Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 743: Mass promotion 3 more

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Stepping down from the throne, the two walked towards the interior of the Central Palace with satisfaction. This time, the two got a lot of benefits. Jiang Li has condensed 70 rules, all of which are the best of 99999999 runes, but the final completion of Infinite Avenue is still far away. The most important point is that he completely consumed the memory of the three emperors If you want to save again, you can only look for other memories.

Now that the memory of the Emperor Shentong and the emperor of Gugu is not complete, the memory of the five emperors is incomplete, which actually hinders his practice, but fortunately, he has also been recognized by the will of the immortal world. Later, he found two descendants of the emperor and obtained the memory of the emperor from their hands. It is not a difficult matter, and maybe the successors of the two emperors have already appeared, so it may not be necessary.

Of course, if the descendants of these two emperors are also ambitionists, and truth teachers, or other people, Jiang Li would not mind taking their treasures on the spot and depriving them of their qualifications to pass the thunder. Only by means of this can we suppress the situation, otherwise kindness will not be a big thing.

In fact, how to say, Jiang Li is still kind, and the people who follow him have got great benefits. Even the magic weapon is not bad. Donghuang Zhong, Chaogu Euphorbia, Great Emperor Relic, and Mother Emperor Egg. The heart of the world, but also the will to be independent, will only grow stronger.

In the future, these things will give birth to great spirituality, and finally reincarnation and rebirth, become human beings, gain their own feelings and wisdom, abandon the body, and gain great freedom and freedom. This is what the magic weapon itself dreams of.

The human heart does not swallow up the magic weapon after fusion. This is equivalent to the merger of several small countries into one large country. Small countries still have independence, but the merger of mutual resources can get enough convenience.

The human heart is such a product, and not once it is merged, everyone loses its independent will, which is equivalent to destruction.

Jiang Li would not do such an evil thing.

The same is true for Qibao Miaoshu.

In the future, Qibao Miaoshu, born of a strong spirituality, is reborn as a human being, and will immediately become a leader in the human world, adding another master to humanity.


The two left the throne, bypassed the side, and went deeper into the hall.

Behind the chapel is the palace of the soul emperor, and some concubines. In addition, the treasure house, weapon store, book store, elixir store, and even the chaos store are all in it.

Chaos Library is rumored to be a place to store eternal ancient wells, ancient chaos.

All realms know that only the light realm has the eternal ancient well. In fact, in the central palace of the immortal realm, there is also the eternal ancient well in the heart of the chaos of the soul emperor.

"Let ’s go to the chaos hall first, hoping to find the eternal ancient well, and connect this eternal ancient well with the human realm, so that your human realm once again has a huge hole card. I now can see that if the fairy sphere is to be rejuvenated, it will still depend on human blood transfusion. Now that the power of the human world is not enough, the immortal world should invest and not keep it. "

"I know the location of the eternal ancient well in the memory of the Emperor of the Mind." Jiang Li bypassed the layers of the hall, corridors, and various pavilions. Many strong treasures attracted him along the way, but He turned a deaf ear to the Chaos Temple.

What the human world lacks right now is strength that can grow directly.

In fact, according to the truth, the human world can now be promoted into a new universe, but just a little savings are not meaningful to promote.

Because promotion in this way is just the bottom of the universe in the universe. It has no status.

Therefore, Jiang Li is not in a hurry to be promoted, as if the company was listed. It is not profitable to make a small listing. It is better to not go public. After becoming a giant, it will rise in one fell swoop and obtain the same status as the fairy world, the martial world, the magic world, and the dragon world , That would be considered a real world, otherwise it would be a gimmick.

So now Jiang Li is desperately saving, all kinds are hidden.

The most important thing in a world is chaos.

Chaos ancient energy comes from the eternal ancient well.

As long as you get an eternal ancient well, a new chaos ancient atmosphere will be generated every so often in the depths of that ancient well. This is drawn from the emptiness, even if it is as strong as the emperor, it is impossible to draw from the depth of emptiness. The chaos is ancient, but the eternal ancient well is.

As long as an eternal ancient well is in the world, and the ancient atmosphere of chaos is generated every once in a while, this world has great hope.

The memory from the emperor in Jiang Li's mind knows that as long as the eternal ancient well reaches the human world, the promotion speed of the human world is definitely not as slow as that of the fairy world.

