Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 90: 1 old 1 young

Outside the cave, the cold wind whistled, and the temperature had dropped to minus 50 °, and even lower.

In particular, the wind and sand are very large, blowing fist-sized stones, flying around the sky, can beat people's blood. In this weather, even if wearing a mech, you have to die.

Even deep in the cave, Xueling and Luo Han felt extremely cold, hugging each other for warmth, and even covering hay with their bodies, still shivering coldly.

"This kind of weather will definitely be dead if you stay outside. I don't know how many candidates found the cave to escape like us?" Xue inspiration sighed. If he didn't follow Jiang Li, even if he found the cave, he would be eaten by a rogue like Wang Changrong.

Rogues have rogues in the depths of every habitable cave. The planet has n’t known how many criminals have been exiled for a century.

Every year, tens of millions of criminals are released into the world to survive and die. The survivors are rare, and they can survive only absolutely cruelty.

Jiang Li wasn't cold at all. His cells absorbed the heaven and earth aura, and absorbed the energy of the wormhole's jumping, faintly feeling cold and hot.

At least the survivability is much stronger than the average person, and even Wang Changrong cannot compare with him.

He slowly practiced the emperor's wind seal and the emperor's thunder seal in one move, and Wang Changrong in another cave "watched" very carefully and refused to let go of every action.

"It is indeed peerless martial arts ..." After watching his drill, Wang Changrong sighed: "Every action is natural and impossible to modify. There is no loophole in the entire martial arts, and I do n’t know what is amazing The generations thought of it? Lei Yin concussed, annihilated demons, the wind was fast, and time passed ... This martial arts can only be created by Wang Chao, the ancestor of my royal family ... "

"Have you ever seen your father?" Jiang Li asked quickly.

Wang Chao was the emperor of martial arts in the national era more than 200 years ago. Now many martial arts theories are proposed by him. In the minds of many masters, he is almost a godlike figure.

"No." Wang Changrong said: "Even I don't know if the old ancestors are dead or alive, but the physical and spiritual realms of the old ancestors have reached a level that cannot be imagined by humans, and it should not be so easy to die. According to our family records His vitality was more than three digits more than a hundred years ago, and it was the first person on earth to break through the three digit vitality. Between the breakthroughs, he was unknown and no one knew where he was going. where."

"Three digits of vitality ..." Jiang Li could hardly imagine how powerful such a person was. "Have you ever seen a three digit strong? How powerful are they?"

Now that Jiang Li has a vitality of 2, he is already extremely powerful. One punch breaks the big iron ball, 100 meters and 3 seconds, which is equivalent to Superman. But compared with the double-digit strong, it is a world of difference.

What is a three-digit number? He couldn't explain.

"I haven't seen it, but my old ancestor once conducted a nuclear explosion test, that is, standing in the center of the nuclear explosion, and after the explosion, came out unscathed. The strong in the elite zone, in these decades, There are also human nuclear explosion tests. "Wang Changrong shook his head.

"Human nuclear explosion test?" Jiang Li has also heard that he has been unable to imagine that the central temperature of a nuclear explosion can vaporize any substance. The temperature exceeds 20 million degrees, or even hundreds of millions of degrees. Human beings are flesh and blood. Why? Can survive in it?

A mountain will melt.

However, the mystery of the human body is very powerful. In his memory from the Great Dream Heart Sutra, the power of that world can be turned over.

"I saw your Feng Lei Wu Xue is very enlightening. In order to exchange gifts, I will show you the gossip Feng Lei palm of the Wang family to practice it again and again." Between the words, Wang Changrong also stood up, suddenly shot, one hand was Thunder Palm, one hand It's wind palm.

"Look clearly, the left hand is thunder, the right hand is wind! Thunder is Yang, wind is yin, double-hearted, wind and thunder bursts! The gossip wind thunder palm of our royal family is two pairs of yin and yang, water and fire are a pair of yin and yang, and heaven and earth are one For yin and yang, wind thunder is a pair of yin and yang, and Yamazawa is a pair of yin and yang. I think your wind and thunder imprints are not divided into yin and yang. Unfortunately, such a good martial arts, if you can achieve left-hand thunder and right-hand wind, it is simply Perfect, power can be multiplied several times. "

His body seems to be in two halves, with a firm hand and a feminine hand, alternating with each other, hitting to the extreme, the air flow forms a circle in the cave, and an "S" -shaped curve in the middle is cut from it.

"Come on, yin and yang change, left hand wind, right hand thunder!"

Suddenly, when he changed, he used the palm of the thunder palm to change the wind palm, and used the palm of the wind to cast the thunder palm. The change of rigidity and softness made people wonder about the changes.

"Great!" Jiang Li felt that Feng Lei's martial arts still had this kind of mystery, rigid-flexible conversion, mutual right-and-left fighting, yin and yang infinite, and it was natural.

He can't do anything like hand wind or grenade.

When the thunder is unfolding, the wind cannot be cast, and when the wind is unfolding, the thunder cannot be urged.

Not to mention changing hands when hitting and converting yin and yang.

Martial arts cultivation is obviously inferior to Wang Changrong.

