Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 85: Fed up

The examination of the Star University location is in Rakshasa. This is a planet exiled by prisoners. It is scary in the cold at night, and hot in the day to burn people. The planet is extremely dangerous and there are many ferocious beasts.

Rakshasa and Qu Boxing are completely different. Qu Boxing can also travel without danger. On Rakshasa, light climate can be deadly.

"Starting a wormhole jump!"

All the students entered the mothership, and the light brain sound sounded. Immediately, more than 10,000 students were lying on the bed. The huge cover covered them all, completely sealed, and a burst of energy filled in it. A lot.


Huge energy was derived. In the feeling of Jiang Li, only a large wormhole was born above the big ship, and then the mother ship entered into it and finally disappeared.

And he has lost consciousness.

The milky white stone moved again, absorbing a large amount of energy from the wormhole's jumping. The stone on his chest kept moving, and the dense pattern on it was derived.

This time, Jiang Li was dreaming again.

The life of the dead body in the sewer.

Every time he dreams, he feels differently. Martial arts practice and experience will increase each time.

And his vitality will slowly improve, and his cells will be stronger.

Every time the wormhole jumps, he can get a lot of benefits, but he can't figure out what is going on with the pattern on the milky stone.

Do n’t think about the things that you do n’t understand. This stone is also something outside the body. The important thing is that he ’s ascending his spiritual realm.

I don't know how long.

Wormhole jumps completely ignore time.


Suddenly, all of them shook and awakened from "fake death." Knowing that the wormhole jump was over, and came to Rakshasa.

"Everyone, get out of the ship immediately!" A voice sounded and the hatch opened. Everyone got out of the metal bed and was automatically transmitted by a wave of energy. When their feet stood still, there was a hall in front of them.

Outside the hall, there are stingy rocks, and fiery stars, not the sun, but the light is more fiery than the sun.

More than 10,000 students observed everywhere and knew that they were no longer on Earth.

"Here is Rakshasa!"

A soldier in white stepped forward and said in the middle of the hall: "This Xingkong University exam is a big test for all human students. The test base is on Rakshasa! Everyone should know that Rakshasa's environment is bad! Yes Where the criminals are exiled, as soon as you get out of this base, you will be targeted by powerful criminals, and even eat your flesh and blood! It ’s common for people to eat people. The base where you are now is the base of the earth area, which is the same today. At all times, there are candidates for human planets such as the Mars and Moon regions. The first test today is survival! You are only allowed to bring a pot of water, a tube of nutritional potion, and others are not allowed to bring any tools. To survive for thirty days. "

"Surviving for so long?"

Jiang Li for a while?

He knew that there was no heaven and earth aura on Rakshasa, and his fetal state could not be absorbed. He only carried a pot of water and a tube of nutritional potions, and he could not survive for two or three days. Looking at the stars outside the base, the temperature was at least 60. This can kill people.

"Humans, in the cold universe, the first is to survive, so your most important test is survival. Those who can survive are the strong." The soldier in white said in a cold voice: "Thirty days! You live Only those who continue to be eligible for the next exam, I don't care what method you use! You must live, and those who can live are the king! "

"Now you can get out of this base! Remember, there is a water source 100 kilometers away from the base. You must find the water source first! Also, are there any students who can now withdraw from the exam? You can now withdraw , We will send you back, otherwise we will die outside, we will not be responsible! "

Another soldier in white said.

This is common practice.

Star University has a very high mortality rate, but you can choose not to take it. This is your last chance. Once you enter the test room, you cannot exit.

More than 10,000 candidates in the earth area did not waver, all said that they would not quit. This is a life-long desperate effort. Those who are qualified to take the exam are talented people, and will not automatically give up under such circumstances.

You have to know that once you give up, you will not be able to take the next exam, and this is your chance in life.

This is also a test for Star University.

"Good, no one of you has said you want to withdraw, so good luck to you! I hope you will be alive until the end of the exam." Finally the soldier in white said: "Energy, start!"


Suddenly, a lot of materialized energy fell down and wrapped all the students. At the same time, Jiang Li also had a pot of water and a tube of nutritional medicine in his hands.

Before coming, everyone was clean and slick, and they would not carry any supplies or weapons except chip clothing. Any young master is no exception, Jiang Liu, Yu Muhua, the son of a big boss in Jinghua City, and other group boys on the earth are all treated equally.

Like the last 100-day trial with mech, it was impossible.

The energy flashed and everyone was sent out.

All the candidates arrived outside the base, and the base door was completely closed.

The intense heat and rolling waves hit Jiang Li's whole body, and he immediately contracted his pores to prevent water loss.

The outside is at a high temperature of 60 °, and most people will immediately die of heat stroke. These students with high vitality can endure, and each student immediately walks forward, crossing this gravel plain, walking one hundred kilometers to a place with water To survive.

Of course, where there is water, there must be prisoners living there, which is very dangerous. But at this time, there is a way of life when you go to the source of water. It is impossible to stay here.

