End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 532: Sinner, how can you raise me

At the gate of Raccoon City Hall, a row of captives kneeled beside the helicopter. The weak trio was downcast. Although the fighting trio composed of Carlos, Nicholas, and Jill also lowered their heads, their eyes were dodging, apparently they had not given up.

Dr. Ashford held daughter Angela tightly in his arms. He knew that the next cruel scene would happen. He couldn't stop it. He only wanted to save his daughter's life by his own value.

The person in charge, Mr. Kane, saw all this in his eyes, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he smiled at Alice next to him: "I have been waiting for you. For this moment, even the time for the nuclear bomb to be delayed has been delayed. . "

"What do you mean?"

Supervisor Kane didn't answer. He pressed the headset to order the followers to reach the city hall, and ordered him to drop the rocket launcher and the multiple-barreled rotary cannon.

"The two of you have shown unparalleled potential, possessing the same extraordinary speed, strength, and agility, are outstanding weapons ..." Director Kane sneered, with a hint of malice: "But the company's research funding is limited, you two One is destined to become a knockout, and now give me an answer, who of you is better. "

Having said that, the top management of the umbrella company attaches more importance to Alice, and her integration with the T virus is more perfect, proving that humans can continue to evolve.

And the chaser ...

The umbrella company needs to be profitable, because the pursuers are too sloppy and do not meet the public aesthetics, they can only be used as biological weapons, and they cannot be accepted by high society like Alice.

If you ca n’t sell the sky-high price, the value cannot be compared!

Tonight's duel will turn into a cold set of data, allowing the umbrella company's executives to completely dispel doubts and make up their minds to fire Alice shares.

"Even in the last days of zombies, the most terrible creature is still human beings, and the Lord may forgive this sad world."

A strange voice came from the captives, and Director Kane looked at it coldly, disdainfully saying, "Pretend, you are not a priest at all, according to the data, you are just a tramp."

Russell heard a word of surprise: "The tramp of the United States, I turned out to be so powerful ..."

Director Kane was too lazy to talk nonsense with Russell and said directly to Alice: "Go! Fight with him and prove that you two are stronger!"

"Impossible!" Alice refused indifferently.

"Go to the duel, otherwise I'll kill the captives!" Kane shook his head slightly, as if to prove his claim, took the pistol and aimed at the kneeling crowd, and thumped the trigger.

(One `?? one)

Russell: Hey, am I shot?

"Ah! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Russell paused for a second, and then screamed with anger in his breath. He whimpered and fell silent.

"Asshole, you asshole!"

Everyone was red with eyes, and Payton jumped up with anger, and was beaten by the soldiers behind him, kneeling down.

Kane looked arrogantly at Alice: "Go and fight with the pursuers, or there will be another."

He originally wanted to shoot and kill other people, such as Jill or Carlos, but the starlight sapphire cross necklace was too swaggering, and he couldn't help changing his target.

Alice trembled with anger, staring at Kane with a sense of murder, and clenched her fists into the battlefield.

"Roar roar!"

The pursuer uttered a roar full of strength and animalism, and walked towards Alice with a daring axe. The ground was trembling with each step.

Compared with Alice, his body size is three full laps, an absolute heavyweight.

A huge fist waved, Alice dodging her sideways, and punched in the ribs of the pursuer, who took two steps back and snarled again.

Dodging her fist again, Alice stepped on the follower's knee, the other leg flexed her knee and hit the opponent's chin. After landing, she stepped on the charge, and a whip leg swept towards the follower's head.

The pursuer's body leaned, his arms supported the ground, stabilized his balance and did not fall.

In a contest between agility and strength, Alice made a full blow, and the follower did not fart, but she resisted the punch of the follower, and Bacheng had to slow for a while, but it was not easy for the follower to hit her.

Scratching, Alice noticed something was wrong. Because of the T virus, every time she hit the pursuer's body, her super powers would capture a trace of the memory of the opponent.

Soon, she was still still: "Matt! You are Matt!"

"Roar roar!"

The pursuer snarled, and Alice remained in place, but he would not show mercy, and punched Alice in the cheek fiercely, knocking her out horizontally.

All the people watching the show were nervous and sweated for Alice. Only Director Kane frowned. This was not the battle he wanted, nor was it the result that the top management wanted.

The pursuer strode forward, kicked Alice, and then came forward to grab her neck and lift it in midair.

"Matt! Matt ..."

Alice seemed to have given up her resistance, watching the only surviving companion in the hive, or even a somewhat affectionate opposite sex. Two lines of tears slipped from the corners of her eyes and fell on the arm of the pursuer.

The indifferent pupils of the follower's mechanical version shrink slightly, and stand still in place, with a loose palm, and put Alice down.

The dog's obsession and its power, Matt loved Alice, was transformed into a biochemical weapon and still missed it. Hearing Alice calling her name, she saw the two lines of tears, and immediately shut down and restarted.

"What are you doing, and duel!"

The director of Kane was desperate. If he could fly Huang Tengda to the high level, he would count on tonight. As a result, the two gladiators in the plan had no desire to attack.

Realizing that the form had gone out of control, Kane put an angry look on her face, pressed the headset, ordered the nuclear bomb to reach Raccoon City five minutes later, and waved to kill the captives, and recovered Alice and the pursuers.

A group of paratroopers with live ammunition came forward, the pursuers ... No, Matt stood up and snarled at the soldiers.

"Fire! All fire !!"

Supervisor Kane was furious, and the pursuers lost control and had no value to retain.

Oh! Oh! Oh! Da ------

Clusters of blood spattered, and Matt was standing in front of Alice, his tall figure was awesome.

On the other side, two rows of soldiers stood behind the captive, aiming with automatic rifles. Gill and others turned pale, the battle ended too quickly, and their small movements had not yet begun, which began to kill the captives.

"May God bless us ..."

Peyton closed her eyes ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ at the same time, she was lucky, at least before death, he was a human, not a zombie.

Oh! Oh! Oh! Da ------

After half a bullet clip was hit, the soldiers responsible for execution stepped back in fear, and saw a ball of upside-down hemispheric water curtain opened, protecting all the captives in the middle.

Gill and others looked demented, and Jin's warhead was embedded in the water splash, floating in front of him, and the power potential disappeared.

magic? superpower?


Supervisor Kane looked dumbfounded, the scene in front of him was beyond his knowledge.

"Even in the last days of zombies, the most terrifying creature is still human beings, and the Lord may forgive this sad world ..."

The water drops, with the expression of everyone seeing a ghost, Russell slowly stands up from the ground, his hands are slightly hard, and the plastic handcuffs are broken.

The same sentence has very different power in different environments. When Russell was a captive, no one took it seriously, but now ...

"Who are you, and who are you?" Asked Kane, stuttering.

Russell put a hand on his chest and threw the crushed bullet to the ground. "According to the data, I am a tramp. I believe the data will not be wrong."

"how is this possible……"

Supervisor Kane took two steps backwards, and the soldiers in shock reacted and raised his rifle and aimed at Russell. The soldiers on Alice's side are also, a super-looking guy appears, who cares about the followers.

"Sinner, how can you raise me up?"

When Russell closed his eyes and opened them again, his eyes were golden yellow, and a pair of extremely holy light wings opened slowly behind him.

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