Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 812: The first Tinder 2 more

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-Volume 8-Chapter # 812 The first kind of fire kind-Fiction Net-Fiction Net-novel novelette

Everyone is calculating, it depends on who has a deeper calculation.

The vacuum hometown is something created by the vacuum emperor in the chaos. Although he fell, the vacuum hometown is left behind, which is a small bank. Now I do n’t know where it is hidden. Only the dream paper kite and the big dream Prince know .

However, Jiang Li and Meng Zhiyu communicated with each other and knew where they were, and Wang Chao also knew where that thing was.

This is also one of Jiangli's killers to deal with Prince Dream, and will never give Prince Dream any chance to gain a vacuum hometown, and even cause Dream Paper Kite to die, even if he is the old ancestor of Dream Paper Kite.

The battle at this time was more intense.

Masters gather and fight endlessly.

The two great forces are constantly colliding. Prince Dream is the most arrogant. He constantly mobilizes the forces of the underworld and the immortal world, and oppresses the mysterious emperor of the three great shores of the great emperor, even the four great realms. The destiny's son couldn't help him.

Of course, he also had this energy in conjunction with the reincarnation of the mother emperor and Xiye Zulong.


Suddenly, the four emperors appeared.

Of the four emperors, one is the master of the Confucian realm, one is the master of the literary realm, and two are the natural masters of the painting and book realms.

The four emperors represent the four civilizations, and naturally, the Son of Heaven cannot be lost.

They all came here.

"Prince of Dreams, you are too sharp now, you must oppress it. Don't think that your fairyland is invincible, or the first world. In fact, after the loss of the good fortune jade plate, the five emperors fell, and the fairyland was scattered and the luck fell. It ’s not the former fairyland, and you have a bad name, not a son of fairyland, and you want to unify the whole universe. It ’s a joke. Now many emperors in fairyland are not convinced by you and do not enter the court. ”Kong Yi, the master of Confucianism, first Talked.

Together with the four emperors, the strength of the mighty river was increased tenfold again, and Prince Dameng was bombarded back.

The fighting intensified.

Uh ...

The wormhole opened again, and some masters entered into it. This batch of masters has the breath of brain computing all over the body. Behind everyone, there is a star map of the universe brain.

"It is the person of the universe brain star field, but also the top group of people, who almost run the heavens and occupy all the trends. The person headed by it is the princess of the universe brain star field, and the master's daughter is the universe The No. 2 person in the brain star field. According to rumors, everything in the brain of the universe is now hosted by her, and it is called 'number'. "The waste **** immediately recognized.

Sure enough, Jiang Li saw a woman who was wearing a veil and couldn't see it clearly. The star maps of the brains of the universe were working together.

She is the "number" of "counting", robbery, life, and operation.

This is a very old method of naming. In the oldest era, they were named by one word.

"Prince Dream, this time, we are united together to divide up the invincible magic lamp star domain? I know you want to swallow it alone, but you ca n’t swallow such a big piece of fat." There are supernatural powers everywhere, opportunities are everywhere, and every opportunity is taken up.

She cuts into the battle of Prince Dream, and can assist the opponent at any time, and she can also counterattack and crash Prince Dream.

"Hahaha!" Prince Dream changed, taking both the source of all evil and Wanbao Changhe back to himself: "Number, I think you can be my concubine, although we cooperate, but you also know that the universe's brain star field is actually Qi Just a little bit, these years have been exhausted. In the future, the cosmic brain star field will definitely collapse, but my fairyland will surely become a heavenly sky, how about it? "

He seems to have counted for the "Count" meeting.


It was another violent shock, and a group of people came again. This time, it was a tall man who appeared again with several emperors.

The breath of the Immortal Tower shocked the spot.

"The son of the immortal tower master is here." The desolate **** is really a little "panic", "that son is called Shu! This person is also a character who is unpredictable!"

"So, by grasping this technique, you can really grasp some of the operating conditions of the Immortal Tower Starfield?" Jiang Lidao said: "I know that although you have mastered the chaotic prison, you are actually just a prisoner. You must do everything. Report to the top, and then transfer it to the top layer after layer, and then make a claim after the operation is approved, right? "

"That's it. I don't know that the **** of heaven is dead. I don't know if I know it? If you know, then I will investigate it. I'm afraid I will have some trouble when I get there."

"It's okay, I think the situation is sudden now, surgery will not care about these things, and this time, I want to suppress this person!" Jiang Lidao said: "The situation is getting more and more chaotic, which is our good opportunity."

"Yes, it is an opportunity. Now the forces are divided into the brain of the universe, the immortal tower, the four realms, the other shore, and the maid of the Yuanshi Heavenly King, Xiye Zulong, Prince Dream, Taidiye and Guangjie. To get up is our best chance. I will look for the opportunity, take the injured Emperor, raise my hand, grab it, and absorb it with the wish of God! "Jiang Li knows that his chances are getting bigger and bigger.

