End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1317: Does 9 Snake lack that fund?

  Electromagnetic force intrusion, Russell squandered, and copied and pasted the programs one by one along Aotron's information network. Such huge data and operation can only be completed with a flick of a finger.

   The most direct performance, the base of Mars, Nick Fury saw the Sao Bao fleet return to the voyage and returned to Xinggang motionless.

   Before it was replaced, Nick Fury would definitely be suspicious and list a hundred possibilities in his heart. Now...

  He bet on his hair, and Stark and his son took a breath again.

   All the resurrection points were unplugged, one was left, and the ability to dial-up Internet was lost. Ultron finally couldn't keep calm, and the mechanical face panicked.

   It has a fear of death. In this regard, it is a qualified life.

   "I'm afraid it's too late now, I said, you have no chance."

   Russell's five fingers tightened, and his claws pierced the metal brain of Ultron, making a squeaky twist and the sound of arc burst.

   Suddenly hesitated, kill or not?

  Ao Chuang's powerful computing power and remote transmission of its own programs can achieve the unlimited rebirth of the undead ability, which is too precious to be a spy.

   Hydra stepped into the interstellar battlefield. As the stalls grew larger and larger, the database became tedious and cumbersome, and a powerful artificial intelligence was needed for auxiliary calculations.

  Not to mention the military field, the mere division of logistics transportation routes, with a powerful artificial intelligence, can save a lot of manpower, material resources and time.

   If you don’t want to kill...

   Tang Hydra leader without words, how to convince the crowd in the future?

  Australia created anti-explosive base farts, everyone dare to follow suit, how can Hydra develop?

   Russell tangled for a moment, waiting for the electronic eye of Seotron to wait for it to cry, and asked for a chance to be a new person.

   But not!

  Ao Chuang is still too young. Although he was panicked and wanted to live or die, he didn’t have any idea of ​​asking for mercy.

   Perhaps in its concept, Russell belongs to what he said, saying that killing your family will kill your family's BOSS. Once the decision is made, there is no possibility of any change.

   aside, the shadow avatar tilted his head, the blue light of the infinite glove flashed, and Stark and son, and Dr. Pimm appeared in front of him.

   Three faces were stunned. At first, he didn't understand the meaning of shadow doppelganger. But when he saw that Russell mentioned Ortron's delay, he immediately realized.


  Shadow avatar lifted his foot on Hodwah's butt, the latter staggered forward, one fell unsteadily and fell to the ground, crawling forward a few times, the tears were very sad.

   "BOSS, think twice!"


   Tony was kicked on the buttocks, the tiger fell to the ground and crawled, trying to hug Russell's long and white thighs, and played a loyal advisor to the death.

   One can see that the big long legs crackled and thundered, and he turned a blind eye. Instead, he embraced Howard's old waist, and the lines changed accordingly.

   "Don't talk about my father, Ultron's sin is unforgivable, he must die today."

   "Tony is right, Ultron blamed himself. I won't kill it today, it will be an effective imitation tomorrow. If this goes on, will the Hydra turn upside down?"

  Russell nodded, his fingers snapped, and it was time to kill.

   "BOSS, keep people under my staff, I think Tony is all fart."

  Dr. Pimm stepped forward, before the Shadow Doppelganger lifted his feet, he jumped out a step, then...

   Then Shadow Doppelger followed, and added another foot, kicking him to the ground.

Pym's face was calm, he didn't care to get up, and he had a reason to say: "The research of Ultron is very expensive, and the funds that Stark and his sons have smashed back and forth are astronomical, and the destruction of the base is a huge sum of money. The loss on the bright side cannot be measured..."

   "BOSS, the birth of Ultron, Dr. Pimm also has a share!"

   "Yes, I testify, Austrian creation is kind, and when Dr. Pim arrives, he learns immediately!"

   "BOSS, IMHO, a big mistake has been made, killing Ultron can't save the loss."

Pim ignored Stark and his sons and continued, "The new intelligence is incomplete, lacks understanding of the outside world, and mistakes are inevitable. It is better to leave it for the time being and instill the spirit of Hydra's philosophy if Stark Father and son guidance is invalid, and it is not too late to do further processing."

   "Nonsense, does Hydra lack that funding?"

   Russell hummed and increased his grip: "I've decided, no more persuasion!"

   "BOSS, killing is too wasteful, and besides, Stark and Son are loyal to you..."

   "Wait a moment, Dr. Piem, you're running."

   Howard interrupted. Just now he wanted to say, is Pim persuading Russell to let Ultron, or persuading Russell to kill both of them?

   "No digression, I mean Ultron is young and ignorant. If he can change himself, he can make up for the loss just to recover this time."

  Pim calmly said: "But the Hydra's rules can't be chaotic. It must be public. Instead of embarrassing the boss, the person in charge should take the initiative to stand up and convict, or give an explanation to others."

   "Pim, I will say it again, you have a share of Ultron!"

   "No, there is no me on the team list."

  Pim's face was cold, he didn't believe Howard would add his name.

