End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1245: Just hit, just spit

"So you need it, it's much better than wolfberry."

Kang Xi patted Russell's shoulder, a very understanding look, after all, Superwoman, Russell's simple and boring daily routine must be quite difficult.

Joke, am I in need of wolfberry?

Russell was disdainful, Kang Xi thought he knew very well, but he didn't know fart.

It wasn't him who blew himself up, just like Kangxi, let her cry to death in minutes.

"Hey, are you listening to me?"

Guan Yin 嘚 咚 咵, found Russell and Kang Xi whispering, Mu Xinxin with his hand to his forehead, a lot of lazy to hear, immediately uncomfortable voice, feeling flat wasted spittle star.


"You are right."


Russell looked at his head and summed it up: "The name Kaiju Beast is full of deterrence upon hearing it!"

"Don't blame me, is it my turn this time?"

Guan Yin squeezed to the driver's seat, condescending to look down at Russell, trying to create a superior sense of oppression.

Russell only saw a half of his face, and leaned back slightly to see the whole picture. Suddenly he got a golden jersey, and then he was slapped.

"Bah, rogue, where is it!"

Russell: (one `one)

Take trouble to frame and find a better reason, what's so good about the gold suit!

He whispered, said much lazily, glanced at the hovering helicopter, directly ignoring the broadcast in various languages, and looked at the vast sea.

Between the thunder and thunder, four giant beasts are wrestling in the waves, mechas and primitive punches to the flesh, making people bloody.

It's no wonder that Guan Yin is seeing anger, as a mechanic, this is the battlefield she dreamed of.

But what does this have to do with Russell, my first pilot?

Russell didn't care at all. Guan Yin wanted to start the armor and participate in the battle.

【Pacific Rim】 This film, because of the content, is heavily polarized. I like it very much, and I disdain it if I don't like it.

Happens to be, Russell belongs to the third kind, neither like nor hate.

As far as he knows, the first part has a good reputation and the second part is on the street, so the third part is basically gone, at least in the last ten years.

As for the second part, why did it flutter ...

This question is worth pondering, and it is not always possible for someone to bear the blame!

"Hey, change me this time ..."

"Next time, next time must be!"

After Guan Yin finished speaking, Russell blocked it back in one sentence, and moved the No. 1 machine towards the sea, shifting the topic: "Speaking of it, if the bumps in your squad are there, she is best for playing little monsters. "

Two level 4 monsters, in Russell's eyes, are little monsters.

Don't look at the scene, it's so hot, it makes adrenal hormones soar. In fact, the strength of these monsters is indeed so-so.

Puzzle Russell is that since the mech hunter can knock the monster with a punch, the naval gun should also work. Why did the fire cover fail to solve these monsters in an instant?

Also didn't see how crooked the technology tree in this world was, at least until the monster appeared, it was quite normal.

Russell was vomiting. On the high building in the distance, Ying Yingying glanced at the team's dedicated positioning watch, and her brow twisted into the word "chuan".

Four little red dots ...

Can it fit in the cab?

"Vice team, the first machine is about to attack, let's join the battle!"

"Do not worry, look again."

Yingyingying's tight eyebrows didn't loosen. She casually said: "Give Xiaoyin some time to show. If I do it, nothing will happen to her ..."

Was saying that a roar of the beast roared from the mouth of the first machine, and the face of the three women changed greatly, and only then the abnormality of the head of the first machine was discovered.

Two eyes flashed divine light, obviously with reason, not pure mecha.

"What's the matter, that the first machine can run away?"

The three looked at each other, and the restlessness in Ying Yingying's heart grew stronger, Duan Xinlan pursed her lower lip: "I know, the captain has given her money, **** ... there must be an unspeakable deal."


"Roar roar !!!"

The first mouth of the machine had white smoke, the deep roaring sound was extremely thick, penetrated the wind and lightning, and reached the sea battlefield.

Eureka raiders who received a prompt from the base command post, without thinking about it, set up a defensive posture and guarded the first machine of unknown origin.

On the other side, the four-level monster with two tailed squirrels and grizzled turtles responded, slamming their opponents and roaring towards the coastline.

This scene made the base command puzzled, and the mecha pilots were at a loss.

It seems that it is an ally!

"Roar roar roar ----"

Deafening roar, the two fourth-level monsters left storm red and Cherno Alpha, and made the first machine a priority target.

They dive into the water and move at high speed, leap over the Eureka Raiders in a blink of an eye, and attack the coastline.

The three mechas are struggling to catch up, no matter where the friendly army comes from, the military order they received must not allow the two fourth-level monsters to cause damage to the city.

Wow! ! !

The waterline on the sea was moving rapidly, and it quickly rushed to the front of the first fuselage. The latter's eyes flashed through the fierce and fierce light. When the backed turtle jumped out of the water, he slowly raised his hand and opened his five fingers.

AT force field!

The ridgeback turtle is 81 meters tall, weighs 2,900 tons, has a huge forelimb, and looks like a gorilla.

In addition to its powerful power, the ridgeback turtle also has an extremely thick cuticle shell, and its defense power ranks first among the known Kaiju beasts.

