End of the Magic Era

Chapter 224: Sky Stone Tower

"What?" Suas frowned, and quickly let out a wizard's eye.

The alchemy laboratory is right next to the botanical garden. It passes by a path covered with ivory stones, but it looks like it is only a few hundred meters away ...

It was a stone tower floating in the air.

Through the vision of the wizard's eye, Suas can clearly see that the stone tower is at least two hundred meters above the ground, and there is no fulcrum, so it is floating above the four people's heads.

"Merlin, you ..." Suias glanced at Lin Yun with a few worries. The four people present, two magic wizards and one title magic wizard, could all use floatation and flying skills to board the stone tower, but the rest One is a ninth-level division. This level does not have floatation and flying. Even if the elemental incarnation is used to flash the element, it is not possible to cross a distance of two hundred meters at a time ...

"There is no problem in boarding the stone tower ..." Lin Yun shook his head. Although he is only a ninth-level division, there are still many ways to get on the stone tower. What really makes Lin Yun troublesome is something else: " Have you heard a buzzing sound? "


Suas first frowned, and then frowned ...

Because Suaz clearly saw that in the sky above him, eight alchemy urns were circling around the floating stone tower. When the propeller was turning, the "humming" sound heard a numbness in the human scalp ...

"Flying Alchemy!"

"And it's still not that weak ..." Lin Yun touched his nose, looking at the eight flying alchemists, and for a moment couldn't help but grin ...

Eight flying alchemy badgers. Always hovering around the stone tower, almost all routes were blocked. Lin Yun knew at a glance that there were really no shortcuts this time. Can only be hard ...

"One for two ..." This time, Lin Yun didn't dare to swarm. Before he stepped into the ranks of the wizard, the air combat itself was a big shortcoming of Lin Yun.

"Well!" Suyas said nothing, took Fran together with flying and floating, and flew into the sky one after the other, almost immediately entering the stone tower within 50 meters, and immediately Attracted the siege of five or six flying alchemists ...

at this time. You can see that Suias is really powerful. The titled magic wizard is the titled magic wizard. When flying is in his body, the whole person is almost the same as the flat land. The magical ability of moving and casting is used by him. To the extreme, all kinds of spells are completely unaffected by high-speed flight, accurate and efficient, for a moment. Actually, Shengsheng dragged down five or six flying alchemists, and did not fall in the slightest.

"Let's go, too." Seeing that Suyas had established a local advantage, Lin Yun also injected a magical power into the throne, this time. Lin Yun activates the flying ability of throne master.

Almost while Lin Yunfei was flying into the sky, a sharp whistling sounded in his ears. Those were the three remaining flying alchemy puppets. They almost rushed towards Lin Yun at the same time ...

"Response really fast ..." Lin Yun quickly flew into the air in a sudden disguise, passing thrillingly with the three flying alchemists. At the same time, the psychic staff was raised in his hand, and an ice and fire shield was released ...

really. When Lin Yun released the shield of ice and fire, a large number of wind blades had ripped the air ...

In the dense sound of breaking through the air, the red and blue rays of the ice and fire shield alternated rapidly. For a moment, the unclear number of wind blades hit the ice and fire shield. For a moment, I heard only "ding The sound of "Ding Dang Dang" is endless. While manipulating the shield of ice and fire, Lin Yun was not idle. The psychic staff was tightened in his hand, and a Pyroblast was out of his hands ...

Followed by, there was a loud sound of "Boom" ...

Pyroblast hit heavily on a flying alchemy cricket, and the sparks emitted by it were as brilliant as fireworks. The flying alchemy cricket itself was directly blown away by the shock wave of this blast.

After a Pyroblast hit the target, Lin Yun's face was not half happy.

Because Lin Yun clearly saw that this flying alchemy cricket hit by Pyroblast surgery, after being blown off by Pyroblast for dozens of meters, it stopped swaying, whether it was a flight system or a combat system. In fact, it is not damaged in any way. This protection ability is enough to make people feel cold. Lin Yun even feels that even the alchemy urn on the bone bone plane, if it is protection ability, I am afraid it will have a little. Not as good as ...

"Sure enough ..." With this discovery, Lin Yun was even more afraid to carelessly. Most of his energy was spent on manipulating the shield of ice and fire ...

