End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 166: Winter Soldier Regiment

Name: James Buchanan Barnes

Sex: Male

Age: 26

Height: 175CM (5 feet 9)

Weight: 81KG (180 pounds)


"Sergeant Barnes of the Army's 107th Division, this name is really offensive, can I call you Bucky?"

"If you don't speak, I will agree with you!"

"Sergeant Bucky, it looks like we have a good meal, and you got fat just two days after being captured ..."

In the sealed metal laboratory, Russell held the medical report and looked up and down the good teammates of the US team. The latter has thick eyebrows, clear and deep outlines of features, and at first glance is a positive character.

Dr. Zola sent Bucky to the sub-base as promised. He had the right and reason to deal with the captives. The super-soldier experiments in the sub-base required mice, and ten US imperial prisoners were accompanying him.

"Sergeant Bucky, I read your resume, and joined the army for a year and a half. So far, the rank has not changed. I bet you are definitely not liked by your superiors. How about, should you consider jumping to the Hydra to work?

"Although our Hydra has a bad reputation, our corporate culture is doing a good job. With high wages and good treatment, we will send electronic robotic arms and strengthen the human body to join the job. It is no longer a dream to become a super soldier."

At the first sight of Bucky, Russell decided that the other party was the best candidate for his superhero / villain experiment, not because of the height of 175CM, but his unruly eyes, full of icy coldness, and a success. Big people.


Bucky was fixed on a metal chair. To prevent him from using flying props, the researcher tied a belt in his mouth. Now speechless, he can only gasp and stare at Russell with a vicious look.

"Oh, forgot you can't speak ..." Russell snapped his fingers. "Jason, untie the sergeant's belt. I want to talk to him."

Bucky was wondering who Russell was talking to, and saw a figure suddenly come out of the corner, tall, with a mask on his face, and a machete on his waist.

Someone just here?

Bucky was puzzled, but he didn't focus on his heart. The moment his belt was untied, he spit on Russell.

Drink ~~ 呸!


Jason stood up in front of Russell, and took down the saliva that carried more than 600 kinds of microorganisms with his chest. Then he grasped Bucky's neck and tightened it with five fingers.

The carotid artery stopped supplying blood to the brain, and Bucky's entire face turned red, but even so, his eyes were still fierce, his eyes jumped over Jason, and he stared at Russell.

"Sergeant Bucky, don't ask for trouble. If you refuse to cooperate, I can only tie the belt to you again." When Bucky's eyes were congested and he was about to suffocate, Russell reached out and patted Jason. Stand to the side.

"Cough! Cough! Cough ..."

Bucky gasped fiercely, coughing several times before raising his head to look at Russell: "You, the wicked Hydra, don't want me to surrender, and I won't work for you."

Russell shook his head: "Don't get me wrong, you are too weak now, and it's not enough to serve us."


Russell picked up a newspaper from the table and spread it out in front of Bucky. The entire page was covered by superstar Captain America and a black and white photo of the character.

Bucky frowned. "Captain America ... who is this, show me what a comedian does?"

In the photo, Steve is wearing a Stars and Stripes costume and a mask. He has a big body, muscles exploding, and the meat ribs in Bucky's impression. He can't recognize it. It's normal.

"His name is Steve Rogers, and he is a household star in the United States ..."

"Wait, who do you say he is?"

"Steve Rogers!" Russell shook the newspaper. "Not the same name, he's your good brother. He grew up with asthma."

"What are you kidding? Steve doesn't even have 1.6 meters. How could this strong man in the photo be him?" Bucky's eyes widened and he didn't believe that the person in the photo was Steve. Any one of the pectoral muscles is bigger than his face.

"Your good brother participated in a secret military experiment, injected a super serum, and gained physical fitness beyond ordinary people. He can fight ten soldiers like you."

"This ... this ..." Bucky was in a mixed mood, and was pleased with Steve from the bottom of his heart. At the same time, there was an inexplicable loss. Steve became strong, which meant that he no longer needed his protection.

Suddenly, Bucky suddenly thought of one thing: "That's why you arrested me and wanted to use him to threaten him?"

"No, you're misunderstood. It's just a super soldier, not a super team. I don't pay attention to it yet." Russell spread his hand: "The leader of Schmidt thinks you are a buildable material, possessing and Steve The same potential, decided to transform you into a super soldier. "

"What !?"

"The US emperor has Captain America, and we must also have Captain Hydra. The leader is far-sighted and understandable." Russell said with a faint smile. "But the leader is really nasty, and he chose you deliberately. Be Steve's opponent, your battle must be fun. "

"Dream!" Bucky gritted his teeth and said, "I would rather die than play for Hydra, let alone be a Hydra captain."

