End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 16: How did you find this

Smith left alone. Although he has known each other for a short time, Russell recognizes him as a pure man. Give a helping hand to unrelated babies, and you can't ask this man to do better for the beloved woman.

For Smith's request, Russell vowed in his heart that he would return Quintana and the baby to each other intact.

Russell wandered around the suburbs, first filling up the car, then went to the supermarket and bought some baby necessities. Smith, the poor ghost, didn't even have the money to buy diapers for his babies, and even his weapons and ammunition were collected from corpses.

This poor ghost is really a killer?

"Where should we go next?" Quintana was uneasy, thinking of Smith.

Russell comforted: "Everywhere, if you're tired, take a nap first, or maybe wake up and Smith will come back."

"But we are so aimless, can Smith find us?" Quintana changed the baby's diaper, hugged him and kissed him.

"Of course, he is professional after all ..." Russell paused as he talked, thinking about the unreliable cross, for a moment there was some lingering.

Quintana noticed Russell's pause and questioned: "Are you sure?"

Russell shrugged. "Funny, I left him a phone number before, and he'll call me."

Uh ...

情况 The situation on Smith's side is not very good, and the severity of the situation exceeds his expectations.

After Xun was separated from Russell, he was soon pursued by the Hammerson Weapons Company. The short leader was extremely attached to him, and repeatedly tortured Shen Sha, and he never swore without killing himself.

This group caused a lot of trouble for Smith, but it was only a trouble. He managed to get rid of this group and contacted Rutridge.

Mr Chung agreed to meet with Smith. The two sides met on the plane. The status of the legislator was not very good. He was seriously ill and was about to fart. The baby in Smith's hand was his only life-saving straw.

If this is the end, then there will be no more Smith. It will be a joy to give the baby to the legislator.

Unfortunately, Mr. Rutledge is a politician, and he is ahead of all Democratic candidates in the presidential election. Will such people bet Smith on his great future?

The answer is naturally impossible!

Dr. Rutledge believes more in his political skills. After learning that the safe house was destroyed and the surrogate mother died, he immediately contacted the major shareholder of the Hammerson Weapons Company to discuss reconciliation. As long as he can retrieve the surviving baby and support him as president, he will give Hammerson Weapons Company some rights in his hands.

For example, letting go of the limits of gun management, people can buy submachine guns for hunting!

As for his motion on banning guns and his commitment to the public during his touring speeches, he is worthless in the face of power and survival, all left behind.

Of course, the speech should still be a speech, the call for a ban on guns or the ban on guns, otherwise how to pull votes?

Mr. Rutledge never paid attention to Smith, and regarded it as a little lucky man, perhaps a little clever. He asked the CIA to trick Smith into the plane.

The unfortunate Smith encountered the major shareholder of the Hammerson Weapons Company and the stubborn short leader on the plane. Smith started off as a strong player, held a member of the hostage, and successfully retreated to the aircraft's barn.

"It's useless, here is an altitude of 7000 meters, there are more than a dozen bodyguards outside, you have nowhere to run!" Councillor Rutledge was tied to the door by Smith, and bitterly persuaded.

He's not worried about being killed, and if he's dead, Smith can't survive.

"Even if it's for your own sake, you should think about it. I think you are good, and the future president will lack a bodyguard ..."

"To shut up!"

Smith stared fiercely at the legislator: "Not for myself, but for that woman and child. If I kill you, no one will go after them."

"What, are you crazy !?"

The Honourable Member stunned on the spot. He could feel that Smith was not joking, but how can two wild dog-like pariahs draw an equal sign with his life? This is ridiculous!

"I'm not crazy!" Smith pointed his gun at the head of the parliamentarian: "Your death will cause public outrage, and your gun ban proposal will be supported by angry people, Congress will pass your bill, and your last wish will be realized . "

After Dr. Rutledge listened, the whole person was not good. He thought Smith probably had a misunderstanding of the US emperor.

The so-called ban on guns is just a slogan. It is the rhetoric of the presidential candidate's flickering public vote. There are too many capitalists in this country to make money from weapons. Therefore, it is impossible to ban guns.

Looking at the muzzle of the black hole, members feel that if they say nothing more, they will never have to speak again.