   "That's really embarrassing, your name is indeed on the list, or the second person in charge."

   Howard smiled slyly, originally there was none, but when he saw Austrian creation, he immediately added Pym's name.

  To die, everyone died together, he was unlucky, Pim don't want to have a good life!

   "Dad, isn't the second person in charge of me?"

   Tony's eyes widened. He wanted to have his own private laboratory and dedicated team. However, if his contribution and resume were not enough, he hoped that Aotron would turn over.

   "Howard, this list, you made a fake!"

   "Bah, don't defame good people, you contribute a lot, how can I drop you."

   "Oh, I remember, Dr. Piem is indeed the second person in charge, and I rank third."

   "Shut up!" x2


   Russell: (??????)

   He dissipated the power of Thunder and threw Ultron on the ground, just sitting on it and watching the three people spray.

  Although the topic is not quite the same, from Ultron's **** or deserving, it becomes who is the back of this pot, but...

   is quite interesting.

   "Supreme Master, congratulations on the success of the counterinsurgency."

  Rocky walked over quickly: "I already know the situation. This intelligent robot is a Hydra researcher..."

   "Don't talk nonsense, the machine is made by Hydra, but the original intention of making it is not to dismantle the base."

Russell interrupted Loki directly and said succinctly: "Everyone knows right and wrong, and I am not an unreasonable person. The queen girl is really a bit excessive this time. When the loss is settled, I will send the bill to Aska Virtue."

  Brother-in-law, it’s not very good to keep your own bill!

   Such a thing, Rocky thought about it, and pointed at Howard: "The Supreme Master, witness and physical evidence..."


  The Shadow Doppelgang took the three Howards away, dereliction of duty, and was imprisoned for 20 years.

  Auchuang was also taken away. Young people don't know how high and thick they are, and they want to be the boss when they are big, so education must be paid close attention to.

   "The witness and material evidence will be properly protected. If Prince Rocky can trust me, the Hydra will definitely deal with it fairly, and will never ask for price in the claims."

   Speaking of which, Russell paused and said with graciousness: "If you can't believe it, the personal evidence will be placed in the dark dimension, you can take care of it yourself."

   Loki: "..."

   "Oh, Asgard is not that good to bully!"

   Hella limped forward, her long hair scattered and her green cloak disappeared.

The completeness of   's cloak is directly related to Hella's magic power. As far as the current damage is concerned, she can be seen that she has been flattened miserably.

   "It turned out to be the king girl, this dark eyed, no, the eyeshadows are well painted, it's really the same style!"

   Out of the deviation of Autron, Russell didn't want to attend the family dinner again, but it was not good to refuse Odin's kind invitation. After all, Hydra and Asgard worked together for many years and the relationship has been good.

  In addition to being active on the earth, Hydra has withdrawn all other forces from the nine great nations. Both parties have the same interests, and future cooperation will only be closer.

   On the dining table, Russell made no mention of the marriage period, making Hella very faceless.

   Still the same sentence, she can not marry, but Russell must marry.

   A family banquet ended, Russell did not plan to come again, unless Odin issued a critical illness notice one day, it would be impossible, he would come over to mourn.

  Odin also did not intend to invite Russell, the banquet can, but not in Asgard.

  The layman looks at the lively, the layman looks at the doorway.

  Auchuang holds two gems, but he can’t even touch Russell’s bottom. Invite him to come to Asgard. In case of any idea, who can stop it?

  Don't be afraid, but Odin is more interested in this son-in-law and spends a high price on Tianqixing to buy a piece of land for the construction of Hella's palace.

  Russell originally disagreed, but Odin gave too much money.

In addition to Hella’s palace,    is willing to build civil engineering on the apocalyptic star for free and build ten cities for Hydra.

   Hearing Russell’s intention to imitate Asgard’s golden hall at Apocalypse, Odin’s brows were not wrinkled, and they were changed into three, and he sent another thousand horses to be stocked on the apocalypse to watch animals.

  Tianma is a special product of Asgard~lightnovelpub.net~ The Valkyrie Legion once had one man, which belonged to strategic supplies, and randomly sent four digits, which was equivalent to adding a species to Apocalypse.

   Odin: Small money, not worth mentioning!

   This is the difference between the emerging forces and the old forces. The new forces are strong and energetic, and they have more room for development. The old forces have a rich heritage and the war compensations are not dead.


   Apocalypse, a huge project started.

  The ten cities were originally not in the near future plan, but Odin insisted on sending it. Russell will not refuse it, and only asks for this unplanned change and more benefits.

   The first thing to start was Hella’s palace.

  The entire set of palaces is based on the highest configuration of the royal family, and has the same specifications as the king of the gods.

  In addition, 20,000 Asgards migrated to the city where the palace is located.

  According to occupation, most of them are craftsmen and warriors. According to gender and age, most of them are women and children.

  Odin satisfies her ambition to be king in this way.

   At the beginning, Hella was unwilling, but Odin was very reasonable, disagreeing with nothing, disagreeing immediately with the little black house...

a thousand years!


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