End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1286: Novice no experience

The right fist was detained, and a huge force spread all over the arm, and Carol was shocked.


With a muffled sound, the shock wave spread, and Carol swung down with his left fist, still firmly caught by Russell.

The arrogance ignited, and she exploded with powerful energy in her body. She sprinted with both feet, and the head hammer Yiwu Gu rushed towards Russell.

咣 ~~~

Afterglow echoed, Russell lifted Carol with his eyes rolled up with one hand in horror.

She lost the match.

The Avengers only felt incredible, and the picture in front of them made them fall into a dream.

While in Prague, Russell claimed to be a plague knight and showed his power.

The defense of the light wall, and the super power of suspected power, the attack method is like the ebony throat of the tyrant.

Therefore, the Avengers believe that the plague knight is taking the mage route, attacking high skin and brittle skin, but can't support Carol's three punches.


To draw an analogy, it's like seeing Strange not playing magic anymore. Roll up your sleeves and dominate the fist to the flesh. Pressing the purple head is a burst of hammer.

"this one?"

Russell carried Carroll's neck in one hand, his fingers slightly gathered together, forcing him to wake up from his short absence.

After struggling a few times and unable to break Russell's palm, Carol held his face flushed and punched with a beam of light.

Middle door.

Russell's black flaming head was submerged in the scorching white light beam, and the next second erupted in darkness. He spit out a dark shock, and instantly shattered the white light, responding to Carol's attack, and also confused her face.

As the smoke rose, Carol's struggling arms fell down, his neck crooked to the side, and his mouth spit black smoke.

"I have said that there is only one chance. If this is your final counterattack, it is too disappointing."

When Russell's voice fell, Strange flashed invisibly, his body suspended in mid-air to transform the magic of the "shape of Eiken", splitting hundreds of physical phantoms.

The red chain fell overwhelmingly, and Setolac's red belt wrapped around Russell's four people, tightening the **** and locking them in place.

At this time, Wanda waved the red awn and broke the palm of Russell, taking away Carol in a coma.

"Quick, take them out of here."

Seeing Russell move slightly, Setorak's waistband tended to break, and Strange hurriedly urged his fellow Kama Taj.

The original plan of the Avengers was to separate the four knights of the apocalypse through the portal and then break them one by one.

I never thought that one tentative attack would kneel down one's strongest hero, and this is a fart, so I can only retreat and plan again.

Boom! Boom! Bang ————

The roots of the red trousers were broken, and Wanda pushed out red light with both hands to wrap Russell's whole body, helping Strange to gain time.

On the other side, the shrunken "ant man" Scott emerged tremendously, and huge feet fell from the sky, trying to step Russell down into the ground.

Looking at the prospect of success, suddenly more than ten black spikes sprang up on the ground, and Scott, oh, it was bad luck, too late to close his foot, and stepped on it.

After that, the giant rolled around with his feet on his feet, shrunk to his normal form, and was pulled into the portal by the wasp.

"Don't rush out, I have your childhood memories for you."

Russell's black flame erupted all over his body, breaking the red belt on his body, and hurried towards Wanda's magic.

The strong wind whizzed past, and Wanda flashed a black light in front of him. He suffered a heavy blow to his abdomen, and almost passed out on the spot.

"This lady, are you thirty years old?"

There was a whisper of the devil in his ear, and Wanda was lost in trance, only feeling that Russell's body was getting bigger and bigger ...

In the vision of other Avengers, Russell remains the same, Wanda's body is getting smaller and smaller, until it becomes a young child about three or four years old.

"..." xN

Because of the shock, a series of exclamations like Fack flashed over, and after Steve was missing, the swear words of the Avengers became more and more proficient.

When the electric light flashed, Russell flashed to the portal, and the right fist was surrounded by electric light, hitting the space with one blow, shaking the portal into a crush.

At this time, most of the superheroes have retreated, leaving only Bucky, Sam, and Valkyrie behind the palace.

Well, there is the young version of Wanda in Russell's hand, and Strange floating in the sky.

Bean sweat dripped from his forehead, Valkyrie slashed with a sword, sprinted vigorously, and hit Russell's neck.

Jian Feng swept across the residual image, Valkyrie's eyes narrowed suddenly, rolled forward, and waited to get up again. Russell had disappeared from her sight.

"Behind you."

The ghost figure flashed, and Valkyrie didn't even think about it, clenching the dragon-tooth sword to the rear.

The emergency brake stopped halfway, only because Russell lifted the young version of Wanda to act as a temporary shield.

Damn it!

Valkyrie cursed his heart, the black light flashed in front of him, he knelt down weakly, and the dragon tooth sword fell to the ground in his hand.

In this way, Russell carried the young version of Wanda in his left hand, and the young version of Valkyrie in his right hand. The corner of the bloodline mouth was split, and the scarlet eyes looked at Bucky and Sam.