After finishing a set of boxing techniques, Wang Changrong sat down and sighed: "I have been on Rakshasa for more than ten years, Wu Xuexiu has made great progress, and my mind has also improved a grade. Nothing is indispensable. In ancient times, Lu Dongbin said that only sex, not life, is the first disease of spiritual practice. Only the ancestral nature is not Xiu Dan, it is difficult for the evil spirits to be sanctified. I think my ancestor Wang Chao The spiritual cultivation is almost invincible. Unfortunately, due to the limitations of the times, it is impossible to show magical power. Later, I got the technology on the human fallen ship, strengthened the body, and immediately manifested the sanctification, even surpassing the manifestation. leap."

At night, the young and old talked about martial arts in the cave with great interest.

Although Jiang Li took precautions against this person, he gained a lot of valuable experience from him and had to admire his martial arts cultivation.

Always talking about the middle of the night, Wang Changrong waved his hand: "I'm going to practice, and there will be new challenges tomorrow. I won't waste time with you here."

"I'm settled in too." Jiang Li sat down cross-legged and said to Luo Han Xueling: "If you are cold, hug me, I should have a little heat."

"Great!" Xue Ling immediately released Luo Han and came up to hug Jiang Li, and suddenly felt that his body was very hot and warm, "It's really warm ..."

Luo Han hesitated a bit, and saw Xue Ling holding Jiang Li with a look of uneasiness.

"What else do you care about at this time? Once something goes wrong with the body, you have to die here and be eaten." Jiang Li looked at her cold chill and smiled: "Can't you?"

"Oh ..." Luo Han responded softly, and he came up, reached out and hugged Jiang Li, and cuddled with Xue Ling beside him.

Everything is for survival.

Jiang Li started to settle at this time.

This was the first time he had "rested" to rest. After beating Yu Muhua and Jiangliu during the day, he has been running. He has only taken a good rest until now.

Deep sleep can give the body a complete rest, and entering the realm is even more magical.

Jiang Li wants to use the realm of definiteness to see what needs to be adjusted in his endocrine.

However, as soon as he was settled, the first thing he noticed was the milky stone!

Because three times absorbed the energy of the wormhole jumping, there are patterns on the stones hanging on the chest. These patterns can not understand the mystery, but when his spiritual power is radiated to the milky white stones, the entire stone suddenly moves, and Jiang Li I felt that a portal opened in it, and after the portal, it was a space! This space is about three meters high and more than one hundred square meters. It is real, not illusory.

"What? Space!"

He froze, his mental strength suddenly weakened, and the door of space disappeared immediately.

There is space in the milky stone! This is an amazing discovery.

Perhaps it was the milky stone that absorbed the energy of the wormhole's jumping energy to create space. And to open this space, you need to enter a fixed state of mind.

Jiang Li knew before that he could unlock the mysteries of the milky stones as soon as he arrived in Ruding. Sure enough, now he has opened up the space, which is too much benefit!

Having a large space of three meters high and more than one hundred square meters is equivalent to carrying a house with you.

In any novel description, there are space bags, Qiankun bags, and now humans are also studying space folding technology. In fact, wormhole jumping technology is a derivative of space folding technology.

However, such things as the space bag, even if the technology in the elite area has not been able to be researched, is still in the experimental stage.

But Jiang Li could have such a large space with milky white stones, which is a strategic big secret.

"Good guy, if I continue to make wormhole jumps, every time I absorb it, can the space of this stone of UU reading book www.uukanshu.com become larger?" Jiang Li thought, and once again used the realm of observation to observe the mystery of the milky stone. .

This time, he went to sleep.

Big dream thousands of autumn, what year is this tonight?

The sound sounded again.

In the dream, the man in white appeared again and smiled at Jiang Li: "Congratulations, finally seeing through life and death, reaching the first realm of spiritual practice, and stepping into the threshold of spiritual practice. Now you become the master of the Great Dream Heart Sutra, you can open the emperor's fire mark Cultivation, but when you start this cultivation, your mental strength will be absorbed and cause weakness. It will take seven hundred forty-nine days to recover. May I begin? Let the Great Dream Heart Sutra absorb your mental strength? "

"No, don't open."

Jiang Li quickly expressed his thoughts.

This is worth it. It is better to die for seven or seventy or forty days of weakness. For such a dangerous environment as Luoshaxing, even one minute of weakness is unpredictable.

Although the Great Fire Seal is tempting, it is not the time to cultivate.

"That being the case, wait until you make your choice ..." The man in white disappeared slowly as he spoke.

Jiang Li woke up from the entry, thinking about everything that happened, he already understood some situations. The milky white stone itself is a treasure, of which the Great Dream Heart Sutra is the practice of Supreme Master instilling spiritual energy into it. Both have secrets, but this secret is not something he can fully understand.

The benefit of his entry this time is that he can open the space in the milky stone and load items.

I just do n’t know if I can put people in?

He urged the power of the soul to penetrate again, and the space slowly opened. He carefully explored it and found that there was no air in it for a while, and it was in a vacuum state. However, after opening, communicate with the outside world, air flows into it, and can also store living things.

It is equivalent to a house of more than 100 square meters.