"The chaos is in front of us, and we didn't enter other temples along the way to look for treasure." Feng Feng pointed at a chaos portal in front of him. "Look, before this hall, there were countless runes and chain locks, We ca n’t enter it at all, but now that God has acknowledged that we have the relic of the Great Emperor, we have hope to enter it. "

"Sure enough, it is the Chaos Hall. We have all the memories of the Emperor of the Soul. We know how to open this hall, let's go together." Jiang Li surged up the breath of the Soul Emperor. Easy, hey, now we have to do everything possible to take away the treasures of Celestial Heaven, otherwise the truth of discourse truth will become stronger and stronger. By then, these treasures will be theirs, but they will only be the enemy. "

"Yes, we are not yet able to compete with truth teachings. After all, there is an emperor." Wu Feng sighed: "I can't wait to think of the three in one, and then cultivate the kings of various avenues to consolidate into gods and achieve the true **** , At that time, I can really exert the power of my Son of the Fairy. "

"What godhead do you want to practice?" Jiang Lidao: "The relic of the soul emperor has thousands of avenues, many of which are kings of avenues, but they ca n’t dominate the world."

"The godhead I want to cultivate is stronger than that of the soul emperor, so it is very difficult." Feng Feng said and stopped. "Well, not to say such a distant thing, your practice is much more difficult than mine. Your After the training of Infinite Avenue, the journey of thousands of miles also took the first step. What kind of godheads and avenues to cultivate in the future are difficult things. Do you want to re-create the avenues yourself? "

"It's nothing, re-inventing and re-initiating." Jiang Li is full of arrogance. "At that time, my wisdom was no better than it is now. Maybe I can start a avenue without raising my hands."

"Give me!" He yelled, the sky was falling apart, the mountains and rivers were broken, and the chain of iron blocked here all flew up to make way.

On top of his head, the shadow of the great emperor relic appeared, and he and Jiufeng once again drew their hands together, seemingly becoming two spiritual emperors.

In this way, the two walked forward without any hindrance.

The runes spread out in front of them.

Soon, they came to the door of the Chaos Hall.

The dense iron chains behind condensed again, preventing outsiders from entering.

"This time Xuanyuan's other shore doesn't seem to be followed by ghosts." Jiang Li breathed a sigh of relief: "Next, we will open the door to chaos. Let me prepare first. The chaos hall must be full of ancient chaos. Because no one has collected it for a long time, we hurriedly opened the door, and the ancient chaos came out, not only hurting us, but also scattered directly, causing waste. Therefore, I communicated with the human world and opened a channel. Slowly opened the hall of chaos Door, then open a small gap, and we guide the chaotic antiquity into the realm of humanity. "

"Yeah." Feng Feng naturally knows the benefits: "I also have investments in the human world, and after the promotion of the human world, I will have my credit for the credit. I am naturally happy."

At the moment, with a wave of his hand, Jiang communicates with all realms, and an energy channel is formed here, faintly, and you can see the depths of heaven and space in the human realm, people coming and going.

Human world, heaven and space.

The masters of the world have gathered.

Are the core people.

All four members of the Jiang family came because they opened their own curse and now they have become the masters of humanity. At the same time, Hualiu Dao, Hong Hei prison, Da Hei, etc. were all present, Long Yueji, Purple Night, Purple Gone. Waiting for the earliest people to be here.

Everyone knows something big is happening.

Dream paper kite presides over the big picture.

Suddenly, a passage opened and everyone saw the fairyland.

Zizi ...

First of all, a ray of light was radiated to Hua Liudao's body. The curse on Hua Liudao's body was immediately removed. He shouted, only to feel that the whole body was uncomfortable, the body of the realm was formed, and the energy was absorbed into the body. Spreading out, six prototypes actually appeared between heaven and earth.

He was incarnate in six ways, and like Hong Hei prison, he was incarcerated.

Then, a few rays of light came down again ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Hua Lengjia, Hua Yan's body also came into contact with the curse. In that year, Hua Leng Jia and Jiang Li were very good, and Hua Yan was Jiang Xuan's master. The Hua family has always been a strong supporter of Jiang Li.

Of course, after that, there was a group of people from the Wang family, firstly Wang Changrong, followed by Chu Xixi, and Jiang Li, the dead party when Jiang Li was a child, and then Wang ’s owner, Wang Chunqiu, and Situ ’s Situ were invincible ... the earliest The humans of the earth, He Jiangli passed through the calamity, and transferred to the original core of the world of repair, and all their seals were lifted.

Jiang Li absorbed the curse on them.

This time, Jiang Li absorbed the curse very quickly, because he gained a lot of truth from the curse of the created beast, and he deeply understood what the curse was all about, and his cultivation reached 70 rules, so he removed the curse. The speed is much faster than before.

Uh ...

As soon as these people lifted the curse, it was as if the tiger was descending from the mountain. Everyone draws energy from the realm of the world and transforms it into the power of the beginning of the world. Instead of drawing strength from the human world, they will feed back the power to the human world.

From this moment on, humans are not parasites, but shepherds of the world.