Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 94: Fusion


As soon as the black shadow came in, Jiang Li was almost flowing against the air, reaching exactly in front of the black shadow. He pulled the knife with his hand, and the cutting of the emperor's windmark was pulled down empty.


As if the sound of the cutting machine was cutting through the metal, the body of this "Rakshasa" was split open by Jiang Li's bare hands, exposing a small piece of basic meat.

"Sure enough, the Rakshasa at night is much weaker than under the scorching sun, and the body is not so hard." Throwing the basic meat in his mouth, it was full of fragrance, such as drinking Qiongjiangyuyu.

For one month on Rakshasa, only the mind can be honed. Without adequate nutritional support, no one will enhance vitality, but will slowly degenerate.

But with basal meat, it's different.

The protein is more pure than super protein, and contains powerful energy, and this energy can be directly absorbed by the body, eat basic meat every day, and add various vitamins, salts and other minerals needed by the body in nutritional medicine, people Instead of being degraded, your physical fitness will increase.

It is a pity that the Rakshasa Beast is too strong. At the stage of Jiangli Vitality 2 and the ancient and peerless style of the emperor Fengyin, it can only be killed at night.

Moreover, their bodies were too hard and strong. Under a previous cut, Jiang Li's palms were faintly painful.

With Jiang Li's 1.3 vitality, the steel plate can be broken. Now with the vitality of 2, the steel plate can be cut with the pull of a hand knife. The body of Rakshasa is stronger than the steel bar. It is mechanically forged. .

I don't know how this kind of life can be born on this planet.

This is simply evil metal life.

Fortunately, they have basal meat and their corpses are very precious. The body of a Rakshasa can be sold for thousands of stars outside, and many factories need it.

"They came in on a massive scale!" Henry exclaimed.

At this time, the mouth of the cave rushed in again with four or five Rakshasa beasts. Their claws were sharp and they could grasp the rocks. The flesh and blood were like tofu in front of their claws.

Luo Han and Xue Ling rushed up at the same time.

Luo Han stepped on his feet and punched out with a punch, like a ghost and a **** appeared.

B-level martial arts, ghost and fist!

Cultivating this fist with Luo Han's 1.3 vitality also complements each other, and will not go into magic. At the time Ouyang Xing only had a vitality of 1.2, he also practiced this boxing technique and still sneaked into Jiangli.

"God is out of sight!" Xue Ling flickered, cooperated with Luo Han, and they attacked a Rakshasa together.

The two men cast their fists at the same time, the power of which has more than doubled.

Luo Han and Xue Ling are girlfriends for many years. Although they often compete with each other, they are familiar with each other, and now they are seamlessly matched.

I saw two punches hitting at the same time, one left and one right on the body of this "Rakshasa", making the devil make a sharp tragic sound, and then was caught by Luo Han and Xue Ling one side, violent A tear!


The entire Rakshasa was torn in half, and a large piece of basic meat with nails fell off. The two women reached out their hands at the same time, and each one split half of it, and put them into their mouths.

This time, it was clean and neat, divided the corpses and seized the flesh, and the murderous spirit appeared, and the ghosts appeared. Even Jiang Li looked at it for a moment, but did not expect the two women to cooperate so fiercely.

"How? The two of us have been practicing the combo technique for a long time, and finally used it!" Xueling proudly said: "The ghost and **** fist is the most suitable for combo."

"Great!" Jiang Li praised with a thumbs up.

At this time, a dark shadow rushed over again, he didn't look at it, the palm print was vomiting, thunder sound burst, and the Rakshasa was flattened with a single palm! Then take a step forward, grab your hands and tear instantly!

The flesh flew out, and he reached for it and threw it into his mouth.

Then kicked out, and another shadow was kicked deeply into the wall.


At this time, more and more Rakshasa rushed into the cave, and the dense Rakshasa outside smelled **** and rushed to rush in.

A rock was smashed into pieces.

"Ah!" A white female student was hit by Rakshasa's paw, and her arm bloodyly fell off a piece of meat. The Rakshasa chewed blood and flesh in her mouth, yelling and seemed very excited.

They are bloodthirsty, just like sharks, and the **** smell can stimulate their fighting power.

"It's not good." Jiang Li knew at this time why Henry had died so many people last night, and there were only seven left in a team of more than 50 people, because these Rakshasa beasts were too fierce.

He stretched out his long arm, grabbed the Rakshasa that was attacking, and then tore again. A piece of basic meat fell out and was thrown to the white female student: "Put the basic meat on the wound!"

Basalized meat contains huge energy, which can regenerate muscles and promote blood circulation. When eaten, it can not only condition internal organs, but also can be applied on trauma. The energy in it will penetrate into the cell blood and replace human flesh and blood.

The girl hurriedly applied the basal meat to the wound, and the basal meat melted immediately, and it really stopped the blood, and the piece of meat healed began to heal and grow.

The "Rakshasa Beast" is based on this basic flesh to have such a mighty power.

In fact, Rakshasa are somewhat similar to metal mechs, except that they are intelligent.

However, the base meat is too small to be eaten at all. You must kill as many Rakshasa as possible to obtain sufficient base meat.

At this moment, Henry looked calm, stepped out, and punched again and again.

His **** method is very simple, that is, the military body stabs and punches, and he strikes out in a series. He stuns the Rakshasa with a few punches, then tramples with his feet, and finally tears it out to remove the basic meat. Even after the Rakshasa was killed sometimes, there was no time to get the basic meat, and the other Rakshasa attacked.

