End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 181: Good luck, no need to go to the toilet i

During his trip to New York, Russell brought Jason, and he was there to block him ... Well, the two cooperated with each other, and he was more at ease with him.

When he arrived in New York for the second time, Russell quickly contacted Natasha, who, with her superb spying skills, has now joined the SSR headquarters and became a civilian in the Legal Department.

The SSR in this period was far less massive than that of SHIELD. However, although the sparrow is small and full-fledged, many places are understaffed. Natasha's knowledge and head (xin) brain (ji) are easy to apply for peripheral members.

Although the position is very low and not inconspicuous, Natasha's purpose has been achieved and she successfully attracted Howard's attention. It should be said that it was Tony Stark's pro-Laozi. When they were young, they had a pee, and when they saw the beautiful women, they could not move. Natasha fascinated Howard with a smile, and devoted herself to her every day situation.

The color word is a knife, Howard paid a bitter price for it-freedom!

Under Russell's advice, Natasha asked Howard to meet alone at a love hotel in New York. The meaning is obvious. Howard happily went to the artillery as a veteran of flowers. He brushed his head with a big back, and sprayed perfume on his suit and tie.

As a result, there are no beauties.

As soon as Howard entered the door, Jason locked from behind, dragged his mouth into the bedroom, and was pushed down onto the big bed. The gap between the two was too great. Howard showed grief and despair. The only thing he could do was clenched his belt before he was stunned.

God was pitiful. Howard didn't think so before he came. If he wasn't afraid to scare the beauty, he didn't even want to wear pants to make an appointment. Now, he only hates that he didn't invent a portable chastity lock.

The process of slavery was still a success. Russell tried five times to enslave Howard. His spiritual will was good, much stronger than ordinary people, and he had the potential to become a superhero, but his weakness was too obvious.




Russell gave a subtotal, intimidating in Howard's spiritual world, using robotic technology in 2035 to fool him to the north, successfully imprinted his mark, and concluded an unequal contract.

After waking up, Howard was a little hesitant. The reason why he let Russell take the mark calmly was that he was shocked by the black technology, and secondly, he thought he was having a nightmare, and it didn't matter much.

After Howard was settled, Russell concocted another SHIELD veteran, Paget Carter, in a simple operation. He and Howard visited Agent Carter together.

Natasha also followed, and Ms. Carter was at the age of being beautiful, **** and mature, and also has the attributes of a wife and survivor. She felt it necessary to follow, otherwise Russell was pushed down and her previous efforts would be wasted. .

Natasha obviously thinks more, Carter has a true love for Steve, and is almost more than Bucky. Steve is missing on the front line. She doesn't think about tea and paralyzes herself with her work without sleep. As a result, she overworked and fell ill at home, was diagnosed by doctors with mental fatigue, and had an unstable mental state.

The process of enslaving Carter was easier than Howard. Russell mentioned the whereabouts of Steve in her spiritual world, and she honestly did not resist anymore.

After that, it was Dr. Pimm's turn. Unfortunately, Russell was unlucky. Dr. Pimm was not in New York or even the United States. He is not currently a member of the SSR. He doesn't know Carter, and his relationship with Howard is average, and his friends are not counted.

At this time, Dr. Pimm was not a rival with Howard, but they were competitors. Both were geniuses who had always wanted to compete and prove that they were stronger than each other, so even if Howard asked him to meet, they would not necessarily reward him. .

Russell speculated that Dr. Pimm might have gone to other battlefields and secretly tested his Pimm particles and Ant-Man suit. He left without waiting too long, anyway, Dr. Pim's life was very long, and there will be opportunities in the future.

Although Howard and Carter were enslaved, Russell did not deliberately arrange tasks, everything went normal according to history, and they were enslaved just in case. Howard had an unquestionable mission, and Russell asked him to keep a copy of the data when he researched the Rubik's Cube.

The trip to New York was over, and Russell was in a hurry to board the SSR plane to rush to Nepal. Kama Taj's trip had been dragged on for too long. During that time, he also went to the New York Temple. The old man with the long beard received him. Even the dialogue was so good that he wanted to go to Kama Taj by himself.



Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, means ‘Single Wooden Building’.

The entrance to Karma Taj that Russell knew was one in a village in the Himalayas and one in Kathmandu. Compared to the frozen Himalayas, Russell first chose Kathmandu, but he couldn't find it before he considered going up the mountain to freeze.

Kathmandu is surrounded by mountains and is located on the southern **** of the Himalayas. There is a natural barrier to block the cold wind in the north, and the south faces the Indian Ocean warm current. Therefore, the climate is not as cold as expected.

