End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1011: Offside ceremony

At New York City Police Plaza, the ceremony and press conference were held simultaneously.

In short, after the ceremony of honoring, the reporters asked casually, Russell replied casually.

The scene was the same as when Russell first entered the world, except that the protagonist changed from the bald brother to himself.

"Let me, on behalf of the New York City Government and the City Police Department, grant this‘ Medical Honor ’to the New Yorker ’s heroic, loyal and unscrupulous Russell.”

Click! Click! Click ————

Two members of the parliament have spoken, one of which is the most photogenic wearing a medal for Russell, and then the two of them face the reporter in a smile, posing for the flash.

Russell learned the experience of the bald brothers, prepared sunglasses in advance, and was not panic in the face of the continuous lights.

As for the two legislators next to him, he did not take it seriously and did not intend to pursue it.

Of course, I did not look at it and defined it as the instrumental person who issued the medal.

Although two members of parliament caused him to delay the honour ceremony, he knew very well that these two people belong to the inevitable product of capital. Without them, there are others.

Like the leeks in the vegetable garden, cutting a crop and growing a crop is more tenacious than ‘Hydra‘ chop one head and grow two ’, and they are more uncomfortable than themselves.

"Inspector Russell, say a few words!"

"of course."

Russell nodded, showing a modest smile to reporters.

Director Qiong said that all the reporters on the scene were arranged. What he said was not important. It was important to take a photo. Even if he did not say a word, the reporters could compose an impassioned article with a picture.

"First of all……"

Click! Click! Click ————

Russell smiled and nodded, pressing his hand to let him say a few words before taking a picture.

After the enthusiastic flashing light stopped, Russell continued: "First of all, I feel ashamed of the decision of the General Administration, this honor, and this medal."

Click! Click! Click ————

"But then again, who do I not take, right?"

"..." xN

"Okay, well said!"

Seeing that it was a little cold, the members took the lead to applaud, and the police officers accompanying him, including Russell's boss, immediately followed.

The atmosphere became hot, the reporters continued to take pictures, Russell kept smiling, waited for the flash to stop, and began to recite a speech written by a special person.

"At this exciting time ..."

According to Russell, the reporters below have gone crazy for two hours without stopping.

In fact, the speech is finished in twenty minutes, but as he said, at this exciting moment, we must say a few more words.

One hundred minutes after the encounter, Russell was unscripted throughout the process, frustrated and emotional, and described a just, selfless ... 5,000 words omitted here ... legged, handsome New York policeman.

How brave and humble are you ... 5,000 words are omitted here ... passionate, sunny struggle in my post for fifty years like a day.

He spared no effort, no fear of difficulties and dangers ... 5,000 words are omitted here ... the fever of ninety degrees still does not forget to adhere to his job, and his spirit is moving.

I removed some rhetorical means, and in summary, this honor is not granted to him, it is simply unreasonable, and the world should be destroyed.

谢谢 "Thank you, I want to say so much."

Russell pursed his lips, and coughed, and continued: "Suddenly remembering that I just said that I had missed two small chapters, which was added, not long, and it was over soon."

"God, is this **** here?"

"I can't die, this guy must be a devil!"

"Help, call the police. Someone is going to murder me."

"Wake up, this is New York Police Headquarters."

"Call me an ambulance then!"

"you sure?"

"Forget it, I endure it again."


A group of reporters complained, one of them took out a quick-acting heartache spray from his arms to relieve his angina.

He doesn't know what paradise is, but he knows, and let Russell continue, he should know soon.

"Haha, Superintendent Russell said so well. Thanks for his speech, it has benefited me a lot." The expression of bankruptcy came to the stage, and he took the lead to applaud.

"Hey, I'm not finished yet!"

"I announced that the ceremony of awarding honors is now over, and then I will enter the reporter's Q & A session."

Crackling! !!

"I haven't finished it yet ..."

Russell whispered BB. Rarely he was interested in speaking, and only spoke for two hours. This group of people was really disappointed.

"Superintendent Russell, I am a reporter for the New York Observer Newspaper. Some time ago, some people evaluated you as a cold-blooded pervert who killed and did not blink. What do you think about this?"

"Rumors are pure rumors!"

"Inspector, I heard that you and a member of the Kardashian family are in love, can you tell us a little bit about it?"

"Hype, absolutely hype!"

"Superintendent, it is said that you are an invisible rich man who has inherited billions of properties, but you have invested in philanthropy and started with a trainee police officer. Is this true?"

"Stigma, it's filthy ... keke, it really is."

Russell gave a cough and was ashamed: "I don't want to talk more about this matter, I hope everyone helps to keep a low profile and don't report the facts."

"Inspector, I heard that you have set up more than a dozen charitable funds with assets, and they are still anonymous. Can you elaborate?"

