Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 823: Creepy

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"Yes, I got the Donghuang Bell. This bell itself is the Donghuang's body, and his memory is in it. Even if Donghuang himself reincarnates, he must find his own body and restore his strength and memory again. So If that terrible thing swallows the reincarnated body of the Five Emperors, he will definitely come to me. Now that he has not appeared, it proves that he is still in the brewing stage. Eliminate it in one fell swoop, otherwise it would be too late. "

Minjiang Li's own calculation was also frightening.

He really can't imagine how terrible things really are, and it gives him this feeling, it is best that he is wrong. If the guesswork is correct, then the trouble will be big.

Alas, he never feared anything, instead he had an expectation.

If he can lurk into the chaotic prison, capture the horrible thing, and refine it with the wells of beings, he can get all the luck of the five emperors, and also get a kind of life number among the underworld, which is gathered together. Can make him go further.

However, this horrible thing can swallow the reincarnation of the Five Emperors. It is definitely not a simple existence. If you want to surrender, even Jiang Xiu is not convinced.

Moreover, he knew that the reincarnation of the Five Emperors did not appear.

The five emperors opposed the five emperors.

If the reincarnation of the five emperors is swallowed up by horrible things, then the reincarnation of the five emperors will not escape the poison hand, and will certainly be swallowed up by another more horrible thing.

The two things may be the peerless demon born from the direct chaos.

Wanjie is about to perish, and evildoers will come out.

The evil spirits open the way for the son of chaos.

The power of chaos is endless. Among them, the strongest master can be bred. In order to land the disaster, it is not unusual to see something terrible.

Minjiang Li is very familiar with the power of chaos, knowing that the ancient atmosphere of chaos is ever-changing, and it can be transformed into a righteous existence, it can also be transformed into a ruined existence, it can be transformed into the power of wisdom, and it can even be born as a cunning murderer. Chaos embraces everything and can evolve everything.

"Then we will be in prison right now?" Sleeping God doesn't care about it, he hopes to see Hua Shen and his daughter immediately: "But how to rescue them?"

"This is easy to handle. I now hold the power and arrange a round for them, saying that they were killed by the devil, swallowed up, no bones left, and no trace of soul is left. In this way, they can be sold to them. , And then Anan came out of it steadily. "The waste **** could not have done this before, but now he doesn't care at all, what is the death of a little god? He is already the Great.

"Just do it like this." Jiang Li agreed: "However, the desolate, we still ca n’t show the shape, we are pinned in your godhead, you yourself enter the chaotic prison, the depth of the prison is now being monitored very well , Our presence will certainly attract the above attention. "

"I will pay attention to this." In the past few days, the wasteland **** has cultivated, and he has a deeper understanding of the way of the emperor. Although it is still impossible to promote the emperor, it may be an opportunity to enter the depths of the chaotic prison.

The big world that struck him was just around the chaotic prison. He had mastered hundreds of big worlds, all of them possessing absolute force, monitoring the chaotic prison, suppressing it, and refining the country.

Now, with a little movement, he entered the prison silently.

He has absolute power. Before entering, he must apply for Fuyu from above, and now he is the master of Fuyu.

From the perspective of the deity, Jiang Li can see everything. Now he controls the body and soul of the deity, and lets the deity go to rest. He controls it, and starts to search secretly here. He has condensed all the breath, exerted infinite magic power, and he also It turns into a presence, if anything, as if a bystander is watching all changes.

He once entered here, carefully, any **** can destroy him, even the battlefield between **** and god, those soldiers can threaten him, but now, those gods are similar to the ants in his eyes.

There is nothing new in the chaotic jail. Everywhere, slaughter, conspiracy, God and God kill each other, fight, filled with all kinds of resentment, more intense than before, and Jiang Li found that the resentment and prisoner here are more than he entered At that time, there were many more, it seems that the immortal tower star domain is constantly fighting, preparing for a more tragic sacrifice.

Minjiang Li struck a little and found the palace and cave house of Nobita Tenzun, where Nobita Tenzun practiced, and it seemed to once again impact a deeper realm.

But this realm is nothing, now Jiang Li blows his breath, he is about to die, and Tianxiong Tianzun has not been promoted to the emperor. With his qualifications, it is impossible to be promoted and the potential is not enough.

Min Jiangli ignored him.

恩 The grievances at that time are nothing at all now.

He sensed the position of the flowers and the gods of flowers, spreading the divine thoughts, and began to use the system of the immortal tower star field to start the calculation. He immediately found that the two were in a hidden corner of the prison and opened up a small kingdom of God. .

Minjiang moved away from his body, turned into dust, and landed.

This is an ancient Montenegro. The wind is soaring, the clouds are thick, and the grievances turn into thick fog. It is shrouded all year round, thick and bloody.

