End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1289: Who are you

BUFF is gone, but the black paint is still there. What's even more weird is that the Mark85 Nano Armor still maintains the shape when it was enchanted.

The moment the left of the throne expired, Tony secretly said that the situation was already obvious. He was on Russell's script.

According to Friday's calculations, the Holy Light energy does not attack but only defends. Under ordinary attacks like Steve and Parker, it can be stable as a turtle shell for ten years.

There is no reason to reset it suddenly, and there is no prelude at all.

The only explanation can only come from Russell, the villain who enchanted Mark85 Nano Armor!

As a fellow person, Tony knew what Russell was thinking about. He just wanted to see him being knocked down by the three of Strange and announced his return with a swollen nose.

Whom do you look down on!

Tony was dissatisfied and he felt a sigh of relief, believing that Russell looked too low on him and too high on the three waste woods on the opposite side.

Steve was indeed a rival when he picked up the hammer, but now there is only a shield, and he has been addicted to the gentle town for many years. Even if he repeats his youth, he does not have the sharpness of the past.

Not worth mentioning!

Parker ...

Ha ha!

That's why Strange is in trouble. The magician's methods are bells and whistles, especially good at opening doors behind people and having to defend.

Fortunately, the problem is not big. Strange has played two consecutive games, especially when he defeated the hegemony.

Not afraid!

Tony feels that the advantage is great, as long as Russell no longer secretly plays, he will be stable.

However, in case the gutter turned over, he decided to say something.

"Too weak. The three of you are too weak. How can this power take away Tony Stark's soul, and how can he fight for the earth for three days?"

Tony shook his head again and again, concealing his tone of contempt, alms: "This is good, I seal my own strength, and only give one percent, no, one thousandth of the power, as long as you can beat me, the previous promise Still counting. "

Russell: "..."

It can only be said that it is indeed Teacher Tony, and this can all come back!

For many years, the scumbag men's world has been in crisis, and the broken mouth has a strong ability to play on the spot. The BUFF is gone, and it is said to be a self-sealing.

Russell learned this with emotion, thinking about Tony and his inventory, and squeezing some oil out of the machine later.

Over Strange, the three didn't know that Tony BUFF was gone. Hearing his self-sealing, he was humiliated and humiliated.

As superheroes, none of them can protect, it is too failed!

Failure is failure, the struggle should still be struggled.

The three looked at each other, and their eyes were fixed, and Steve was ready to sacrifice.

The Stars and Stripes shield threw out, Steve followed, and at the moment Tony used the shield, his body jumped and his feet kicked hard at him.

Tony sideways avoids Steve's flying kick. The latter's attacks are all stored on Friday. Without Tony's own hands, the system can suppress Steve's fight.

The moment the two passed by, Tony raised his shield in his hands, and when he got up, he shot it on Steve's face.


The spider silk shot from behind, sticking to the shield and pulling it away.

Tony scolded, his opponent was not only Steve, but also Parker who lacked the beating.

Just thinking, the portal behind opened, and with the help of Strange, the sturdy Parker sprang out of it.

First, a confused face, and then dragged Tony's arm to throw it towards the ceiling.

The portal continued to open and close, and Parker's figure flitted around, pressing Dad's head to cover his face with a fat beat.

By the time Tony had removed the ceiling, a thick layer of spider silk was stuck on his body, and he looked very embarrassed.


"Okay, sir."

In response to the activation of the system, white smoke was released from the gap between the steel armor and the spider silk dissolved in a blink of an eye.

For Tony's self-made sticky cobwebs, Tony knows very well that sticky liquids solidify when they encounter air, forming a cobweb-like effect that can withstand the weight of the human body or even cars.

In addition, this solidified liquid will automatically dissolve in two hours of exposure to the air, rather than the spider silk hanging on the high-rise buildings in New York.

Tony has a special catalyst that can speed up this process.

After a brief confrontation, Tony wondered if he could no longer show mercy, otherwise he would pretend to be incapable and his identity would be exposed.

"The captain, Dr. Strange, can confirm that he did seal his strength."

Parker was suspicious and felt that the war knight on the opposite side had a problem with his brain. He was obviously powerful but willing to be beaten, which could basically be characterized as a sand sculpture.

"See it."

Steve tightened his shield tightly: "Before he repented, defeat him in one breath."

Tony heard the words, and immediately snorted: "Well, who do you think I am, the war knight said that he could do it, is it a villain with no words!"

Russell: "..."

Very confident to remove ‘if’, Tony is talking about him.

At the end of the temptation round, Tony and Strange were again in a group. Parker and Steve were still the first attack. Strange used the portal to control the field and used magic to give Tony a hard time.

