End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 382: Leave the ingredients

Lightning was absorbed by the Spirit's lance, Russell didn't care. If he had the ability to chop down again, if he frowned, he wouldn't bring it!

Russell made up his mind and focused on his wheat-cutting cause. When the character card expired, he freed up to cook the ingredients.

In the sky, the three monster flying dragons circled, roaring and provoking Russell, seeing that he was unmoved at all, the red light in the eyes of the headed ringing spirit was stirred.

The slightly more stable first phalanx showed signs of chaos again, and the spiritual consciousness continued to let Russell kill, and it is likely that the morale of the 30,000 army was completely wiped out.

Each of the spirits is an outstanding king in human history. He also has his own experience in leading the battle and knows the importance of morale.

They did not risk attacking Russell and dived into a group, which would only cause half-orcs to be severely injured and injured, and exacerbate the speed of the legion's defeat.

There are no silly husbands who release the lightning in the rifle and attack Russell, who is extremely abnormal in physical constitution. Thunder and lightning will turn into his strength instead.

As a result, the three ring spirits lined up in an array and drove the dragon to roar to attract Russell's attention. The three-handed rifle was held high and pointed directly at the horn fortress not far away.

What was Russell doing to slaughter the Orcs in order to defend them by attacking and defending the crumbling horn.

Since you want to defend the city, let's siege it!

The ring spirits firmly believe that this trick of bottom-up salary will definitely force Russell to give up the slaughter of the orcs and kill them instead.

At that time, the three martial arts dragged Russell, and the Alliesinger captured the horn, and the strategic goal was achieved. This battle will undoubtedly be won!

However, Russell saw the movements of the ring spirits, raised a **** to pay tribute, and ignored them to speed up the steps of slaughtering the orcs.

The field of death swept across, like a blackboard eraser, harvesting the orcs in the valley.

"Roar roar ---"

Ringing out of anger, wielding a rifle to release the thunder, only listening to the roar and banging, the thunderous thunder roared and turned into three beams of light directed at the horn castle.

The sound was huge, the light shattered the sky, and the thunderstorm stopped. The sound of thunder suddenly seemed to want to blast the horn castle into pieces.

Then, Lightning turned around and hit Russell.


Russell shuddered and took a nap.

Caution: "..."

[Lightning rod (when the enemy uses a lightning-type move, regardless of the single or group attack, the attack target will automatically change to you with this ability)]


Russell didn't look back, a **** was raised, the foot was flowing, and the killing was carried out in an orderly manner. The half-orcs once organized a counterattack and did not dare to approach Russell, so they returned with bows and arrows.

However, Russell was careful. The Edman alloy knife waved the bow and arrow. When he saw who shot him, he ran in the direction of the other, scaring the half-orc crying father.

Later, when anyone raised a bow and arrow without using Russell, he was stabbed to death by his comrades-in-arms.

With one shot, everyone around me said that he was good!

"Roar roar ---"

The three ring spirits tried again. Lightning was unable to hit the horn castle. It was speculated that Russell had applied a spell and controlled the monster dragon to charge at him.

At this time, the Ring of Evil could not care much, even if the half-orcs died in their hands, it was better than being slaughtered by Russell.

Rumble! !!

There was a loud noise in the water, and the water surged around Russell, raising the waterspout flatly, twisting the road that was blocked by the dragon.

The Ringing Long Sword fluttered, and the sword body was cold, freezing a section of water curtain in front of it into ice.

After all, the power of the trident is better than the ocean on the land. Although there are storms and rain, the water is too small. If it is replaced by the vast sea, Russell will be able to drown the 30,000 Isinger coalition by waving.

However, Russell's purpose was not to block the ring spirit, but to force them to enlarge their moves and exacerbate the death of the orcs. The countdown of the character card is about to end, and next time you want to create large-scale deaths and injuries, the power of spiritual abstinence is indispensable.

The flying dragon broke through the water curtain, spewing black poisonous mist, and shrouded Russell's location heavily. The water curtain rolled up to block the dragon's breath, and the surrounding orcs fell to the ground in pain.

A flying dragon detoured, passing over the half-orc's position at a low altitude, fluttering his wings to lift the half-orc in the way, opening his blood basin and mouthing at Russell.

Entering a death radius of 15 meters, the dragon immediately wailed in pain, and the demon monster corrupted by darkness only persisted for three seconds, and then died.

Kai Ling raised his hand and pressed on the dragon, and the black magic power poured in, and the dragon was ‘resurrected from the dead’ in no time, his flesh was peeled off, his dark eyes were staring, and Russell was bitten.

Rumble! !!

The silver-white giant wolf stepped on charge, collided with the dragon's huge head, and Lei Guang ran away, spreading to the dragon's whole body.

The Ringing Sword pierced the dragon's body, absorbed the thunder and introduced the lance, and continued to control the broken dragon.

A giant palm turned into a water curtain rose up like a fly, and a slap pressed the dragon together with the spirit to rub it on the ground. There was a blast in the valley, and cracks in the cobwebs on the ground spread, making the orcs more trembling.

Russell was so annoyed that he slapped the flying dragon, but he was also blocked from chasing the orcs ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ And, most importantly, this flying dragon was corroded by black witchcraft and was covered with carrion. Stink, 80% is inedible.

"Roar roar ---"

The remaining two dragons came from left and right. Russell feared that the two dragons would also go bad, rolled up the water wall and pushed them away. At the same time, the countdown of the character card returned to zero.

Click! Click here ------

The water wall was frozen into an ice wall, and the spirit leaping drove the dragon, and two rifles with a length of more than 4 meters pierced Russell's chest.


The Edman alloy knife and the Peerless Blade blocked the two lances respectively. Russell was shaken back by the exaggerated force, but at the moment of the collision, he cut off the lance's tip.

Although it can kill people without a gun, but Russell's output is limited to the spell attached to the rifle. Once the gun is broken, his lightning rod constitution can dominate the audience again!

Rumble! !!

Russell stepped on the water and rushed into the sky, followed by the three-headed dragon, and Thunder thundered wildly.

The electric snake flew, and the electric flower shimmered and splashed. Some hit Russell, some hit Russell, and some hit Russell.

Russell: "..."

Caution: "..."

The four black robes slaughtered in the sky, the horn guards clamored, and the coalition of Isinger slowly retreated. They could accept the death, but they could not accept it.

In short, they were scared to death by the death radius!

The half-orc army dropped the corpse in the mountains and mountains, and evacuated steadily to the rear. The spiritual goal was fulfilled, and Russell, a hard bone, was also ready to evacuate.

Russell looked in his eyes, sneering in his heart, but he wasn't that. He wanted to come and walk as long as he wanted to. He must leave something today.

The storm was getting weaker, and Russell knew that the pretense was almost the same. It was time to draw a perfect stop!