End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 208: If David Jones' heart is smashed by a fa

Calypso set off a great vortex and set up a world-famous decisive battle platform for the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman. She used some small cleverness to wind the vortex with the sea breeze, so that both sides thought the wind was in their favor.

David Jones has an undead body, and the flying Dutchman comes with diving capabilities and pierces into the big vortex.

In this way, the Black Pearl appeared to be in a dilemma, because of the wind, it was impossible to run. Barbosa could only control the rudder stubbornly, inspiring morale to order the crew to fill artillery to prepare for battle.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Three cannons, from the flying Dutchman triple gun, the black pearl stern was hit by a solid shell and sawdust flying, the time to cut into the current was very unfortunate, and fell within the Dutchman's range.

The Black Pearl had no bow and stern guns. In the chasing battle, it was not possible to fight back the followers. Barbosa knew well, turned the rudder into the vortex, and intended to cut into the faster current to regain the speed advantage.

He drove into the whirlpool, and even if he won the flying Dutchman, the pirates on the ship were stunned, but before they said anything, they heard a gunshot.

"Back to your post, reload the shells and wait for the order to fire."

The man who shot it was Jack!

Barbosa's crazy behavior is tantamount to suicide. However, David Jones can only be won by surprise. The Great Vortex is not desperate. The disguise restricts the flying Dutchman from being rushed down. It is the best battle. field.

Barbosa is right. Only by cutting into the faster current can the artillery on both sides of the Black Pearl come in handy.

The two captains successively spoke, and the pirates no longer complained. As the Black Pearl approached the center of the vortex, the Dutchman was immediately thrown off by the rapid current.

The two ships chased me in the vortex, approaching the depth of the vortex step by step, and fired at the same time when the sides of the ship aligned.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom ---"

The roaring waves covered the sound of artillery, and the rising white smoke was poured out by the rain before it swelled. In the deafening waves, the two sides of each other's cannonballs leapt straight to the vortex Haikou and landed on the opposite ship.

A shell hit the Captain's Chamber of the Black Pearl and opened a large hole in the wall. Jason reached out and pulled the wooden thorn from his shoulder without looking at Russell.

"Don't look at me like that, either Shenhai or the ghost ship, you choose."

Russell leaned back on Jason, relying on the other's broad shoulders to cover the wind and rain. The good show was about to take place. He was going to pack David Jones before the show.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom ---"

The shells passed by in the torrential rain, passing the whistling of death, blasting the sawdust from both sides of the hull. After three rounds of volleys, the Black Pearl was severely damaged, and the wall of the ship close to the side of the vortex sea was bombarded with a row of squint holes. Several unlucky pirates fell into the vortex, and the blink of an eye lost its shadow.

The flying Dutchman was no better. The decayed hull was more severely damaged. The seafood crew on the deck was forced to look for shelter. Only David Jones screamed and controlled the rudder to continue to cut into the lower current.

At this time, it was not the power of the artillery, but the guts who were more daring. David Jones was lost, and no one could compare with him in terms of guts.

There are still, like crazy people, such as Jack and Barbosa.

"Get ready for battle. Since you are going to die, hurry up!"

The deeper the vortex, the closer the distance between the two ships. As the hull tilted, the masts of the two ships secretly held hands.

To this day, the pirates have killed their red eyes, and the fear of death no longer restrains them, but they have released the crazy genes deep in blood.

The sloping hull is the best bridge. The pirates don't need to throw iron hook claws, swinging the rope of the Black Pearl towards the flying Dutchman, and the seafood crew on the opposite side also swings over the rope.

"Barbosa, leave the rudder to you, don't let the Black Pearl sink." Russell came to the deck, shot at the seafood crew in midair, shot eight people in one breath, and continued: " Jack, Turner, and David Jones handed me over to clean up. You two will go to the heart to find his heart. Don't delay too long, the Black Pearl will not be able to go up. "

"Understand!" Jack and Turner looked at each other and nodded in unison.


At this moment, Elizabeth suddenly came over, staring affectionately at Turner, reaching out and stroking his face, and then couldn't help sending a kiss.

"His hiss ~~ Oh!"

Time seemed to be paused at this moment, with shells flying and muskets firing in unison, avoiding the beauties with great interest.

Watching the two exchange saliva, Russell was full of black lines in his head, not to blame the two regardless of the occasion, but to think that Turner was really a pure man. Elizabeth's mouth was poisonous. Whoever kissed him died, he should hang up after a while.