These students are all strong people with a vitality of 1 or above. Their constitution is several times that of ordinary people. In addition, they also wear shoes. Although the ground is hot, they can also run quickly.

"Jiang Li!"

At this moment, a sudden roar suddenly shocked the tympanic membrane of many students.

As soon as several figures flashed, Jiang Li, Luo Han, Xue Ling, and several students from Xinghua City were all wrapped up.

It is Jiang Liu, Yu Muhua, and the sons of several big brothers in Beijing.

"Jiang Liu, what do you want to do?" Jiang Li was very calm.

"Liu Liu, let me tell you." Yu Muhua stepped forward, with a smirk on her face: "Jiang Li, we had no injustice, I didn't want to deal with you, but you hit on Qu Boxing. My face makes me very uncomfortable ... but this time I can persuade Liu Shao not to kill you, I know you have a secret in your body, give it away, and you and these two little beauties, put Give me the nourishment and water. "

"You want our water and nutritional potions?" Xueling and Luo Han's faces were ugly, and they knew that there were still more than a hundred kilometers to the water source. In such a hot weather, there was no such thing on the road. Dehydrated and died halfway.

"Yes, here, and you." Yu Muhua pointed to a few students in Xinghua City: "Also give it up, don't let me do it."

Jiang Liu looked at this scene coldly, without speaking, calmly, seemingly watching how Jiang Li resolved.

"Yes, you all hand over the water and nutritional medicine." The big brother's son laughed, and they also blocked the way to prevent Jiang Li and Xue Ling Luohan from escaping.

"These two little beauties can play for me." A young man snapped his fingers, and on the Rakshasa he shuddered.

"Yu Muhua, don't be too aggressive." Jiang Li frowned. "Throwing down water and nutrients in this case is a dead end."

"It is better to die late than to die early." Yu Muhua held his arms. "I only know that on Rakshasa, there is greater hope of getting more water and nourishing potions. So I do n’t want your life or death. Regardless, if you resist, first, I will kill you on the spot, and second, even if you can survive, after returning to earth, your family and you will not have a good life. "

"That being the case, I'll give it to you."

Jiang Li shook his head: "I hope you can let go of my family, and also let go of Xueling and Luo Han." Between talking, he threw water and nutritional potions over.

"It's really weak ..." Yu Muhua grabbed the water and nutrition potion and shook his head. He knew why Jiang Li couldn't help it. His identity was shown here. He could kill Jiang Li, but Jiang Li couldn't move. He's sweating.


Just as he received the water and nutritional medicament, Jiang Limeng issued a scream of anger and indignation. The scream of thunder and thunder was passed from afar, and many people were knocked to the ground.

Jiang Liudu brushed back three steps.

He felt extremely dangerous.


At this time, Jiang Li rushed over and killed him with five fingers and one head. When the head fell, Emperor Thunder printed down, and the dual pressures of soul and body had reached Mu Hua's head.

Yu Muhua yelled, and couldn't hide, and punched away.


He broke his arm, only felt that his neck was tight, and was caught by Jiang Li's backhand. His five fingers clasped his throat, and his water and nutrients were taken away.

"Luo Han, Xue Ling, all followed!" Jiang Li lost.

At this time, Yu Muhua was clasped by Jiang Li's neck, red ears, and he was furious: "Jiang Li, how dare you! Do you dare to do this to me! What is your identity?"

"Jiang Li, released Yu Muhua." Jiang Liu's eyes flashed: "Are you going to cause trouble for your family?"

"It's not a big deal." Jiang Li clasped Yu Muhua's neck ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The tone was unprecedentedly dull: "Actually, I have been patient, I hope you will push me to the bottom line, so that I can not stand it. I really did. I want to thank you for helping me to practice. As a reward, Yu Muhua, I decided to send you on the road. "


Suddenly, his whole body violently exerted a twist.

Yu Muhua's neck was rotated 360 degrees, and all the central nerves were twisted off by him! Then he flew up! Fiercely kicked in Yu Muhua's heart.


Yu Muhua's huge body was kicked and flew in the air, falling into a fluffy mass, and life completely left the body.

Jiang Li's kick can be split even with an iron ball, not to mention Yu Muhua.

Jinghuacheng's son was killed cleanly by him.

"It's so hearty ........." Killing Mu Hua at once, Jiang Li felt that his whole thinking had changed, and he let go of all the restraints, and his mind was no longer hampered.

His thoughts shook and radiated without fear.

This is "into the set."

Killing Mu Hua is nothing. The important thing is that you don't care about the identity of the other party.

He knew that he finally broke through and reached the state of "entering the set." The spiritual level is no longer the same. After sweeping my eyes, I saw that there are still a few people in the river.

His eyes were like a knife, breaking through all obstacles: "Today, leave your life here."

........................................ ..........

{Roar! From now on, the protagonist will start to be violent! What are you waiting for, cast your monthly ticket, smash your red ticket, and start rewarding. }