than her. She did not participate in the creation of the immortal world. Instead, I created the human world and the human sacrifices to heaven. It ’s actually sacrificing me. From a certain theory, the human world is me, and I am the human world. No wonder people in the human world pray when they come out of my body. Well, with the power of this prayer, I will With 100% certainty, the ancestor of the martial arts is clear. "

Jiang Li's spirit expanded hundreds of times. In his spirit, he once again felt the ancestor of martial arts.

This time, it seemed to break through the shackles in the depths of the void and sense a great existence. In the depths of the chaotic prison, he seemed to see an altar. Around the altar, five monuments appeared. Among the monuments and monuments In the meantime, all are linked by iron chains, and each of the monuments is a magic weapon of innate chaos.

The five monuments represent earth, water, fire, air, air, and gold, wood, water, fire, and soil. They also represent energy, energy, spirit, spirit, spirit, energy, essence, essence, pith, breath, and soul. Fate.

This is the legendary monumental monument.

And in the center of the monument, the iron chain blocked a person. The person was tall, tall and straight, with a beard like an arrow, eyebrows, and big eyes. He was wearing a gray suit. The strong body would support the suit to explode at any time. .

He is the father of martial arts.

The whole body was blocked by the iron chain on the monument, and the body of the prince of the martial arts, Ba Liming, penetrated, densely packed. Ordinary people can't live like this, but they don't realize it. The momentum is like the sea, the sky, and the prison. An endless divine power pulls the monument, and the entire monument must be broken.

The five monuments were all creaked, ~ lightnovelpub.net ~.

The ground was shaking.

That altar was almost exploded by his divine power.

It seems that the owner of the Immortal Tower will soon suppress him.

"Is this the true body of the patriarch of the martial arts?" Jiang moved in the centrifugal movement and felt the devastating power stronger than the Donghuang.

In other words, Palimin surpassed the ancient emperor, and it is no wonder that the owner of the Immortal Tower was difficult to kill him and could only suppress it.


Suddenly, Ba Liming felt that Jiang Li was sensing him. With his eyebrows raised, a spirit passed into Jiang Li's heart.

"I didn't expect you to be in a chaotic prison, but don't rescue me, because your ability is not enough to rescue me, but you will fall into a trap. You are the hope of humanity, and you have great hope in your body. dead……….."