Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 79: Scarlet Brain Nuclei

{Starting! Don't hesitate everyone, all tickets are coming at me! In this book, you will see a brand new dream machine. Progressive dream machine, face me change, let's ignite it, and throw out the monthly tickets, red tickets and rewards in our hands. We are unrivaled! }

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"Yes, every other week these days, a mysterious message is sent from the market Huacheng, telling us to go to a hidden place to pick up the goods, and then designated to Jiang Xuan's hands, you see ..." Gao Ren mentioned this every time The matter was astonishing: "Just now, our people have taken ten bottles of Moon Spirit Essence and Sun Spirit Essence and sent them to the Bailonghe Villa."

"It seems that Jiang Li has cultivated other forces, but unfortunately cannot find out." Chu Xixi was also puzzled.

She specially sent someone to investigate this matter, but the people sent out were hypnotized and knew nothing. Over time, she knew that there was a mysterious force in the black market of Huahuacheng. It was very powerful and lurking in the dark. It was from Jiangli. friend.

"Go and bring Jiang Xuan to the headquarters of the security building. I personally taught her various martial arts and hypnotic skills to see if she has the potential to become a hypnotherapist." Chu Xixi ordered.

"Yes!" Gao Ren retreated.

Chu Xixi was lost in thought: "Jiang Li, who are you in the end? It ’s getting more and more mysterious, what is the power behind you?"

Qu Boxing.

Jiang Li jumped down from a four-winged tiger. He reached the summit of a large mountain and looked far away. There were steep cliffs everywhere. The majestic mountains and rivers were more powerful than any landform on the earth.

These days, he hypnotized the four-winged tiger, flying in the opposite direction, and finally got rid of Jiang Liu and Mu Hua's pursuit and got clean. After another full month, he kept travelling, practicing, and having no thoughts, traveling through the virgin forest, and comprehending all kinds of alien planet features.

His mind was gradually released. In the deserted virgin forest, he completely abandoned the hustle and bustle of the earth, and his mind was greatly relaxed. Coupled with the birth rate once a day, he can completely satisfy the nutrition of the body without even eating food, even washing the body, making the body stronger.

At this time, every day he was in a state of Taoist fairy.

In the valley and mountains, Yuyun rides the wind and does not eat human fireworks.

Free and easy, free and unrestrained, the mind is completely free with nature.

This kind of life made Jiang Centrifuge more and more pure, almost forgotten the earth, forgot his classmates, and forgotten everything in the world, he once again ascended to the idea of ​​being born.

He didn't want to go back.

This kind of practice makes his mind soaring again. When he meditates on the brain of the universe, all memories, from small to large, are vividly remembered, and every detail can be remembered, and one thing, if you want to forget, Remember when you remember.

However, he has never been able to break through the realm of "into the set".

"Now I don't know how strong my vitality is? 1.6? Or 1.7? How many people can hypnotize? It is estimated that one hundred people a day is absolutely possible, and even more hypnosis!"

Standing up from the cliff, Jiang Li kicked.

Suddenly, he was kicked out by a few hundred pounds of rock, making a rumbling sound, flying out more than 20 meters, hitting a cliff, making a loud noise.

He shouted, the thunder passed, and a four-winged tiger soared into the sky in the distance. He was about to fly to the edge of the cliff. The river leapt one step away and actually jumped out of the cliff twenty meters! Riding firmly on the back of a four-winged tiger.

This requires extraordinary courage to put life and death aside.

Otherwise, as soon as it is empty, the cliff below is boundless, and it will be broken immediately.

Clouds and mists circled around Jiang Li. He felt that he was an immortal. His eyes looked at the mountains and rivers below. It was as vivid as the eyes of an eagle. He could even see in the jungle, the kind of rabbit crawling. Animals are shuttled, and a large group of iron beasts, Qubo snakes, and many strange beasts roam among them.

"My vision is so good? Like a telescope? This is the result of mental radiation."

The strength of the soul is strong. If you radiate it, you can feel the subtle changes. If you feed it into your mind, you are seeing everything clearly. This is the so-called "look at the world with your heart."

Jiang Li was flying freely on a four-winged tiger, trying to discover the "spirit stone" again. It is a pity that after dozens of days passed, no trace of spirit stone was found any more, which shows that the scarcity of spirit stone on Qu Boxing is rare.

Shig Ling Shi was found to be lucky.

"The world is long, the thoughts are clear ..."

He wanted to sing a song.

"Huh? What's up?"

Without knowing how far he flew, he saw many wooden houses appearing on the distant ground, deep in the dense jungle, very huge, but rough.

Is a tribe of primitive people.

Pieces of tribes are connected into huge residences.

There are primitive people on the Qubo star. Jiang Li knew this for a long time, because the earth ’s humans have not yet conquered the entire Qubo star, and I do n’t know why. Maybe it ’s the wormhole jumping that requires huge energy. There are some dangerous things.

