Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 711: Martial arts

The martial arts world is different from all other worlds. It upholds the highest true meaning of martial arts. The world created by martial arts is not created by someone, but formed naturally. Such a huge world is impossible for manpower. To create this kind of world.

In the entire Wu world, I do n’t know what shape it is. In the memory of Ba Liming, he ca n’t see it, it is boundless, but it is vague, it seems that a huge person lies in a stream of time and space.

"Remember, you can clearly see the whole world of martial arts before you can know the true meaning of martial arts. The shape of martial arts is a giant. In the depths of the turbulent universe, various martial arts are constantly being practiced. His martial arts Learning is the real martial arts, and even I feel ashamed, but in this world, there are very few people who can see the true form of martial arts. Now, I will turn the non-martial arts into a true eye of God, making you See through the shape of the martial arts. "

Palimin said.

Suddenly, Jiang Li had a stinging brain.

"Remember, to motivate the Great Dream Heart Sutra and observe the Wu world from a dream. No one can see how big the Wu world is. Even the emperor is powerless. To watch the secret practice of the Wu world, you must use extraordinary means."

Ba Liming penetrated Wu Li into the depths of Jiang Li's soul, not only including his own martial art experience, but also how to macro-view the essence of the martial arts.

Deep in the heart of Jiang Li's eyebrow, a dreamlike airflow appeared, and the airflow was moving, and he successfully entered the dream.

Deep in the dream, he saw the depths of time and space turbulence, a huge world.

That world is in bronze.

This is the Wu world.

The entire Wujie is really a giant, and I do n’t know how big it is, but it is slightly calculated in the centrifugation of the river. The volume of the Milky Way is just a hair for the giant in Wujie.

The giant Wujie straddles the unknown time and space, suppresses the unknown years, and exudes the ancient vicissitudes and even the eternal atmosphere.

The giant Wujie stands and poses in a posture of martial arts, with a fist clenched, and his whole body stretched out. It seems to be opening forward, and it seems to be pulling backwards, with his feet firmly in front. This momentum seems to open up the world, it seems to destroy the world, and it seems to be inclusive of all things, it is more like resisting all things.

This action, seemingly immobile, never stops, from the beginning of the world's birth to the end of its destruction.


In his dream, Jiang Li automatically learned the pose of Wujie.

As soon as the martial arts moves, he moves.

The giant Wujie suddenly and slowly practiced various postures, various martial arts, all-encompassing, and Jiang Li was studying.

"What's going on?" Feng Feng also came back, knowing that Jiang Li had communicated with the ancestor of the martial arts, Ba Liming, and saw Jiang Li abruptly, posing a pose, the momentum of this posture, Wu Xue upright, far Far more than her God of Fortune.

"Impossible. The God of Fortune is one of the most advanced martial arts in the immortal world. Actually, the artistic conception is far less than this martial art. Is it possible that the ancestor of the martial arts, Ba Liming, has reached such a level, it is impossible. In the face of this martial art, Wu Feng knew immediately that it was not something man could create.

Indeed, this is not the martial arts of Paliming, but the martial arts of the giant itself, the martial arts itself.

"Infinite Fist, fifth move, infinite martial arts!"

Jiang Li finally realized the fifth move of the infinite infinite fist, watching the giant figure of Wujie, and raised the infinite infinite fist again.

Infinite Divine Fist, the first move, the infinite origin, the second move, the infinite fortune, the third move, the infinite truth, the fourth move, the infinite blood, the fifth move, the infinite martial arts.

The fifth move is too powerful. It is pure martial arts, martial arts in martial arts. It can be said that even the gods of martial arts cannot see the true colors of martial arts.

Jiang Li relied on the no-martial arts method of the ancestor of the martial arts, Ba Liming, combined with the Dream Sutra, and was omnipotent in the dream. Only then did he understand the figure and martial arts posture of the giant Wu world.

"Remember, if you practice martial arts in the future, you will directly enter the dream and observe the changes in the martial arts. The giant in the martial arts is active, and the posture of each moment is different. It's too long. Well, don't communicate with me for now, go find the blood of Heavenly Father and talk about it. "

Ba Liming's whole body shook, the five immortal monuments roared, and the whole person disappeared from Jiang Li's mind.

Jiang Li recovered.

Howling wind also recovered.

"Article 22, Wu Wu!" Jiang Li moved again, his powerful energy turned into runes, and these runes formed a powerful martial law, Wu Wu.

To the end of Wu, there is no Wu.

There is no law of martial arts, and the final perfection is also 99999999. This is the experience of the ancestor of the martial arts, and it is taken for granted.


Jiang Li's whole body was trembling, the breath of martial arts was higher than that of the other, and the combat power soared. The 22 rules gathered together and combined with his spiritual power, he could truly be on par with the masters of 50 avenues.

