End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 121: Knowledge limits imagination

The fourth day of the team fight, noon!

Last night's fighting was full of storms, and the government's terrorist claims could not satisfy the citizens. If it were not for aircraft tanks going around, they would definitely go to the streets to declare their democracy and human rights.

As the city changed into a battlefield, no matter how dissatisfied the citizens could only choose to evacuate. At the beginning, they were reluctant, but when the government released the latest information, everyone scrambled to flee.

There were nuclear bombs in the city, and the terrorists carried a nuclear warhead into the city!

Whether it is true or not is unknown, no one dares to take their own lives to gamble, so the citizens have been evacuated from the morning, a large number of people have poured out, and all the high-speed highways have been blocked in only five minutes.

Highways and other sections have been set up by the army, and once they encounter groups of three or five Asians, they will be taken away by soldiers.

In fact, the government does not have to do this, because citizens can leave, but the reincarnation who participates in group battles does not work. The Lord set the city as a battlefield. Once the reincarnation leaves the battlefield, it will explode into fly ash.

The Lord God told all the reincarnations through this punishment system that there is no deserter under its rules, even if he died, he would die on the charge!

Russell did not leave the city, and he had nowhere to go. He explored the road through Jason, using a convenience supermarket as a temporary base. Everyone in the city is running out. There is no one in the supermarket, and the doors and windows are locked on all sides. As long as there is no big noise, there is no need to worry about being spotted by the patrolled soldiers.

The city is under martial law, and if the wind and grass move slightly, the army will dispatch helicopters. Russell guarded the convenience store, and Jason ran errands, so he didn't have to worry about supplies like other samsaras.

He took the newspaper and watched the TV news at the convenience store office. The newspaper was brought by Jason. After martial law in the city, this was the last local newspaper. The TV news was also the same. There was no signal from the local TV station.

Television stations in other cities didn't mention much about last night's military operations, and over and over were about how the nuclear bombs were. It was impossible for him to collect intelligence through the news.

However, Russell knew that for a maximum of two days of calm, the fighting between the reincarnation would break out again and would never stop with the intervention of the army.

Because the Lord God will not stop them, the reincarnations who participated in the group battle last night were almost annihilated. Even if they escaped, they also fell into a state of negative points due to the death of their teammates. These people have no way out and must fight if they want to survive.

Russell sat on a chair sculpting a bullet head. Jason was sent out to inspect the neighborhood. If he encountered a single order rebirth, then the rebirths in the team secretly killed one and let them lose as much as possible.

At this point, Russell had brushed 80 heads, and the number was still rising slowly. More than half of it was contributed by Jason. And Russell himself, except when equipped with Kakashi and Ximen Blowing Snow card, the prestige was a bit, the biggest record was that I used a firewood medicine to turn eight people.

Russell's preliminary estimate is that there are about 500 reinsurers participating in this team battle. Last night, including the battle before last night, conservatively calculated that there must be 300 reincarnation gameover.

Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Da ------

A dense crossfire suddenly sounded on the street. Perhaps a reincarnation was discovered by the soldiers. Russell turned off the TV silently and came to the window to look sideways.

Not a reincarnation, but a squad. One of the capable people has an indestructible body, showing a metallic texture throughout his body. Too far apart, it is difficult to judge whether they are taking the martial arts path or the special bloodline of the exchange.

Regardless of the type, King Kong's indestructible body is not invincible. A helicopter hovered around. After two Hellfire missiles, King Kong's indestructible body was buried in a ruin and never climbed up again.

The overall strength of this squad was excellent, causing heavy casualties to the soldiers, although it still cannot escape the end of the entire army.

Russell looked back for a while and then looked back, sitting in a chair and caring for bullets. The more the reincarnation died, the more advantage he had. If he was surrounded by the army, it would be better to lie down and win.

In the meantime, he also tried the gray wolf's tattooing ability. The self-healing ability required the consumption of magic power, and the recovery speed could be subjectively controlled by him, depending on the amount of magic power input.

Naturally, the heavier the injury, the more magic it consumes.

As for scientific research capabilities, Russell was in the mind of Sand Eagle Tianshen, and he could not help but jump out of seven or eight kinds of transformation schemes. Due to material and technical restrictions, he is still in the dream stage.

"Say ten thousand words and ten thousand words, after all, it is a lack of vision, and my knowledge has limited my imagination and limited my ability to operate."