More and more Raksha beasts poured in, even if Luo Han and Xueling could only hide in the corner, knocking back Raksha beast with one punch, and unable to kill each other.

To kill Rakshasa, it is necessary to tear the opponent with great strength. This will not only consume physical strength, but will also neglect precautions and be attacked by other Rakshasa.

The claws of Rakshasa are equivalent to metal knives, and even the heart can be dug out with a slight attack.

"Hurry up, just like yesterday, without leaving any dead ends! Lilith and I are in charge of the front, two are in charge of the head, two are in charge of the left and right, seeing Rakshasa come up and fly them with a fist!" Shouted Henry: "Luo Han, Xueling, the two of you also come close together, and classmate Jiang Li. The two of us have the strongest vitality, resisted positively, and attracted firepower. As long as we can support it for a few hours, the weather is getting colder and passed into the cave. As these Rakshasa beasts lose their strength, they will automatically retreat! "

It seems that the **** lesson last night gave Henry and others a lot of experience.

Luo Han and Xue Ling quickly approached the crowd of Henry, but were entangled by several Rakshasa beasts, resisting again and again, with some difficulty.

At the corner of Jiang Li's eye, Yu Guang glanced at a Rakshasa beast and rushed to Luo Han from behind. The flashing claws were striking her back, and he quickly picked his toes forward and kicked a piece of gravel on the ground. , Flying through the air quickly, with the potential of destruction and rottenness, hit the head of that Rakshasa beast, and made the body of that Rakshasa leaned aloud, and made a screaming noise.

Luo Han was also a masterpiece of alarm bells in his heart. There was a burst of coolness in his back, and he quickly turned around and punched a punch. The fist shadow was uncertain, the reality and reality depended on each other, and he banged heavily on the head of Rakshasa.


Jiang Li was distracted, and his back was caught by a Rakshasa flying in the back. He flashed quickly, but five bloodstains appeared.

He blocked the door alone and was attacked by more than a dozen Rakshasa. There was no dead end to escape from, and he could only take a claw.


He shook the Rakshasa beast with a backhand, and suddenly he flew out again, cut the other end in half, and the body rotated, and the piece of basic meat fell on his hand, and he wiped his back. It turned into a liquid and smeared on the bloodstains, and the injury began to heal immediately.

"Huh?" At this critical juncture, he flashed, and seemed to understand some martial arts truths, because he had two moves in a row, with thunder in one hand and wind in the other.

Feng Lei's two seals have the same tendency as Wang Changrong.


His martial arts experience opened up again, remembering the gossip wind thunder palm of the Wang family, combined with the emperor thunder seal, the wind seal of the emperor, a left hand roll, wind rolls over the clouds, a right hand move, thunder.

Left wind and right thunder, actually attacked at the same time!


One Rakshasa was torn, and the base meat fell directly into Jiang Li's mouth.

With a movement of his body, he calmly dodged under the attack of many claws. It was another blow. The wind and thunder cast at the same time, fighting each other from left to right, and the power increased greatly, taking away the life of a Rakshasa between shots.

In a few blinks, four or five Rakshasa beasts died.

He became more and more proficient. The two martial arts of Emperor Leiyin and Emperor Fengyin proved each other, leaping wildly, and the lethality increased several times.

The wind and thunder hexagrams of the Yijing clearly appeared in his mind. As a student who is going to take examinations at Xingkong University, this ancient classic cannot be studied. Jiang Li passed Wang Changrong's advice, and now, with actual combat, he has a deeper understanding of Feng Lei.

The combination of the two mines is the hexagram.

Xun Leizhen, the gentleman repaired with fear.

The combination of the two winds is the hexagram.

Follow the wind ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The gentleman acts with Shenming.

The combination of thunder and wind is the "Heng" hexagram.

Lei Fengheng, gentleman is not easy. It means that the gentleman has determined the path and will never change. Although his future is tortuous, he is dead without regret.

The combination of wind and thunder is the hexagram of "benefit".

Feng Leiyi, the gentleman moved with the good, and changed when he had.

These gossips have done the mystery of Feng Lei and the hearts of the people, combined with the emperor's wind seal, the emperor's wind seal and various martial arts, resulting in a sublimation.

It is the sublimation of Wu Xue's mind and body. At this moment, Jiang Li seems to feel that his body is a lot lighter, but he is a lot heavier.

The body moved with his mind.

Lift weights lightly.

At this time, his martial arts level rose to another level, and the lethality of the two Indian seals of learning also increased several times. These Rakshasa beasts were like cutting melon and vegetables under his hands.

Uh ...

The palm of his hand was flying, a shock, a roll, a tear, and it was almost a blink of an eye that could kill a Rakshasa beast and capture their basic flesh.

Jiang Li can even sense their offensive line in advance, sometimes directly advancing, blocking the actions of these Rakshasa, and directly taking the life of the other party.

Every time he takes a shot, he takes away the life of a Rakshasa and eats a piece of basic meat.

Of course, sometimes he was scratched occasionally, and he immediately applied the wound to the wound. In this kind of battle, he became more and more proficient, and he would hardly be hurt later, and the speed far exceeded Rakshasa. As soon as Rakshasa came in, he was killed, and the corpses gradually piled up at the door, a fierce evil. The breath came out.

Finally, the Rakshasa outside seemed to have dared not come in. They made a lot of noises and receded. Many caves were filled with ebb tide.

On the ground, hundreds of Rakshasa corpses appeared in the front passage.