"It's not up to you, the leader values ​​you, and we will do our best to train you." Russell said as he walked out of the laboratory: "You can also try to commit suicide, but I promise that even if you die, we can Resurrect you. "

Jason opened the shackles on the metal chair, dragged Bucky's collar up in the air, and followed Russell behind.

Being carried like a chicken, Bucky rebelled angrily, but the gap in body size and strength was too obvious. Even if he hit Jason, he couldn't shake the latter.

Russell came to a training room, and Jason walked in with Bucky in mind, slamming the ground.

"It's not easy to be a Captain Hydra. Your physique is too poor. I will let Jason hone you."

"On the basis of this silly big man, whoever teaches may not be sure!"

Bucky shook his head and got up from the ground. Several steps rushed towards Russell. The thief first captured the king. He could see that Russell had a high status. If he could hijack Russell, he might be able to escape from the base.


Jason blocked the way and took a hit with Bucky's belly. The latter snorted, stepped backwards while covering his stomach, kneeling at the feet, and lowering his head and spitting sour water.


Jason lifted his foot again and kicked it on Bucky's cheek. The huge force caused him to fly out sideways, and he slammed against the training room wall.

Looking at Bucky lying on the ground like a dead fish, Jason strode towards him, pulling his hair up. Just then, Bucky opened his eyes sharply and punched Jason's throat.

Jason let go of his hand, and his figure was slightly backed up by two steps.

"Stupid big man, just you two, I can play with you all day!" Bucky wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, licked his loose gum, and subconsciously said the good friend's famous words.

With that said, he rushed towards Jason quickly, slamming and slowing down when he was close to avoid Jason's attack. The combination of fists and feet succeeded, exhausted with one punch and one foot, and bombarded Jason heavily.


Jason didn't dodge, his eyes under the mask showed no emotion, and he took a dozen blows. He reached out and grabbed Bucky's fist with his hands, and opened it a little bit to both sides.

Bucky yelled hard, his neck was full of muscles, and going all out couldn't change the power being crushed. Just then, his eyes flashed and he kicked and kicked between Jason's legs.

Come on!

Chicken flying eggs!

"Wow! Man, I'm sorry, this foot may be a bit heavy." The voice was crisp and sweet, and Bucky smiled proudly.


Jason didn't say a word, hitting his head on Bucky's forehead, who rolled his eyes and turned to the ground. He tried to stand up, but he was dizzy and couldn't get up without slipping.

"Nice fighting spirit, if you play slowly, I won't bother."

Russell turned and left after he had finished speaking. He also had to study the super soldier's serum and had no time to stay and watch the war. After a year of research, he had to admit that it was very difficult to duplicate the super soldier's serum, and Schmidt and Steve's success was a miracle.

Demanding a higher point, only Steve is the only successful case.

Although Schmidt has gained strength, he has become indifferent to people, and the side effects are too obvious. From the perspective of scientists, he is not a success, at most it is a semi-finished product.

Unable to crack the Super Soldier serum, Russell can only step back and make a weakened version of the serum. Weakening is not the weakening of the ability after strengthening, it means that the probability of success is 1 in 10,000 to become lower.

The weakened version of the serum has high requirements for experimental materials. In addition to physical fitness, it also has extremely powerful mental will. Especially in the spiritual aspect, the strengthening process is accompanied by the severe pain of genetic recombination, and people who have not experienced mental training simply cannot survive.

If you enslave Bucky's soul, it can indeed increase the success rate, but Russell cannot do it ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The system rejects the superhero / villain created by this trick. For example, Jason, who has an undead body, is a super villain without modification, but the system does not recognize it, even if Jason's body is indeed given by Russell.

Bucky is the first candidate for the experiment, but it does not mean that it is the only one. The risk of weakening the serum is too great. Russell's style of work determines that he will not put eggs in a basket. He needs spare mice, as many as possible. .

The World Anchor has been dropped. Russell will stay in the Marvel World for a long time. He hopes to create a super legion himself.

When he came to the laboratory desk, Russell picked up a pen and pen, and wrote down the words "Winter Corps" and "0-9".

Jingle Bell ~~~ Jingle Bell ~~~~

The phone on the desk rang and Russell raised his hand to connect. It was Dr. Zola's call.

Zola said quickly: "Sir, Erskine's relics came to the door, and he released the captives. Schmidt ordered the abandonment of the base in Clausburg, and has started a self-destruct device, and we are evacuating."

"I see. I'm also going to evacuate here."