As a good politician, Mr. Rutledge believes in his eloquence and has been trained by the CIA about how to respond to abductions. He analyzes Smith's thinking mode and replaces his official expression during a speech.

"Let's shoot! I hope my death can restore some dignity to this country. The people need a safe living environment, and my death is the knock on the door to overthrow the gun ..."

Councillor Rutledge was shocked, and looked as if he were dead, a bit heroic. In fact, he is proud. Smith is just a **** at the bottom of the society, and he will certainly be convinced by his integrity. Considering that he is still a presidential candidate, maybe Smith will worship and become his loyal brother.

Thinking this way, Mr. Rutledge nodded deeply: "Come on, let's shoot! I'm ready ..."


Smith blasted Mr. Rutledge's head with a shot, disdain: "Idiot, do you treat me as a fool?"

The shotgun stunned everyone on the plane. They realized that the parliamentarians had suffered unexpectedly and began to bang the door frantically, but the parliamentarian's body just jammed the door, and they could not enter at all without destroying the corpse.

I killed the future president, and Smith started his escape. He found a parachute and jumped from a height of 6000 meters.

The angry bodyguards picked up the parachute and then jumped off the plane. The legislator died and their future was over. They wanted to kill Smith and make up for it.

More than ten people started a fierce gun battle at high altitude ...

Uh ...


The sound of the tires rubbing against the ground sounded, and Russell stopped Ford and looked at the abandoned factory in front. The surrounding area is very empty, there are no hidden points such as high-rise buildings and grass, so there is no need to worry about encountering snipers, and it is much easier to protect Quintana and the baby.

"We are here waiting for Smith's news. I have a hunch. He will call soon."

Russell said comfortingly, he had a hunch, he dared to open a ticket because he knew Smith was the leading actor. According to his many years of experience in watching movies, the ending is usually a happy reunion. Even if it is a tragedy, the hero will die in the arms of the heroine.

Russell parked the car in the warehouse, found a hidden place for Quintana to hide, and he was at another place, checking to see if any suspicious people were approaching.

Soon after, Russell heard the whistling sound of falling objects. He looked up and froze. There were no suspicious characters on the ground, but there were in the sky.

One by one, the black men in parachutes descended from the sky like dumplings. They did not open the parachute, landed in various handsome postures, and then fell into biscuits. The nearest one was less than 10 meters away from Russell, and the sound of the shock when he landed made him startled.

"Dude, look at my hand, what's this?"

"Read me, two!"

I didn't reply. It should be cold. Russell ran as fast as the iron gate next to him. It would be funny if he was killed.

五 After another five minutes, a white parachute slowly landed at ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ about 500 meters from Russell. The other party saw the abandoned factory and walked over.

Russell clenched M9 until the opponent approached, and then shot fiercely ... didn't hit it, it was Smith.

看到 Smith saw Russell and suddenly smiled miserably, covering his injured shoulder, straight down. In the recent air battle, he was unfortunately shot, and it was already the end of a crossbow.

Russell rushed over to him, and lifted him up, no one could say: "Hell, how did you find this?"

"Haha, do you want to learn? It costs a fee!"

Russell: "..."

Saving money is not a problem, but this behavior of you, the cross is very shameless!

The blood of Anbobo emerged from Smith's hands, and there was almost no blood on his face. He was very weak at the moment, and Russell walked into the factory.

By the time Russell lowered Smith, the latter was already in a coma. Russell checked and Smith was shot in the right arm. Fortunately, the bullet did not hit the bone. It just scratched and took away a piece of flesh.

Alas, Smith will die if he does not stop bleeding in time.

Russell only had a 'blood bandage' on his hand. This thing didn't come in handy. He took out the water from the car, cleaned the wound briefly, and pulled off the sleeve to help Smith's injured arm.

Quintana heard the outside movement, found that Smith was here, and hurriedly came over holding the baby. As soon as Smith was injured, tears fell down. Russell confirmed that Smith had no life crisis. He placed it in the co-pilot and drove away.

The roar of the engine sounded again, Russell kicked the throttle down, Ford went straight to the factory door, and returned at a faster speed 30 seconds later.

They were surrounded and four riot armored vehicles blocked the road.

S.W.A.T! !! !!