End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 543: Favorite work

Twenty-five hours later, Mu Xinxin brought back two captured Nocturnal living creatures and sent them to the laboratory. Robert was then injected with the virus to observe the reversal of the virus.

In the original work of Ebihara, the female Nocturne captured by Robert has a leader-level relative (Godfather), and thus leads to an irresistible enemy.

Now, Mu Xinxin has chosen to capture two Nocturne as males, trying to avoid the dog blood plot in the original book, in order to avoid being harassed by the Nocturne group.

Except Robert and the dog, the three of Russell are very clear that the battle between the reincarnation is the theme, and at the moment they arrived, the Night Devils were no longer threatening.

I was speechless all night, Robert was sleepless, and worked overtime in the laboratory all night, concentrating for more than ten hours.

Any clinical trial of a virus vaccine is not a short-term job. It took Robert three years to truly meet the standards for conducting human experiments, but it is only a handful.

But Yun (drama) Qi (through) is coming, and it can't be blocked!

There has been a breakthrough in the research of vaccines. Ying Yingying ’s “inadvertent” reminder provided Robert with experimental inspiration. If the virus-infected night demon could lower the body temperature, the efficacy of the vaccine could be greatly increased.

"The night demon's heartbeat and temperature will all reach the standard of normal people. This is a major result that has not been achieved in all previous experiments ..."

The spirit alternates between exhaustion and excitement, and Robert's emotions are very excited: "The vaccine is working, and now it is only one step away from success. As long as they can recover within two days of today and tomorrow, then the vaccine will work for all night magic Healing effect. "

Russell shook his head slightly: "Robert, you are too excited, you need to take a break and relax your tense spirit."

不 "No, the experiment has reached the most critical moment. I must record every item of data. I cannot rest for two days!"

Russell was about to persuade, Ying Yingying suddenly stepped forward, raised his hand and slammed his finger in front of Robert, the latter suddenly burst into breath, leaning steadily against the corner of the wall, and started snoring within three seconds. .

The two walked out of the laboratory side by side. As Robert said, the experiment reached the most critical moment, and these two days must not be disturbed.

Russell said: "If you are right, you must choose the reincarnation of the Nocturne camp, and you must be desperately searching for Robert's trail. Although the shelter is remote, it is still possible to be found. We cannot take risks and it is time to leave."

"Evacuate outside New York City, find a direction, throw them as far as possible!"

She Yingying nodded, even though she didn't like the dozen or so reincarnation who entered the world together, and thought that their IQ ceiling was not high and was not an ideal partner for cooperation.

But the three tanners topped Zhuge Liang, not to mention the endless stream of reincarnations, she couldn't guarantee that she could escape the enemy's crazy sweeping search for two days.

"No! We have to go to the survivors' gathering!"

"Go there, why?"

She Yingying was puzzled. Taking Robert to her will only make it difficult for the survivors in the gathering place to survive, and it will not help them to complete the task.

Russell glanced at Ying Yingying deeply: "Last night, I analyzed your speculation on the task completion criteria and found that I had overlooked a very important detail before."

"What details?"

"Can you think of this, it is difficult to guarantee that a smart reincarnation can also think, if he is in the night magic camp, what do you think he will do?"

She Yingying heard that her face changed suddenly: "I will go to the gathering place, kill all the survivors, and allow Robert to develop a virus vaccine, which will not be mass-produced."

"Yes, I am so worried."

"Jason, why didn't you say such an important thing earlier?"

Russell smiled and spread his hand: "Because of the interference of the Lord God, I am not sure whether the virus vaccine is really effective, so, compared with the two, Robert is more important than the place where the survivors gather."


She Yingying looked bleak, although Russell's words were cold, but it was the truth.

Russell continued: "Now that the virus vaccine has been basically confirmed successfully, the value of Robert has decreased, and the value of the survivor gathering place has increased, and the latter has become a priority protection object ..."

Yingying Ying Ying couldn't help but interrupt: "You mean, send Robert back to New York as a bait, delay for two days?"

"Do not!"

Russell grinned, and the red bloodline opened with a smile on the rising face of the black mist: "I always thought that only the living can be called a legend, and those who die are heroes and tragedies."

She Yingying cherry laughed and her eyes narrowed into a crescent: "So, in order to fit the theme of [I am a legend], are you going to protect Robert and go to the survivor gathering place?"

"Do not!"

Russell said: "It has nothing to do with the subject, I just simply don't like heroes and tragedies!"

"Hey, does anyone tell you that you are cute?"

"Ao Jiao! Is that a woman?"

"Are not you?"

Russell: (=. =)

"I, I am four!"

Uh ...

New York City, Brooklyn Bridge!

伙 The two groups of reincarnation are confronting each other, the cause is very realistic, and it is also very God-oriented!

When the reincarnation arrived with Ying Yingying and Mu Xinxin together, Lu Tongzhi collectively chose the Night Devils camp.

Immediately, this morning, another group of reincarnations came to confirm the world they belonged to. After analyzing the stakes, most chose the human camp, and a small part chose the night devil camp.

The reason why most people choose the human camp is simple. Robert has not died yet, he must be protected, and the virus vaccine will soon be available.

A small number of people agree with Lu Tongzhi's inference that Robert was not protected but imprisoned. A handful of sinister reincarnations tried to confuse the audiovisual, let the subsequent reentrants to enter this world choose human camp, and then earn reward points through killing.

Humans make up for it, the world will be very dark!

Two groups of reincarnations set up their camps, each occupying one side of the broken Brooklyn Bridge, facing each other across the vast river ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Robert disappeared, it is okay, they believed that their inference was correct, no worries, and began to ponder Earn bonus points by killing two more enemies.

High in the sky, a flying carpet passed quickly, Russell nodded to Ying Yingying, under the support of Mu Xinxin ’s motivation, she pretended to fall from the sky.

The two rebels confronted each other. When Russell stood on the East River in New York, they stunned, and someone couldn't wait to ask loudly, "Newcomer, which camp are you from?"

Milo · Shit Stick · Su: I'm standing where there are fewer people!

He looked around. The number of reincarnation in the human camp was relatively small, and he decided to join them first. When they were more crowded, he would switch to the opposite camp.

"Don't BB, look at your sculpting for so long, my eyes are sore, quickly light up the weapon!" Russell raised the Edelman alloy knife and pointed at the Night Devils camp.

Hearing Russell's arrogant provocation, the reincarnation of the Nocturne camp scolded endlessly, a figure jumped off the bridge and stepped on the water flower and said arrogantly: "The guy who doesn't have long eyes, remember it for me, the person who killed you was Zheng Shi , LV5's water superpower! "

Russell hesitated and stared at Naya, the ring of eyes, and then silently put the trident on the back waist, tightened the belt of his pants, and was very confident: "What a coincidence, my favorite job is Serious business! "

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