各位 "Everyone, the interview should not focus on such boring things. I'm a policeman, not a philanthropist. That's the point."

"Inspector Russell, do you say being boring means that you are sitting on billions of assets and feel boring?"


The press conference gradually deviated, and the reporters who collected the money had a problem, and three words were inseparable from Russell's rich people.

In short, after today, Russell said that he was a poor ghost, and the whole world did not believe it.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The next day, the news sections of major media to Russell, most of the titles are closely related to money.

Uh ...

The next day, Russell was so happy that he deliberately wiped out all the newspapers in the kiosk, and then the whole person was bad.

[Billionaires give up affluent life and join the first ranks of combating crime]

震惊 [Shocked, financial boss in police station]

[He was so rich in obscurity]

[The medal of honor is a Wall Street predator]

【Unknown hidden rich, he is with us】

Russell: (? Benefit?)

The award ceremony was barely perfect. Except for the unsatisfactory speech, everything was alive, but what happened to the follow-up media interviews and why did they stray into this ghost?

Is it possible that the media on the US side cannot pay attention to something positive?

He's rich, he's talking around ... 呸, **** reports, Bai blinded him for drooling for two hours yesterday.

"Well, it shouldn't be like this, I'm too hard!"

Russell babbled in the sofa, unable to hold the beauty in his arms.

Today he bought the newspaper and went to the police station to report as usual. As a result, the gate of the police station was blocked by a three-digit woman because of unrealistic reports.

The blossoming, colorful and indistinguishable male and female branches fully prove that the US emperor is a very inclusive country.

In order to maintain normal order, Director Xun refused to enter the police station and gave him leave.

One week!

The Secretary-General hopes that Russell will really achieve a low profile in the next week, and it is best to hide at home and not go out.

In the United States, one week is enough to stage all kinds of explosive news, especially the gossip section. A certain star announced that he came out and that a certain star was arrested for drunk driving.

Soon people will no longer remember who Russell is, and he will be able to continue working at that time.

The premise is that he has kept a low profile recently, and don't cause as much noise as the slums.

Russell said he would try to be low-key. After all, it was too difficult. He always wanted to be low-key, but high-key things always hit him, and he would rather die than look back.


The room door was knocked, and Russell didn't need to look at it to know that it must be the unlucky sisters on the first floor. The two saw the news today, and the thief would not die to ask for support.

He glanced at the beautiful short in his arms, the latter opened his eyes, his vertical pupil turned round, jumped down briskly, and walked to the door to open it.

"Sergeant Russell, it's the two of us again. Isn't it a surprise or a surprise?"

Max was cheeky, 500,000 US dollars smashed into the water, and it took only four days to slow down. The degree of heartlessness is really admirable.

It is also possible that is used to it.

"No surprise or surprise, yesterday I knew you were coming."

Russell rolled his eyes: "Hurry up and say something, but the ugly word is that the basement of my house is full. In addition, if you are borrowing money, return the $ 5,000 first.

"You misunderstood, we are here to do something else."

"Nothing else? You didn't read today's newspaper, don't know ... what?" Russell said.

"No, we usually pick up other people's newspapers, so we will delay knowing what you said."

Caroline calmly answered, the truth was sad.

"Don't watch TV?"

"The television does not work!"

"Not online?"

"The computer is also broken."

"Is there always a cell phone?"

"There is no electricity. The family lost power due to arrears. We are going to the restaurant to charge at night."

Russell: (? _?)

He said silently: "If I didn't guess wrong, you haven't gone out today, have you?"

"Yes!" X2

"I'm convinced! Tell me, what's the matter?"

Russell sighed a long time ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Living in a big city like New York, Max and Caroline lived a primitive life. With this intelligence ability, don't even think about doing business. It's not their turn.

"Yes, Max and I were so pained after the tragedy of failed investment that we found that venture capital is not suitable for us, whether it is financial stocks or the physical industry ..."

"Wait a minute, change it for you."

Russell interrupted Caroline and reached out to Max.

"Sergeant Russell, we are ready to continue our little cake dream."

所以 "So, still borrow money?"

不是 "No, the oven at home is broken, and I want to borrow your ..."

"Move away, don't let me see it again."

"Thank you so much, you are a guardian angel that God has given us."

Max was glaring, showing his fangs. A ball hit the man and rushed to Russell on the sofa. Due to the speed of the foul, Russell didn't respond and couldn't move when he was hit by a heavy blow.

"Max, release Officer Russell, he can't breathe."

洛 Caroline took a breath and drew Max away, but tripped under her feet and pressed down.

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and Russell squeezed out of his head, and found that it was Maserati.

的 The chaotic scene on the sofa was unsightly, and Mattilda raised her hand to cover her eyes, but her fingers were too big and nothing was blocked.