End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 457: One operation is as fierce as a tiger

"Jacob, you have the ability to brag, you have the ability to open the door!"

Russell thumped several times, and with his persistence and hard work, the door slowly opened.

On the bus, Jacob smelled a face, and Kate and Scott were extremely speechless. Only the Seth brothers greeted each other with smiles. Today, they have good luck, and they took one of the three hostages.

"Jacob, who are they, your cousin far away?"

Russell walked into the RV, put the suitcase on the sofa, and pushed Kate and Scott apart, but came face to face with the robber brother Richard.

Jacob was about to speak, and Seth warned him with a gun.

"Fr, glad to meet you."

Seth greeted everyone with a smile, came to Russell, and put the pistol in his belt in front of him: "My name is Seth, this is my brother Richard, how about you?"

"My name is Swat!"

Just now Seth was holding a gun against Jacob, and Russell's eyes were on him despite his stealth.

He was curious, what kind of world is this!

Before, Russell thought Seth was very familiar, but he couldn't call the actor's name. After he got on the car, he found that his brother Richard's face seemed to be familiar.

Even from the perspective of the actors and actresses, the two brothers are not likely to be a dragon in the corresponding plot. Although they cannot remember what the plot is, Russell dared to pack tickets. These two talents are the real protagonists.

The Jacobs, because they were involved in the plot later!

Then the question arises, what is the film that actually sets the protagonist as a robber?

Violent **** plus a little yellow western road movie?

that's nice!

"Father, what are you thinking?"

"Nothing, I'm thinking where we are going next ..." There was no impression. Russell gave up searching memory and decided to look at it first.

"Go to Mexico! Rest assured, Father, we are just taking a ride, and we will not treat you!"

Paying attention to Russell's calmness, Seth patted his pistol, adding: "I hope there are no smart people on this road, do you think, Father?"

"Can it be simpler? I have been stupid since I was a child, and I don't understand things that are too esoteric." Russell turned around, embarrassed, "I know everyone who knows me, because of my introverted personality, lack of social experience, and slow response , Resulting in a stupid mouth that doesn't talk much. "

Seth laughed: "It's a bit too much to say, a fool can't be a priest!"

After threatening Russell, Seth warned Kate and Scott twice to keep them from being clever, but let his brother Richard take care of the three hostages, then sat in the front passenger seat and talked to Jacob.

In the carriage, the four sat silently, and Russell was so bored that he proposed to play two Texas Hold'em cards.

Kate and Scott are very constrained at gunpoint. They don't dare raise when they have good cards, but Russell doesn't. They can play whatever they want. The operation is fierce and they lose out.

"This unscientific!"

"Yes, this is theology!"

Unconsciously, Richard's pistol was put away, blocking Russell's shoulders and beginning to call his brother and brother. Although he didn't win much money, Richard felt very happy, because Russell didn't release water and wanted to win very seriously. Lost to him.

In the front passenger seat, Seth heard a laugh and couldn't help frowning: "Jacob, what's the way for that priest?"

"You say Swat?"

"Oh, this ghost name is false at first, don't try to lie to me, tell me who he is." Seth instinctively noticed that something was wrong. Russell's performance under the gun was too calm. Ordinary priests could not To this point.

"His name is Russell. He is a liar disguised as a priest. I only met him yesterday. Because his car broke down and he just happened to follow me, he took him."

At the gunpoint, Jacob knew everything, and he tried to save Russell, but the other party was a dumb X, and he didn't want to take another risk.

"con man?"

Seth glanced back at Russell and continued: "Tell everything you know."


Jacob recounted the bull beep that Russell blew yesterday. The congestion imagination appeared in front of the road. The RV stopped slowly and encountered the Luca set by the police.

"Richard, bring Kate into the bathroom, you two ... continue to play cards." Seth glanced around slowly and said, "guys, if you tell the police, Richard and I will die, but you Can't live. "

After that, he also walked into the bathroom.

In the compartment, Russell still calmly played cards, taking advantage of Scott's uneasy mood, and lost several more.

Russell did not give up. The probability of winning or losing is 50%. The more times he plays, the closer this probability is. He has been losing before, and it is time to run.

"Hi priest, can you hear me?"

Russell looked up and looked at the police officer who did not know when he got on the car, his face blanked: "Who are you?"

The police officer labeled Russell a bad gambler and asked disgustingly: "Father ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The owner told me that you take a ride to Mexico, please answer me, where are you going?"

Russell discarded the card in his hand, cheering vigorously: "I listen to the voice of the Lord to save the lost lamb."

Shit, save yourself first!

The police officer's face was full of disdain: "Father, you have to be ready to be shot. After this level, the opposite side is full of desperate people. Their belief is money."

"Who isn't! So I plan to go to casinos to save sentient beings and win all the money to keep them away from sin."


The police officer turned around and left, silently wishing Russell die in Mexico. He could see that this was a liar disguised as a priest.

In the bathroom, Kate sat on the toilet to solve personal problems, and the policeman opened the curtain. Because it was inconvenient to enter, he could only check outside the door.

He used sharpness like a knife, like a hawk that can see through a person's clothes, and looked up and down carefully several times, and confirmed that there were no Tibetans in the toilet, so he was satisfied to pull the curtain up.

Analysis shows that the police officer was serious and responsible during the execution of the mission, and was worthy of the US imperial police badge on his chest.

The RV was released and passed the checkpoint smoothly. The Mexican border is very magical. It is very difficult to enter the United States, but it is easy to get out of the United States. As long as you are not a wanted criminal and the car is clean, it is generally released.

Entering Mexico meant getting rid of the hunt completely. The brothers were so happy that Seth promised that he would keep his promise and let the Jacobs leave as soon as he waited for the link.

The joint location is a bar that specializes in entertaining truck drivers. The name is very yellow, it is called a brain bar!

At midnight, the RV was parked in the bar parking lot. Russell watched the colorful lights flashing, but the bar was extremely retro, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Bloody taste is heavy!