End of the Magic Era

Chapter 809: Thief

Once, a 39th-level Warcraft migration passed by the Caucasus tribe. Although the battle mage of the Caucasus repelled that Warcraft, he also knew that this Warcraft was very vengeful and would definitely retaliate again.

On that day, someone saw the king named Christo leaving the tribe. Early the next morning, someone saw the body of Warcraft a few miles away, but there was no major battle around him. trace.

Another time, the conflict between the battle mage of the Caucasus and the Black Tower escalated. The opponent seemed to have the intention to attack the Caucasus highlands. The forces gathered by the Black Tower attacked the Caucasus together. The Caucasian war mage kept retreating. To make up for it, even if every Caucasus combat mage is stronger than a normal mage of the same level, it cannot avoid another fatal flaw.

Compared to Auckland, there are too few people in the Caucasus Highlands, and even fewer people can become a true Caucasian combat mage.

In the face of ten times or even dozens of times the number of mages, there is no good way for the Caucasus combat mages.

At this time, King Christo once again left the tribe, and even left the Caucasus Heights. Within a few days, the coalition forces gathered by the Black Tower retreated.

From then on, the people of the Black Tower will not appear in the Caucasus Heights, and the Caucasus's Mage will not appear in Auckland.

Occasionally, the arrest and killing of a single order happened, but it never happened in a large-scale war.

The development of the Caucasus has also developed along with this rare peace.

克里斯 There is very little Christo here, but everyone knows that the Caucasus can have today, and the king will definitely take most of the credit.

But few people noticed that their king was too mysterious ...

Everyone thought that Cristo was taught by Drouy, but only Drouy knew. He only handed in Christo's basic magic knowledge and basic meditation methods, and nothing else.

Although at any time Christo's identity as a disciple of Drouy. But Drouy was in awe of his nominal disciple.

Mysterious and powerful. Can't feel what strength Christo is now.

However, seeing that the Caucasus has been developing well in recent years, Drouy has defaulted on some things, and has not asked questions about doubts.

Squinting to see the crystal ball slowly light up, a dark figure appeared in it, and Drouy immediately put away the complex look on his face.

"Master, good night ..."

The figure in the crystal ball was silent and there was no response. It was no wonder that Drouy took it upon himself, and took care of what happened during this time, as well as what happened in the Valley of Poisonous Mist, all those things that Lin Yun said, without any hesitation.

"... King, this is what happened, what do you think?"

At this time, a deep male voice came from the crystal ball.

"at all costs."

After a word, the light in the crystal ball dissipated, and the crystal ball returned to normal.

Benderoy thought for a moment. This kind of thing, we have to continue to look for His Majesty ...

德 As Drouy reported these things to Christo, His Excellency Daryl, the Legion, felt more and more indignant. When his disciple was almost drowned in the quagmire of that Malfay Merlin, when he was about to kill the Malfay Merlin with all his strength, the Prophet Droit stopped it.

Not only that, but the **** fellow of Malfurmellin was not harmed, but we were punished. Kempes was punished for mining by Lightning Peak, and those elite men were also punished for mining.

He was scolded, even though there was no real punishment, only one symbolic punishment without order not to leave the camp. But everyone saw it, this was a warning to him not to take revenge on that Malfay Merlin.

什么 When did the Caucasus Mage become like this. After being bullied by an abominable Auckland mage, he was punished by himself. Even Gui himself, the head of the Caucasus Mage Army, was punished in name.

Damn, damn, **** ...

That **** Auckland mage must die, yes, he must die, wait for him to die ...

Alas, yes, I'm going to find a chance to kill that **** Malfurmellin. By the time the Prophet Drogly found out, Malfurmellin was dead. Would he still punish his own for a dead person?

How can there be such a truth, that Mafam Merlin may be valuable to the Caucasus alive, dead, haha, who would manage a dead man ...

No matter how great the value of being alive and dying, no one will take a closer look.

There was a smile on Dardill's face, but it was a bit difficult to get out of that **** Malmell Merlin.

After all, all of the storm fortresses are now Auckland mages. Auckland ’s top forces are almost all there. If you do it for no reason, those abominable Auckland mages will probably shoot without hesitation.

He pondered for a moment, and Darryl beckoned to a nearby soldier.

