End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 281: Run after him, pack of wolves

Keyatai Stark, a character from the comic [Death], ranks first among all the broken faces in the virtual circle, and is No. 1 for Ten Blades.

The so-called Ten Blades, each has its own form of death, representing ten factors that lead to human death.

According to Russell's data on Koyatai Stark, the death factor he represents is loneliness, because the strength is too strong, and the weak will be killed by his soul when he approaches him.

He is lazy, has no fighting spirit, does not like fighting, and always thinks of paddling when facing the enemy. Because of this negative mentality, his ending was very miserable, and he was defeated and killed!

But there is no doubt about the strength, if it is not more than everyone, he will not be alone!

Boom ————

Russell opened his eyes violently, and the indescribable momentum swept across the sky. It was like an abyss-like pressure, and he couldn't see the end, and filled every corner of the world.

The dense air freezes instantly, as if pressed by a sea of ​​sea, and everything in sight sends out a mourning from the depths of the soul.

The first to bear the brunt was the vanguard monsters scattered around, the soul was crushed, and the wheat fell into pieces. Looking down from a high altitude, like dropping a stone on a calm lake, a circle of ripples opens, and a lot of space is cleared in a blink of an eye.

Has nothing to do with the number of people, the soul strength is not up to standard, no matter how many come, it is a death!

Natasha knelt on her knees, her trembling hands rested on the ground, and Russell deliberately avoided the pressure on her, but she was affected too close.

This is the real power of BOSS?

Natasha was shocked, her mind was blank, and she only knew the words to repeat the cycle. Finally, for a moment, I did not resist the pressure and rolled my eyes and passed out.

Jason's soul strength is extremely tough. It may be summoned by Russell. He can stand up by himself, but he can only lie on the ground and stare. It is difficult to move.

重点 The deadly blade General under the focus of care couldn't move. I wanted to raise my arm, and I felt like it was heavy.

"Just kidding, this kind of monster never jumps out, why haven't you heard of it before?"

General Deathblade held his blade in both hands. He was exhausted just by this. He knew that this battle would not have to be fought. His chance of victory was less than the hair follicles on the tyrant's scalp, which was zero.

"False flash!"

Russell pointed out, the violent energy shot in the volley, the blue light exuded the cold chill, dyed everything that passed by to blue.

Rumble! !!

The ten-meter-wide false flash overwhelmed the General Blade's location, and after a brief silence, it exploded, and the ground shook, and the wind swept away in all directions with the potential of destruction.

The body of General Deathblade melted in contact, the blade of the soul that was staying in the soul was not damaged, countless flying debris came in, and he was instantly resurrected with blood.

"Bombardment, full firepower to smash the enemy! Air forces cooperate!"

At this time, he had no fighting heart. Russell's strength left him with only fear, possibly because he was afraid of the destruction of the battle blade. After issuing the command of the total attack, he immediately summoned the traction beam and fled back to the flagship above the sky.

Failed to kill General Razor, and Russell was not surprised. Koyatai Stark ’s character card is in a complete state after returning to the blade. He still has a few moves to try, and it is not necessary to end this. fighting.

I just pretend to be pretending, although he doesn't have this idea!

"The characters who fight with two guns may let me learn a lot ..." Russell looked coldly, holding the sand eagle and the **** in both hands, and raised his arms high to point at the sky.

Infinite loading flash! !!

The giant battleship that dwells in the sky slightly adjusts the hull, and the missile launches under the belly are all open, densely packed with hundreds. The recharged beam cannon also extended, and all of them fired in an instant, and the magnificent barrage fell.

The small spaceship coming from the locust version around is also full of firepower, and the green light spots are scattered all over the sky ...

Boom! boom! boom! boom----

At the location of the dense forest, the space several kilometers in diameter was devastatingly blown. The earth-shattering loud noises were connected in a series. The scarlet fireball was mixed with billowing black smoke, dancing in the raging wind, dazzling.

Buzz buzz! !!

The vortex rolled up on the ground, and the rising hurricane hovered in the sea of ​​fire. Russell stood on the intact ground. There was an invisible spiritual wall around his body. All the objects he touched broke, shattered, and dissipated. He separated with spiritual pressure The waves of fire protected Jason and Natasha.

For a second, the blue light spots spread on his body, the space was distorted, and the cold blue light shone in the sky.

Russell raised his two guns and instantly released a large-scale virtual flash group, with a large range, fast continuous shooting speed, thousands of shots per second, and amazing destructive power.

Xun flashed in the air and exploded in the sky, the blue light was flourishing, and the sky was covered in a blink of an eye, and the entire world was rendered blue. The battleship's shield raged, and the waves of waves swept away, like a hurricane that destroyed the earth, and swept across the hall in an instant.

The shield of the giant battleship was barely supported, and the small ships around it were miserable. The starburst explosions were uncountable. After a while, they all turned into fireballs, and they fell to the ground when the air emptied.

"General! Only half of the shield of the battleship is declining, and we can't support it for long."

Hearing the danger reported by his subordinates, the dead general was even more fearful. The battleship exploded and killed him, but it was absolutely impossible to face the monster Russell after landing.

"Retreat! Retreat Now!"

The gap between the two was so great that there was only hopelessness. The dying general feared that Russell would see through the weakness of his immortal body. When it started, he subconsciously thought that Russell could destroy the blade.

Huh! !!

Russell tiptoeed, and immediately came to the front of the battleship. With each step, the momentum increased by one point, and the cold eyes were passed to the battleship control room by the observer, making everyone despair and unable to breathe.

In the cloud layer, ominous black clouds gathered, and strong energy radiation disturbed the magnetic field, causing the space to ripple.

"Run after him, pack of wolves !!!"

Russell's arms spread out, the hazy mist lingering behind, condensing into a silver-white giant wolf with scarlet eyes. The spirit-like pressure of the monster, with an extremely depressed atmosphere, made the world and the world quiet.

最 The strongest move from the character Kakoyate Stark ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ By splitting his soul into pieces, he creates a pack of wolves that shatter their prey.

These wolves are not weapons, each one is himself!

"General, strong energy response detected ..."

In the command room, the voice just dropped, and the exploding explosion shook everyone upside down. The light curtain of the shield of the battleship reached the zero point, and it only disappeared with a brief click.

The pack of wolves roared up, chased up like a prey, ripped off the external defensive armor, and dug into the inside of the hull, damaging the structure.

Boom! boom! boom----

Each giant wolf split from the soul contains horrific pressure, leaping into the hull and exploding, which is an unthinkable disaster for the battleship. The deafening explosion kept ringing inside the battleship, triggering an irreversible continuous reaction, clusters of flame demon flowers blooming, and the black clouds rose into the air.

The hot shock wave formed secondary damage, and a large number of parts detached from the main body of the battleship, dropping down like raindrops.

The black smoke from the battleships covered the sky, and the entire ship slanted and fell to the ground. Even if the isolation zone was activated, it could not stop the wolves from attacking.

Russell lifted his eyes and looked out of the sky, making continuous long-distance sounds, rushing across space towards outer space. A battleship didn't take much effort, and there was a lot of character card time left, so it couldn't be wasted.


(Today there are 2 more, later changed to 2000 words per chapter)

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