End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 319: It's better not to speak

The two Gundams flew away and headed for the next ruin. Russell's side stopped because the dog was gone, waiting in the air.

"The quicksand zone is very dangerous. It's basically gone when it gets trapped. This area covers a huge area and can be swallowed by the pyramids and the city. Although you may not accept this, but ... your dog should not be able to return."

"It's a wolf!"

"Well, it's a wolf!" Ying Yingying was very speechless. She also said she was a dog before, and she became a wolf again. "You saw the power of quicksand, the whole pyramid was swallowed up, and the reincarnation didn't run away. Come out, let alone your ... wolf. "

Russell categorically vetoed: "Not necessarily, they look like dogs, and the ability to throw sand is certainly not a problem."

Ying Ying Ying: "..."

Anyway, it ’s not a dog!

The flying carpet stayed in the air for a while, until the sand below gradually stabilized, and then slowly lowered. Several people threw heavy weights in search of a safe landing place, and began to wait quietly.

During this period, the sandy land was still flowing, and no reincarnation fled. In other words, in addition to these people and the two Gundam teams, the rest of the reincarnation team that successfully explored the ruins is all cold.

Regardless of whether they are still lingering in the pyramid, the chance of escape is very slim, which can basically be regarded as cold.

"Alas! Alas--"

A giant wolf claw broke through the sand, and a giant werewolf standing more than 10 meters tall struggling to run out of the sand.

Then, the second head, the third head ...

Fifteen werewolves ran hurriedly. When they rushed to Russell's body, their size suddenly shrank, and their shaking hair dropped a large area of ​​yellow sand.

"They are again ..."

Ying Yingying's eyes twitched. I remember the first time I saw a werewolf turned, the average height was 4 meters. How long has it passed, and the water injection should not be so fast!

"Well, I'm right, they are sure to escape." Russell patted the dog's head, greeted them to board the flying carpet, and set off for the next ruin.

"It's terrible. Obviously more than a dozen powerful samsaras haven't escaped, alas, wait ..."

Ying Yingying walked onto the flying carpet faintly, the reality left her speechless. Suddenly she thought of something and frowned at the dog around her: "Jason, shouldn't the pyramid be demolished by them? ? "

Russell was stiff, shaking his head again and again: "Impossible, how could this happen, you think too much!"

"Really? But I ..."

"You deserve them too much, you shit, just take this stupid picture and dismantle the pyramids?" Russell interrupted Ying Yingying, raised a husky, and pressed her head to point at her. Auntie, did you remove the pyramid? "

The dog immediately crooked his head, his tongue dangled around the corner of his mouth, and his godlike cross-eyed eyes asked silently: Who is the pyramid?

Ying Ying Ying: "..."

Believe it or not, Russell believes that the dogs are innocent because there is no evidence that they are the culprit!


The flying carpet slowly flew in the middle of the air. In the direction of the two planes leaving, they flew for more than half an hour, and the landscape changed dramatically.

The Huangsha Desert came to an abrupt end, replaced by mountains and rivers, and lively green areas. A pristine jungle spreading for hundreds of kilometers, with small streams and trees, and beasts everywhere.

The beauty of birds and flowers and the desert without grass are two extremes.

"You see, the pillar in the middle must be the location of the ruins." Looking at the distance, Jian Shaoyu found a towering stone.

The flying carpet approached quickly to see the status quo of the stele, and everyone murmured. The height of this monumental stone, almost straight to the sky, has been broken into two parts. It is hard to imagine how amazing the height is when it is intact.

Gradually approaching the column, the primitive jungle faded, and the huge lake stood up. In addition, there are not a few similar pillars, but they have a lot of height. There are hundreds of pillars, the highest is only 50 meters.

In the middle of the lake, there is a run-down city with broken walls and ruins. The former glory has become history, leaving only messy ruins.

In the city, Russell feels familiar with the extensive waterways. Looking at the large bodies of marine life floating on the lake, he seems to understand something.

"We may be late ..." Looking down at the corpse of the monster below, Ying Yingying's face was a bit stiff, and she drove the flying carpet to land directly in the city center.

There was no obstruction in the middle, and the flying carpet was unobstructed. Several people looked at the collapsed stele and looked at each other wondering what to do.

"Go find if there is an entrance nearby and find it back and tell me." Russell patted the dog's head, let them use their strengths, and find useful clues.

Several people separated on the spot, looking for the entrance to the ruins together.

Soon, the dogs returned to Russell, dragged his robes and began to take credit.

Russell quickly kept up with the leading Er Ha. After the upgrade, this product ran faster ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ He accelerated with all his strength to barely keep up. Passing through a tree hole covered by a long vine, there is an empty square in front of it. On the stairs, there is a giant stone statue.

The identity depicted in the statue is an acquaintance known by Russell. The giant in armor is walking on the waves and waving a trident in his hands. Who is not Poseidon!

Unlike Poseidon in the Pirates of the Caribbean world, the statue has a fishtail and is a middle-aged uncle with a curly beard.

Behind the statue, it was supposed to be the palace. At this moment, only the columns and the broken wall are left.

At this point, the cause of the Trident's failure several times was finally solved. Atlantis of the geocentric world covered the surroundings, affecting the upper level of Skull Island. Most likely, there is a trident ...

The dogs rushed into the ruins to spread Huan, tossing their forelimbs, digging down the ruins, and throwing out the body of a reincarnation.

Russell raised his gun and fired into the sky. Soon, Ying Yingying came over.

"Obviously, this ruin represents the Atlantis civilization, but we take a step back and have been explored here."

The hearts of the people were full of five cultural relics. They successfully explored the ancient Egyptian civilization and completed the task 1/3. Now that the Atlantis civilization is being taken a step ahead by other reincarnations, we must seize the time to successfully explore two of the remaining three relics, and the situation is quite grim.

"The Atlantis civilization is a bit unexpected. I don't know what the remaining three civilizations will be?" Several people boarded the flying carpet and drove straight out of the green space.

Russell said contemplatively: "No ancient Chinese civilization will do. I always think it will be a pit ..."


"what happened?"

Ying Yingying resentfully gave Russell a glance: "Personally, it's better not to speak."