This time Tony didn't release any more water, and the nano-parts assembled into an energy cannon, bombarded Steve's knee under the shield, and flipped it with one shot.

Melee was hit by Parker's heavy punch to crook the helmet, but he also took the opportunity to hold Parker's hands, and the high-voltage current was released, destroying the spider web launcher on Parker's hands.

When the Howling Shield came, Tony caught it with his backhand, banged it on Parker's face, and smashed it out.

Parker, who was flying backward, stabilized his balance and rushed into the portal in front of him. When he appeared again, he flashed over to Tony.

With a complicated articulation, he took Tony's head, flipped it to the ground, picked up the shield and threw it to Steve.

Crackling! !

When the electric current was released, Parker's flower twitched to the end, and Tony was now learning to use it. He grabbed Parker's ankle and smashed it, repelling Steve who was holding the shield.

In general, Tony is still merciful, and he does not use weapons of mass destruction.

The portal is opened, and it is avoided in advance on Friday. Let the shield hit the face gate directly, supplement with an energy cannon, and change the flight path of the shield that does not meet the physical laws.

On the edge of the battlefield, Strange, who was always looking for a chance to make a fatal blow, frowned. The rhythm of the war knight was too chaotic, and there was a serious lack of murderousness.

Compared to fighting, it is more like a match, or the team ...

Thinking of the team, Strange's eyes narrowed, thinking of a possibility, and immediately took a breath.

In distraction, the portal suddenly merged, causing Steve to throw a shield and hit Parker ’s head directly.

"What happened, what happened?"

Steve and Parker withdrew and retreated, thinking that their mage encountered a mental attack.

"It's nothing, just ..."

Strange looked at Tony's steel armor wrapped in black mist, trying to see the essence from the outside, but the dark energy was too rich and could not be seen through magic.

"Just what?"

"The appearance of the extinction before, let me know that the life that died under the infinite gem, there is still the possibility of being resurrected, then ..."

Strange said while watching Tony's changes: "Do you think the war knight's attack is familiar, like a sacrificed avenger."

"..." x2

Not only is it an attack, but even the tone of speech is similar.

As early as Tony spoke, Steve and Parker realized that they hadn't expressed their doubts because the War Knight was too powerful.

Hearing Strange's words now, their doubts magnified instantly.

"Tony! Are you Tony?"

Steve tentatively opened his mouth, Parker next to him held his breath and waited for a reply.


Tony didn't speak, and turned to look at Russell silently. The meaning was simple. If it wasn't for him to change the script, the ending should not be so boring.

Now that he was recognized, Tony also planned to hide it, waved away the nano helmet, and exposed his face.


"Mr. Stark!"

The three of Strange showed ecstasy, and Parker stepped up quickly, then ...

A burst of energy battered his face, fell to the ground, and hummed and rolled.


Tony was speechless, no matter what he did, it was Friday.

Don't think about it, it must be a script again.

As expected by Tony, the helmet was closed, and the dark energy on the Mark85 nano-armor was more intense. On Friday, he did not listen to the command and launched his own attack.

Not only that, the sudden disappearance of the Holy Light energy suddenly appeared, three feet and two feet overturned Steve, Parker had just climbed up, was replaced by a punch, and passed out on the spot.

"Tony ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ What are you doing ..."

Steve's swollen nose and face rose and was pulled to the side by Strange's portal, facing the iron fist betrayed by his teammates.

"No, you should ask, is Mr. Stark still him?"

In contrast, Strange was much calmer, looking over Tony and looking directly at the three Russell.

Both Tyrant and Tony can be resurrected. Are there any comrades in the three knights?

"It is indeed the mage of Karma Taj, who saw through the truth at a glance."

Russell clapped his hands, his face darkened, revealing the true look: "Long time no see, Strange, remember me?"

Strange: "..."

Who are you?

"It's normal not to know. Different parallel universes have different people or things."

Russell shrugged: "Introduce, in my parallel universe, I am the Supreme Master of Karma Taj and lead you on the magical path."

"..." x2

Strange was shocked, Steve swept the two back and forth, the complicated information made him a little dizzy.

"You, who controls you?"

Strange didn't entangle Russell's identity. He read a lot of magic books and his brain was very powerful.

"No one controls us, to be precise, I control the three of them."

Russell waved his hand at Natasha, who opened his helmet, revealing a face that made Steve familiar.


Steve woke up suddenly, Natasha and Tony were both resurrected, and the last knight must be ...

Duan Xinlan took off her helmet, and her long black hair fell from her shoulders.

Steve: "..."

Who are you?

Where is Kamora?

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