But having said that, Turner's eight characters were so hard that he suffocated so many words before he died. The other three would not work. Jack, Norrington, and Howling died on the spot.

In fact, Russell had a problem and never thought about it. The person who killed David Jones would take over his post. But if David Jones' heart was smashed by a falling meteorite, who should the new captain be?

After all, man-made calamities can be prevented by natural disasters, and this possibility is not ruled out. Just like the thunder beast, the elemental creature has the ability to kill David Jones, but it has no heart. How can it be broken?

Russell couldn't bear to look at it again. He shot the seafood in front of him, took the rope in his hand, volleyed through the whirlpool, and landed on the flying Dutchman's deck.

Jack prayed pretending to look like he was learning Russell and jumping over the whirlpool.

"I'll wait for you to come back. Never die."

"Of course, I haven't seen you in a wedding dress!" After the affectionate confession, Turner pulled the rope without hesitation and swayed to the opposite side.

On the Dutchman's deck, the seafood sailors and the pirates who boarded the ship battled together, and suddenly heard continuous gunshots, one after another, headshots fell into the deep sea vortex.

Russell came to the deck looking for David Jones, holding a gun and a knife, chopping melon and chopping vegetables to kill a passage and heading straight for the rudder.

David Jones didn't see the figure of a Royal Navy officer entering his sight, and a rusty, worn key hung from the man's neck.

Russell's eyes flickered, and he avoided the bullets fired by the officer, pierced his heart with one stroke, and seized the key into his hand.


Silver light came from behind, and Russell turned sideways to avoid it as if he had predicted it in advance.

"David Jones!"

Russell forced David Jones back with a shot, followed agilely, raised his sword for three consecutive strikes to expose the flaws, and then vigorously kicked and kicked in the middle of the opponent's legs.

As if an old friend had met, David Jones greeted him with a back stab, and Russell returned his politeness with polite feet.

"Asshole, always use this despicable move, can't you fight me upright and bright?" David Jones stood with his sword, two wars crooked inwardly, his features were distorted, and the octopus beard was rolled into A ball.

"It doesn't matter. You are immortal. You can recover if you break it."

David Jones was furious: "It has nothing to do with the undead, this is the minimum respect and etiquette on the battlefield!"

"Yes, immortality doesn't mean it doesn't hurt, but ..." Russell paused deliberately for three seconds, dragging a long note to stimulate David Jones's sanity: "But your stuff is puffy, give me two kicks You do n’t need it anyway. ”

Russell was full of malice, and ridiculed with irony. Since David Jones no longer extradited the dead souls at sea, he has been cursed into fierce seafood and can never go ashore. Just as the monkey said ‘What ’s the use of this iron rod’, David Jones ’situation is almost the same, and it can only be used as a water hose.

"To shut up!"

David Jones jumped angrily, lowered his voice and snarled, staring at Russell as though he was killing his father and foe. Turner and Jack sneaked into the cabin sneakily.

Russell's meaning was still intact, and it hadn't been sprayed so cool for a long time. He caught David Jones' wound and sprinkled salt on it: "What is your shape, swordfish, sea urchin, or jellyfish, it can't always be octopus. It's too perverted. Whoever takes off his pants can tell where your face is. "

"I told you to shut up!" David Jones trembled with anger, and lifted his sword and split it against Russell's forehead.

Russell poked at David Jones's sore ~ ​​lightnovelpub.net ~ not the octopus, but the love-hate dispute between him and Calypso.

At the first ten-year appointment, Calypso came to the appointment, and he immediately told the first generation of pirate kings the secret that the goddess did not have, and dug out his heart with love.

When he was young and full of energy, he didn't think so much. His lover betrayed him, and he betrayed him. He also dug out his heart with anger and did not give Calypso the cut.

It didn't take long before he regretted it, his heart was still missing, and he couldn't forget Calypso. Because of betrayal, he did not have the courage to face Calypso, and he did not dare to retrieve the heart full of memories. The lone spirit and wild ghost followed the wave, and he could never find the docking shore, even the flying Dutchman. Become a veritable ghost ship.

Until a moment ago, Calypso's ruthless curse made him wake up and lost his fear of it. He began to look into his heart and decided to find a goddess to reunite after the battle.

As soon as he made up his mind, Russell kept talking about it, and desperately wanted to pick him up, how could he bear it!

Besides, isn't octopus good? Very practical, okay!