End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 384: I ’m so happy to eat Feilong today

the next day!

A torrential rain swept away the restlessness, and the rain-washed sky was particularly blue, climbing up the deep brook wall of the horn fortress, so that you could easily see the distance.

The sky was filled with dust, and the black squares were arranged neatly outside the valley. The air of killing rushed into the sky, and the air seemed to freeze for it. Every breath was extremely difficult.

But this eradication spread to the front of the valley, and it came to an abrupt halt. With tens of thousands of Essinger coalitions, no one dared to step over Leichi.

The corpses of the two half-orcs were superimposed, Russell sat on the corpse, the Peerless Blade stood on the ground, and one person stood quietly against the army.

It is comparable to the confrontation in the myth and epic. This scene will commend the world and write the thickest stroke in the history book of the Third Age as the opening chapter of the rise of the human race!


In the valley, the soldiers of Rohan pushed the cart and shouted the horns. They picked up the armor and steel knives on the ground and returned to the castle to assign to the unarmed militia.

This was Hiyoton's decision. After last night, the orcs fled, losing their bows, armor, swords, and bodies. The body is fine, but strategic materials such as weapons and armor cannot be left unattended, especially bows and arrows, which are essential when defending the city.

The soldiers stripped the armor from the half-orc corpse, poured out the oil they carried, and poured it on them. When the next charge of the Isinger coalition, they would make them feel the enthusiasm of the Rohan.

The soldiers were busy shuttle, and from time to time raised their heads to look at Russell's back, eyes full of reverence, remembering the situation of last night, the mood can't stop for a long time.

The nation on horseback admired bravery. Instead, they killed each other and killed tens of thousands of enemies. They couldn't even mention the courage to charge, and it was estimated that they were willing to die.

"Russell, the iron pot you want is already boiled, and the herbs are ready." Aragon came to Russell on horseback.

Like the nightmare, the monster flying dragon is a World of Warcraft born in the dark. In theory, it can not be eaten, but Aragorn followed Russell to eat from the Horse Horse Hotel all the way to the Holy Helm Valley. Already.

"Finally ready, why is it so slow this time?" Russell complained, and got up and walked towards the horn castle.

Outside the valley, the dark army saw Russell getting up, nervous, until he turned to leave, and the hand holding the weapon slowly released.


Ten cauldrons grumbled at the gate of the horn, and the other members of the guard team directed the Luohan soldiers to open the dragon and break the belly, and the wooden table was filled with cut pieces of meat.

Cooking a pot, adding wood, placing a plate, moving wine, boneless shaving, a group of people were so busy that Russell was put in place.

Russell is full of black lines. This style of painting is not right. This battle is about Luo Han's life and death. Can't he be serious?

Where is Hyoden, the Rohan Warriors are so rotten, don't care?

Then Russell saw Heyton, and the chef who cut the meat was him.

Russell: "..."

"Wizard Russell, you are from Rohan, these are all we should do!" Hiyoton put down the kitchen knife, wiped his hands with an apron, and learned that Russell preferred this mouth, and he took the knife himself.

The king of knights put down the sword of the king and changed to holding a kitchen knife, aggrieved him!

Hiyoton was very thoughtful. The dragon's big pot could not be cooked, and he deliberately ordered ten burns. Not afraid of waste, the generals of Luohan, headed by Hiyoton, all expressed their willingness to work, and they would be able to drink it.

Russell rolled his eyes and began to make soup in proportion ... Soon, snowflake meat shabu-shabu, the fragrance in the air was pervasive, and Hiyoton ordered the dragon meat to reward the defenders, cheering loudly.

"This cup, respect the great Master Russell!" Hiyoton held up his glass. Drinking before the war was a taboo, but the battle last night almost laid the victory and must be celebrated.

"To the great Master Russell!"

"Respect the great ..."


The sound of the clarion call was soaring, and the morale of the army was unprecedented.

On the surface, this is just a group of food banquets, in fact to deter the Isinger coalition.

Amazing with dragons?

It's really amazing, it tastes great!

The effect was very obvious. On the side of Isinger, Tanama passed the information back, and the army commander was so angry that he overturned the table.

The Orc Army has not been subjected to such insults, and immediately ordered the army to retreat ten miles, do not disturb the other party to eat!


After a full meal, the morale of the Allinger Army was also smashed, and the soldiers of Rohan ascended the city wall again, leaving ten cauldrons and dragon skeletons in place, and slapped the other side severely.

Use the way of soldiers, siege for the lower, attack for the top!

A banquet gave the Essinger allies a blow, and their fear was even stronger. Even though they still had an absolute advantage in numbers, their morale fell to the bottom, and the balance of war tilted towards the horn castle.

After boarding the castle, Russell returned to the post of Deep Creek Wall. This is the area most vulnerable to capture. To prevent accidents, the powerful guard team is guarding here ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Russell was cheered by heroes. This When you put on the same style of the ring spirit, no one will be afraid.

I saw him go out of his way last night. The soldiers had no fear at all. The old man who defended the city felt that this battle would be won. The members of the ring team also smiled. Several people even felt that it was not necessarily better than Russell to switch to Gandalf last night.

If Russell knows the thoughts of several people, he will definitely laugh at their short hair and short experience. There are still many gaps between him and Gandalf.

For example, what happened last night when I switched to the Fire Devil?

The Enlightened Demons once beat the dwarves to autism. They left their homes and walked away to the lonely mountain, and the powerful dwarven empire fell. The Enchanted Demons were strong enough to slay the army of 30,000 Isinger.

Gandalf in the gray robe can open up with the Enchanted Devil. What about the more powerful Gandalf in the white robe?

It is true that the Fire Demon has a flame that burns everything, almost a huge body made of fire elements, and is not afraid of any sword weapon. But Gandalf knows magic, and in addition to omnipotent lighting, he also has many spells.

In the original book, he and Yan Mo finally fight, from the abyss to the highest peak. Finally, harnessing the power of Thunder, a sword penetrated into the core of the Fire Demon and beheaded him, which shows his magic accomplishments.

There is also the white robe Saruman. How powerful is the spell to change the sky, and the snowstorm covers half of the misty mountains.

Gandalf was promoted to white robes, and his strength may not be as deep as Saruman's, but they are not much different. Russell believes that he can also use the power of heaven and earth.

In other words, Gandalf was reluctant to take action. Otherwise, he could completely destroy the army of Isinger.

Gandalf accepted the mission and came to the Middle-earth continent. His mission was to guide the Aboriginal people to defeat Sauron with his own assistance. This is why he is so powerful, but there are few amazing performances on the battlefield. He is the person who sets up the stage, not the person in charge of performing.