Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 91: Fetch water

All night, Jiang Li felt the mystery of entering the realm.

Thoughts are released for a while, and then they are taken back, and everything around them cannot be concealed. He now thinks that radiation is centered on himself, and can sweep everything about a kilometer away.

The weather outside is getting colder and colder, he used his mind to detect the temperature, knowing that the spit and spit can be turned into ice cubes and fall to the ground. The wind roaring in the sky is getting stronger and stronger, and the knife generally cuts the entire land, even tens of kilograms All the stones can blow up.

Some stones collided in the air and exploded into powder.

The whole mountain was shaking, and it seemed possible to be blown across at any time.

"This kind of wind, I think there will be 20 levels." Jiang Centrifugal was awed by natural Tianwei, but he wanted to challenge this Tianwei, radiate his mind, blend with the cold wind outside, and feel the wind of the emperor Supreme mystery of India.

He is meditating on the cosmic storm and the wind of nature, and he is in a state of cultivation every moment.

The previously absorbed heaven and earth aura formed a delicate cycle in the cell, which could resist the cold and warm the whole body, which made Xueling and Luo Han holding him asleep.

They also went into deep sleep to restore physical fitness.

Fortunately, he absorbed a large amount of heaven and earth aura on Qu Boxing and stored it in the cell, so that he could save the body temperature, and at the same time resist cold, it could be converted into nutrient consumption.

This thing is somewhat similar to fat. For example, hibernating bears do not eat or drink in a winter, and all rely on fat to maintain their lives.

Of course, the quality of heaven and earth reiki is 10,000 times higher than that of fat.

"Well, heaven and earth reiki ..." Wang Changrong was observing Jiang Li's Xiuwei at all times, and found the movement of heaven and earth reiki in his body: "With this thing kept in the body, you can eat or drink for a month. He is in Have you taken the spirit stone before you came here? The only people who can get it are the absolute seed geniuses in the big family. "

He didn't know that Jiang Li drew it from his birth rate on Qu Boxing.

A few hours passed quickly.

Jiang Li suddenly opened his eyes and felt that the cold wind outside was much smaller. There was light jumping from the horizon, and the temperature rose every minute, minus 30 °, 20 °, 10 ° ... and then rose to above zero, 10 °, 20 °, 30 ° ...

Within an hour, the temperature reached 40 ° outside.

At this time, you cannot go out because the temperature jumps too much and the flesh and blood can't stand it. The cave also became hot, and the temperature reached about 20 °.

Luo Han and Xue Ling woke up and saw that they were holding Jiang Li, their faces were red, and they quickly let go.


At this time, a figure came out of the cave mouth, which is Wang Changrong: "Boy, I have to remind you that the outside temperature is only 40 ° at this time, it is the best time to go to the lake to get water, and wait for the temperature to rise to 60 ° At that time, getting water is difficult. "

Wang Changrong took several kettles, and every morning, he went to the lake dozens of kilometers away to fetch water and bring it back.

The temperature during the day is very hot, and the cave is uncomfortable. It must consume a lot of water. These kettles were obtained by killing the candidates.

"I will also fetch water, and you will rest in this cave." Jiang Li heard that fetching water, also flew away.

"We'll follow you too." Xueling and Luo Han stood up quickly.

"Then you do n’t have to, you follow me, but the speed is slow. Stay in the cave to guard, do n’t let people in. Our cave is in a good position, and someone will surely seize it." Jiang Lijing said: "And you must Save energy, the rest of the nutrient solution is definitely not enough for a few days to consume, after consumption, we have to find food again, it is impossible to eat people. "

This is a serious problem.

Although they received the nutritional fluid of Jiangliu and Yu Muhua, the three were only able to support for about ten days. After ten days of running out of food, it is impossible to maintain it by drinking water.

And there are no fish in the lake anymore, where should I look for food in the future?

"Okay, we are here to save energy." Xue Ling took a tube of nutrient solution: "Jiang Li, take a sip, and walk such a hot temperature for dozens of kilometers to get water, which consumes a lot of body."

"No." Jiang Li waved his hand: "You keep these, I'll get the water first."

With a movement of his body, he had already drilled out of the cave entrance, speeding fast, closely following the Wang Changrong, because he was worried that Wang Changrong would come back halfway and catch the two women to death.

Have to guard.

"Junior, your speed is fast." Wang Changrong kept running on the gravel plains at a speed no less than that of a car, but the speed of Jiang Li was lighter, a jump of twenty or thirty meters, when he bounced out of thin air, It is two or three meters high.

There is a kind of springbok in the animal world on the earth. Each bounce can be more than 3 meters, a distance of 10 meters, and a speed of 90 kilometers per hour. Sometimes cheetahs cannot even catch up with them, but they are much weaker than Jiangli. .

Although Jiang Li does not jump high, the distance is not comparable to them, and the reason why Jiang Li does not jump too high is a way to save energy.

Jumping high may not be fast.

This is the fastest jump and glide.

Jiang is now about 150-200 kilometers per hour, and can completely surpass the cheetah. However, if he reaches 200 kilometers per hour, he insists on it for an hour at most, and will run out of energy and never get up again.