In other words, if Prince Tatu was still alive, he could even kill that Prince Tatu with a punch.

"Your cultivation has increased too quickly, but isn't Wu Zu Ba Liming able to rescue it?" Xi Feng's cultivation is also rising, and she keeps it hidden.

"Of course I can't rescue him now, but I can benefit a lot from communicating with him." Jiang Lidao said, "Let's leave this chaotic prison."

"Leaving? I finally entered it. I got a visitor rune, now I want to leave?" Wu Feng was unwilling: "You forgot, we have to look for the emperor pen? Xihuang drum."

"No, I have more important things to do." Jiang Lidao said: "Now you and my destiny runes have been resolved, it can be said that they have accomplished their purpose. Compared to what I have to do, Zhonghuangbi, Xihuanggu What kind of?"

Indeed, after finding the blood of Heavenly Father and the promotion of mankind as a whole, that is the big thing. What is the personal thing compared with the big thing of human beings?

"What big thing are you going to do?" Wu Feng knew that Jiang Li looked unusual and knew it was extraordinary.

"This is a secret. We will discuss it after we go out, but we really need your help to succeed in this matter." Jiang Li thought for a while, "Go, let's launch the power of the system and transmit it."

"Since you want to go out and do something big, I have no choice but to accompany you out." Wu Fengchangxiao said, "Go out."

Both men urged teleportation at the same time.

Suddenly, the two were out of chaos, and then came to the Great World Cave of Genius Training Camp.

"What's the important news?" Feng Feng still asked.

"In fact, there is nothing." Jiang Li thought carefully: "You also know that our human blood has been cursed, otherwise it is not like this, I will now go to the light world, to the place of origin of the angel family, to get the sky The blood of the father is integrated into the origin of the world, or made into medicine, so that everyone ’s sins are eliminated, and the instinct in the blood is restored. In this way, the power of the world can be increased tenfold in an instant and become the world Wonder in the middle. "

"So that ’s what you have to do. This is indeed a big event, but I know a lot about the light world, it ’s very mysterious, it ’s basically difficult to enter, and it ’s the Tower of Immortal Tower. Both the fairy world and the light world are fighting against the angels. The angels' invasion is very powerful. They have accumulated in secret over the years. Waiting for the opportunity is likely to become the peak of all realms. Their ambitions are incalculable. Are you going to the light world, or are you looking for some opportunities? Let me think about it, for example, when the two armies are fighting, grab a strong angel of them and take the round? But it is easy to be noticed by the light world. "

"Huh?" Jiang Li thought for a while, and suddenly knew that he had received the Light God of the Lord God, that is the Prophet, this is the angel's nemesis, and it is also an artifact of the angel family. Now this thing is still its own, if it is used well Entering the realm of light can blind the will of the realm of light.

"Foreign battle is a matter of God of God and God of War, but God of War and Desolation have some friendship. I'll go to the relationship now and see when the war against the light world will happen again." Feng Feng inquired the system.

The two are conspiring to discuss.

Just then, in a world similar to the jade of good fortune, the man of Wei'an opened his eyes.

This man, who dominates all the fate of the world, is exactly the same.

He felt his loss of luck and stood up sharply: "My destiny rune was actually eliminated? It was the son of the fairyland and that of Ye Jin. Did the son of the fairyland get any adventure?"

He suddenly figured it out.

Cloth stepped on the bucket, and countless pictures appeared in front of him.

The pictures appeared, one by one, but they couldn't see clearly.

"Huh, is the heavenly will of the immortal world blinded?" Wan Qianqiu's eyes appeared disdain, "How can I stop my destiny?"

Hum ...

The world is constantly shaking ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ He printed a handprint to find out why the rune of fate is gone.

The picture in front of me is getting clearer and clearer: "Even God cannot stop my reckoning, and even God cannot destroy my destiny."

At this moment, the picture was clear, and when the scene was about to emerge, a huge shadow appeared. The shadow was a bronze giant standing in the depths of time and space. He didn't know how big it was and punched it hard.

This fist shattered the whole picture, Wan Qianqiu's body shook, and he waved his hands to blow the picture apart, and his brows frowned deeply: "The shape of the martial arts? Blocked my reckoning. Is it a powerful existence in the Wu world that breaks my destiny rune? What I just saw seems to be the overall image of the Wu world. Even the emperor is hard to peep. I basically can't see it. Is it Beyond the existence of the Great Emperor is helping the Son of the Fairy? "

Under this kind of counterattack, Wan Qianqiu was not harmed at all, and this person's cultivation is obvious.

"Very well, I am in the immortal tower star domain, except for the ancient gods, there are no young opponents. The appearance of the Son of the Fairy Really made me not lonely." He seemed to be dispatched, looking for the wind again .