As a fourth-level monster, after the pathfinder brothers died in succession, it evolved biological weapons against human mechas.

The light emitter located on the head can release electromagnetic pulses, instantly paralyzing the mecha electronic weapons.

Has the advantage and has the disadvantage. Like all tanks, the ribbed turtle has a thick skin and a relatively slow moving speed.

However, the high-speed swimming in the water accelerates, the impact of this behemoth is really terrifying, and it crashes into the light curtain of the AT position. Immediately ...

Broken blood!

The whole body of the back turtle is attached to the golden nested polygonal light curtain. After a wail, the friction light curtain slowly slipped.

The first machine was not moving, and slowly let go to disperse the AT force field.

The next second, the sea surface burst into monstrous water splashes, the tailed squirrel jumped out of the water, the blue blood basin opened wide, and he bit towards the head of the first machine.

Known as the strongest four-level monster tailed rodent, walking on all four limbs, agile, with a pair of meat wings hidden in the forelegs, flying far above the record of human fighters.

In addition to spraying strong toxins that corrode metals, the strongest offensive weapon is a **** razor with a long tail tip, like a three-finger giant claw, with amazing penetration.

The behemoth struck, and the No. 1 aircraft dodge sideways, letting the tail-legged rat that kicked and flew, facing it, was the giant tail it swept over.

Like a sword out of the sheath, the wind suddenly torn.

The first machine was flexible and somersaulted, avoiding the tail of the sword with both hands, and the moment of standing balance, the five-finger pliers buckled down, and grabbed the long tail of the tail rat.

嗤 啦!

Feet plowed a certain distance on the ground, the first machine screamed in the sky, and lifted the long tail and fell.

In a series of roaring loud noises, the tailed rodent was swept up and down, and it fell into a seven-meat and eight-meat.

"Roar Roar !!"

On the side, the tortoise shook his groggy head, his forelegs propped up, and roared towards the first machine after a roar.

Seeing that his arm has the first machine, three waists are still thick, people can't help but pinch a cold sweat for the first machine.


The huge dark shadow struck. The first machine turned to stare at the horned turtle, lifted the long tail in his hand, and whistled down the huge tail rat.

After the loud noise, the two fourth-level monsters fit up and down, and the blood of Yingying blue light splashes around.

This scene stunned the base command. The three mechas on the sea stood stunned. Without the command of the command, they were neither going up nor standing.

The hidden reincarnations didn't think much. A very powerful first machine, with two major skills of AT position and runaway, the strength is first-class, but it is not strong enough to be desperate.

Only a few reincarnation found that when the first machine beat the two children, only one hand was used throughout the whole process, and the other hand was holding the Lankinus gun.

Reincarnations who have been in the world with the first machine, continue to run fast at this moment, if they know the ideas of everyone, they will definitely start spraying on the spot.

These people know how to fart!

"Vice team, this initial machine upgrade is a bit overdone. Shouldn't the captain give her all the small vaults?"

"It should not be possible."

Ying Ying Ying wiped off the cold sweat on her head and just met with Shen Menghan before entering the space of the main god.

The latter's face is stinky, as if the man had run away.

This is not the point, the point is that Shen Menghan took out a bag of CPH4, saying that Russell made it with the materials in the main god's space, the cost is extremely high, let her taste the effect.

Such a little mouse, Ying Yingying naturally refused, even if Shen Menghan patted his chest to ensure that Russell had tried it, safe and pollution-free.

Then, Shen Menghan brightened her fists. Ying Yingying said that she was reasonable and would not take a drink.

真 香!

Not only strengthened her mental strength, but also brought her own magic effect. After she finished the package, she immediately became the elder sister who protruded forward.

She felt that with another pack, she could become a complete body ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ It's not a matter of killing the gods and breaking the void.

Then there was no more, the main **** suddenly started the mission, the two lost contact, she entered the [Pacific Rim] world, and met Yong Fan and Duan Xinlan two teammates.

"Roar Roar !!"

The tailed rat was sober from the faint, few people talked hard, broke its tail tip, and got rid of the control of the first machine.

I saw it fluttering up and screamed into the sky. After a few seconds, I found a chance and spouted a large piece of crystal blue etching liquid.

The rainstorm hit, Russell was furious, hitting, hitting, spitting, what do you mean?

AT's position was wide open, and the venom was splashed down. It was backhanded by the first machine, and it was all thrown on the back turtle.

A wailing full of anger, the **** tortoise of the whole body's **** layer smoked, sweeping away the venom.

At this time, the first machine looked at the sky's sharp tailed rat, raised his arm and threw out the Lankinus gun.

The scarlet beam cut through the rain screen, cut a vertical line, and went straight to the tail rat.

The latter gathers the flesh wings, and the body flips upside down, dangerously avoiding again.

Langinus guns flew straight up, disappeared into a little red awn and disappeared above the atmosphere, lighting up the red awn in the dim night sky.

Crimson light beams through the cloudy clouds, thousands of straight into the earth, there is an ominous meaning!

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