"..." x2

To die, to become a child!

Russell didn't panic the two for too long, the electromagnetic force wound up, and instantly turned the two into ...

The old man of eighty or ninety years old.

So far, only Strange is left in the field.

This stuff was also a bachelor. He knelt when he knew how to fight, put away the red trouser belt, landed straight on the ground, and raised his hands to surrender.

"Kama Taj's mage, why didn't you fight?"

Russell chuckles: "I know, you want to negotiate with us."

Strange: "..."

Has this kind of thing spread to the multiverse?

"There is nothing to talk about. The chapter of Revelation has already spread throughout the parallel universe. It is both established and inevitable. Humans should have been prepared for it."

Russell said slowly: "When we captured other earths, there were other Karmataki mages who wanted to negotiate. Except for the magi named Gu Yi who looked a little bit, the others were very general."

With that said, he put down the two young children in his hand and scratched them into a chicken nest head.

"Supreme Master ..."

Hearing Russell's mention of Gu Yi, Strange had an ominous hunch and swallowed, "Master Gu Yi finally ... how is it?"

"I held a funeral for him and sang at his grave. The scene was very grand."

Russell was full of malicious intent, and when Hei Guyi was there, he always spared no effort.

Moreover, he didn't lie. Indeed, there was the Supreme Seven Master Cup Song King Contest, and many masters were present, and the water table was placed for several days.

A anger burned in his heart, Strange didn't struggle with Gu Yi's gender problem, and nothing would happen to the parallel universe.

He was angry, but Strange had already passed the impulsive period of youth, knowing what to do and what not to do.

The magic is cast, the mirror dimension is opened, and it stands in front of him to isolate Russell, Sam and others.

"Quick, the dimension world can't trap him for too long, so hurry up and go."

Strange opened the portal with one hand, and Bucky and Sam stepped forward, trying to hug Wanda and Valkyrie.

Unexpectedly, even the younger version of Valkyrie, the Asgards' physical fitness is far superior to them, pulling the two old men one by one and rushing into the portal.

Wanda next to it is even simpler, with the red mands entwined and his body flying straight in.

Strange looked at the mirrorless dimension without movement, and was shocked to find that there was still enough time. Since there was no need to sacrifice, he did not force it and stepped into the portal.

In the mirror dimension, Russell shrugged and looked at the three Tony: "It's so weak, I haven't used it yet, and they fell."

"Yeah, yeah, you have always been cool, we have become the background board."

Tony is very dissatisfied with Russell's cheap and well-behaved face: "This is not the same as the script. You said that you will release water, barely tie Carol, and then others will leave us cool, but the result?"

"I released the water, but I didn't expect her to be so weak ..."

Russell shrugged and grieved: "Otherwise, her first move should be lying down."

"Well, it's strange to believe you."

Tony snorted, and then said: "What should I do now, wait for them to come again?"

"How is it possible that we are the villains, but not the mentally retarded villains, at this time we should take advantage of the chase and hit the goalkeeper to destroy them."

"Uh, you are a villain ... really experienced!"

"Nothing, I am a novice, where is the rich experience."

"That's worse, you have the talent to be a villain, and it's super high."


At the Avengers headquarters, the meeting room was bleak, the atmosphere was depressed, and Nick Fury's old face was wrinkled.

Too bad ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The transmission screen is broadcast live, the avengers are defeated, the enemy's clothing corner is not hit, and several important combat powers are lost.

If there were no Kama Taj portal, today is the end of the group.

Steve looked at the old friends and Sam, who was older than himself, and there was a MMP in his heart that had to be sent.

Sam is the heir of his choice, the shields are entrusted, but now ...

Sam's old arms and legs have more folds on his face than he does. He needs oxygen in two steps, and he should hang on the wall in two more steps. Which heir is that?

Thinking of this, Steve regretted it very much, saying that there will be villains eight months later, and he would bear it again at that time.

"Everyone, I have information here, but I don't know what to say."

Parker raised his hand and pointed to the sunglasses. "Edith told me that the highest authority owner, Mr. Stark, deleted Baker's right to use. The drone could not attack the four Knights of the Apocalypse, also because of Mr. Stark. "

"What do you mean?"

Nick Fury frowned, thinking of a possibility, and sighed: "I understand, but you also know that Tony is dead, it can't be him."

"I know, but ..."

Parker scratched his head: "Is there a possibility that in the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the guy who can command the drone is Mr. Stark, or Mr. Stark from other universes?"

Parker never forgets the godfather. Others are not good at breaking his beautiful illusions.

"Everyone, the enemy is too strong, maybe we are going to take another time trip ..."

Nick Fury said, looking at Strange: "We need infinite gems, and only gems can defeat the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse."

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