Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 982: Beyond chaos

Chapter 982: Beyond Chaos

This is indeed an era of fate. With the strongest brand, even small people can suddenly become overlords, and no one can compete with them.

Jiang Li is a fate.

Moreover, he knows that the wind in the infinite world, the dream paper kite, the Honghei prison, and even the big black, etc., are also destined, but the time has not yet come, and the strongest magical power is still not shown.

Twelve thousand nine hundred and sixty thousand of the strongest brand, only now appear a few hundred. A lot of imprints are still waiting for fate, think about it, if someone has received hundreds or even thousands of imprints at the same time, isn't it a leap to become a stronger person than Jiang Li?

Jiang Li's current strength is 31 reincarnation, plus 144 imprints to recognize him, and at the same time 4 blessings of the King of Kings map, his strength should almost reach the level of 300 reincarnation.

This power is enough to make him run wild.

However, if a fate person is born and is recognized by 1,000 imprints, he can be crushed.

Therefore, he cannot be taken lightly, he must hold all the situations firmly in his own hands, so that the Infinite Avenue maintains a strong experience. Now he has begun to lay out and understand the 131 rules, and he also has a sign of success in his heart .

The 131 rules are absent and suddenly complete.

Nowhere, nowhere, nowhere, but anyone saw him "absent."

This is the mystery of being.

Immediately after, Jiang Li kept on and started to enlighten the 132 rules. His wisdom moved extremely fast, and soon there were some new insights. The people gathered in front of him and wanted to deal with him. He was not afraid and could gradually disintegrate. The cohesion of the people collapsed.

This is the method of "nothing".

132 rules, nothing.

"The gathering of all living things is really nothing." Jiang Li thought of the people as nothingness deep in his heart, no matter how many people or few people, for him, there was no threat at all.

He was still watching the changes secretly.

His strength has indeed progressed rapidly and his potential is huge. He has gathered countless sentient beings in the material world, and is injecting energy, wisdom, insight, reason, and change into the infinite river at all times.

He ferments truth from the wisdom of sentient beings.

Use the truth to realize infinite.

The fire of truth, burning, will never go out.

He gathered all sentient beings, but realized "nobody". This is not forgetting, but raising the realm to a higher level.

It's a bit of a trick and a forgotten method.

There are obviously beings, but there are no beings. The beings are in front of them, but there are no beings in the heart, there are beings in the heart, but there are no beings. There are beings in the past and no beings in the future ...

In this way, alternating with each other, no law will reach its apex.

At this time, Jiang Li hid deep in the palace that devoured the Empire Palace, watching Jiang Nalan and others discuss it, it seemed to have a taste of beings playing with claps.

"You guys, now you see our strength, see our fate, how do you feel? Enough, directly kill the infinite Lord, Jiang Li that little beast?" Jiang Nalan said, he deliberately showed his own Strength: "I'm a man of great fate, and now I only get 5 King of Kings maps, 180 strongest marks, but because there are still many strongest marks, they are sealed in the depths of chaos. It ’s not born, but with the chaos shaking, the last awakening. More strongest marks will appear. At that time, it is the era of true fate. My fate can make me get tens of thousands of marks. This is Dao reasoned that because I was the most crucial person in this catastrophe, no one could match my fate. "

"It's impossible, this point is definitely wrong. No one can get tens of thousands of branded fate." Jue and the other six masters did not believe it at all.

"Furthermore, the Lord of Infinite is now in full swing, and it is impossible to shake it at all. We are now dealing with him, and I am afraid that he will end up with a pebbled stone." The explanation is clear: "Yan was killed by him, and Yuan was surrendered by him. Become his uncle, these two are unfathomable, but the strongest other than Dao, we are still one step behind them, how can we compete against the Lord of Infinite? "

"So you do n’t understand fate. Now it seems that the Lord of Infinite controls Infinite, refines the material world into Infinite Jindan, and even masters the Obuchi Empire and expands territory, making many empires all believe in Infinite. See It is aggressive and unbreakable. Everyday strength will increase and it will enter a new realm, but this is just a chicken and a dog. After the fate era, his power, the infinite empire will collapse immediately, because there are many in the infinite empire. Ambitionist, but now Jiang Li is too powerful to suppress all ambitions, but when the fate comes, countless characters among them have been branded, and even the countless immortal **** Dan sprayed from the depths of chaos, from outside the chaos. At the time of the magic weapon, his ambition rapidly expanded, and he began to suppress it. At that time, when the heroes merged, the dragon and snake battled for infinite collapse, and the end was coming. This is also the meaning of chaos. Infinite is the chaos of chaos. How can chaos be possible? Let him develop comfortably? "Jiang Nalan said eloquently.

