End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 28: Planning in progress

"The sniper is already in place, how is your situation?"

The cross touched the in-ear miniature walkie-talkie. At this time, he was more than 2 kilometers away from the No. 17 textile mill. Even the top sniper, it is impossible to achieve every shot at this distance, but the cross can, his adrenaline As far as sniping is concerned, the farther and more accurate it is.

The attack time is not selected at night, which is not conducive to the sniper cover of the cross, and the night will only cause trouble. After all, the No. 17 textile factory is the site of the Brotherhood, and they are more familiar with the terrain.

Cross is facing the textile mill. All the commanding heights are within his range. This is the best position that he has determined after many investigations. There are no sniping points that can threaten him.

In the sight, a garbage truck drove across the bridge to the gate of the textile mill.

"No problem, the mice are already in place!" Firefox replied coldly, sitting on the co-pilot.

"Be careful, it will take a lot of time for the rats to rush into the textile mill. During this time, you will encounter a wave of fire. Try not to shoot, I will cover you, in case there is not enough ammunition."

This is the style of the cross. If you can snip, you do n’t shoot a pistol.

"I understand!"

After Firefox responded, it nodded to Wesley, who ran into reverse and hit the textile factory gate.

When the garbage truck appeared, the brotherhood's killers noticed something different, and many people opened the small window and looked down. Each of them is a killer, and they are very vigilant, but because everyone is a killer, they never thought that someone would take the initiative to attack here.

Boom! !! !!

The door of the textile factory was knocked open, and the killers looked at the garbage truck, which just woke up, then picked up the guys in their hands and aimed downward.

Wesley parked at the right place, with the driver's seat stuck in the door and sheltered by the terrain. From the city wall, the inside of the gate is a blind spot, and the thickened iron sheet of the garbage truck cannot be penetrated by ordinary bullets.

Buzzron saw the garbage truck below through the window. Under his order, dozens of fire points began to pour ammunition downwards, all of which were semi-automatic rifles.

Suddenly, Sloan sensed a death's heart, and did not want to lie on the ground.

A scream screamed from the top of the building, and the corpse fell down. As he passed the window, Sloan's face twitched. When the muffled sound of the floor came out, the chill in his heart rose.

"Damn cross!"

With the shadow of the wall, Basilone left the dangerous window in the office on the third floor, the safest room in the 17th textile mill. He is the chief, responsible for communicating the instructions of the loom, rather than fighting with the invaders with a gun.

He thought a lot, but he did not expect that the cross would launch a bold attack. The comparison of the number of pros and cons was too obvious. People who would slightly add and subtract would not choose this way.

He recalled members who were performing missions in order to expand the search range to find the cross. Now he regrets a bit and should act earlier.

Firefox presses the button to open the closed compartment of the garbage truck, and pushes thousands of mice out of the vehicle just like dumping garbage.

老鼠 Because of the intensive gunfire, the rats have long squeaked and screamed, and fled immediately as they were pushed out of the car. The vast space could not make them feel at ease, but the shady textile mill looked extremely safe, so the **** rushed away.

Looking at the mice, the Brotherhood's killers were a little uneasy. A few of them were wise people who knew 'insecticides', and realized the danger of these mice, and started shooting at them.

Huh! Huh! Huh! Uh ...

The cheerful sniper collection of the cross began, and in the state of bullet time, it was easy to snip the figures in high walls or windows.

I realized that the enemy had a sniper, and the killers took up their sniper rifles to aim, but when they looked through the scope, they saw that the snipers were located two kilometers away, and all of them were counseled.

Too far, beyond their capabilities!

Huh! Huh!嘭 ————

After a few more shots, no one dared to show up.

More than a dozen killer guns rushed out of the small gate inside the city wall. They wanted to kill Wesley on the garbage truck. Because of the high wall cover, there was no need to worry about being hit by a sniper gun.

The logic was smooth, but without a few steps, he was forced back by the firefox and the grenade thrown by Wesley. After two explosions, the heroic unlucky eggs were all seriously wounded by shrapnel, and within a short period of time they died.

The explosion of the grenade made the killers dare not act rashly, and the rats were even more stimulated, and all ran into the textile mill.

Soon, cursing and gunshots rang out in the textile mill, and the rats were stimulated to frantically, and spread rapidly like a virus. If it were an ordinary mouse, naturally the killer's face would not change greatly, but the mouse with a watch-type time bomb on its back would be different.

More and more killers are devoted to the era of rodent removal. Rats are scattered in all corners. With a large number, the killers begin to mourn in despair.

Killing a mouse is not the same as dismantling a bomb. Looking at the countdown on the watch, the mill is even more confused.

The time is too short to open the bomb!

Under the pressure of survival, someone started to hit the door, but was blasted back by Firefox and Wesley. The killer who countered from the window was named by the cross.

The impenetrable castle is now a coffin with nowhere to go. When they die, find a priest and bury it!

After a minute and a second passed, Firefox listened to the desperate sorrow in the textile mill, but there was no pity in its eyes.

There are a lot of people who are blinded by Sloan in her textile mill, who consider themselves assassins of fate and fight for world peace. Without their knowledge, they have become Sloan's accomplices.

In all fairness, these people are innocent, they are just victims.

But Firefox's faith has made her heart extremely indifferent. These killers are innocent, and the people killed by them are not. How many happy and happy families are fragmented as a result, and how many children cry at their parents' graves. These killers may not know, but they are already sinners.

"time up!"

Firefox looked at the watch and lay his head on the ground at the same time as Wesley.

Boom! boom! boom! boom----

The intensive explosion sounds rang throughout the textile mill, almost at the same time, all the glass was smashed in an instant, and the screams and wailing echoed in the smoke and dust.

The textile factory has become a **** on earth. The rising dust has reduced visibility, and parts of the textile machine scattered by the explosion can be seen everywhere on the ground ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ but more are broken limbs and dark red blood stains .

The power of a watch bomb is not enough to destroy the textile mill into such a terrible situation, but the special ingredients in peanut butter are different. The explosive power after heating is not blowing.

人 Those who are directly killed are very lucky. They don't need to lose too much blood in the pain and die. Those who lack arms and legs or have wooden thorns or metal parts on their bodies are miserable. They are running out of time, they can't wait for an ambulance, and even if they wait for an ambulance, so many wounded can't be rescued.

"You can move. The plan is going well. You have to be careful next. I have a hard time covering you."

Cross looked at the sight, a flash of pleasure flashed in his eyes, and he still maintained a sniper action to prevent anyone from escaping from the textile mill. With his knowledge of the members of the Brotherhood, some people really want to run away, Bacheng will be Sloan.

"Roger that!"

Wesley replied, and he took a deep breath, his heart speed accelerated instantly, and he entered the state of bullet time. But when he turned around, Firefox had already rushed out, scaring him to follow quickly.

The two rushed through the door and jumped over the blown-out window. Their nerve emission exceeded human limits. Active thinking can quickly analyze the information obtained by the senses. The brain will transmit instructions at the fastest speed, killing all still People who have the ability to resist.

At the same time, Russell also rushed in from the back door, and the plan was to pinch back and forth to clean up the textile factory, which is the first floor lobby.

When Russell rushed in, the enemy in front was blocking Wesley and Firefox, looking at each other with their backs facing each other. Russell threw out the grenade and fell into the crowded area. The rest picked up M4A1 and started firing.

Of course, before that, he also threw flash bullets!