End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 535: Game of the Brave: Infinity War

In the dark void world, a group of bright white light radiates slightly, and white light is limited to lighting, which cannot disperse too much darkness.

Take a closer look. This is a ‘back’ shaped chessboard that floats out of thin air. Each row and column are neatly arranged with 6 grids. All of them add up to a total of 20 grids.

Russell stood eagerly on the first grid of the starting point. The boxy grid was like a polished marble floor, and the light curtain was supported around it.


[The host contacts the plot character Chang Weiyan and triggers the draw. Is it now drawn? 】

[The host contacts the plot character Wei Shuping and triggers the draw. Are you drawing now? 】

These two people are a perfect match. If it is a man and a woman, don't even think about it, go to the Civil Affairs Bureau!

It ’s okay, you can go abroad!

Russell groaned silently and turned to look at the twelve sleeping positions behind him. No wonder the reincarnation has never been seen, and even the heroine Alice has not been around. It turned out that this group of people directly hid in the dark and hibernated.

"Well, why don't you go to bed if you don't do any tasks?" Russell wondered, wondering what the operation of the samsaras means.

In fact, he was also puzzled by himself. This time, the space of the Lord God was confusing. He urgently needed to find an insider to set up intelligence.

Fortunately, there are many insiders. The twelve dorms represent twelve reincarnations, and one of them can always answer his doubts.

Russell approached the dorm room, and through the blue-coated glass, there was a muscle man with a smooth breathing. The beating red timer showed that this guy had to sleep for at least three years.

Russell frowned slightly and walked to other dorm rooms. The countdown time was set three years later. This was a collective, large-scale, organized, large-scale consciousness operation.

A black bowler hat appeared in Russell's hand. The chicken rib props that hadn't come in handy for a long time, and the nightmare Freddie's bowler hat had an incredible ability to dream.

The reincarnation with strong mental resistance can basically resist the dreaming ability of the top hat. In other words, he wants to obtain intelligence and must find a weaker unlucky person.

How to distinguish the strength of the reincarnation without fighting?

The answer is simple, look at the equipment!

That is space ring and space bag!

The cyclers who have space rings are not necessarily strong, but the cyclers who are still using space bags must be mixed up. In the world of the Lord God space, mixed up means the bottom of strength.

Soon, Russell found a two-handed reincarnation. He pulled out the Edelman alloy knife, violently pried open the sleeping compartment, and found a space bag from the other person.

With some bandages and antidote, a good-quality wide-bladed axe, and some daily necessities, Russell was anxious for him.

"Boy, it's you ..."

Russell reached out and held down the reincarnation's head to launch the ability of black politeness into his dream. A moment later, he looked strangely and retracted his hands.

The information acquisition was very smooth. In the dreamland, the reincarnation and the reincarnation made the wine happy, and a little bit of tricks made the other party lose all four pants, and explained the family.

Game for the brave: infinite war!

The mission released by the Lord God this time is to play flying chess. The 'back'-shaped chessboard under his feet is a map, with 20 grids, each representing a world of war.

20 worlds, 20 battlefields, so it is called infinite war!

Since it is war, one party must win!

For example, in the current [Resident Evil] world of Russell, the two main camps of war are humans and zombies. The Lord God will not force the reincarnations to choose the camp. All judgments are made by themselves. As long as the war is divided, the reincarnation of the winning party can enter One world.

As for where to go in the next world, just like playing chess, toss the points of the dice and decide the number of cells to go forward.

The reason why these reincarnation sleep big heads is very simple. They are familiar with the plot and collectively bought Alice shares and believe that humanity will win the final victory.

It's simply that humans win, with or without them, the results are the same.

In the 20 worlds of war, those who are out of luck will throw 6 points each time, and it will take four times to walk through the entire map. The person with the worst luck will throw 20 times.

The large-scale and long-term terrorist missions made the reincarnations feel powerless, and chose to lie in the [Resident Evil] world and retain their strength to deal with the more dangerous world of war.

Be bolder. The 20 worlds have the same time flow rate with each other. After sleeping for three years, the other worlds are completely brushed and you can lie down and reach the end.

"The idea is good, but ..."

Russell felt that things were not so simple. How could the Lord God be so kind. If he was the Lord God, he would only let the first-passing reincarnation player win, and all the remaining tasks were judged to fail and then exploded in place.

Of course, there may be another situation where all the worlds will be reset. This group of people will finish. When the next group of people arrive, the timeline will return to the original point and everything will start from the beginning.

The second case is more likely, but if this is the case, Russell's harvest will be greatly reduced during this trip to the Lord God's space. Because apart from the twelve counselors behind him, he will not meet other reincarnations, so there is no way to trigger a lottery.

【Ding! Host triggers world missions]

[World Quest: Clear the ‘Game of the Brave: Infinite War’]

[Mission failed, stay in the defeated world forever]

The penalty for mission failure is to stay in the defeated world forever, and it sounds good, but if you lose the battle, you can still say two things. In other words, this is a mission that must fail.

High risk means high return, but Russell took the risk but did not see the return. Some regret entering the space of the Lord God this time.

"I knew it would continue in the Marvel world ..."

Russell laughed at himself, and he could only take one step at a time ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ He looked at the empty white space and said silently: "Who can tell me, where is the dice?"

"嘤 ~~~"

The eyelids of the man prying the dorm room by Russell trembled, and a frown made a sound that he didn't want to get up. Russell turned around and saw a dice condensing in the void, the same size as his fist.

The big casserole dice fell on the man's chest, smashing him to wake up from sleep on the spot, and his confused eyes swept around, and he immediately exclaimed: "The biochemical crisis is over, we win!"

While talking, the man saw Russell and wondered, "Who are you? Why didn't you see him before ..."


Russell retracted the knife, picked up the dice on the man's chest, closed the hibernation bin and let him sleep.

"With my luck, such things as rolling dice ..."

Russell tangled a little. His luck was good and bad, good times were like the sons of destiny, bad times were terrible, and holding the dice was difficult.

It's unclear what the lucky value is today. It is safer to wake up the reincarnation in the dormant warehouse and let them roll the dice.

How could his own destiny be passed on to others, he really knew if he jumped into a highly dangerous world.

"With my good and bad luck, I don't count on 6 o'clock, and the average value is at least 2-4."

Russell was full of confidence. He crouched down with the dice, with 6 o'clock facing up, and the dice was only two centimeters from the ground, then loosened his hands.

"Hahaha, good luck means nothing!"

Oh! Oh! Da ...

However, as expected, the dice bounced slightly when it landed, rolled three times, and the final number displayed was 1 point.


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