This city is known as a city of temples and has a strong religious atmosphere. Especially during World War II, there were few reinforced concrete buildings in the city, and the eyes of outsiders here are indeed a paradise.

At this time, although Nepal was independent, it was still the puppet brother of the British government. The agent was a very occupation. Natasha created a British certificate. The operation here can be said to be unimpeded. She helped save the province. Russell has a lot of trouble.

With ‘language proficiency’ skills, Russell inquired on the street, Natasha and Jason were sent out, and the three broke up. They were notified immediately when they found out.

The search process is very boring, and I keep asking, there are no shortcuts.

The three Russell almost walked through the streets of Kathmandu, and for a whole week, the answer was that they had never heard of Karma Taj.

Natasha asserted that if Kama Taj is not in Nepal, it is definitely a hidden underground organization, because their confidentiality work is leak-proof.

Russell rolled his eyes and ignored her. Ordinary people can't touch magic, and I don't know that Karma Taj is normal. Then consider the consistent urine of superior people. This may be a test for him.

Just like the monkey king in Journey to the West, would the Bodhi ancestors not know that monkeys have a relationship with themselves?

He knew it, of course, but he still let the monkeys wading through the mountains, and Wanli came to the mountain gate to accept him.

Russell thought about it, and then looked for another week, but Mao still could not find one. Under the personal comfort of Natasha, he entered Sage time, faced the problem with his usual heart, and finally turned around.

Jason is out of touch!

The **** bond was broken and Russell lost his sense of Jason. He contacted Natasha and followed the position before Jason disappeared, and came to a remote monastery.

Jason stood motionless on the wall of the gate, and even when he walked in front of him, Russell didn't feel the **** contract until he patted him on the shoulder. Jason woke up like a dream, and looked down at Russell with a high look. The confused eyes were very appropriate, as if asking Russell where he was.

In these circumstances, Russell can't guess, but ...

Looking at the temple wall, he was speechless: "I've been here before ... four times!"

Natasha shrugged. "I have three times!"

This is what the world's superiors do, and forbearance is gone, so Russell comforts himself. I ca n’t bear it, and he has to bow his head under the eaves. He is here to study, and his attitude must be correct, not to mention that there is a big guy who can hang him.

Before entering the door, Russell patted the dust on his clothes, leaving Jason and Natasha to wait outside. Especially Jason, the essence of this goods is **** undead, the ghost king who kills without blinking, taking him in is purely uncomfortable for himself.

It does n’t matter if Jason is killed, it ’s miserable for Russell to be labeled the Black Wizard. Although the Supreme Master ’s measures and magical accomplishments will not prejudice the Black Wizard, just in case, how far Jason is. How far.

Jason: (._.)

Russell's attitude was very low, very modest and cautious. Stranger whispered in the movie in front of the female bald, and was taught on the spot, even if the female bald knew that Strang was her long-awaited disciple Throw him out.

The first impression is very important.

Open the door of the temple, there is Qiankun in the unobtrusive appearance of the temple, and the open-air square in the middle is unexpected.

Russell suddenly felt the cold wind coming, the temperature difference between the temple and the temple was very obvious, turned around and looked again, Natasha outside the door had disappeared. Not to mention Natasha, the streets are nowhere to be found. The blue sky and white clouds, and the mountains in the distance are so high that he is no longer in Kathmandu.

The very clear portal, the breath of his magical leak was not felt!

Russell took a deep breath, straightened his mind again, and walked towards the hall ahead.

"Hello ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Young mage, welcome to Karma Taj." An old figure suddenly appeared in the open-air square, blocking Russell, said with a smile.

"Well !? You ... you're not the one in the New York Temple ..." Russell looked dumbfounded, the old man with white beard in front of him was the gatekeeper of the New York Temple.

The old man with a white beard chuckled and smiled: "Meet for the first time, young mage."

Russell opened his mouth and said with a bitter smile: "Well, are you Supreme Master?"

You are a big brother, you said you met for the first time.

"There are no Supreme Masters here. My name is Gu Yi. You can call me that!"

Russell rolled his eyes, and the gangster was really arrogant. He said, "It's a coincidence. The last time I saw a mage in the temple in New York looks exactly like you. I asked him Karma Taj and he told me to go to the toilet. I found it. It seems I'm lucky and I don't have to go to the toilet in the Himalayas. "

Master Gu Yi with a beard, calmly said, "It is also possible to go to the toilet in the Himalayas, and there is also an entrance. In fact, there is a toilet in Siberia that leads directly to this place."