But in the depths of a small canyon, it is full of vitality. In that small canyon, flowers are blooming, and the power of God opens up the kingdom of flowers and gods. The gloom and dirt outside cannot blow in.

Minjiang Li fell into it.

Of course, it looks like a **** of waste.

The two women practiced in the depths of a sea of ​​flowers, gathered the flowers of all flowers, and in the middle of the center, a peerless **** flower actually appeared.

This divine flower has a pure white color, white can't bear looking straight, and there is no trace of contamination at all, and the root system of this flower is deeply rooted in the deep soil of dirt through the kingdom of God, and actually absorbs those grievances, gloom, and filth Things are nourished and transformed into holy and pure divine flowers.

However, this is the natural nature, and the white and fragrant lotus also grows in the mud.

Only stinky feces can produce holy things.

Defilement and purity are opposites.

"This is the flower of nature! They actually cultivated this flower secretly by virtue of the resentment here. This is a seed we got from traveling the world together from the depths of innate chaos. It is said that this kind of seed is called natural seed , Represents the magical creation of innate nature. "Sleep God said:" We cannot do anything to hatch the seeds. "

"Sure enough."

Qijiang Li suddenly issued a dark cloud that enveloped the kingdom of God, making it dark in the depths.

Immediately, Hua Shen and Hua Zhuan opened their eyes, and fear appeared in their eyes.

However, then it became clear again that the God of Sleep appeared.

"Father!" Hua Zhuanyan couldn't believe his eyes, but the breath of sleep had already shrouded the scene, and he was very familiar with the taste in the blood.

"Don't move, now the Lord of the World displays the infinite infinite, covering up time and space, creating a fantasy. I have now completely followed the Lord of the World, and the Infinite Emperor does things, and in the near future, it will become a transcendence of the Great Emperor. "Sleeping God sent a thought out, and immediately God knew what was going on.

I also understand the beauty.

She never expected that the young man had become an infinite emperor.

"It's not too late. The illusion created by me deceives the system, causing you to be killed by demons, but as time goes by, the system will analyze the data and generate suspicion." Jiang Li opened his mouth and a little light appeared, wrapping the kingdom of God in it. , Then flew up and left here in an instant.

"Thank you for bringing us together. From now on, our husband and wife will serve in the realm of the world." The flower **** really is extremely beautiful, beautiful and unrefined, worshipping Jiang Liyingying: "I will now cultivate us hard The natural flower is dedicated to you and to the world. This flower is rumored to have incredible magic power. If it is planted in the big world, it will use turbid gas as food, resentment as nutrition, and various negative emotions as the foundation. What is released is beauty, purity, and sacredness, and even everything perfect. It is rumored that this flower is one of the strange flowers of chaotic innate flowers. "

"Is this magic?" Jiang Li observed carefully.

"Ma'am, you got this kind of thing. The Emperor of the Master had found us. I also asked him how this thing hatched out. He said that it was a congenital flower. There was no way to hatch it. Way, how did you hatch? "Sleeping God was a little confused.

"I couldn't hatch it, but deep in the chaotic prison, one day, a strange man suddenly pointed me." Flower Shinto: "He instilled strength into the seeds of this innate strange flower, and then I began to arrange a large array, Let the seeds absorb the resentment and filth here, and finally bloom. "

"Strange people? Seeds that even the soul emperor cannot hatch, actually hatched by a strange person?" Jiang Li looked at the natural flower in the kingdom of God, and suddenly wondered: "What is a strange person? Beyond the soul emperor The stranger? The Emperor of the Soul was in that year ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Sitting in the immortal realm, mastering the heavens, creating jade dishes, the combined strength is enough to counter the existence of the emperor ... Is that stranger the ancestor of the devil? That should not be, The ancestor of Demon Demon is similar in strength to the Emperor of the Soul, but how can he be willing to counteract the means of sitting in heaven and operating the good fortune? "

"There is something strange about it." Wu Fengdao said: "Jiang Li, can you return to the original, and calculate that stranger through this natural strange flower?"

"I'll try it." Jiang Li's body moved, and a force shrouded that natural flower.

However, at the moment when his power was shrouded, a creepy weird was born from the strange flower, and then the natural strange flower quickly expanded and suddenly wrapped up all the people. Into the flowers.

花朵 The flower changed color in a flash, not pure, but strangely flashing various luster.

"桀桀, 桀桀 ... the air transporter, I have swallowed a group of ........." faintly, in the flowers, conveying the secret idea.


{In the next stage, WeChat public fans broke 150,000, and ten more chapters. , Open WeChat, add this public account, you can see the daily update of Dragon and Snake 2. I think the Dragon and Snake 2 has written well these days, and write the momentum of the warrior. Next, I will write better The nurturing of this energy will also be brought into the Galaxy, and the two books are like two martial arts, which confirm each other. }

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