End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 464: World Quest: Origin of Blood Race

Inside the iron gate is a long corridor with insufficient fluorescent tubes, giving people the feeling of walking in a hospital at night, and at the end is the morgue.

When the corridor came to an end, Russell turned a corner and was stopped again. The security guard, who was blacker and harder than the black one, reached out to block the way, brightening the fluorescent stamp in his hand.

Russell thought for a while. It seemed that he had no allergic experience. He raised his hand and let the security guard poke on the back of his hand.

The grimace marks of blue-faced fangs are conspicuous in the dark!

The door was pushed open, the explosive music exploded in the ears, the lights were dazzling, and the crowd was full of twists.

Russell nodded with satisfaction, pulled out a piece of Franklin and stuffed it into the security vest and strode in. The guard looked weird, closed the door and locked it, blocking the noise of the ear, and whispered out the walkie-talkie.

This is an underground bar. The difference from a regular bar is that it is more messy and exciting. The rules are that there are no rules. Other bars can't do it here.

Russell looked around, and there was a group of devil dancing in the bar, giving him a sense of sight of the blade warriors. Of the more than sixty people, less than one tenth were normal humans.

These fools seeking excitement are unaware of being surrounded by ghosts that change into human appearances. From time to time, they reach out and use oil to succeed, showing a lowly smile, thinking about returning next time.

Only ghosts know if they have the next time!

In the sofa seat by the dance floor, the social elite in a suit with a straight suit dressed as a beast and a beast hugging a beautiful woman, then lowered her head, rolled up the white paper and sucked the white sugar lined up.

When he was done, the guy shook his head and was satisfied.

Russell shook his head slightly. People in big cities really played. He couldn't understand what the other party was doing.

At this time, two blond women in tight skirts noticed that Russell was alone, got up from the sofa, and walked towards him from left to right.

Russell naturally embraced the two waists, looked at the ghostly writhing ghost in the middle of the dance floor, and frowned, "It's too noisy here, is there a quiet place?"

In the eyes of the two beauties, they laughed at each other. Two supper and ten were divided in a supper. How to choose is not a difficult choice.


In the monitoring room, the screen shows Russell and two beauties walking into the bathroom. The man in a gorgeous dress took a sip of the red liquid in the wine glass and asked his men on the side: "Are you sure he is a priest?"

Next, a man hits a computer and extracts a separate file from the file by comparing Russell's head.

"Yes, the church has recently mobilized a lot of people from the outside. He is one of them, but ..."

"But what?"

"The file shows that he is only a non-staff and has no fighting ability."

"Is that bad luck?"


The well-dressed man smiled, drank the red wine in the glass, and the red liquid slid down the neck along the corner of his mouth: "It's too annoying, kill him ..."

In the bathroom on the other side, the faucet was screwed to the maximum, and the sound of splashing water was rattling. Russell stood in front of the mirror and patted the left and right, and he was very disgusted and washed the lipstick on his face with water.

The two beauties were missing, but there were two green pus on the ground.

"In order to penetrate into the enemy, I will not hesitate to feed the demon with my body. I hope I will gain something this time, otherwise I will lose money."

When Russell complained, the bathroom door was pushed open rough, and noisy music came in.

The two men with guns raised their guns at Russell, seeing the pus on the ground, and they did not want to shoot immediately.

Huh! Huh! Huh!嘭 ————

The clips were lit, and the two men were shocked. The shots were blocked by a ball of water. The powerful kinetic energy was like entering a quagmire. The tendency of the warhead to deepen was slowed a little, and ripples were opened. Finally, it was unable to suspend in the water. .

They swallowed, realizing that the information was wrong, and replaced the magazines while backing out of the door.

But it was easy to get in, but it was difficult to get out. The water curtain rolled up, sealed the bathroom door, and allowed the two to punch and kick, and even shot.

Russell looked at the two calmly with both hands on his shoulders, and his fingertips moved slightly, and a stream of water flowed away, turning into two water polo, covering both of them.

The water polo cut off the air, and the two people couldn't breathe, and fell over to the ground, struggling fiercely. With the passage of time every minute and two, the two struggled gradually and became weak.

Russell screwed on the faucet, removed the water polo, stepped forward and looked down at the two bodies.

Interestingly, both corpses that should have died from suffocation are alive.

Sand Eagle Tianshen was in his hand. He shot the heart of the left corpse into a pus, and the right corpse ...

"When do you want to pretend to tell me, what are you?"

"Uh ---"

The fallen body suddenly exploded, opened its canine teeth, and bite at Russell's calf.


A light blade extended under the muzzle of the sand eagle, penetrated the man's chest, and nailed it to the ground.

"Ah-ah ---"

The screams sounded, Russell remained unheard of, examining the world mission on his personal panel ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Ding! Host triggers world missions]

[World Quest: Origin of the Blood Race! Find out the source of the vampire's blood, and end it with your own hands]

[Mission failed, stay in this world forever, become food for vampires]


In the screams, Russell murmured to himself that there are various movies about vampires, and the sporadic clues on his hands cannot be accurately analyzed, but as far as the chaotic bars outside, he is more inclined to the [Blade Edge] world.

"Remember the vampire in the blade warrior, if killed, it will turn to ashes, you don't know if you can verify it ..." Speaking of this, Russell looked down at the man under his feet, his smile gradually kind.

The man shivered, his screams came to an abrupt end, met Russell's smile, and his features were replaced by fear.

A few moments later, Russell pushed out the door and walked out of the bathroom. The vampire was shot through the heart with his tenacious vitality. Although he was not far from death, he could live for ten seconds, until the bullet shot through the skull and died completely.

The body is still there, indicating that this is not the world of the blade warrior!

On the dance floor, the dinner party began, and the humans drunk in alcohol and white flour did not have any resistance, so they were eaten up by the monsters.

The picture is horrible, but people are busy, and Russell is not bothering, walking crept towards the staff's safe passage.

Suddenly, the music in the bar stopped, and clusters of lights hit Russell, making him the brightest and most prominent puppet in the audience.

Ghosts grinned one after another, mixed with a few vampires, surrounded from all sides, and surrounded Russell.

He turned his back to the wine cooler, scratched his head silently, and smashed his head with his two guns, then crossed his chest to form a cross: "I just came to Los Angeles. I do n’t know the rules here. Go ahead or go straight to work?"