Moreover, he is still alert to three people.

Those three people are Jiang Nalan, Xuanyuan Anwan and Wan Qianqiu.

Since the last time in Fairyland, these three have suffered a big loss and have been completely united. Their luck is huge. As long as they are truly united, they will definitely advance by leaps and bounds, and they do n’t know to what extent they will be promoted.

The fight was separated again.

Each has its own scruples.

"Prince Dream, we all know your wolf ambitions. Although you have signed an agreement with you, but after you want to obtain the immortal lamp, break the agreement and destroy us. Now you secretly arrange the underworld, become the master of the underworld, and rescue The prosperous Yezulong, secretly arresting the sons of the fairyland, everything is in your plan. I have to say that you are really a hero. "As soon as the art appeared, he began to sneer:" Count, we have been fighting for so many years, we are sorry, Now that the calamity is here, we should unite, and you should not be together with Prince Dream. "

"Oh?" The "numerous" woman laughed softly: "It depends on the ability of the two of you, so who of you can capture the immortal lamp dedicated to me, how about I marry?"

"Okay, there is no problem with this." Prince Daimon laughed.

"You guys, what's going on now?" The Great Emperor said: "Prince Dengmeng, your lover is here, don't you kill him?"

"Huh, great emperor, you are the enemy of all realms. I think I must kill you first. It has long been said that Heavenly Father is about to reincarnate. Quickly tell us where Heavenly Father is reincarnated. I will catch him and devour him. Become a part of the immortal world. "Prince Damen talked and laughed, naturally there is a momentum.

"God to death, you dare to blaspheme Heavenly Father!" Said the Emperor Yemeng.

"Everyone, you are all destined people." The woman on the chariot spoke: "The immortal magic lamp star domain is mine. This is the agreement that the master of the magic lamp and the emperor Yuanshi made! I will master the magic lamp, To open the way for him, the Emperor Yuanshi will come at the last moment to act as a savior and fight against the sons of Chaos. At that time, the sons of Chaos will fall completely, and the will of Chaos itself will be wiped out, and all realms will be peaceful again. The fall of Yuanshi Tianwang is actually not the will of others, but his own will. You and neither of you are enemies. The real enemy is the son of chaos. Do you understand? "

"What is the Son of Chaos? Don't deceive us with nothing." The Emperor Ye said, "Heavenly Father is coming, and Yuanshi Heavenly King will be killed by the great Heavenly Father!"


Prince Dameng shot again and attacked the "Dan" behind Dadiye: "The light world is the enemy of all worlds. When Heaven Father comes to the world, the first thing is to spread faith, so let's get rid of this tumor."

"I'm here to help you!" Xi Ye Zulong and Prince Dengmeng were in the same branch, and immediately began to attack!

"I can't see the light world!" A few smiles and shots to suppress the Great Emperor.

"Great Emperor! I'm sorry, we will kill you too!" The masters of the four worlds all shouted in unison, and the mighty river rolled back and attacked the Emperor.

The three bronze mysterious emperors from the other side did not say a word, and the weapons hit the emperor.

In the moment, the great emperor is in a state of extreme danger.

Heavenly Father's Light!

A halo of punches appeared on his body, which haunted himself, but he couldn't care about the reincarnation of the great emperor and the people behind him.

Infinite attacks have converged here.

However, under the attack, the great emperor suddenly disappeared and was rescued.

"Who! Who rescued me!" Prince Dameng attacked and turned into a void. There was a violent tremor, and an infinite bright light appeared. Among the lights, Jiang Li's shadow actually appeared.

"Jiang Li!" Prince Dameng immediately became almost angry with smoke, "is the master of the earth, this talent is the enemy of all realms, catch him!"

"What? The Lord of Earth appears."

Counting this woman ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ and Shu Shu immediately glanced at the man, accompanied by that destruction power.

Jiang Li finally took the shot and rescued Dan when it was about to hit.

Although Dan was the reincarnation of the emperor, his strength was so weak that he died here, all knowledge disappeared, and his body was still adhering to the grand fortune of the invincible magic lamp. Once caught, it was also equal to the crown prince of the dream. .

"Go!" He seized Dan, and a force entered into his body. It was his own infinite divine power, and infinite blood, which contained the blood of Heavenly Father, which inspired him to go out at once, this Dan His spirits fluttered, and countless knowledge about the eternal ancient well also entered Jiang Li's body.

When Jiang Li was shaken, it seemed that there was an inseparable connection between Chaos and Chaos.

Moreover, Dan was nourished with infinite blood, and seemed to open up ancient memories.

In the depths of the immortal magic lamp star, a light burst out and turned into a kind of fire.

The first Tinder appeared.

Master the key to the immortal magic star field.


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