This is a battle with no shortcuts. What skills and tactics are all restricted by the special battle environment, which is more powerful than whose spell is more powerful.

At this time, the advantage of the level is completely revealed. After all, the gap of more than a dozen levels is not a joke. Suyas and Fran together with the hard-top five flying alchemy puppets, almost under two-thirds of the pressure. , But relying on Suyas, the newly-appointed wizard, he ended the battle before Lin Yun and Saruman ...

In the end, Suias even helped solve the last flying alchemy urn.

With the last flying alchemy urn falling to the ground and exploding after a loud boom, this battle that finally made Lin Yun's extremely awkward battle was over.

"Wait ..." When Suyas and others were about to fly to the stone tower, Lin Yun suddenly stopped and didn't discuss it with everyone. It was a turn, and he flew towards the only one intact wreckage. Over the past ...

It is still the same as before, without any useful parts ...

It took Lin Yun one minute to complete the disassembly. After putting the last bearing into the space ring, Lin Yun flew back into the sky again and completed the meeting with the other three people.

"Merlin, you are too frugal ..." This time, even Saruman couldn't help talking.

The boss behind the magnificent gilded rose, the characters up and down tens of thousands of gold coins every minute, even the damage of the alchemy urn will be spared all day long. If it is passed on, I don't know how many people will laugh at the big teeth ...

"Huh, we have solved most of the enemies. You'd better, sneak up and put the most valuable parts in your pockets ..." Originally, Fran had converged after being hit twice in the botanical garden. Who knows that this time fighting with Suas and solving six flying alchemy urns in one go, the ostrich master suddenly shook again.

"Shut up ..." Suyasi's magnanimous magic wizard, who would look at a few parts in the eyes, but Lin Yun's move made him a little strange: "Merlin, did you find anything?"

"It's a little ..." Lin Yun nodded and took out a power system from the space ring, which was just dismantled from the flying alchemist: "Sir Suas, look at this. "

"What's wrong with this?" Suias took it strangely, but after looking at it for a long time, he didn't see anything wrong.

"Good maintenance."

"It's really ..." Suyas couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this, yeah, this power system is so well maintained that it doesn't look like it has been idle for two thousand years.

You know, the power system is no better than other components. If the other components are not maintained for several years, it will not cause any problems. However, the power system definitely needs regular maintenance. In other words, it is possible to directly burn the power system.

"Not only these flying alchemists, the three guard alchemists we encountered in the botanical garden before. I also found this problem during dismantling. If I didn't guess wrong, the last maintenance of them should be a week prior to……"

"how can that be!"

When Lin Yun said this, it was not only Suas, but even Saruman and Fran almost jumped on the spot.

How could the last maintenance be a week ago!

Vaughn has been dead for almost two thousand years. Who will defend these alchemy urns, ghosts?

"Anyway, this alchemy laboratory is very weird ..." Even what Lin Yun didn't know, he could only come to such a conclusion after thinking about it.

In the end, the four of them could only take such questions and slowly flew towards the stone tower ...

With this hand, you can clearly see that the stone tower has been covered with moss, a lot of dust and spider webs, and it is everywhere in every corner. It looks like I have n’t been here for a long time. ...

The gate of the stone tower is hidden. Two decayed wooden doors make a squeaking sound from time to time in the wind ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The two sides of the gate were originally guarded by two alchemists. It's just because the age is too old that the sources of magic of the two alchemy puppet guards have dried up, and they are lying side by side at this time, their bodies are covered with dust and rust, as they have seen before Those alchemy badgers are totally different ...

"The model of the lawbreaker ..." Lin Yun glanced at him, with a bit of luck in his voice. The two guard alchemists are both model of lawbreaker. If the source of magic is not exhausted, for four people I am afraid it is another difficult battle.

Okay ...

With this idea, the four of them pushed open the rotten decaying wooden door. They went carefully and walked through the long corridor. They quickly saw an empty hall, which covered an area of ​​almost 100 meters. There are six ornate chandeliers hanging, and the ground is covered with square ivory stones, each of which is exquisitely carved, delicate and complex patterns, full of the extravagant atmosphere unique to the Third Dynasty ...

The only exit is across the hall. It is a corridor with no visible end. When I glance at it, I only see a black hole, like the mouth of a beast ...

"Well, it's time for everyone to find out ..." (to be continued)