End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 503: Little problem

The story of Earl Dracula is widely spread. Although it is the dirty water splashed by the enemy, it sounds very substitutive.

According to legend, Count Dracula was a powerful knight who led the believer of the Lord, defeating the pagans again and again on the battlefield, and was extremely religious in the Lord.

His prestige made the enemy frightened, but also attracted various tricks and frame.

During an expedition, Count Dracula's wife was blinded by the clever words of the enemy, who mistakenly believed that her husband had died in battle and died in grief.

According to the doctrine, suicides desecrate life and are not qualified to enter heaven, only to be destined to be driven into hell.

Count Dracula fought for his life, but his wife was beaten to hell. In order to love her, he fell into love and signed a contract with the devil.

The man who incarnates into the son of darkness, betrayed the faith of God, and bowed to the devil, not for rights and honors, but to protect his love.

From a modern point of view, Count Dracula is a pure man, just like a guy who dares to fly a plane on the Empire State Building for his beloved woman, it is worthy of admiration!

But in the world of [Van Hessin], Count Dracula is not a tragic hero or worthy of sympathy. He is a downright devil's minion, trying to erode the whole world with darkness.

One of the most disdainful things about him is that he actually has three wives and they are all beautiful.

Is almost shameless!

Three vampire brides, Winona, Alila, and Marika, with outstanding looks, heart-wounding, and full femme fatale.

Winona saw Serena as Princess Anna, and her head was beheaded because of her neglect, which made her completely cold. The other two brides were in a very bad situation at this time.

新娘 The vampire bride, Alila, was hit by a UV bullet and fell from the sky into the house. After recovering, she walked out of the cabin and was surrounded by Michael with five werewolf soldiers.

Looking at the muzzle of the black hole, Alila looked for a moment, tasted the power of the ultraviolet bullet, and did not dare to despise her mind, and immediately transformed into a batwing banshee.


A bunch of tongues of fire bloomed, and the werewolf soldiers were forced to stop as soon as the magazines were not finished.

Alila flew high and flew. The speed was so high that the werewolf soldier's eyes couldn't keep up. After avoiding the rain in the gun forest, she dived down and rushed into the werewolf soldiers like a teleport.

The sharp claws fluttered, the bat wings swept, and in a short breath, the five werewolf soldiers broke their hands and feet, their chests collapsed, and they fell out in all directions under the impact of powerful forces.

If it's an ordinary person, this kind of injury is almost dead, and Alila feels the same. The lingering dark smell on the werewolf is ignored by her subconsciously, and it is normal for the exorcist to get a bit of anger.

Looking at the last person in the field, that is, Michael, Ella was full of charm, and there was a hint of intoxication in his eyes: "Handsome boy, your blood must be extremely sweet."

I noticed that Alila wanted to sleep on her own. Michael immediately became vigilant and said sternly: "Sorry, I already have someone I like, and only she can **** blood."

"Hum, this can't help you!"

Ellila screamed, winged towards Michael, the white phantom traversed the erratic route, and when he reappeared, he was already behind Michael.

Ella clasped Michael's shoulders with her hands and opened her teeth against the arteries on his neck. The handsome handsome man had a fatal temptation to her. Because of Gudella's strength, she did not dare to betray her, but she could also drain the blood Let her get pleasure.

However, as soon as Alila was about to get down, she noticed something was wrong, Michael's skin suddenly turned blue, and the muscles on his shoulders swelled twice.

Mutant dark creatures!

Alila was shocked, she pulled away her fangs and pulled back.

I'm late!

After placing his hands, Michael's arm muscles have sharp edges and corners, like a stone statue carved with a knife and axe. He grabbed Alila's head and fell over the shoulder with a bang.

There was a muffled noise, and the muddy ground sunk into a large pit. Alila's body bounced up and fell again, and she vomited blood with her head wide open. Look again, there is a blue-faced fangs blue monster, there is no handsome blond guy.

"Roar roar !!"

Michael roared, grabbed Alila's batwing wings, and tore down.

知道 He knew that he had insufficient combat experience. He used to take on the role of the meat shield with the Serena and Lucian, and he took the initiative to play the role of a shield. Today, he confronted the enemy alone and said nothing would let the other party leave easily.

Young people do n’t understand the routine. They do n’t have many tricks when they fight. They just have the strength to stay close to a king and eight punches. They can still defeat the enemy repeatedly. This is what the teacher Fu reached.

Simply put, reckless will do!

Ella was pressed to the ground by two big hands, her wings were torn off by violence, and she screamed in pain. In the next second, numerous boxing shadows were shot in the head, like fast-fire machine-gun bullets, and smashed the sunken boxing marks on her head and chest and abdomen.

The powerful force made Alila short of breath, her chest was unable to breathe, and her body was blown into the ground by a huge brute force.

Huh! Huh! Huh!嘭 ————

Michael did not hesitate, and his arms moved faster and faster like a mechanical arm. The sharp fist crushed the flesh, and the whole body was covered with blood.

Ellila's chest, abdomen and head were beaten into flesh, only her limbs were intact, and free dark matter gathered to make up for the trauma she had suffered and repair the broken body a little.

When Michael saw this, he shouted, the ghosts falling from his fists fell into one piece, and they were destroyed like a hydraulic machine. The speed of destruction exceeded that of Alila's self-healing instantly.

After a short while, Michael breathed out his hands, his arms were numb and unconscious, and under him, flesh and mud were indistinguishable.

The dark mist rose, and the second vampire bride was killed by a fledgling Michael.

There are three vampire brides, and two have died so far. Winona is because of her negligence, and Alila is ... well, look into the cause, or it is because of the carelessness that caused tragic death.

玛丽 Maryka, the last vampire bride ...

She had good luck. After repairing the wound caused by the ultraviolet bullet, she flew into the castle and sniffed for humanity to find three foreign ... exorcists.

假 A false priest who doesn't look like a good person, a charming and noble prince, and a middle-aged man with a face full of slaves ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ are not enough to kill!

Maryka grinned and said, "Welcome to Transylvania, outsider. I say hello to you, Lord Count Dracula, and now ... pay the price for your arrogance!"

"So ugly ..."

Russell tilted his head and looked at Marika, the beauty's head was set on the monster, and her shape was a bit like Marcus, but she didn't know whether Count Dracula was the creator of the underworld in the night legend.

"Master, is this just killing or staying?"

米 Amelia bowed her head and blew into Russell's ears, claiming that she had different identities and was reluctant to participate in the fight, but only told her that Marika had just scolded her.

"Kill it!"

Russell also frowned slightly, and the priest's intuition told him that Maryka was just scolding him.

Anyway, there are three vampire brides, killing one and two, the problem is not big.

"Observe your orders!"

米 Amelia took out the knight sword in the sword box, glared at Russell's dog leg, Lucian, and shook her waist toward Marika.

Smelly smash!

Looking at Amelia's demeanor, Marika flashed jealousy in her eyes, and waved her claws to grab her face ...

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