The vitality of 2 is strong, but it is not a real machine.

He is now running with Wang Changrong at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour and retains physical strength, so that he can deal with masters.

Any physical strength on Rakshasa is very precious.

"Everyone ..." Jiang Li displayed the speed of the emperor's wind, and kept pace with Wang Changrong. "I'm afraid your old man will suddenly return, which is not good for the two girls."

"I said, don't kill people with Chinese ancestry." Wang Changrong said coldly: "However, your defense seems delicate, and you can't believe anyone to survive on Rakshasa."

The two kept jumping and gliding. Each time he jumped, Wang Changrong spread his arms and learned Dapeng to spread his wings. The muscles behind them were penetrated. This was a way to save energy.

However, Jiang Li flew to the ground, jumped up again, and continued to attack, leaving a lasting sound forever, as if Lei Yin was shocked and thunderous.

Each has its own mystery.

About two and a half hours later, the two arrived at the water intake site, and the climate was already very hot. Fortunately, this huge lake had cooled a lot for the surrounding area.

Jiang Li couldn't figure out how the water came from this big lake? The temperature of 60 ° per day is enough to evaporate all moisture.

It's also a freshwater lake.

There must be a mystery at the bottom of the lake.

He reached the lake and found no one to fetch water. Wang Changrong poured a few pots of water aside. After a full meal, he quickly took a shower, combed his hair, and changed his clothes.

The dress was a dead candidate, and it was a bit out of shape, but it also showed that he was tall and mighty.

After he got it done, he didn't leave, but sank and lurked in the grass on the shore, seemingly waiting for the prey to come.

There are very few prey on Rakshasa. Even if it is, it is also an extremely fierce and extremely surviving large animal. Obviously Wang Changrong was a student who was waiting for prey to come and fetch water.

It is thousands of kilometers in length, and there is only this lake, and anyone who wants to drink water must come here.

Jiang Li thought, shot a bit, and found that the water was really clear, from shallow to deep, near the center of the lake, green and lush, and bottomless, there seemed to be cold air coming out of the ground.

All the fish I saw yesterday disappeared.

The entire lake was empty, with only water and some aquatic plants by the lake. There were no animals, and these aquatic plants could not be eaten at all.

As soon as he moved, he jumped directly into the lake, gradually entered the deep water area, and then exerted his mental strength to open the pattern on the milky white stone.

Suddenly, a portal slowly opened.

Grunting ... A lot of water was poured into this space. After filling dozens of tons, Jiang Li contracted his mental power, and the space portal was closed.

In this way, there is no need to walk dozens of kilometers a day to fetch water, and the water for bathing will be directly available in the future.

There are no large containers on Rakshasa, and iron buckets can't find anything. There are only small kettles. They come to the lake every morning to fetch water and return for the day.

Jiang Li's milky white stone absorbed energy through the wormhole jumping, slowly opening the space, loading dozens of tons of water without any weight increase, and carrying it very easily and comfortably.

Because the water is in another space, the mass is not pressing on him.

"There is no need to worry about the water anymore, but the food is too scarce." He once again radiated a kilometer to the bottom of the lake, but he still couldn't see to the end and was afraid to go further downstream.

Because he will be drowned.

Unless there is a heaven and earth aura on this Rakshasa, he will be able to stay alive in the water by absorbing the aura, and the cell respiration can also absorb oxygen from the water.

But now obviously not.

So he was only able to jump ashore again.

At this time, he saw many people jumping from a distance, sprinting fast, holding a kettle to the lake to fetch water, and then taking a quick bath and cooling off.

All students come to take the exam.

They actually escaped the cold wind disaster last night ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ must have found a livable cave.

At the same time, Jiang Li also saw the exiled gangsters coming from all directions, and the lake suddenly became a hustle and bustle.

There is humiliation and there is killing. Every gangster exiled in Luosha is a very vicious one. It is not soft to kill and kill people. This time, these students are regarded as prey when they enter the exam.

Of course, these students are not easy to mess with. All the people who are qualified to take the Star University exam are arrogant. They will also kill the gangsters and survive.


A roar passed from not far away, and Jiang Li saw a group of students fighting with two gangsters.

These students are tall, fair-skinned, but have large pores. They are obviously of white descent, with a total of seven or eight people. There are only two gangsters.

Unfortunately, the two gangsters are very powerful and have a vitality of at least 1.5.

The vitality of those students is generally between 1.2 and 1.3.

Fortunately, one of the student leaders is very strong, a white man, and has a similar temperament to "Fantasy Fox". It has a gloomy, high nose and a vitality of 1.5!

Between his shots, he resisted the attack of two gangsters, and the other students assisted. The two sides were fighting equally.

Oh oh oh!

Suddenly, one of the gangsters made a rooster-like sound, and the whole man jumped up and punched out. It is actually a move in the ghost and **** fist, and the ghost is insane.

Another gangster also showed another trick of ghost and **** fist, and ghost and **** appeared.

Together, they sealed all the escape routes of this white student!

White students must die.

Jiang Li's eyes moved, and he suddenly kicked, and the two stones kicked out with a whistling sound, killing the back of the gangster.