The three-dimensional element is not a second-dimensional element. You ca n’t knock the hammer out of the spaceship. Russell has a lot of things in his mind, but he does n’t know how to turn it into reality. After a moment of groaning, he takes the magic book out of the space ring and starts charging.

Who said that knowledge is in books!

Whether it is science or magic, there is a prerequisite before bold conjecture and prudent practice, and there must be sufficient basic theoretical reserves, otherwise there can never be any further progress in conjecture.

Even a prophet, there must be a convincing theory to prove that it is not daydreaming!

Russell in the full charge apparently forgot one thing. In addition to winning the team battle, his mission was to escape the death trap of death in seven days ...

At the end of the long street where the convenience store is located, three figures dodged the patrolling soldiers. The leading woman seemed to have some special ability and could always avoid the soldier's sight when it came to the forefront.

"Captain, how about that convenience store?" The woman turned back, pointing to the convenience store where Russell was hiding.

Convenience stores are relatively remote. Although the battle has just been noticeable, it is because of this that there is no doubt that soldiers will not approach in a short time.

"As long as it's safe enough, everything else doesn't matter!" A tired man flashed through the eyes of the man known as the captain.

Last night, their squad also participated in a team battle. They had good luck and destroyed an enemy squad. Later, they encountered siege by the army, and the eight-member squad suffered heavy casualties. Escaping from the sky with the ability of a woman, there are only three left in the eight-member squad. Fortunately, the score is still 1 point. Don't worry about punishment after the team battle ends.

The benefits of teamfights are great, but the risks are greater. The man went from great joy to great sadness and vowed that he would never take the initiative to participate in teamfights next time. Now I have no other choice, I just want to find a safe place to go to the end of the team battle, it is okay to get nothing, it is necessary to recognize your own position.

The three sneaked up to the convenience store. No one, including women with special abilities, noticed that the indifferent **** in the depths of the alley they had just passed opened slowly. .

Hockey mask + machete, it's Jason!

With the indestructible Edman alloy steel claws, Jason is still difficult to change the usual machete, the blind area of ​​the wall angle, the shadow of the corner of the house can become a cover for his hidden figure, it is difficult to imagine a burly strong Han, there is no wind under my feet.

Ten meters, five meters, two meters, close ...

Jason approached the last incarnation, raised his hand to cover his mouth, and a sharp machete rested around his neck, wiping it back hard.

The latter was totally unguarded, and every three or five steps he took would look back. How could one think of a person suddenly appearing behind him.

Blood sprayed and hissing air leaks awakened the woman. She turned sharply and saw the machete slashing head-on. She was only a supporter in the squad. She was not good at fighting in close quarters. She faced a sudden attack by Jason. Don't know how to dodge.

At the critical moment, the man slammed the machete. Jason's shape surprised him a bit, but the body of the team member reminded him to clear the points. If the team dies again, they will lose the score.

"Damn, why didn't you find him?"

The man's heart was annoyed, and he punched Jason's chest, and the latter's heavy body fell to the ground and smashed a deep pit in the ground. His ability is to explode, and the object he hit will explode inside. Just that blow hit Jason's heart the moment he punched.

Rumble ------

The worst situation emerged. A passing helicopter discovered the battle at the intersection. The aircraft gun turned at an accelerated speed, and a chain flame was spewed in the air.

The man pulled over his teammates, turned and rushed into the alley next to it ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Before leaving, he was surprised that the pit was empty. Jason's body disappeared somehow.

"Captain, I can't sense him, like a dead person, without heartbeat, without breathing, not even the movement of cells."

"He gave it to me, and you were responsible for finding a retreat without soldiers."

The sound of the machine gun was extremely strong. The man knew that soldiers would soon come from the wind. If he wanted to get away as soon as possible, he had to kill the helicopter first.

The man took a deep breath, took out a black, old-fashioned artillery shell from the space ring, input his explosive ability into it, and threw it out with a helicopter aimed at the sky.

Applying his abilities to himself, after the man threw the cannonball, his arm was pulled up by the meridians, and the woman fled without pulling the head back.

In the sky, the helicopter pilot saw a black spot approaching quickly, subconsciously sideways to avoid. Slowly, the shell hit the rear wing and exploded, and the helicopter smoked black and crooked out of control in the air.

The drop point is ... convenience store!