Jiang Li carefully observed in the sky and found that the tribe of the primitive people was very large. The humans who came and went were very tall. They were as high as two meters, wearing animal skins, carrying wooden sticks, and even no metal weapons.

However, the people of these tribes were extremely powerful and powerful. Jiang Li observed for a day and night, and found that an adult man of a tribe went out to hunt, and it was not a problem to hunt a few iron beasts by hand.

One punch can stun the Iron Beast.

This vitality is at least 1.3 to 1.4.

"Sure enough, it ’s similar to what ’s written in the textbook. There are primitive people on Qu Boxing, with an average height of two meters and strong physical strength. Among them are tribal wizards. , Sacrificing each other's warriors under the holy tree, and watering the fruit with blood and brain pulp, you can get the blood-colored brain core fruit, which is regarded as a holy product in the tribe and can create a wizard ... "

Jiang Li opened the chip and looked at Qu Boxing's information.

Records of primitive people's tribe.

Isolated from the world on Qu Boxing, it is impossible to access the Internet at all, but when everyone came, they downloaded a lot of data on Qu Boxing to facilitate survival.

Originally, it was impossible for the primitive ship tribe to live in the place where the big ship sent the students to practice, but Jiang Li hypnotized the four-winged tiger. He had not flown for two months in a row, and he flew to a place he did n’t know. Now It is also normal to encounter primitive people.

This tribe of primitive people is very big and the master is like a cloud.

Jiang Li suddenly hesitated because he found a tree full of dense fruits, all blood-colored fruits like a brain.

"The **** brain nucleus ..." Jiang Li shook.

He has seen this thing in the black market security group. One is worth 5 million yuan. Few people can afford it. This thing can greatly enhance the endocrine of the brain, and it can also strengthen brain cells. Great help.

This is what many hypnotists dream of.

A hypnotist can hypnotize two or three clients into deep sleep in a day. If he takes a **** brain nucleus, the number of hypnosis will double, and even the success rate and efficiency will increase.

woo woo woo woo……

Jiang Li was throbbing, and he heard the trumpet ringing. A group of primitive people escorted another group of slaves. There were hundreds of people. They walked under the scarlet tree, and then killed the slaves directly with a stick and chopped them with a stone axe Open your head, bury your brain and blood under the tree, and then begin to bow down reverently and pray.

Uh ...

Suddenly, a huge bird in the sky landed, more than ten meters long, and a wizard was sitting on the bird's back.

The wizard is the leader of the primitive tribe. It has spiritual power, can hypnotize the enemy, and can manipulate the beast. Such figures are well-deserved leaders.

However, the hypnotic methods of primitive people's tribe are too inferior to compare with the earth, and there is no systematic research. So their number of wizards is very small and there is no such thing as a low-level hypnotist.

Those who can become wizards are "entertained" strong men.

Those who are below the designated level cannot become hypnotists because they have no systematic hypnotic technique.

Primitive people's hearts are pure, and the spiritual strength of each wizard is very strong. Coupled with their **** brains, Jiang Li cannot take it lightly.

Every respected strong man is an invincible character.

"A lot of blood-colored brain nuclei, a big tree, at least dozens of blood-colored brain nuclei ..." Jiang Li coveted the blood-colored brain nuclei.

It is a pity that the scarlet holy tree is heavily guarded and is a very strong primitive tribal warrior with a vitality no less than that of the river and the warrior of Mu Hua!

There are also a few above 1.5 ~ lightnovelpub.net ~, he will be torn into pieces.

"I have to get this scarlet brain nucleus ... how can I get it?" Jiang Li was trying to figure out a way, and observed for three days and nights. He finally saw that every night, the primitive tribe was sleeping, and this scarlet tree was in In a valley, far from the tribe, the primitive people of any tribe cannot approach.

There are about a hundred soldiers guarding in the valley. Next to the holy tree, the wizard has a large house. Sometimes he goes out, and sometimes he guards the holy tree. No one can have access.

"Wizard guards who have entered the realm can't even get close to the mechs that flow in Muhua, unless they are Zhongwu mechs, surpassing the speed of sound, and attacking suddenly, tearing the wizard in one stroke."

Jiang Li lurks while practicing.

Finally, on that day, the wizard had something to go out, and flew away in a giant bird, leaving more than 100 soldiers to guard at night.

"Well, the wizard is gone, and I will have the opportunity to hypnotize these soldiers!"

Jiang Li seized the opportunity, his body flickered, and he soon approached the valley, and suddenly made a sound like a worm, creaking ...

First, he passed into a soldier's ear, and the soldier stumbled and sat down and fell asleep.

This situation is like a plague, one by one the soldiers are hypnotized.

Some soldiers tried their best to struggle, but to no avail, they almost fell apart and fell down. In front of Jiang Lishen's hypnotic voice, their fighting power could not be exerted at all.

Within ten minutes, all the soldiers fell to the ground and slept.

Jiang Li came out of the darkness.

He was carrying a large backpack and rushed directly to the Scarlet Tree, picking fruit constantly.