End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 549: Zonghai Tactics

Twenty-three days later, the Earth Confederate Starship Base was ready to go, and all logistics supplies were in place.

The Marshal Federal ordered an all-out attack. The strategic target was the planet Zlandav, the Zerg base camp, and its satellites, and all surrounding Zerg numbered planets.

The mighty battleship marched towards the planet Krandav, and the full-scale war between humans and Zerg officially began!

I can't ...

The offensive method is still unsuccessful for paratroopers to land and fight. It is simple and rude but not effective. It makes people wonder if the high level thinks that the total number of humans exceeds the standard and is ready to clear up some.

The three Russell did not participate in the landing operation. They sat in the rest cabins and watched the live broadcast. They belonged to the officer class and had important missions. Such rough work could not be performed by them.

奇怪 "It's weird. With the military capabilities of the Federation, you can completely bombard the Zerg mother star in outer space. Even directly blasting the planet is easy. Why mobilize such a large number of troops?"

Mu Xinxin looked at the live broadcast, frowning very puzzled, is it really a high-ranking federal gangster?

"Should be a resource. Crandav has the federally coveted mineral resources. It can feed so many bugs, and there must be something on that planet."

Russell analyzed with his chin. In the original book, humans move freely on the planet to which the Zerg belongs, without the need to carry a respirator. It is a natural colony planet, which is of great significance.

资源 "Resources are one thing, and the movie tells another purpose of the federation, and that's the key ..."

The encyclopedia, wearing only white trousers, explained the two plots: "The Federation has confirmed that the Zerg has wisdom, but the various bugs that have been found have low intelligence and no thinking ability. This shows that among the Zerg , Has a high-level intelligent zerg like the commander, which is the brain worm appeared in the original. "

"Zerg is the enemy of human beings. Capture of brain worms is a real strategic victory. If humans can crack the Zerg command password, it will be equivalent to an unfavorable super thug, and it will be worth any price to pay for it."

"That's it!"

欣 Mu Xinxin suddenly realized that Russell civilization also showed a thoughtful look at the ball, without squinting, just like blinking.

In the live broadcast picture, a large number of warships entered the low-Earth orbit of the Crandav star, launching the landing capsule while avoiding the plasma cannon of Plasmodium.

In this all-out war, the number of mobile units launched by the Zerg mother star alone exceeded 500,000.

All members have dark gray armed armor, well-trained and well-equipped, and their weapons are still mainly metal live ammunition. There is only one reason why they are not equipped with laser weapons ... expensive!

In terms of radon output, laser weapons are indeed very powerful, but live ammunition is not bad, and the damage is higher than the Zerg defense. However, the number of ammunition consumed by live ammunition for each battle is astronomical. Comparing the two, the capitalists are more inclined to live ammunition and they need to clear the warehouse.

推 There are too many pushing hands behind this war, which is far from being able to explain clearly in a few words.

Boom! boom! boom! boom----

A bunch of purple halo appeared in the picture, the light flashed, and the beauty was touching. In the next second, these gorgeous halos hit the fleet and instantly shattered the iron fortress that the man was proud of.

Russell came to a spirit. The fleet moved very slowly due to the landing capsule. Under severely wrong information, the casualties were severe.

The explosion of a battleship caused a lot of humans who were also watching the live broadcast to be upset. The unexpected blow was like a blow in the head, which extinguished the enthusiasm of the heart.

The Tadpoles demonstrated their powerful attack power. Only one airborne resistance battle cost the Federation 100,000 people. The previous declaration of victory became a joke.

Russell was very impressed with this scene. He was not sensible before, and felt that the Zerg was insidious and cunning, hiding the deadly weapon, and gave the federal a fatal blow at a critical moment. Now look at this scene again and can't help but diverge his thinking ... Is it really an intelligence error? ?

As Russell looked at the excitement, he sighed that his life was worthless, but he never thought of revealing the correct information before the war began. It is difficult to please, and it may cause trouble to the upper body, and the Virgin will not do such a stupid thing.

Finally, a large number of mobile units landed on the surface of the Crandav star. Fortunately, they escaped the plasma cannon and passed the death scythe, but turned around and crashed into the arms of death.

Human: Rush! Eliminate all over two legs!

Ascaris: Red! Eliminate both legs!

An endless stream of Zerg infantry emerged, either from cracks in the ground, or from hilly caves, and the mountains and the mountains were not seen endlessly, as the tide hit the reefs, madly pressing on the mobile units.

The Commonwealth wanted to use human sea tactics to occupy the Clandavf star in the shortest possible time. It would not be shameful to face ugliness. The Zerg used actual actions to inform humans what is called a sea tactic.

Next, the live broadcast that became popular became a human tragedy, and the mobile unit was taught to be human by the fearless swarm.

The maggots have passed, no grass is born!

In addition to the screaming in the picture, the request was for support. The side-by-side massacre lasted for two hours. The first landing force was disastrously defeated and was forced to withdraw from Krandav.

The picture was over, and it was not that the signal was interrupted. Ninety-eight of the live broadcasts on the earth were interrupted, but Russell's three-person rest cabin was a different situation. The accompanying photographers were parted by insects and the live broadcast equipment was destroyed.

After reading it, the three of Russell looked at each other, feeling ... just average.

Ying Yingying has a flying carpet and is extremely fast. The three of them are not afraid of the insect sea tactics and can run as long as they ca n’t finish the fight. Kite flying can kill the insects ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Be prepared for these two days, It is time for us to act. "

Yingying Yingying stretched her waist, picked up her underwear and put it on: "Jason, help me button it."

不 "No, I'm afraid you say I take advantage of you."

"how is this possible?"

Uh ...

The Tatar mother star landed in a terrible defeat. On this planet alone, the Federation paid 300,000 people for contempt, which is the price of blood.

The Marshal of the Federation resigned, and the new Marshal re-established a strategic plan to give up the attack on Crandav Star. First, he began to clean up the surrounding planets and satellites, and cut off the Zerg's minions step by step.

She Yingying searched the star map and found the planet number P based on the plot in her memory. The Zerg Commander was on this planet.

Coincidentally, the Federal Army landed on several planets at the same time. Star P was the most successful one, and almost did not encounter decent resistance.

The three of them used their identities to obtain permission to enter P Star on the grounds of performing a secret mission.

Along with him, there was also a 20-person cover unit equipped with a communications unit responsible for protecting the safety of the three Russell men.

After a violent bump, the landing module successfully landed on the outpost of Star P ...

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