"Then we can't do it now, we have to wait for the fate to come. Chaos creeps, spraying out more heavenly treasures, even treasures from outside of chaos." Intercept.

"That's because, according to many ancient legends, chaos is just a free mass of gas. We are all parasites wrapped in it. Chaos is constantly dissipating in unknown time and space, devouring all kinds of magic. The digestion of matter has transformed into its own chaos, but some things are difficult to digest even chaos, so it is left behind and becomes an unknown substance. According to rumors, the baby trained by this kind of thing can kill everything. But I traveled countless time and space, looking for many years of ancient land, I did not find that kind of thing. "Sighed.

"Stop that, what I've discussed with you means that as long as everyone works together with me, the fate era will come immediately, and I will use your ability to hold a great transcendence of chaos with me, called 'Unknown Grand Offering' ', Making loopholes appear deep in the chaos. In this way, we can make the air flow outside the chaos permeate. At that time, the chaos will creep and digest the air. At that time, it will also spray out endlessly. Matter. Those imprints can't be hidden, even we have a chance to see if there is anything outside the chaos. "Jiang Nalan said:" This is some of the truths that have come to be realized in the quiet in countless years, he Seized some of the weaknesses of chaos. "

"Is that so?" The Seven Masters were shocked when they heard these secrets: "Is this true?"

"Of course it is true. What kind of characters are you and what kind of identity am I? Would you deceive me? At this time, if you deceive you, the fate will leave me, and you will lose more than you gain? When was the conspiracy completely useless? The most important thing is Yang Mou. Under the tumultuous situation, no one can escape. "Jiang Nalan said," What else do you want? Sign a contract, let's join together. "

"Well, in this case, we have agreed to combine our respective empires and hold a big sacrifice. Disrupting the chaos makes the fate era come earlier and earns us more time. Chaos has a plan. We will break the chaotic plan so that Chaos has failed. "I agree very much:" At this time, we are not yet united and fighting each other, that is to find our own way of death, so I think it is the best choice to hold a sacrifice together, otherwise we will not have the strength to hold a large ritual to shake the chaos. Since ancient times, there are ten chaos sacrifices, all sacrificing chaos. In addition, there is no greater existence than chaos, so the sacrifices to chaos, I really want to see, Tao enlightenment What is the nameless offering? "

"Okay, sign a contract together."

The other masters all agreed.

Eight people held their hands together, and the contract slowly came into being. As long as their minds move, they can condense into a contract at any time. Everyone agrees that the contract will be signed.


The contract was born, and luck was united.

Jiang Li saw a smile appearing on Jiang Nalan's face, which had a conspiratorial taste.

"No, Jiang Nalan steals the fate of these seven people secretly. The seven can become one of the top ten masters. It must be a person who enjoys great luck. In the future, he must have a great fate. Fate is different from luck. It can be observed that everyone can detect it, but the fate is very mysterious. The so-called chance is a coincidence, and no one knows what the future fate is. Even if you count everything and the organs, it is difficult to calculate your fate. . "Jiang Li secretly barked.

His infinite road, UU reading www.uukanshu. com can count fate.

He "sees" that the fortunes of the seven masters have increased and their cultivation has increased, but their fate has become thinner.

The seven masters couldn't see the fate at all. They only observed that after the alliance, everyone's fortune was very strong and their wisdom was deep. It seemed to shake some important things and cultivated a taste of breaking the cocoon into a butterfly.

They themselves think that alliances are really good.

But I don't know, I made a wedding dress for others.

This is the conspiracy of Jiang Nalan. Now Jiang Nalan is more and more elusive, and it seems that it is out of Tao's control.

"Is there any other master besides Tao? I feel that Jiang Nalan is quite wrong. He is gradually getting rid of Tao's control, and even started to counteract the Tao." Jiang Chuan was calculating, very calm. Without emotion, he is constantly analyzing various possibilities: "By the way, he said that the nameless sacrifice is not sacrificed to chaos, but sacrifices that are more incredible than chaos. How is this possible? This should not be considered by Tao. Isn't it ... has he established a connection with some incredible great being outside of chaos? "