你 "You, go to the Merlin family, is it the Merlin family? Anyway, this is the place where Malfur Merlin is. Anyone stole something in the camp of my Caucasian combat mage. You chased there and asked to search Malfur Merlin's camp."

I didn't think much about my relatives. Since coming here, they have found that those abominable Auckland mages seem to be afraid of them. Even if they encounter any small friction, they are tolerant, and no one has conflict with them.

Now it ’s difficult to find a family. Except for the camps of the Black Tower and Cloud Tower, they are not afraid to search. The other forces are all a group of weak chickens. If you dare to talk, let them See if the lightning spear in your hand is sharp enough.

Several Caucasian battle mages, wearing heavy armor and holding dark lightning spears, went straight to the camp of the Merlin family.

A few Caucasus battle mages came along all the way, and all the mages they met offered to give way to them, and they seemed to avoid them. This made several Caucasus war mages instantly full of confidence.

He came outside of Lin Yun's camp, and one of the Caucasian combat mages kicked open the humble door of the camp.

The humble door was a good thing, and it could bear the strength of these humanoid tyrannosaurus. With a slam, the gate that was more than three meters high and four meters wide was kicked into pieces.

抓住 "Catch him, I saw him run into this camp, don't let him run away!"

The Caucasian combat mage who opened the door looked up and yelled, and several people behind him rushed in with lightning spears.

Inside the camp, fifty wizards are meditating, they are dozing off from work, Lena is studying spells, Anderfa ... smoke and smoke.

Zhe Linyun was holding the book of Mantra, and frowning to study the spell.

A sudden loud noise came, and everyone looked up at the same time.

A few Caucasus battle mages, the strongest one was a third-level titled magic wizard, and a few people walked in without any knowledge of how dangerous their actions were.

There are fifty wizards in the puppet, the weakest one is already a fifth-level wizard, and the strongest one is even a eight-level wizard.

A 39-level Frost Dragon, an original Celestial Order with 39-level combat power, one person can be worth the magic incarnation of a mage legion, and a 5th-level swordmaster level non-mainstream The Dragon Blood Orc, plus one that is considered to be the strongest in it, can't see how many levels, but can play the ordinary nine-level title wizard and play the same guy ...

Twenty-five Caucasus battle mages didn't know it, and walked in swaying in, screaming with their heads and throats as they entered.

"I saw him, grab him, don't let him run away, dare to steal the stuff of our Caucasian battle mage, it's really tired!"

咦 "Oh, why are you missing? I just saw him getting into that camp."

"No, I see the other camp."

"Unable to search, always find out ..."

As soon as a few Caucasus battle mages sang, the people in the yard looked at them with a stun.

Fifty magic wizards have forgotten to shoot, all of them staring at these guys who are more fat than Tianjie Warcraft.

Lin Linyun was a little helpless and waved to the off-duty.

休 "Take off work, ten seconds, let me see a person, just one hour, one more, add an hour!"

He originally had a gloating smile and stared at the rest of the Caucasus combat mage as he saw the demon, his face suddenly became frightened.

In a hurry ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The off-class body disappeared, and the Caucasian combat mage standing in front of it just felt something suddenly appeared in front of it, and had no time to react.

It was suddenly dark before him, and a huge hammer hit him severely, causing the heavy armor on him to utter a painful moan, and the heavy armor was deformed, and this battle mage His body, like a shell, disappeared into the camp with a bang.

The remaining four Caucasian combat mages were so shocked that they didn't expect their words to be finished yet, and the people on the opposite side dared to take action?

Damn, aren't these Auckland wizards very weak? Isn't nobody daring to do anything with them?

不是 Isn't that **** little family disturbed by this method, the wealth of the entire camp was looted, and the other party didn't dare to say anything.

I have n’t picked up anything yet to say that this is our Caucasus. How could these guys dare to attack their Caucasian combat mage?

Why is this happening?

However, this idea flickered into the minds of the four Caucasus battle mages, and the instinct of battle immediately put them into battle.

The four lightning spears stabbed in an instant, and the lightning flashed, and the four lightning spears were really like lightning, and the light flashed, and they were already in front of the off-duty. (To be continued)

(To be continued) []. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )