End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1191: Since nobody speaks, then I come

As Hades' voice fell, the new generation of gods headed by the twelve main gods changed their faces.

Hadith's words, under the banner of unity, attracted the old generation of gods away from the center of power.

And most likely, Hades had contacted them secretly.

Looking at the old generation of gods again, one by one looks as usual, steady as an old dog seems to be unmoved, which makes the new generation of gods more worried.

If the gods in Marvel are all neuropathy, and the neuropathy in DC are all gods, then the gods of Olympus are definitely a group of mortals, more gods than humans.

After Zeus' death, the power dispute on the **** mountain was unsuppressed, and the contradictory conflict was most vividly displayed at this moment.

The new generation of gods do not want to give up the power in their hands. The old generation of gods want to regain the honor that was taken by Zeus. Hades extended a big hand and stirred it slightly, so that this unreasonable contradiction was moving towards Develop in a direction that is beneficial to you.

That's right, Hades saw the key. Whether it was a grudge or a fair election, he had no absolute advantage, and even the finals were difficult.

The King of the Underworld seems infinitely beautiful, sitting on equal foot with Zeus and Poseidon, but it is not among the twelve main gods. It was pushed out of the power circle a long time ago.

Like the older generation of gods, if he wants to return to this circle, he must thoroughly stir the water and pull everyone in.

Zeus died, the twelve main gods fought each other, without the main body of heart, is the best time for his rise.

Hades' method of attracting the old generation of gods is simple and rude, using power as a bait. As long as he becomes a king, he will redistribute power and establish a new **** system based on him.

Then he got the support of the old generation of gods and promised to vote for him at the conference.

The number of people may not be enough to suppress the new generation of gods, but the twelve main gods are not the same. He is still the one closest to the finish line, far ahead of others.

"Slow down, I disagree!"

The first person to take the table was Poseidon. He glared at Hades and hardly said: "My brother Pluto, don't say you have forgotten the difficulties of the ten-year battle of Titans. Olympus can Today, just because our three brothers are united, do you want to break this situation now? "

"Poseidon, it is not a time of peace now. We can't cope with the demon clan only by the solidarity of our three brothers. We should unite everyone."

Hades responded unhurriedly, holding up the banner of unity, and no one could refute him at this point.

"Nonsense, don't think I can't see it, you just take advantage of our power and promise to share with others."

Is about the position of ‘Sea Emperor’, and Poseidon will not give in.

"Poseidon, you have been enjoying the blessing for too long, completely forgetting the reason for the success of our three brothers."

Hades said coldly: "You become the sea emperor, I become the Pluto, and Zeus becomes the master of the sky, not only because our three brothers are united, but also because we have won the war and our three brothers have the greatest credit!"

"What do you mean, are you going to redistribute power according to credit?"

Poseidon was furious. The faces of the new generation of gods suddenly changed their faces. The old generation of gods couldn't help but smile and whisper.

Whispering louder and louder, I do n’t know who started it. The new and old gods Jingjing Weiwei stood in line and began to spit each other, and one or two broken shoes flew from time to time.

Russell: "..."

He looked down at the left and right, and wanted to join the team of throwing shoes, wondering whether it was better to take off Athena's shoes or Aphrodite's shoes.

Or Athena!

Take off Aphrodite's shoes, Brother Hephaestus should be unhappy ...

Wait, it seems that he took off Athena's shoes, Hephaestus will still be unhappy!

Suddenly, Russell suddenly realized.

No wonder every time he met, Hephaestus looked at him with a bitter and hatredful look. He thought he was handsome, but the order of the seats was noisy.

The atmosphere in the hall was fierce, Russell's thoughts diverged, and he frowned or bowed his head to snicker. One person played very well, no matter how noisy the outside world was.

It doesn't matter who is the **** king, as long as it's not him!

Is better to be Athena. In this way, he can fulfill his previous promises, be a quiet and peaceful divine, assist her to govern the gods, and open a new glorious era.

"Hades, you have gone a little too far, this should not be the case for power, you have damaged the interests of your former comrades."

The elder sister Hestia sighed: "Whether it's you, me, Poseidon, or Hera and Demeter, we can drive today's power because we used to risk death, all this We deserve it. "

The implication is that in the mountains and rivers laid by the Zeus family, the center of power will always be the Zeus family, and outsiders are determined not to touch it. This is the bottom line.

Hestia's voice fell, and the old generation of gods suddenly choked, which is true, they did not help each other, and survived as a centrist to the present.

But ...

Zeus's appearance is too ugly, blindly suppressing no room, they were forced to resist silently.

Didn't mean anything else, just wanted to get back the honors, such as helping the brothers and sisters of Helios, and regaining the authority of the sun and the moon.

"Hestia, you are right, but there is one thing you need to know, no one can always lie in honor and eat old books, nor can Zeus ..."

Hades objected: "The times have changed, and continuing to care about the glory of the past will only make everyone into the end."

'S remarks were supported by the gods of the old generation and completely offended the gods of the new generation such as the twelve main gods.

"Hades, the glory should indeed be obtained by yourself, but the heroes should not be suppressed, they deserve it, they should continue to enjoy it, so that it is fair."

The second sister of Demeter, who has been diving for ten thousand years, then spoke, just like Hestia, he didn't speak again after just one sentence.

"Demeter, you ... make sense ..."

Hades' eyelids jumped, Demeter was the mother of Persephone, and he also had great respect for the mother-in-law.

"No, this makes sense, but it's not absolute ..."

"Yes ..."

Hades's momentum has softened, and the old generation of gods are immediately dissatisfied. What stuff, how can Hades and Zeus be virtuous?

The hall was noisy and noisy, and the noise was as bad as the vegetable market. The fighters outside the hall were all stunned. When Hades ordered it, they rushed in to reorganize the meeting order.

Just two voices, after all, just pick a **** out of it, the arms are thicker than their thighs.

"Helios, are you not going to say something?"

"Not ready ..."

Russell blurted out, and found that the person he was talking to was Athena. He immediately clenched his fist and coughed twice, ready to start to force his legs: "What do the goddesses have to say, let me come if I can't come forward, I am shameless."

Athena: (_)

"So so ... so so ... understand?"

"No problem, I am the best at mixing ... mixing the mud!"

Russell compared a gesture with no problem, secretly worthy of the Goddess of Wisdom, so quickly thought of breaking the game, and climbed to the top of the king's trick.


Russell slapped it on the table and got up and scolded: "Enough is enough. See how you are noisy and undressed. What kind of system is it? Where is it like a god, it is simply the scum of Olympus, just follow Bo ... just like that one! "

Suddenly the room was quiet, Russell got used to it in a low-key manner, and was not used to being the center point. He clenched his fists and coughed a little: "You guys are more arguing than arguing. It is better for me to say a fair word."


One blow provokes a thousand waves, all the gods are in an uproar, will the sun **** speak justice?

Bah, who believes!

Seeing the more noisy and fierce in the main hall, Poseidon's belly words slurred the reputation of the sun god. Russell snorted immediately and waved a black line to his side.

Squeak! !

The noise of the teeth of the ears sounded, the **** door of the bone pattern slowly opened, and the outside of the door was dark, emitting a strange and ominous light.

The gods immediately answered, holding their breath to see what Russell would do.

The black light flickered, covered by a ball of white flesh, it was not dark, it was a **** eye of a meat ball who did not want to be named.

The tentacles rolled out, and a huge, mucus-bearing object almost fell through the hall of Hell's Gate.

A head!

Most of the is corroded, or digested, and the eyes are dark and hollow, and the skull and **** gums are dazzling and eye-catching.

"……" xN

The gods are unclear, so I think Russell is threatening them, and if I don't listen, I become this head.

"Don't think too much ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ This head is no one else. The Sea King Poseidon can testify that he hit him to lose the trident, pretending to escape to the demon God of the Underworld."

Poseidon: "..."

Russell waved the black flame sword and repaired his nails: "Yes, I was killed by one of the four demon gods of this demon clan. This head is a loot."

"Oh, there is also a demon **** called Chaos, everyone should know that the smoke that blocks your escape is him, the one who will be availed, and I am stunned by my bones, so there is no corpse."

"……" xN

The gods have a heart, no one dares to say anything, and if you remember correctly, according to Hera, the demon **** who killed Zeus and exploded to death is chaos.

Four demon gods, just pick one who is all strong of Zeus and Tifeng level, and Russell killed two of them in a row.

Does this mean that Russell is more powerful than Zeus?

"Oh, worthy of being the **** of war of Olympus, it deserves its name!"

"That's what it is."

"I think so……"


A series of flattering shots came up, and Russell became tired after listening for two minutes. There was no novelty and creativity. It was far behind Prometheus' shot of Zeus.


He slapped it on the table again, letting the one-eyed meat ball take away Xing Tian's head and continue to digest. Then he said: "I took Xing Tian's head out, nothing else, everyone can continue to speak freely."

"……" xN

"Since no one speaks, then I will throw the bricks and attract the jade."

Russell swept the new and old generations of gods around and sneered: "I have heard what everyone said before. Personally I think ... the blind man is very accurate, and the dumb is right."